Zhan Yue

Chapter 1212: Still unbearable


In the air, although the golden vines of the five thunder vine formations lashed and raged like a thunder and lightning whip, there were still countless flame sky knights who broke through the formation restrictions and swooped toward the city wall, like the fall of flame stars. And I stood up and said: "The ground battlefield is handed over to you, I'm going to heaven!"

As he said, the body turned into a straight line, and it rushed into the monster group in the air. Under the effect of the shadow transformation, the wind and the crane + the dragon determination skill erupted together, followed by the shadow fold skill, which shot back and forth, and the two blades were like the sharp blades of death. , Decapitated the flame sky knights who were not weak.

Above the city wall, Zhang Lingyue commanded a group of sharp archers from the Archer Battalion to shoot arrows into the sky, and a series of inscribed arrows exploded in the air with extraordinary power. The veteran Chai Lu personally went into battle, holding a simple sword and a heavy shield, and leading a group of iron The infantry soldiers faced the flame sky knights who had been culled on the city wall. With the stabbing of the flame lances, there must be a deep gully pierced from the heavy shield of the iron infantry soldiers. The shield is riddled with holes.

The Flame Knights, a kind of demon knights with a good cultivation base, were cultivated by the Queen of Fire Demon Sura. The strength of these demon knights is not weak, and they are the "fairy masters" in the eyes of the human race. The original flame knights descended from the sky. It should be a crushing battle, but the opponent is the Iron Infantry Battalion of the Flowing Fire Corps. This is a group of veterans who are not afraid of death and have experienced many battles. Although there have been countless iron Infantry camps in a short period of time. The soldiers died, but those who were alive did not hesitate, so people kept jumping up, attacking with spears and broadswords, pulling down the flame knights from the backs of the flame war horses, hacking them to death, regardless of whether you were It's not a fairy master, give enough quick blades!


The fierce battle between the sky and the underground is proceeding quickly, and my activity points have begun to increase in real sense. Every time I kill a Flame Knight, a large number of points are credited, and these air units have extra damage when they are attacked by the wind. Yes, a rumbling noise that soars to the sky can often make a whole piece of the Flame Sky Knight's health bar violently drop. Coupled with my basic attacks and the continuous killing of the flying sword and white stars, the killing efficiency is not generally high!

At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him.


When I looked back, a golden light was shining. Upon closer inspection, it was a strange demon king wearing a golden cloak that launched a blow against the sky of the neighboring Dragon Realm. Holding an ice battle spear, it was the Frost Hunter who ranked eighth. The king of different demons, now the seventh-ranked Dark Dragon God has been slashed by Senior Sister Yun with a single sword, so Rin Frost Hunter should be the seventh-ranked king strictly speaking, which is relatively high.

With one blow, there were traces of cracks on the Five Lei Teng, but Sylvia still looked complacent, holding the runestones in her hand, and smiling: "A little bit of damage, the spirit stone can be repaired. And the last thing Dragon Domain lacks is Lingshi."

As she said, holding the runestones in her hand, she was full of silver dragon breath, and the essence of the spirit crystals flew out from her storage space, burning one by one in front of her, and the rich aura came down to the dragon domain like rain. He repaired the mountain roots and water transport under the Dragon Region with a silent posture of moisturizing things, so that the cracks in the Wulei Teng mountain and water forbidden formation were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Rin Frost Hunter smiled slightly and said: "Since it is the price of burning spirit stones, then this king will see if your dragon realm's spirit stones are enough to fight, if not enough, then don't blame this king for being polite!"

As he said, he raised the spear again, but this time it was not an ordinary attack. The sky above his head was densely clouded, and the air suddenly seemed to solidify, and the moment the spear fell, it brought out not only It was just a sharp spear, and countless sharp ice souls fell into the air, and they hit the forbidden sky of the Dragon Realm in such a straight way.


Loud noises continued to linger, and the two forces of heaven and earth continued to collide. In the end, traces of cracks appeared again on the Wu Lei Teng formation, while Sylvia's face was a little pale, she was muttering words, and there were again dozens of top grade The spirit crystal flew out, refining in a blink of an eye, moisturizing the land of the dragon territory like a spring rain, and repairing the large formation again.

"very good."

The Rin Frost Hunter laughed and said: "Even the outer ice soul can't help it. It seems that the Silver Dragon Queen is indeed the first person in thousands of years outside of the real dragon. Oh no, it should be said to be the first dragon. This strong dragon spirit must have caught up with the original Shi Bailong, right?"

"Master Zu Long's cultivation is unfathomable, so I dare not overstep it." Sylvia said lightly.


Rin Frost Hunter smiled slightly and said, "Since I can stop the Bing Apparition, then... it should be no problem to block this king's attack more, right?"

"Just come."


