Zhan Yue

Chapter 1207: Pillar of the Kingdom

"Dragon Knight reorganized?"

While killing monsters, I sent a voice to Calories.

"It's just a brief restart."

Calorie’s attitude was not very optimistic, saying: "Originally, about half of the Dragon Knight Guild’s men and horses went with the Penghao people. They spent money to buy the Dragoon Guild shells from the Dragon Knight’s Palace Branch. In my opinion, it's just a kind of sentiment. This kind of guild that has no funders and no sources of expenses can't go far, or in other words, can't go high."

"That's true."

I nodded in agreement. So far the guilds that can be rated as T in the national service basically have gold masters, or have their own sources of income. Yilu owns a huge Chaoge City, and can give night battles every month and long-term online High-attendance players from, and the Promise Guild owns a Jibei City and don’t worry about money. As for the Fenglin Volcano, Mythology, Prague and other guilds, they all have clubs and sponsors, one with more than 10,000 people. The guild can only be maintained if the funds are operating normally, otherwise it will not go far.

"How many of them are there?" I asked.

Kamei pursed her red lips, and said, "As far as I know, the Penghao people took away about 5,000 people, and then these days they have been recruiting and wooing 10,000 members of Dragon Knight to go online. This time the Dragon War 3.0 is the first battle after the Dragon Knight Guild restarts. If you can make a lot of money, it will definitely be a fatal blow once you lose a lot."


I smiled slightly: "It shouldn't be a big loss, the Penghao people are smart people, and they will definitely go away when they see a bad situation."


Looking at the battlefield of the Dragoon Guild in the distance, the spears and swords are like forests, and they are struggling to stop the attack of the ghoul army. It is indeed hard enough, but the actual combat effectiveness of the entire guild is not too optimistic. It can be compared to 10,000 people. A regiment of the last deer was up to the sky.


After one hour.

In the distant woodland, a series of blood-colored light beams rose to the sky, followed by a mournful howl. In the woodland with falling snow, one by one giant creatures came out of the snow, and they were all one by one. The ghoul with a large head and head is seven or eight meters tall, and the surface of its huge body is covered with rotten sores and various traces of corruption. It can be described as stinking, so it raised its four claws one by one and rushed towards the dragon. The direction of the city wall.

"BOSS is coming!"

Lin Xi raised his sword and said, "Prepare to respond."

The king of ghouls, the 200-level mountain and sea-level BOSS, refreshed a total of 70 or 80 in one breath. They trampled on the corpses of the same kind, and rushed to the dragon field like this crazy. Wang looks like a skinny skeleton mountain, with crimson blood dripping and splashing all over his body, and his four claws are glowing with cold light, which is very hideous.

"Shanhai-level monsters, although their level is not enough, don't underestimate the enemy."

I shook my two blades, and said, "Many of them came to our deer positions. We fight in groups. Lin Xi will lead one to fight. I will fight each other with Qing Deng, Kamei and Haotian. The driving distance is enough for us to digest these five mountain and sea level BOSS, don't be too greedy."

"Got it!"

The people who were named rushed forward one by one, and I hit the forehead of a ghoul king directly in front of me with a shadowy leap. , After accumulating the hatred value, another shadow leap and left the field, taking the king of ghouls back to the front of the battlefield, Qingshuang, Leng Yuxi and others behind him began to output, and a series of spells quickly smashed down. Everyone's level is high. Qingshuang, Leng Yuxi, etc. have all exceeded level 205. Playing low-level BOSS has a damage bonus, so it is relatively smooth.

"Jie Jie~~~"

Amidst the roar, the claws of the ghoul king danced, arranging heavily on my Ashen Bulwark skills, and then my body rose high, as if waiting for something, in a blink of an eye, a series of fishy, ​​burning skull-shaped meteorites Falling from the sky, "Peng Peng Peng" hit the crowd with great attack power. If it weren't for the players around me to have a level advantage, this wave would be deadly.

"Control the fight!"

The endless wind rose, the gouge skill interrupted the ghoul’s death meteor summon, and then a set of devilish skills caused it to fall into a state of chaos, until this moment I really stepped into the shadow transformation effect, cruising in the BOSS Around him, he flew and attacked with the power of the imperial wind and kept restraining him, so that this ghoul king no longer had the opportunity to act recklessly. Even the mountain and sea-level BOSS could only be obediently slaughtered.

Not far away, wisps of sword light bloomed, and it was basically not a big problem for Lin Xi to pin a ghoul king. In the other directions, Qingdeng, Kamei, and Haotian were constrained by the top reloading of the three deer. It's still in place, with the attacks of the people behind, basically there is not much danger, after all, it is the only T0 in the national service, and there is still confidence in this strength!


