Zhan Yue

Chapter 1223: End of the war

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The shadow of death Lin Hai shouted hoarse, his body turned into a sea of ​​gray clouds and was about to flee away.

"I'm leaving now?!"

Senior Sister Yun's palm was lightly raised, and a ginkgo sky umbrella suddenly became huge, covering the sky and the sun in a blink of an eye, directly enclosing the entire dragon region, even beyond the dragon region wall, covering about three dragon regions, forming a world of its own. Immediately afterwards, the white dragon sword turned into white light and flew away, just like this, it struck out three swords in succession against the gray sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​clouds was full of thunderous rumblings. It must be that these three swords have hurt Lin Hai. The soul and the avenue are gone, but there are more things that can't be done. Even with the fate of the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella, Senior Sister Yun still has no way to kill a genuine Ascended Realm in a real sense.

Just see it!

When Senior Sister Yun received the sword, the Northern Territory Alien Demon Army retreated like a tide, and was intercepted by players and NPC troops in the city wall area. As for the kings such as Sura, Landro, and Situ Xue, no figures appeared. , So all escaped, no one dared to fight Senior Sister Yun even with a sword in the world of Ginkgo Sky Umbrella.


Sylvia, who looked at the tide of the defeated army of the alien demon army in the distance, sighed and said, "Is this over?"

"Not yet."

Senior Sister Yun floated down, holding the white dragon sword in her hand, and the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella suddenly disappeared between her eyebrows, faintly said: "I just hurt Lin Hai's less than 20% of the avenue, it's not enough to make him fall directly from Ascension Realm. In Quasi-God Realm, Lin Hai has suffered such a big loss in this battle, and he is destined to not let it go. Wait, if Fan Yi is there, they will definitely come up with the rest of the hole cards."

"Yeah, but at least the immediate crisis is resolved." Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief.

Senior Sister Yun nodded and smiled: "Yes, everyone doesn't have to die."

In the distance, a group of imperial guards covered in blood surrounded Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying. Xuanyuanying's condition at this time was very bleak. The long sword in his hand collapsed and he was covered in blood stains. He couldn't tell whether it was his own blood or those high-level abnormalities. The blood of the devil, his body swayed, and he had to be supported by two guards to walk normally. It was unimaginable how the man who mastered half of the world would fall into such a field.

"Master Yunyue."

Xuanyuan Ying supported his body, clasped his fists and smiled bitterly: "This battle, thanks to Master Yunyue hiding such a strong hole card, and severely inflicting Lin Hai, otherwise...this world is really going to change the world. "

Senior Sister Yun shook her head and smiled: "This place is the Dragon Region. I should thank Your Majesty for leading the army to help guard this city. By the way, how is the wind?"

"It's fine."

Xuanyuan Ying smiled bitterly: "When I was fighting with Fan Yi, I hurt the fundamentals of the Dao Dao. Now I have been sent back to the Imperial Capital by Ling Zhou to raise and rest. I'm afraid this battle... Feng Xiang will not be able to step into the Quasi-God Realm in this life. ,Blame me."

"Your Majesty shouldn't say that."

Senior Sister Yun said: "So many people have made such a great sacrifice in this battle, and no one is spared. Isn't your Majesty the same?"

Xuanyuanying looked ashamed: "Since the war has ended, I... also returned."

"Send your majesty."

Xuanyuanying did not directly take the spirit boat back to Fanshu City. Instead, he went to the south of the Dragon Region to visit the extremely injured young lord of the Huanglong Kingdom. Fortunately, he suffered a lot, but did not endanger his life. An immortal in Huanglong Kingdom. The life was saved under the treatment of the old gods of Jingjing. In this battle, only Huanglongguo contributed the most. As of the end of the war, the Daxiang Dynasty and Nanhe Niuzhou countries even had their lives back. Not showing up, it is not unselfish, the little abacus is cracking.


The major corps were counted one by one, and immediately cleared the battlefield and returned to the station.

I put my double-edged blades into my sheath, and walked on foot in the position of the Flowing Fire Legion. There were corpses everywhere, there were soldiers from the Flowing Fire Legion, and some of the alien demon army. I frowned and asked: "Our damage is not counted. Is it too serious?"

Zhang Ling smiled bitterly: "Actually... it's already very serious."

On the side, Qin Zhan, with dozens of sword wounds on his body, was bloodstained, but fortunately he did not hurt him. He followed us with a spear like this, and said with a look of guilt: "My lord, I blame my recklessness. If I didn't If we lead Tianqi Camp to charge and kill, I am afraid that our losses will not be..."

"Do not."

I shook my head and said: "If you don't lead the brothers to rush, the demon army will crush us, our loss will only be greater, and your Majesty and Fengxiang will also be in danger of life."

Qin Zhan clasped his fists gratefully: "Yes, my lord!"

Zhang Lingyue looked at the roster from the side, with a stern look, and said: "My lord, this battle has lost more than half of the Fire Corps. Among them, the Tiebu camp killed more than 38,000 people and injured more than 20,000, and the Tianqi camp killed more than 40,000 horses. More than 10,000 horses were injured, more than 50,000 people were killed in the Cavalry and Shooting Camp and Shenyong Camp, and more than 20,000 were injured, many of which were severely injured.

