Zhan Yue

Chapter 1180: Gu Yu Bracers

After 60 seconds of incisive output, the BOSS's health bar has dropped to 1%. At this time, I also ran out of the last bottle of grief and breeze. I never thought it would be so difficult!

"Don't retire!"

With double-edged swings, I directly blasted a continuous offensive of annihilation + three karmic disasters + enemy hunter's front, and said in a deep voice: "I will do my best to push the last 1% out. We have the remaining opportunities. I can only do it hard, Jianchui Xinghe turns better, let me keep up!"

Lin Xi immediately slashed out a sword and weeping Xinghe, once again giving the BOSS the effect of increasing injury.


Shen Mingxuan also turned on the Shadow Shooting skill again, shooting arrows continuously, saying: "The last 1% of the blood is gone, just push it away!"

Everyone was proud.

But at this moment, the BOSS's health bar jumped from 1% to 2%. This time the blood speed is too fast, is it faster than our push speed?

I was in a daze for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, there are large-scale attacks and protection stunts. Use them all. Don't keep skills anymore. What about 2%? Give me all of them!"

Having said that, I took the lead in launching the Oath of the Gods skill of the Ring of the Gods, but unfortunately, I only improved my attack, defense and vitality by 100%, and the rest of the players failed to eat it. Starry Eye is annoying. The player isolation setting is really tricky!

At the same time, countless attack stunts surged in all directions. A giant carrying a scarlet battle axe fell in the air, and a sharpshooter galloping in the tide shot an arrow containing endless water transport from 30 yards away. There was also a fiery red snake burrowing into the earth and rushing to the sky to take a bite of the eye of the starry sky. There was also a giant ape holding a huge rock like a mountain and hitting the forehead of the eye of the starry sky, even in the sky. There was a golden crow flapping its wings, summoning sheets of meteorite to bombard the boss's head continuously.

Hey, we are a deer, we are really talented, we have everything!

In the next moment, the injury was enough, and the special skill value was restored to 100 points again, so I did not hesitate to activate the half-step thunder pool skill of Penglai Armor, and stepped on Raize for a while, and thunder and lightning continued to hit the center. The eyes of the starry sky, like countless flying swords of thunder and lightning, "pupupupu" pierced the BOSS into a lot of holes, and the number of damage was even denser.

It's a bit powerful, it's worthy of a market-level stunt!

At the same time I looked drenched, Gu Ruyi stepped onto the elemental shield and entered the battlefield, launching the special effect of the Gu Yu Scepter to "moisturize all things". Unfortunately, he can only moisturize himself, otherwise, our strategy may become It's pretty simple.

In the front row, people kept falling down, and even calories accidentally fell under a flame laser.

At this time, the BOSS's health bar has been repressed to 1%.

Fish in troubled waters!

When I released this skill again, it was equal to a 7-second attack opportunity for everyone. A legal boss was silenced, which was trash, and at the moment when the effect of fishing in troubled waters ended, a refreshing red deer rushed into the city. After that, the stags and fierce horses galloped on the earth for a while, once again condensing the eyes of the starry sky.


Lin Xi played very closely with a set of skills, lifting the sword galloping around the boss, and said in a deep voice: "If you work harder, you should be able to kill it soon. Be fast!"

Everyone worked hard to output, and all the long-range tribulation players were turned on, and at this time, Ci Wang also activated the summon Bai Ze skill once again, and suddenly a holy spirit beast stepped in the crowd and rushed directly to the BOSS. , Summoning the attribute attacks of various laws, and the starry eye are killed together.

Summoning Baize is also a very powerful skill. Ciwang summoned more than ten Baize throughout the entire process, which has indeed contributed a lot of strength to the team’s injury and output. One Baize is equivalent to about two Qings. The light’s attack and damage-bearing capacity, of course, the commanding ability of the light-clearing and the damage increase effect of the sword hanging galaxy are not counted, otherwise the team status should be almost equal.


In the distance, a group of players from the rest of the guild watched Yilu being delayed on 1% of his vitality. Many people were also anxious, and even many people were already waiting for the announcement of the first kill of the return to the market, but they saw Yilu had a very difficult fight. The attrition was severe in the last few minutes. It dropped from 200+ people to only 80+ people, and it might even be about to overturn.

"Come on!"

While crackling, I finished a double-edged output. Seeing that the special effects were full again, I did not hesitate to activate the sword heart unity effect of the starry sky ring, summoning the great sword fairy Shangguan Ziyi, "Shoo" A sword struck the forehead of Eye of the Stars, leaving cracks in that terrifying pupil, and then he took another bit of damage, and immediately opened the white dragon wall to save his life, while avoiding the sharp drop in the air. The stars fell, while looking for opportunities to export again, exchanging blood with blood.


Lin Xi stopped the horse suddenly, the archangel sword in her hand burst into glory, activated the Archangel storm stunt, and finally it moved real, and the blood of the starry sky was always the same, just staying at 1%, as if it would never move. It’s the same, no way. One deer has lost more than half of its staff. In fact, our output has indeed decreased a lot. Once the overall output can’t keep up with the BOSS’s recovery, it will be a terrible state.

As soon as the 60-second vacuum time has elapsed, I immediately grabbed a bottle of Seven Star Begonia Poison. Whether it can poison this super boss is up to you!