As a result, in a deer position, five very towering ghoul figures one after another, constantly fighting with the players of the deer, there are exchanges, the rhythm is quite stable, and in the distance, as many as more than ten ghoul kings rushed in. They were greeted by the inscribed arrows of the Divine Archer headed by Zhang Lingyue. The Flowing Fire Legion is rich, and the inscribed arrows can be used indefinitely. The brilliance of the inscriptions exploded these mountain and sea-level BOSSs to pieces and splashed with flesh and blood. The progress is much faster than the player's side. Of course, the damage is also large. The front row of the iron step camp and the Tianqi camp still have casualties. The opponent is a mountain and sea-level BOSS, and the claws swept across it is a casualty. , This is inevitable.

Everything went well for the guilds of Mythology, Fenglin Volcano, Promise, and War of Troubles. A few low-level mountain and sea-level BOSS wouldn’t make them messy, but those guilds like T2 were quite strenuous, and even the main force left. Many of the leading guilds were in a hurry, and Yunhaixuan and the Forbidden City suffered heavy losses.

The strength of the mountain and sea level boss is there. As the three ultimate ranks, the mountain and sea level, the ruins level, and the dominance level, the mountain and sea level is certainly a stage of the first level, but it is very different from the predecessor level BOSS. The attributes are It is a large bonus across the board, so even if these ghoul kings are 200-level mountain and sea-level BOSS, they are still very difficult to entangle.

Above the city, the artillery battalion of the Dragon Region and Human Race has begun to output firepower. One after another, the flaming cannonballs passed through the outer forbidden formation, and then fell among the monsters, blooming and reaching the flame flowers, shocked. The entire city was shaking slightly, and the shock waves generated by the explosion of shells raged on the battlefield, so that we players on the front line, the cloak was constantly being blown back and forth, and the atmosphere of the battlefield rendered quite real.

What everyone expects is that these mountain and sea level BOSS can be shipped, even if it is a low-level mountain and sea level equipment, it can be upgraded with the tribulation gem. At present, in the national service market, the tribulation gem is expensive, but At least you can buy it, but there is really no market for mountain and sea level and Guixu level equipment. Since the last fire dragon shield was sold, the national server has nowhere to buy equipment above the mountain and sea level, even if it is hand-held. The head of a hugely-funded consortium can't buy top-level equipment.


The Blade of Vulcan erupted with a ten-meter-long flame edge, directly piercing the head of the ghoul king in front of us, making us the first team to complete the boss kill on Yilu’s side. With the collapse of the ghoul king's huge body, a lot of gold coins fell, and I waved my hand to let others clean it up, and it was necessary to lead the group by myself, so as to avoid suspicion as much as possible, so that no one would think that I was full of my own pockets.

So, a young beautiful swordsman Ce immediately approached and said with a smile: "I'm here to help Lu Li boss open the treasure, everyone, keep your eyes open!"

It’s a pity that apart from the gold coins, there is only one orange staff that can be considered a little eye-catching, but it is definitely worthless. The rest are some purple, blue or even green equipment, so that everyone sees it. After the goods were delivered, they couldn't help feeling that the corpse of the ghoul king lying in front of him with his tongue out was even more abominable.

A few seconds later, the king of ghouls on Lin Xi's side also fell to the ground. After half a minute, the kings of ghouls in front of the deer's position were all killed in battle, but it was a pity that almost no shipments were made.


"It's not over yet?"

Kamei turned around and glanced at the Dragon Knight Guild, she couldn't help but frowning, and smiled: "It's really good. A guild fights a ghoul king, and there are also Baeng Hao people sitting in the town. Haven't finished the fight yet?"

I took a deep breath: "Do you want to help out? This kind of mentality is not good, Kamei, you are nostalgic, and if you continue like this, you will have an eccentricity!"

"I do not have!"

Kamei was a little nervous, and added: "It's really not..."


I smiled and said, "But if you really leave Yilu and return to Longqi, you will look at Yilu from the same angle in the future, and you will miss the days of Yilu even more."

Kamei was stunned for a few seconds, and then smiled happily: "What you said... seems unintentional, but it actually helped me get rid of the demon in my heart. Thank you, Lu Li."

I laughed and said, "Helping others is the foundation of happiness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I said, looking back, looking at the direction of the Longyu Hall with worry in her eyes, Senior Sister Yun hasn't taken any action yet, she should be there, Kamei The heart demon of Yun is solved, what about Senior Sister Yun's heart demon? She can't always be stuck in the Quasi-God Realm, right? If she is late to the Ascendant Realm, I am afraid that Dragon Realm will inevitably be in a passively beaten situation for a while.



In the distance, the sound of the horn sounded, and the army of ghouls who were killed to pieces by us, and the few remaining ghouls, all turned around and fled as if they had received a pardon order.

"It's almost the second wave."

Clear the lamp lightly stroke the sword hilt, and smiled: "Finally, I can be promoted to the general of the country tonight, the pillar of the country, who is it to me? Second sister, do you think I will be swaying everywhere with the rank of the general of the country in the future? Can you attract the girl's attention?"

On the side, Qingshuang rolled her eyes, too lazy to care about him. Latest URL:

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