Zhan Yue

Chapter 1225: Mental arithmetic and unintentional

Latest website: It was 6 o’clock in the afternoon when I woke up. The busy footsteps of Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan upstairs were clearly audible. It seemed that dinner was almost ready. Lin Xi made a pot of chicken soup, saying that he wanted to make up for everyone. Make up, and as long as I close my eyes at the peak of Yang Yan, I can easily hear what I'm talking about upstairs.


On the side, the sound of star-eye activation came, and the holographic image of the earth appeared in the room instantly. These images were taken from the real-time shooting composition of the major satellites surrounding the earth. At this moment, on the surface of the earth, there are blood-red small lines. The dots are constantly flashing, each red dot means a space collision point, and a collision countdown is marked on the side.

After obtaining the fusion of the Ark Tinder civilization, Star Eye's grasp of the collision time is more accurate.

Taking a deep breath, I suddenly sat up and scanned the picture. There were three collision points in China's airspace. The nearest one was over Hangzhou, the farthest was over Inner Mongolia, and the time was early this morning in Beijing time. At 12:33, a very surprising point in time, most Chinese people are asleep at this point in time.

"Can it be avoided?" I asked.

"Can try."

Star Eye said: "Using bands to disrupt the space composition can greatly reduce the probability of collisions. This round of impact has produced a total of 21 collision points around the world. Mathematically, it is possible to avoid all 21 collision points. At 72%, the probability of avoiding 17 collision points is infinitely close to 100%. In fact, only a few collision points are tricky."

"Got it."

I clapped my hands: "Then start chanting, you are busy, I will come upstairs to have a meal."

"Yes, Skywalker."


When I walked up the stairs, I could smell the fragrance between my nose, it was indeed old chicken soup.

Lin Xi was holding the whole casserole for cooking chicken soup on the table, while Shen Mingxuan was still cooking in the kitchen, smelling like shredded celery pork, and it was very fragrant. Gu Ruyi took a bowl and served it to everyone. He was busy, but when he saw me coming, Lin Xi smiled and said: "It's just time to come, and dinner is about to start."


After a while, everyone sat together to eat and talked about the daytime affairs.

"In one version of the event, the rewards alone rewarded 3 market-return-level equipment, which is indeed a bit unexpected." I took a sip of the soup, looked up at Lin Xi, and asked with a smile: "Is Lin Xi's Ring of Fire God powerful?"

"Of course awesome!"

Lin Xi was full of confidence and smiled: "After all, it's at the ruins level. Not to mention the crit and bloodsucking, but also added a lot of attack power and attack damage increase special effects, and there is even an entry for pursuit special effects. In short, this The Ring of Vulcan is a universal ring for the physics department. It can be used by swordsmen, assassins, and marksmen. It suits me."

"Just suitable."

I grinned: "I don't know how the fire phoenix leather armor of Purgatory Dawn is. It is a market-level leather armor. It's a bit powerful. I guess it's almost the same as my Penglai armor, right?"


Shen Mingxuan smiled and said: "There is a picture book of the fire phoenix leather armor on the forum. The evaluation score is about 8% lower than your Penglai armor, but it is quite good."

I nodded, and after putting a chicken leg for Lin Xi, I said, "What then? It shouldn't be that the rewards for this event are only three of the market level, right? Mountain and sea level must also be there. You, the deputy of the deer's general intelligence If the leader is not lazy, the first-hand information should be available now."

"It's done."

Shen Mingxuan placed his mobile phone on the table in front of him, opened a message on it, and read according to it: "Except for the three return-to-market-level equipment, the Thor Blade, the Fire Phoenix Leather Armor, and the Vulcan Ring. In the second event, there were 4 mountain and sea-level rewards, namely the Bihai Sword, Fire Dragon Robe, Mystic Shield, and Cloud Bracer. Among them, the Bihai Sword is the trophy of the wind and the sea, and the Fire Dragon Robe is the trophy of the Martian River. The profound armor shield is a trophy of enchanting paper, and the bracer on the cloud is the trophy of Yanshi's unconscionable. That is to say, the 3rd-10th place is out of 4 mountain and sea level. It can be said that the magnitude of this reward is quite terrifying. There are 11-100 of them, and almost everyone has a superb prehistoric equipment. The system of this activity is not generally generous."


I frowned. Lin Xi and I started with one piece of Guixu separately. It was a good start. Unfortunately, Shen Mingxuan, Ruyi, Qingshuang, etc., ranked behind did not come out of the mountains and seas. The flaws were not met, but it was okay. One guild for one day. What else can I say when I started with two Guixu?

After gnawing off a chicken wing, I asked again: "Is there any information about the destiny of a few mountain-sea-level equipment?"


Shen Mingxuan smiled and said: "Feng Canghai’s Bihai Sword is said to have been given to Lin Songyan. When he reaches his level, he will directly Bi Hai Sword + Fire Dragon Shield. If you want to build the chief meat shield knight of the national service, Mars River’s fire dragon robe will naturally I used it myself, and the enchanting black dragon shield on paper was half sold and half given to the mythical leader Changsheng Jue. At any rate, he was the leader of the T0.5 Guild. The longevity Jue did not have a third-class equipment on it, and it was really impossible to say that, and Yanshi The unmistakable Yunshang Bracer is a pair of armor, and it should be for Yanshi to stop attacking."

