Zhan Yue

Chapter 1183: Jealous

In the afternoon, the auction house.

The auction house headquarters of Fanshucheng is located about two hundred meters north of the East Square. It mimics the architectural style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The multiple four-cornered buildings complement each other. The structure of the Dougong Mingzhu is all amazing. The main building of the auction house looks simple and solemn at first glance. It is even more luxurious. Almost every floor tile is like a gem, with a crystal clear luster. In general, two words, rich!

Lin Xi is the seller of the most important treasure, so the system directly allocated a room on the second floor. When the two of us were brought up to the second floor by an NPC maid, we saw the pedestrians in the distance like weaving. Flocking into the auction house, those players who were reluctant to spend gold to buy tickets climbed on the fence. The towering trees outside were also full of people, all looking at the excitement.

The balcony on the second floor overlooks the entire square of the auction house with a wide view.

Lin Xi held a cup of tea, sat in a chair by the window, and smiled: "Guess how much our fire dragon shield can sell for?"

"do not know."

I shook my head: "But Qing Deng is right. The bottom line of 20 million is at least."

"Well, too!"

Lin Xi looked at the crowds of people outside the window, and the VIP rooms in the attic in the distance. Who knows which room is sitting a world-class rich man?


Soon after, the owner of the auction house appeared as an NPC with the appearance of a big-bellied middle-aged businessman. He walked onto the auction stage and bowed to the crowd. He smiled and said, "Thank you for coming to the auction house. There are many treasures to be auctioned today, and we Invited a world-renowned top auctioneer to auction on his behalf, please come next!"

In the center of the auction platform, a beam of light fell, condensed into the appearance of Feier, still the appearance of the rookie marksman, the level is only poor 148, but the equipment is not bad, the whole body is orange, and it should be orange. Holding an orange bow in his hand, he stepped forward to signal that the owner of the auction house could go, then raised his left hand, condensing the microphone in the wind, no way, the most popular female anchor in the national costume, plus the official contract host, Tianming Group Feier hosts all of the major festivals, so there are privileges in the game. Other female anchors don't even think that they can condense the microphone in the game and have a "amplification" function.

"Good afternoon, brothers!"

Fei'er came up with a sentence for everyone to spew food, but it was such a simple sentence that quickly brought her and everyone closer together, so that many rough guys were gearing up in the audience, their faces flushed, and their mouths were smeared. Obscene words: "Good afternoon, Brother Feier, let's discuss and discuss when you have time!"

Feier's beautiful eyes scanned the crowd, seeming to remember all the IDs of these people, and I believe she is indeed capable of memorizing it. After all, she is Feier, the existence of technology beyond the earth.

In the end, her gaze swept to the second floor of the VIP box, immediately raised her hand, and smiled: "Hi, Lu Li, Lin Xi!"


Lin Xi looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked in confusion: "When did you get so familiar?"

I looked embarrassed: "It's okay, don't be suspicious."


She continued to hold her arms and sat on the windowsill looking at the scenery outside.

I laughed, and winked at Feier to make her be more honest, don’t let me walk around Lin Xi’s place, so Feier was really honest, and smiled to everyone: "This afternoon, we auctioned off. There are not many treasures, there are only ten in total, but each one can be regarded as a treasure on the rivers and lakes, so please keep your eyes open and don’t miss your favorite treasure. First of all, please have the first treasure!"

Feier turned around, put away the orange bow, pointed at the center of the auction table with five fingers with his right hand, and summoned the first treasure with a "swish". It was a ring, and it was still a 190-level orange ring, but a ring. The special effects and special effects are quite amazing. The special effect is the dual effect of spell crit + spell blood sucking, and the special effect is an invincible effect that lasts for 8 seconds!

This is quite terrifying, my Primordial Vulcan Chain is invincible for only 9 seconds, and is about to be surpassed by an orange ring!

Overall, this is a piece of equipment that fits the current mainstream mage players very well. The 190-level orange outfit can keep up with the level, and the attributes are quite sturdy, and the price will not be low!

"The starting price is 5000R, please go ahead, dear brothers?" Feier chuckled.

"Ten thousand!"

Immediately, someone raised his hand, and at the moment he raised his hand, a ray of green brilliance hovered under his feet, indicating that he did have so much money in his preparation account, otherwise it would be a red warning brilliance.

"Twenty thousand!"

In the other direction, a gloomy-looking Mage Du Jie raised his hand.

Sure enough, the price began to rise steadily. In this huge auction house, it is not only the players of Fanshucheng, but also the players of the Eight Desolate City. To put it bluntly, the auction house in front of you is a top national server. Players’ arena, everyone wants to show a face here and increase their visibility in the national service. There are only ten auction items this afternoon. No matter who is taken, everyone will remember his ID, so these auction items All have premium prices, and many!


