Zhan Yue

Chapter 1209: I heard that you want to play the sword happily?

Hundreds of miles in the territory, the entire Dragon Realm was under the pressure of Guanwentai's literary and Taoism. For a while, all players almost yelled and killed more fiercely. This 15% attribute reduction is a lot more, but not less. The previous 1W attack power directly became 8500 attack power. The effect of killing monsters is still quite obvious, while the reduction of armor, resistance, and vitality is even more significant. Many players in the front row are just playing with fire. The spirit wolf confrontation has already felt a lot of pressure.


"What are you waiting for?"

On top of the glorious golden book, Fan Yi waved his long sleeves and said with a smile: "It should be the time when you demon swords are working hard, you can't stay in hiding, right?"

In the dark night sky, a group of figures are walking through the air. A closer look can see that each of them has a flying sword under their feet. They are walking completely with the sword, and they are covered with bright sword light. There are about hundreds of people. The appearance of, just like this, looking at the figure and spirit of the soul, it is a human race, but there is a strong and incomparable breath of death lingering all over the body, I think he has fallen into the magical way.

Beiyan Jianxiu, level 205, mountain and sea level BOSS!

When I shared the attributes of these bosses in the guild channel, everyone was stunned. If they were hit hard, the Vast Sky Sword frowned and said, "Is this version 3.0 of the Battle of the Dragon Realm too unattractive? No rules at all, it's obviously only the second wave, so unreasonable and refreshing so many terrible bosses?"

"It's tricky."

Qing Deng looked back at me and said in a deep voice, "Lu Li, Lin Xi, what should I do?"

"Old rules."

I said solemnly: "Let’s resist 8-10 people. We should team up and use the meat shield to pull the BOSS. Everyone should be careful. These sword repairs must be attacked by AOE sword energy. Be careful not to be second. Everyone, take care, let’s start!"


Lin Xi led a group of spirit deer cavalry to protect the left front line of a deer, but I raised my two blades and took a group of people to protect the right front line for hundreds of meters. In the night sky, a Beiyan treason sword Xiu Yujian descended in the air, he suddenly stepped on the flying sword, and under a long roar, his body hovered in the air, and the flying sword turned into a thunder light and blasted straight into the ground under my feet.


A splendid spherical sword gas exploded, covering a range of about 30×30 yards. Under a wave of sword aura, my blood bar instantly disappeared by 27W+, and the players around Yilu were even more tragic, a group of spirits. Lu Tieqi lost 30W-40W of energy and blood in an instant, and some front-row players who did not have the mysterious spirit deer as their mounts, and whose blood and resistance were slightly weaker, were killed directly, so that the opponent's sword energy swept through, like a violent wind. Like fallen leaves, under a wave of offensive, a whole piece of players was killed in seconds!

"What are you looking at?"

In the air, Bei Yan Jianxiu, who launched the flying sword attack, gave a violent shout, raised his hand and pulled out the ancient sword behind him, slashed with a volley, and laughed: "When the battle is approaching, it's dying to be in a daze!"

I hurriedly turned my body and pushed my left hand forward to push out the white dragon wall effect. There was a loud noise, and the opponent's sword violently shook the white dragon wall. The sword roughly chopped off nearly 75% of the white dragon wall's toughness, but behind me When the wind broke, the opponent's flying sword directly attacked the back of the head. For a moment, I almost didn't even think about it. The original flying sword white star flew out of the shadow spirit ruins with a "swish", and violently collided with the opponent's flying sword. A series of sparks ejected from the air.

"Tsk tsk?"

Bei Yan Jianxiu was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Is also a sword repairer? Interesting."

With a double-edged twist, I attacked directly and said with a smile: "Half, I am actually an assassin."

"I can see it, but I still want to die."

"Not very capable, and the tone is too big to scare me."

I laughed, and I directly controlled my opponent with a set of white clothes + annihilation + three disasters of karma + gouge, and then threw a femme fatale poison, and continued to attack and kill, while the rest of the team also looted. The melee players are looking for opportunities to fight the Weeping Star River, while the remote players directly launch a intensive firepower gathering in the distance, and the dense clusters of arrows and spells begin to wreak havoc.


This Beiyan country had a very strong temper. He roared, and his sword intent rose, but was quickly suppressed by my fishing in troubled waters. Amidst the fog of fishing in troubled waters, he roared again and again: "You think this will trap you. An immortal sword immortal? Dreaming, how can Laozi's sword intent be suppressed by your waste?"


A punch of the dragon fell from the sky, and directly smashed him into a big font and lay on the ground. I hovered in the air and dusted my ears: "Huh? What did you just say?"

A 205-level mountain and sea-level BOSS, to be honest, I didn’t put it in my eyes. What's more, there are such violent poisons as femme fatale and seven-star begonia to help out. I didn’t take this level of BOSS as the same thing. , It's just that the rest of the players can't hold the explosive power, and they may be miserable.

On the earth, the sword energy swept through and lingered, and instantly burst out dozens of blazing sword lights, and plunged into the air like a lotus flower in full bloom, while the Beiyan Jianxiu laughed and said: "Have a good time, no one can do it for a long time. Let me get out of the sword so freely, come and come, don't die too early, or it will be too boring!"

"How can I disappoint you?"