The poison of Seven Star Begonia was sprinkled directly into the eyes of the starry sky, and a layer of rich purple was immediately covered. Attack, defense, and resistance were reduced by 50%, the healing effect was halved, and a large amount of blood was lost every second. For 15 seconds!

"It's now, taking advantage of his illness to kill him!"

Lin Xi’s eyes were quick, and he went straight to Sword Chui Xinghe once again, and my special skill was once again full. Raising my hand was a magic way swallowing the sky, just eating the sword Chui Xinghe’s damage enhancement effect, and hit a huge amount of damage, and then Without thinking about it, he said in a deep voice in the lake of mind: "There is an immortal sword in your eyes, fight it!"

Shiratori rolled his eyes: "What did you do early?"


The golden wheels in Shifang Hot Wheel's eyes turned, as if a passage had been let out in the pupils, and a silver flying sword seemed to penetrate through the layers of the sky. It flew out of the eyes and pierced straight into the starry sky. Among the big head of the eye, the outer metal of the starry sky eye suddenly cracked and suffered a huge amount of damage. The 1% health bar on the top of the head trembled crazily, and the sight was about to end.

"That's it!"

Lin Xi directly played a set of gusty strokes, but still failed to destroy the last vitality of the BOSS.

At this time, there was a "pop", and a bright lightning flashed across the crowd behind him, and it hit the boss's forehead so fiercely. It was a lightning chain skill from Gu Ruyi. It was just right. This time the skill was messy. The members of Yilu were good and lucky enough in the offensive, and they just bluntly knocked out the last vitality of the BOSS! !


With a miserable cry from the Eye of the Stars, the body fell softly, and at the same time a large pile of trophies and gold coins burst out, and a bell passed by in the sky, and it was finally over—


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [XiXi] for killing [Eye of the Stars] (Guizhou-level BOSS), and completed the first kill of the Huihui-level BOSS. Rewards: Level +10, Charisma +50, Reputation +10W, Meritorious value +30E, gold coins +100W, and get additional rewards: [Guyu Bracer] (Return to Ruins Level)!


There is only one person's reward, because this map can't form a team, whoever kills the BOSS last will get the reward, and it just so happens that Ruyi is lucky enough!


After Ruyi has eaten countless experience points and rewards alone, he has been promoted to level 215 and became the second person in the national server rank list. The whole person is stunned, and the bonus of Gu Yu's scepter is actually I had it in such a short time. I originally thought it would take a long, long time, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!

The Gu Yu Scepter resonated with the suit, so the extra reward for the first kill of Ruyi turned out to be a pair of Gu Yu bracers. Is there anything more profitable than this?

"Lin Xi..."

Gu Ruyi, who was carrying Gu Yu's scepter, was a little dazed, and a little messy: "Is this really good? Why are all the rewards I got alone, I..."

"Don't worry about it."

Lin Xi smiled kindly and comforted: "Because this map is set up like this, players cannot team up and cannot provide each other with buffs, so in the end the killer is the only killer, because you are lucky enough, so it is you. If you do it again, it might not be you, so it’s just fine to accept it. Lu Li gave you the Gu Yu scepter, which attracted the second set of parts so quickly. Tsk tsk... Ruyi, yours. Even I am a little envious of luck..."

Gu Ruyi pursed her red lips and said, "BOSS bursts out rewards, and I won't divide any money."

Lin Xi touched her little face and smiled: "Sensible!"

As he said, Lin Xi walked forward with Ruyi's hand and said, "Congratulations to everyone, and congratulations to our Yilu. In the end, the first kill of the market-level BOSS was taken by our Yilu, because of the luck of our casual beauty. It’s better, so I got the first kill. I hope you don’t mind. For the distribution of the BOSS loot, she made it clear that she will not participate. Everyone has no opinion."


Slaughter Fanchen shook his head and smiled: "The person of the heavenly family, what is there to envy."

But in the crowd, a young knight whispered: "Should we take out the Gu Yu Scepter? Everyone will get a point, otherwise so many people will be beaten in vain..."

For a moment, a little anger appeared in Lin Xi's eyes.

I hurriedly took her hand, smiled and said to everyone: "Because of the map setting, the first kill... whoever is lucky will go to whoever is lucky, the first kill reward will go to whoever, as for who is jealous, come here. Tell me, how much do you think you should score? How much do you think your team role is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it bigger than me, shouldn't you use Gu Yu bracers?"

Yueliu Ying pursed her small mouth: "Brother Xiaoqi, don't be angry, there are always people who have just joined Yilu, who are not very sensible..."

I smiled slightly: "I'm not angry. I just made things clear. This is the first kill at the market level. Whoever gets lucky should get it. As for the rewards they get, they rely on their own luck. Take out what you got? When did our Yilu people become like this? As for the BOSS spoils, it is distributed according to the battle contribution, and no one can lose. If anyone is not convinced, Yilu's door is open. , You can go in, you can go out, we are always free to come and go."

Slaughter Fanchen grinned and sent me a message: "Why don't you just kick it?"

"Forget it, let Qing Deng do the work afterwards. If the Cavaliers really can't make it through, it won't be too late to kick!"

"Okay, leave it to me!"

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