In the end, this ring was taken by a mage in the Eight Desolate City at a price of 22W. It was indeed too expensive. It stands to reason that even if such a ring is the best, it will only look like 70 or 80 thousand at most. It's just an orange outfit. It doesn't have the background to reach the sky-high price of 20W. However, this may also be the biggest charm of public auctions. It is not only financial, but also face.

Immediately afterwards, the next few auction items were all red equipment, and several legendary equipment were sold at a price of more than 20W, because each has extraordinary attributes, some with very powerful special effects, and some It comes with very useful special effects, these attributes are called "small best attributes" by players, and a red equipment with "small best attributes" is obviously expensive!

When the auction house makes a public auction, it must make a big profit, otherwise it will not pay Feier’s appearance fee. It is said that Feier’s current official appearance fee quotes are all millions. This level of female anchors is absolutely It's not like Xia Zongyubing that can be compared.

At this moment, I also saw a few familiar figures in the crowd. Several important figures in the Longqi Palace were all present, including the Poetry Nianhua, Zixiong, Penghaoren, Wang Shiyu, and Xia Chongyubing. These core figures are all present. Gathering together, I probably didn't book a box, so I could only sit in the first few rows of seats in the auction venue.

Behind the poetry and wine years, he carried a long sword with a bright scabbard that could not conceal the light of the sword. The long sword was slightly curved, like a long moon, and the hilt was very delicate, embellished with crystal gemstones. Awe-inspiring aura flowed over the sword, and anyone could see that it was a pretty good treasure fairy sword.

Lin Xi was also looking over there, her eyebrows frowned lightly and said, "Changyue Sword?"

"Probably it is."

I nodded lightly: "The shape of the Changming Sword of Qing Deng is similar to that of Qing Deng. It is probably a series, or it is from the same craftsman's technique. They are all mountain and sea-level weapons. I could resist it for a while, but I didn't expect that the Long Moon Sword would be carried by Zhou Datong so soon."

The corner of Lin Xi's mouth raised: "I heard that Zhou Datong bid 500W for the first time to buy this long moon sword from the Penghao people, but it seemed to be rejected."

"A long moon sword that can grow at the mountain and sea level can you win if you want 500W?"

I couldn't help laughing: "Zhou Datong is a ghost, right? It's obvious that he is using his position as the leader to suppress the Ponghao people. The bad temper of the Ponghao people is **** if you don't refuse."


Lin Xi smiled slightly: "But now the Long Moon Sword is still carried on Zhou Datong's body. Maybe he raised the price later, or... he got the Long Moon Sword by other means, since it is Zhou Datong's leader. When the gold master wants this sword, the Penghao people are tantamount to withstanding the pressure of the entire league. Unless they leave the Dragon Cavalry Palace, they can't stand it.

"Obviously, Brother Testi gave up the Long Moon Sword for Dragon Knight."

I faintly smiled and said, "Brother Testi, although he breathes fragrantly when he speaks, he is still in his bones...but he may be the only person who looks the most like a human in the Dragon Cavalry Hall."

"That makes sense."

She smiled, and continued to look at the direction of the auction table. At this time, Feier once again summoned a piece of equipment, a 200-level prehistoric leather bracer, with very good attributes, including damage reduction and improved physical hits~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In addition, it also adds a basic HP of nearly 8W. It is reasonable to say that the Primordial Grade can add up to 5W to reach the sky. Obviously, this piece of equipment has the best attributes.

With a starting price of 10W, the auction house never thought that this piece of equipment would be sold cheaply.

Suddenly, the auction house was surging, and many hidden bosses made bids, but in the crowd, Xia Chongyubing clenched his bow with one hand, biting his red lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes inadvertently swept across Zhou Datong’s. The light in his face and eyes seemed to melt into a pool of spring water, and his pitiful appearance made anyone feel pity for me.

Zhou Datong couldn't stand it anymore, raising his palm and saying, "50W!"

Suddenly, everyone was shocked. The previous quotation was only 30W. Why is this item added so much at once? Is it really rich?


In the crowd, a middle-aged knight in black armor furrowed his brows and screamed.


Zhou Datong shouted these words, a little calm and breezy.

The middle-aged knight shook his head slightly: "Fine, don't compete with the fool, it's yours."


"Okay, take it!"

When Feier on the stage confirmed the ownership of the equipment, Zhou Datong showed a smile, and smiled at Xia Chongyubing on the side: "It's done, this brace belongs to you."

Xia Chongyu Bing Qiao blushed: "Thank you, lord!"

"Don't show me?" Zhou Datong looked sideways.

Xia Chongyubing waved her powder fist and chuckled: "I hate it~~~"

On the side, Wang Shiyu exploded, and the staff in his hand almost broke into two pieces.

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