I laughed like I did, the Vulcan Blade pierced straight down, and suddenly a delicate silver sword embryo appeared around my body, and it slammed down faster than me with a "swish".

"Is it bad to be a human? Going to be a dog for the alien army?"

Just after Bai Xing Yijian suppressed the opponent's offensive again, I said casually.

Beiyan Jianxiu was pressed back to the ground again, but the sword intent did not weaken at all, dozens of sword auras scattered from the dust, forming an indiscriminate attack posture, and a group of spirit deer cavalry retreated one after another. The marksman who rushed too far to dodge fell directly under these sword aura attacks, and the attack damage exceeded 30W, which had exceeded the health bar limit of the average marksman.

"All those whose health bar cap is less than 30W retreat!"

I directly stepped into the shadow transformation state, and I went all out to contain and kill this quasi-sword fairy-level BOSS. The lethality was too strong, and it was indeed stronger than the ordinary BOSS.

"Keng Keng Keng~~~"

After three consecutive sword lights fell on the edge of my dagger, Bei Yan Jianxiu looked grim and smiled: "You said being a man and a dog. I will now give you an answer. What is a person and what is a dog? Me? I have practiced all my life, and finally I have practiced this good sword technique, and finally I have practiced the imperial sword above the clouds, but how, I have to be bound by this world, the mountain under the vulgar scolds me **** sword repair, I should not kill? Can? Can't kill? If I can't shoot the sword happily, what's the point of me being this sword fairy?"

"It's a real pleasure!"

I laughed, a rustle of the wind restrained the opponent's vision, and then the two blades whirled, the body attacked like electricity, and continuously attacked the opponent's chest, and smiled: "Then I should kill someone like you. It's the happiest thing!"

"court death!"

Beiyan Jianxiu had a stronger killing intent in his eyes, but what's the use? The person he faced was me. There were many cruel brothers, and there was only one death.


On the northern land of the Dragon Region, the killing spirit was soaring, and hundreds of mountain and sea level BOSS descended. This is something that all players did not expect. In the past, everyone was on the field map in order to defend a mountain and sea level BOSS. Several guilds were able to fight. Yes, and now, so many mountain and sea level BOSS are in front of you, but they can't be beaten. This time the alien demon army is very generous, and I can't wait to use the mountain and sea level BOSS to kill the player camp!

On the guild positions of Yilu, Mythology, Fenglin Volcano, Promise, War of Troubles, etc., there are everywhere in the crowd, raging sword light, these Beiyan sword repairs indeed have the background of quasi sword immortal, swordsmanship Extraordinary and full of sword spirit, ray of sword light almost swept through the crowd of players, and even many small guilds were beaten to annihilation by a Beiyan Jianxiu in a blink of an eye, and this was only the second wave, and that’s it. Desperately, it really surprised many players.

Just a few tens of meters away, a young swordsman from a little-known guild was crippled by Beiyan Jianxiu's blood bar with a sword and fled to the city, panting, facing a musician next to him. The girl said, "Fuck it is too scary... Lin Xiaoqian, we may not be able to keep up with the changes today!"

The girl smiled without saying a word, with a gentle smile.

The young swordsman gritted his teeth with unwillingness in his eyes: "NND, in vain, I have already bought the latest Master Kong's pickled cabbage fish instant noodles, and I also prepared two kings of king ham sausages. I plan to have a meal after five o'clock. Fighting again, who would have thought that this TMD would feel like it's almost over in just over one hour."

The girl smiled softly, her eyes were all on the young swordsman, and she smiled: "It's okay, just do your best. It doesn't have to be where you want to go. Our level is low, our equipment is poor, and our skills are not strong enough, of course. We can't kill the Quartet like Lin Xi and Lu Li's T0, let's do our best."

"Well, just do your best!"

After the young swordsman filled up his blood, he rushed to the battlefield again.

There are many such people on the whole front line. Many players are killing monsters beyond level 10 and 20. With the increase in the level of siege monsters, this level gap will continue to widen. To put it bluntly, The activation of this version is not actually an event that provides players with opportunities to spawn monsters. This event is far from being so friendly. The real reason is that the monster army reserves enough power to destroy the dragon domain in one fell swoop. , This is the start of this war, so will these monsters be lighter when they deal with the player? Obviously not.


Above the sky, Sylvia held the Five Lei Teng Formation, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the battlefield in the distance, and said, "Who is not convinced?"

"Beiyan sword Shura Chase is not convinced!"

A figure rose to the sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and went down. "

Sylvia just raised his hand in an understatement, and immediately three golden vines smashed away. With a "poof", the body of Beiyan Jianxiu volleyed into several segments, followed by a palm of Sylvia's hand. The five-finger volley manifested into a huge dharma form, and thus all the spirit of this Beiyan Jianxiu was crushed.

"Who else is not convinced?" Sylvia continued to ask.


There was silence on the battlefield of the earth.

"Then I will pick someone to fight."

Sylvia pointed a finger, and the magical powers pointed everywhere, and three golden vines smashed past. A Beiyan Jianxiu just wanted to escape with the sword, but was killed by the volley, and the soul was crushed by Sylvia again. Extinct, watching the scene where the fragments of the souls are falling like rain in the distance, Sylvia smiled lightly, and said: "You have a great pursuit, I gave it~~~" Latest URL:

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