I made a form in my heart, and smiled: "If this is the case, Yanshi's non-attack equipment is now the three major pieces of Chenxi Sword, Yunshang Bracer, and Sword Immortal Armor, which are mixed up unknowingly."

"It's really mixed..."

Lin Xi pursed her lips and chuckled: "Since the alliance with our Yilu, Guild Promise has hardly fought any tough battles alone, but even so, they are still able to raise their guild level and player equipment, Master Yan. If you don't attack this person... he still has some abilities."

"A knowledgeable person~~~"

Shen Mingxuan said: "First get to know A Li, and then make friends with Yilu. In fact, there must be a gamble when Yanshi is not attacking. We will bet that our Yilu will win the battle with Fenglinhuo, and the bet is right, so the profit later Naturally, it came. First, I won a Jibei city, and then developed in the clear frost woodland with peace of mind. Yilu attracted all eyes, and this wave of Wuji's development was really good."

Ruyi was startled slightly: "Then...when Wuji develops, will he turn his face with us?"

"will not."

I shook my head and said, "Unless Yanshi doesn't attack him and becomes the leader, he can't do this kind of thing with his personality."

"Yes it is."

Lin Xi also smiled and nodded.

After dinner, a few MMs were going to go online to level up. I declined their team and returned to the room alone to continue monitoring the progress of today's space impact. It is estimated that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


In the room, a piece of code was written by itself, and it kept jumping and disappearing like a grid on the light curtain, while I was sitting quietly in a chair, watching the "hang-up" operation of the star-eye system, and he was analyzing spatial fluctuations. According to the respective spectrum, we write programs to activate our band transmitter. This is a complicated process and requires a lot of calculations. Even if StarEye’s computing power has been fully upgraded, it still takes a long time.


A message jumped out, and the beautiful appearance of Wang Lu in the KDA base was condensed in front of her. She looked nervous: "Collision warning, you should have received it?"

"Well, I received it one hour earlier than yours." I smiled with arms folded.

"Don't shit..."

She slapped her lips and said: "There has been news from the above, saying that Hangzhou KDA has insufficient strength, and a group of people from our side will be used to help defend. You are definitely going to go."

I frowned and said, "I am trying to avoid this impact."


Wang Lutan opened her mouth slightly, shocked: "The world collides with the general trend, can this be avoided?"

"By changing the rules of the space structure, there is still a certain chance that it can be circumvented." I said.

"What about the success rate, is it 100%?" she asked.


I shook my head: "The technology hasn't matured to this point."

She frowned her eyebrows slightly: "Then... still have to go to Hangzhou?"

"give me some more time."

"Well, it can't be too late. We plan to drop by air directly. You skip the umbrella?"

"No, but no problem."


"do your stuff."


Has been busy at about ten o'clock.

Finally, StarEye completed all the data connection, and the moment I pressed Enter, the StarEye system directly hacked into all satellite systems around the world and released a specific spectrum band in less than three minutes. From the screen You can clearly see the changes in the spatial structure, like a sunken light pattern, "passing by" the peak position of another world that is about to collide. Soon, the collision alarms are on the screen one by one. All of them were cancelled one after another.

Star Eye said: "This is just a stopgap measure. Wang Lu is right. World collision is the general trend. Eventually the earth will collide with another world core and be destroyed together. This is extremely difficult to change, even if it is the Ark's fire civilization. At the beginning, it was destroyed under this level of collision, so don't have any fluke mentality."

My heart became heavy for a moment: "Is there a way?"


Star Eye said: "You should start planning as soon as possible, to store energy and materials, to integrate the power of the entire earth to build a large flying boat. The Ark Tinder can provide technical reserves to carry out a'fire travel' belonging to the earth, to escape from the earth and go far away. The interstellar is looking for another home, this is the only option it seems to be at the moment."

I took a deep breath: "About how long is the core collision time?"

"One year."


Just when the star eye said that there was only one year, I almost collapsed in my chair. This kind of thing sounds like a fantasy, but it is about to happen, and all the worlds collide. It's just a prelude.

"Are you all right, Skywalker?" Stareye asked.

"It's okay." I shook my head.

It said mechanically: "Please rest assured, no matter where the world can go, I will always guard you by your side."

These comforting words are somewhat weak.


At this moment, the "beep beep" sounded again, and in the real-time holographic imaging of the earth, a collision point located in the sky above Hangzhou once again emerged with bleeding red brilliance.

"what happened?"

I frowned and said, "Didn't the crisis have been eliminated just now?"

"Someone was deliberately sabotaging, using military satellites to change one of our spectrum parameters, so this collision point over Hangzhou was restarted."

"Lock the attacker's address, is it still located in California?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xingyan said: "The parameters have been changed and destroyed. We can only recalculate it based on the current data. I am afraid this collision over Hangzhou is unavoidable. "

"Got it."

I abruptly got up and said: "I'll go out for a trip, and you will recalculate. Once it's done, you don't need to wait for my order, and immediately close the collision point."

"Yes, Skywalker!"

The moment I walked to the door, I turned around and said, "Star Eye, did you mention the construction of teleportation equipment last time?"

"It is under construction, experimentation, and progress is fast."

"Can you teleport me to this guy in California?"


"Then step up construction."


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