Zhan Yue

Chapter 1227: Goodwill from the Prince's Mansion

A few days later.

Dragon domain, command hall.

There was a sizzling in the fireplace. I was using Thor's Blade to pick a piece of venison for roasting, while Senior Sister Yun and Lan Che sat on their knees, waiting to eat the meat, while Sylvia gathered around the table. , Looking at the prototype of the restored Wu Lei Teng Grand Formation, he was a little puzzled, and said, "Can the original power level be restored?"


Lin Fengnian, who was working on the Wu Lei Teng inscription pattern formation, raised his head and said: "At most, it can only be restored to 70% of the previous level. The core formation was seriously damaged and was almost directly broken. It is quite good to be repaired to this level. Up."

Sylvia frowned: "Lin Fengnian, how did you become the chief inscription master of the Dragon Realm? It is difficult to export anything, and you are also known as the world's number one inscription master and formation mage!"

Lin Fengnian's face burst into blue veins: "What's the point? I don't think that the old man's methods will work. You Sylvia will come and create a landscape restraining formation for me to see Lin Fengnian. I immediately knelt down to apprentice, how about?"

Sylvia waved her hand and said with a smile: "I'm just joking, so what are you really doing? Look at your old bone, but you haven't been able to enter the late stage of immortality. It's because Ding Heng is in the middle of the cultivation of the heart. Many adults."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lin Fengyoung stroked a golden bud in the five Lei Teng formations, and said: "It's not your belongings. You really don't feel distressed at all when you call them up. This Wu Lei Teng formation is my painstaking effort for many years. The son is almost completely destroyed, I..."

"Master Lin."

Senior Sister Yun turned and smiled: "You don't need to be too harsh. In fact, Queen Silver Dragon has done her best. Without the delay of her and Wu Lei Teng, I am afraid I would not have the chance to kill the Indestructible and hurt Lin Hai, Wu Lei Teng. The Great Array has actually done a great job."

Lin Fengnian was a little relieved.

I frowned and said, "Senior Sister Yun, is what Lin Hai said when he was leaving? You refined the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella as your life thing. Does it really have such a big relationship? There will never be a chance to ascend in this life. Up?"

"Well, almost so."

Senior Sister Yun said softly: "Although the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella is an extremely high rank formation, it is ultimately a foreign object. Refining a foreign object into a destiny, not a destiny derived from its own nature, is still somewhat I have gone to a side door. Lin Hai’s words are right. Refining the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella is indeed an extreme method, but I have no choice. Lin Hai and Fan Yi’s plan came too fast, I can only do this."

Lan Che said, "My lord refines the ginkgo sky umbrella as a life thing, doesn't it become more powerful?"

On the side, Sylvia sat lazily, leaning on Lan Che’s fragrant shoulders, and said with a smile: "It's more than powerful? The Ginkgo Sky Umbrella was originally a very high-rank heaven and earth forbidden formation, and it was used by ordinary cultivators. The foundation cannot be carried at all, but Master Yunyue is a quasi-sacred realm. He is a superb swordsman, so he has the qualifications for refining. Once the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella is turned into one of his natal creatures, the magical powers are integrated, and the power is even better. In the small world of the Umbrella, Master Yunyue’s sword is already comparable to the sword of the Ascending Realm Sword Fairy, and even combined with the magical powers of the Ginkgo Umbrella’s offensive and defensive capabilities, it is even more powerful, otherwise the sword cannot be smashed. Let Lin Hai escape."

"In other words."

Senior Sister Yun looked at me and said with a smile: "In the world of Ginkgo Sky Umbrella, I am almost invincible on earth, but the root of Ginkgo Sky Umbrella is only one side of the landscape in the Dragon Region. The two have long been closely connected, so After leaving the Dragon Realm, I am still a quasi-divine sword cultivator, and I will not improve too much. Even how I practice later, at best, I can only make the small world of the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella cover a bit larger, but after all, it’s impossible. Cover the whole world."

Lin Fengnian nodded: "After refining the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella as its destiny, it is more than enough to guard the Dragon Realm. Traveling to kill and logging is a big problem, and refining foreign objects as its destiny is like moving a stone mountain to your own yard. , Too crowded, it will indeed cause a huge hindrance to Master Yunyue's future promotion."

I frowned and said, "Senior Sister will not be able to break through to the legendary Ascension Realm in this life?"