I was a little lost. I lost more than half of my troops. This time I was really hurt and the number of people killed was much more than the number of wounded soldiers. It can be seen how cruel this war is. The alien demon army is inhumane. Once the human soldiers are removed After a heavy injury, it will be directly "swallowed" on the spot. Often dozens of ghouls and ghost soldiers lie on a wounded soldier and tear it to pieces in a blink of an eye. This kind of picture abounds in the past, players Almost all of them are numb.

"Zhang Lingyue."

"Subordinates are here, please give your orders!"

"Immediately rest on the spot in the Dragon Region, bury the pot and cook, so that everyone can have a good rest, and then return to Yanmen Pass with the corpses of all the fallen soldiers of the Flowing Fire Legion, and then bury them on the hillside outside Yanmen Pass, so that they will be able to I saw with my own eyes our Flowing Fire Corps marching northward to regain the scenery of the rivers and mountains."

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan, and Chai Lu all clasped their fists and clasped their hands, their eyes flushed with tears surging in their eye sockets.


Returning to a deer position, Lin Xi was leading everyone to do the "finishing" work of the war, blocking a large group of demon knights who wanted to flee under the walls of the Dragon Region, and the fire was all killed, and the experience was for nothing. Value and merit, and these demon knights will not fight back at this time, just want to escape, and enter a certain mechanism of being beaten and not fighting back.

It was already noon.

The first battle lasted for 12 hours. Almost all the players who persisted to this moment did not rest. They fought fiercely for 12 hours, and it was a continuous high-intensity battle. Every face was full of exhaustion. Fortunately, everyone was very proud. With everyone’s persistence, the moment when Senior Sister Yun cultivated her sword intent and allowed Lin Hai to hook, Senior Sister Yun wouldn’t be so easy without the player’s persistence. They were linked together, and the army of different demons and the dragon domain calculated each other. They are all linked together, so this battle can be won, and the role of each player is very important.

"Are you tired?" Lin Xi looked at me and asked with a smile.

"Not tired."

I shook my head and said with a smile: "In this battle, I feel like I didn't do anything. In the fairy showdown between NPCs, I couldn't get in at all, there was nothing I could do."

"Isn't that doing nothing?"

Cassie said silently: "The leaderboard is far ahead, and the second place is nearly one-third of the points. This is also called nothing. Then we people are really sleepwalking for 12 hours."

Qingdeng, Slaughter Fanchen and others nodded in agreement.

I was a little tired and didn't bother to argue with everyone. I just sat on a broken wall and looked in the direction of the northern border, and said, "I'm just waiting for the reward."

Lin Xi jumped and sat beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder, the rare little bird leaned against the person, and smiled: "Wait together."

Clear the lamp, Slaughter Fanchen, Haotian and others are angrily: "I really want to kick this pot of dog food!"


In the north, the Guanwentai collapsed, and the huge rock scrolls that contained the cultural luck collapsed one by one, turning into a place of stone dust, and the strands of golden cultural luck in it were like a trickle, and they were collected by Fan Yizuo. Among them, he immediately drove away from the treasure book. Just before leaving, Fan Yi turned and looked in the direction of Longyu. He gave a Confucian gift and said with a smile: "I have already learned about the techniques of Longyu next time. It will certainly not disappoint Master Yunyue."


What replied to him was a white sword aura that thundered through the air, which came from Senior Sister Yun's sword.

Fan Yi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took a copy of a blue jade slip, like some kind of magic weapon. The golden words on the jade slip appeared one by one, just like putting on a blue Confucian shirt and robe for Fan Yi. After receiving the sword light, all the words on the Confucian shirt were twisted, and the magic weapon was almost destroyed. Fan Yi's face was slightly pale and drifted away. He smiled and said, "You don't need to give it away, you don't need to give it away, Master Yunyue's courtesy is really good too heavy."

It seems that destroying a high-ranking magic weapon is worth nothing to Fan Yi.

In fact, it seems to be the same. The background of the alien demon army is not to be mentioned. They have existed on the Moon Continent for thousands of years, and their background is much deeper than that of the Xuanyuan Empire. Therefore, the heaven and earth are the treasures of heaven and earth. This kind of treasure is in the hands of the alien army, and Fan Yi took half of the world’s cultural fortunes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously Lin Hai has placed him on the throne of the second king, and now Sturem is dead, Fan Yi just happened to be in the top position. For a scholar like Fan Yi who is willing to join the group of different demons, Lin Hai can be said to be "spoiled", what treasures can't be given? I am afraid that even the key to the door of the Treasure House of the Different Demon Army has been handed over to Fan Yi for safekeeping.


"Why haven't we announced the end?"

The light is eagerly waiting: "Is this going to let our patience take our patience a little bit, and to sharpen our state of mind?"


A Fei chuckled: "Brother Qing Deng wants to make golden pills and refine the Nascent Soul, and has since then embarked on the road of cultivation?"

"I think."

Qing Deng was anxious: "It's a pity that Huan Yue's cultivation system is too stingy. The door is welded to death. We are doomed to not get in."

I smiled and said that was correct. So far it seems that Feng Canghai and I have been the only ones involved in the training system in the game. The Qingfeng under the forest may also be considered a half, and it is indeed too stingy.

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