Zhan Yue

Chapter 1217: Situ Xue

   "Wait, listen up!"

Xuanyuan Ying looked around the envoys with awe-inspiring eyes, his voice was extremely cold, and said, "I have lost this battle. My Xuanyuan Empire has accepted my fate, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the country will be destroyed. One is counted as one. After my Xuanyuan Empire vacates my hands, I will naturally clean up you one by one. From then on, there will be no peace in the southern boundary of the Moonlight Continent!"


  A group of envoys were shocked, and some people had begun to whisper, their faces full of anxiety.

   "Your Majesty."

Unheard of the wind, he stood up and gestured to Xuanyuan to sit down, then turned to face everyone, and said, "You are quiet, my Xuanyuan Empire has used my own power to fight against the alien demon army for more than a thousand years. As a southern human race, there has never been a northern barrier. Any complaints, but this battle is different. The Territory of Alien Demon has concentrated all the troops to attack the Dragon Realm. Once the Dragon Realm is broken, the northern territory is a Pingchuan. The reason why your Majesty is angry is that you are angry at your own thoughts and your short-sightedness. Today’s meeting ends here. You know where to go, but the Xuanyuan Empire always welcomes the aid of materials and troops from the southern countries. We will record every soldier and every material that comes to help us to confirm which country. If you try your best, which country is still using its own calculations, the truth is only so much. I Xuanyuan is not a mud bodhisattva, and I don't remember whether I eat or not. All grievances and grievances will be remembered one by one in the future."

   Talking, he flicked his sleeves: "Come here, send all the envoys out of the Dragon Realm, and I will return to the battlefield."



  A group of envoys got up and saluted, turned around, and in a blink of an eye the conference hall was empty.

  "Fengxiang, this move is useful?" Xuanyuan should lean back in the chair weakly.

   "Maybe useful, maybe useless."

The wind sighed unheard of: "Human hearts, ghosts and mythical creatures, the southern countries have their own plans and have their own plans. There are too few people who are really willing to step forward and share the difficulties of the human race. The words of my Majesty and I may be deterrent. A small country, a vassal country, but a behemoth such as the Daxiang Dynasty, they may indeed send a lot of troops, but they will definitely not help the war with all their strength, so there is no need to think about it."

   "Sorrowful person." Xuanyuan should support his forehead.

I smiled and said: "A great southern power like the Daxiang Dynasty must have a clear mind. It's nothing more than seeking a balance. It can not only allow our Xuanyuan Empire to withstand this wave of alien demon army attacks, but also can drastically in this war. The weakening of the Xuanyuan Empire’s national power, once and again, in the south of the mainland, only the Daxiang Dynasty had the final say.”


  The wind did not hear the wind and smiled slightly: "It's the Northern Lianghou that sees it really."

  "What shall I wait...what shall I do?" Xuanyuan asked.

   "As long as the dragon domain is not destroyed."

  I looked at the north and said, "Our Xuanyuan Empire will only become stronger and stronger."


  Xuanyuan Ying got up and said with a smile: "This sentence is enough, let's go, it's time to go to the battlefield, the wind phase needs to supervise the battle, and the Northern Liang Hou also needs to command the battlefield of the Liuhuo Legion."

In fact, I have a guilty conscience. In fact, I have been commanding the battle in Yilu's position since the beginning of the war. The Liuhuo Legion directly acted as a hand-shocking shopkeeper and gave it to Zhang Lingyue to take full command, and Zhang Lingyue did not disappoint in fact. , The command advances and retreats in an orderly and orderly manner, so the Flowing Fire Corps is still the most brilliant one on the battlefield among many first-class regiments. It kills the most enemies, loses the least itself, and keeps its position intact. These achievements are enough.


  A deer position is still resisting the impact of the flame thorn and the remains of the unicorn.

   "What's the content of the meeting?"

   Lin Xi shook back a unicorn bone with a sword, and took time to look at me.

   "Something boring."

As soon as I entered the battlefield, I took the attack of the remains of a unicorn. The two-edged blades flew up, and the bone fragments were splashed in all directions. I said to Lin Xi: "The Xuanyuan Empire is located in the north, and the alien demon army is in the north. We are the first to bear the brunt when we go south, so just now, the envoys from the Daxiang Dynasty, Huanglong Kingdom, and Nanhe Niuzhou countries in the south came to discuss the issue of sending troops to reinforce the Dragon Region, but they were unwilling to pick and search one by one. With real effort, even the Daxiang Dynasty, a big country with tens of millions of soldiers, only sent 10,000 Malays to'meaning'. Therefore, Xuanyuanying and Feng Buwen made a fire, threatening to settle accounts later. Then all these envoys were driven away, telling them their self-respect. If they don't want to be beaten in the future, they will send the main force to come and strengthen, and those who want to continue their small calculations will go home and fight slowly.

"how about you?"

  Qing Deng was hammered by a unicorn bone, and smiled: "Did you follow Gong Huo?"


  I laughed as I hit the boss: "I didn't say a word during the whole process, I am afraid that things will be even bigger."

  "So too."

  Shen Mingxuan a series of arrows shook the remains of the unicorn back a little, and smiled: "Just you, you have a bad temper. If you don't kill all these shameless envoys, you will be in a good mood at the time."