The Frost Hunter raised his arms again, and suddenly there was a chill between the world and the earth. Then a huge iceberg appeared on the tip of the spear. He slowly swayed the handle of the spear and smiled and said: "An iceberg in a cold world. Can you stop Sylvia?"

"You can try!"

"Complete you!"

In the next moment, this iceberg that almost occupied half of the sky slammed into the Dragon Realm so fiercely. No one would doubt that if the Five Lei Teng Array could not stop it, the entire Dragon Realm would be covered by this iceberg. It was smashed into an ice pit, the suffocating feeling of oppression, let alone me, even players who have not cultivated such as Yueliuying and Nanmu Keyi felt it, and looked at the sky with solemn expressions, almost forgetting The battle at hand.

"Five Leikin Vine, go!"

Sylvia raised his hand and pointed, and in an instant, five golden vines sprang out from the depths of the earth, which smashed into the huge iceberg in the sky like a whip from the sky.


There were loud noises, and the entire sky was clouded. Frost Hunter and Sylvia can only be regarded as the bottom characters among the top NPC powerhouses, but the battle between them is actually the same as the battle of the gods, the five thunder tents. The five golden vines attacked dozens of times in the air, crushing all the veins of the iceberg. After that, the iceberg smashed into the big formation.

The sky is shaking, and everyone is shaking with it.

This time, the Wu Lei Teng formation was very defective. It was not just cracks, but a hole of hundreds of meters was punched directly in the formation by the roots of the iceberg, and the outside world came from the territories of different demons. The gang wind raged into it violently, and Sylvia shook her body and her face turned paler.

In the distance, Rin Frost Hunter held the Ice Soul War Spear in his hand, just hovering in the air, and his expression was no better than Sylvia. This is the consequence of shaking the Five Lei Teng array and the prohibition of the Dragon Realm landscape. , That apparent iceberg was obviously the "mountain in the heart" of Frost Hunter, and it was regarded as one of the roots of his avenue. As a result, Sylvia used five Lei Teng to smash all the roots of the mountain. It was also equivalent to ruining part of the avenue of Frost Hunter, and it was strange that he could get through at this time.

"Devils, the opportunity is here, go in!"

In the air, another figure appeared, Demon Wing Landro, holding the Devil Scythe, he suddenly had a sleeve in his left hand, and suddenly there was something else in the sleeve, as if it had opened up a world, the evil of countless demon worlds turned into The wisps of black smoke poured straight into the openings of the Wu Lei Teng large array, like a black star rain.

"Is that easy?"

On the observation deck, Senior Sister Yun opened her eyes and opened her left hand. The index finger of her right hand quickly scribbled a golden "forbidden" in the palm of her hand, and then raised her hand to the air and patted the word suddenly. He rose up into the sky with an unparalleled sword intent, shattered all the evil spirits that penetrated the dragon domain, and then turned into a huge patch, which temporarily sealed the breach.

"The Silver Dragon Queen doesn't need to be anxious, and fix it slowly. I will fix any shortcomings."

Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "Remember, you are the same as me in this battle, and there is no retreat. This battle is enough to strengthen your state of mind."

"Thank you, Master Yunyue!"

The Silver Dragon Queen rallied again, and a series of high-grade spirit crystals appeared in front of them and were refined one by one. In the end, they not only fed back the essence of the dragon domain, but also can nourish Sylvia's dragon body, which was originally pale in a blink of an eye. A lot of blood appeared on his face, and it became even more charming.



In the void, Lin Hai’s voice came: "Master Frost Hunter, your blade... does not seem to be sharp enough. It is better to let the king who has been hiding in the long river of time to sharpen his sword for hundreds of years try him. Could his sword be sharper?"


Rin Frost Hunter Avenue was damaged, not to mention that Lin Hai, the shadow of death, spoke in person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, there was no other word, and he held his fists directly, and his body disappeared in the wind and snow.


At the moment the Frost Hunter escaped, the sky and the earth were dim, and all the glory of the Eastern Dawn was swallowed. Then the light between the sky and the earth condensed at one point, turning into a straight line of sword light and it fell through the sky. , Blasted heavily on the sky of Wulei Teng, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and the manifestation of a divine sword slammed on the Wulei Teng array, and the tip of the sword pierced the sky a little, around Countless traces of cracks spread rapidly.

On the long sword, a figure fell lightly, and stepped on the hilt of the sword of dawn with one foot. It was the Twilight Blade Tallinn, an old opponent. The moment his toes fell, the sword of dawn went a little deeper. , The whole Wu Lei Teng array was trembling, and there was a squeaking sound, as if a sharp sword pierced into the porcelain.

"Jing Yunyue."

Tallinn looked down, and smiled slightly: "Back then, you said that my swordsmanship was just average. What is it now? Has my sword ever been sharper? Has it made you a little satisfied?"

Senior Sister Yun slowly got up from the observation platform, her beautiful eyes were long, and she said calmly: "It seems that it is still so...unbearable?"_

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