  I frowned and said, "This kind of thing that is too much to deal with is still more methodical, and I am really not good at smiling nonsense."

   "Really humble."

  Lin Xi tweeted.

  Everyone laughed, probably thinking of what I did when the Rise of the Frozen Legion.


Soon after, the last few unicorn bones on the deer position were cleaned up. The time came to around 8 o'clock in the morning. It was already a day for many people to get up to work, but for the sake of points, in order to obtain the legendary reward, for one The dignity of the players, the game madness is still online, and they have to fight to the death with the alien army.

I looked back and found that Sylvia was standing in the air holding the five Lei Teng formation runestones, surrounded by thunder light, and there was a line of spirit crystals burning rapidly on her chest, taking advantage of the precious period of the opponent's attacking vacuum period. Time has struggled to repair the defects of the formation, but some of them really need to be repaired by masters like Lin Fengnian with inscriptions. Therefore, Sylvia is like an umbrella repairer who repairs worn-out oiled paper umbrellas, and can only paste a new layer. Paper, but I don’t know how to repair the umbrella bones and branches. Therefore, several branches of the umbrella of Wu Lei Teng Grand Array are broken, but the surface layer is still pasted with a new layer of paper, which looks like it is shaking and defensive. The power is naturally not better than before.

   "It's tragic."

I flew up and looked far away, overlooking the battlefield outside the city. There were corpses everywhere that players hadn’t refreshed. At first there were so many guilds outside the city, but most of them are now gone. There are only sparse guilds outside the city walls. It’s just a few layers of players defending. Compared with the time at 0 o'clock last night, the force outside the city is about less than 10%.

   "It's too normal."

   Qingdeng raised his sword proudly and said with a smile: "Even the second-ranked king Stuurem of the Northern Territory Alien has made a shot. The players who can survive are basically the elite of the real elite."


I scanned the positions outside the city by Guilds such as Yilu, Fenglin Volcano, Mythology, and Wuji. Yilu has lost about 50% of its staff, which is the best situation. Fenglin Volcano and Mythology have lost about 65% of their staff. Up and down, guilds such as Promise, World War League, Prague, etc. are even more miserable, with a reduction of more than 70%. As for a large number of t2 guilds, it is quite good to retain 20%. This is still very fast for many players. In the case of ", otherwise the loss will be more.

   "The next wave may be stronger."

  Gu Ruyi's beautiful eyes faintly looked into the distance.

   "Not necessarily."

I looked at the distance outside the city, and smiled: "There is no tactics in the attack of the alien demon legion. The second-ranked immortal legion has been launched early. It is a bit unusual. Who will be the next opponent? Which kings will know without going up."


Lin Xi glanced at the king’s ranking information, and said with a smile: "Lin Hai hasn’t shot yet. This is normal. A nuclear bomb of this level must be shot at the end. In addition, the fourth-ranked Demon Wing Landro is ranked fifth. The **** Situ Xue, the ninth-ranked Demon Sealing Blade Thunder, these three kings have yet to show up, and they may appear soon."


  In the distance, a figure wearing a purple armor appeared in the air, holding a purple long sword with the Demon Sealing Blade, and smilingly said: "I heard someone is thinking about you, Grandpa Thunder?"

"It is a must!"

  I looked up at him and smiled: "Waiting to use your head as a urinal~~~"


  Thunderous laughed: "Human race is really getting rude, it's time to kill it!"

   Talking, Leiming turned and bowed respectfully to the void, and said, "Master Lin Hai, the Demon Sealing Corps is requesting to fight."


  In the void, Lin Hai said lightly: "But the strength of the Sealed Demon Army is not enough, so... Situ Xue, you lead the Secret Art Army of the Moonlight Shrine on the expedition. It's also time to contribute to the Holy Demon Army."

   "Yes, my lord."

In the wind, a ray of Xiaosheng condensed into a graceful figure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A white dress, graceful figure, holding a jade flute, it is Situ Xue, who has not been seen for a long time, the most beautiful of the ten kings One of the most beautiful, beautiful, even slightly better than the Queen of Fire Demon Sura, of course, Situ Xue is also one of the ten kings who have the least appearance in the national costume. It is said that she has been leading the moonlight altar army in beating the European costume. , European server players have suffered for a long time, a boss named Chinese name goes to hang European server every day, what is this called?



  Leiming turned around and raised his sword at Longyu, and smiled: "Attack, warriors of Northern Maple Forest!"

   Situ Xue played a piece of Xiaoyin gracefully, and smiled leisurely: "Go, don't let me down."

   Above the earth, there are densely packed, all kinds of monsters are coming——

  Seal Wolf Knight, 220-level mountain and sea monster, belonging to the Sealed Legion

  Moonlight Mage, a 220-level mountain and sea monster, belonging to the Moonlight Shrine

  Moonlight Witch, a 220-level mountain and sea monster, belonging to the Moonlight Shrine

  Bonebreaker, a 220-level mountain and sea monster, belonging to the Sealed Legion

  Trolls, a 220-level mountain and sea monster, belonging to the Sealed Legion

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