"Have the opportunity."

Senior Sister Yun looked like water and said with a smile: "If I can really kill the demons, maybe I still have a little chance to take a look at the legendary ascension realm, but if I can't but the demons, then I will really stop at the quasi-god. It's too late."

I frowned and said nothing. In order to guard the Dragon Realm, Senior Sister Yun really paid too much. She is such a talented person, this should not be the result.

After chatting for a while, there was nothing to do. It was just talking about the family in Longyu. Then, I went to the station of the Liuhuo regiment in Yanmenguan. The station was receiving new sources of troops. After the Battle of the Dragon Region, the Liuhuo regiment had the greatest contribution, so Xuanyuan It should be directly ordered that the national source of troops will give priority to the Floating Fire Corps. The inscribed arrows, inscribed swords, and inscribed shields engraved by the major inscription academies are also given priority to the Floating Fire Corps. This leaves other legions with nothing to say and nothing. What does the law say.

In the imperial army, the rule of military merit is recognized by everyone, not to mention the fact that the fighting power of the Flowing Fire Legion is the strongest in the entire empire, which is already recognized.


Around eleven in the morning.

While I was packing up the merits of various petitions in the handsome tent, Zhang Lingyue stepped into the big tent in a white robe and silver armor, clasped his fists and respectfully said: "My lord, a man named Zhang Ning, who claims to be an assistant to the Prince's Mansion, Said that there is something important to see the adults!"

"People from Prince's Mansion?"

I was stunned: "Why are the people in the Prince's Mansion looking for me? Isn't there a national policy that has long stipulated that the Prince's Mansion, Harem, etc. cannot contact the generals in private?"

"Yes it is."

Zhang Lingyue said: "However, since the other party is here, the adults can see it, and the adults will not say anything about what is discussed, and it is not considered to be a scam."

"Got it."

I nodded: "Let him in."


Soon after, a slightly "curvaceous" staff member in a white robe walked in with the Prince's Mansion token hanging from his waist, and his face was hidden in the hood of the cloak. He was stepping into the handsome tent, away from me. Only a few steps away, did she lift off the cloak, revealing a beautiful face, this staff member turned out to be a woman?

"It's a bit unexpected."

I sat in the chair with a grin, and said with a smile: "People from the Prince's Mansion, what can I do if you are looking for a martial artist in the outer town?"

"Northern Liang Hou Guoqian has been."

The woman named "Zhang Ning" smiled slightly and said: "I have long heard that the Beiliang Hou and Baiyiqing are not good at each other, so they must also be a knowledgeable scholar, not to mention that the Beiliang Hou is well versed in the art of war in the north. With repeated battles and victories, he has long been a well-known generation of Confucian generals in the human race. How can one sum it up with a martial artist."

Very good at chatting.

I smiled slightly: "Let's just pass these greetings. Let's talk about it. What can I do with the Flowing Fire Corps?"

She gave a deep blessing, saying: "Five years ago, Tai Zhu Shi let embezzled tens of millions of dollars. Daxing Civil Engineering opened a beautiful mansion in the imperial capital, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Without the family property, this valuable mansion was bestowed by His Majesty to His Majesty the Prince, but His Majesty knew that his virtues were shallow and he was not worthy of this mansion, so he wanted to transfer this mansion to the Lord. You will also know, so you can live without worrying about Beilianghou."

I frowned, and said, "No merit will not be rewarded."

Zhang Ning couldn't help laughing. The style of covering his mouth and smiling is enough to make any man startled, saying: "Jun Hou is joking, and the prince led the Liuhuo army through hundreds of battles. It is not a day or two to consolidate the northern defense line of the empire. The princes dared to challenge the prince single-handedly and retreated. These deeds have been spread in the country for many years. If even the prince is not worthy of this mansion, who is worthy of this empire?"

On the side, Zhang Ling's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't speak.

I smiled slightly: "Well, I recognize these credits. I do think that I am really good, but the gift of the mansion is nothing more. Please Ms. Zhang Ning to go back and tell His Royal Highness that I am rich in July and want to If you live in a big house, you will build it yourself. I appreciate the kindness of your Royal Highness, Zhang Lingyue, see off the guests."


Zhang Ning was taken aback, her pretty face was full of chuchu expressions, and said: "This is how the prince drove people away? Then I will go back...how can I explain to His Royal Highness?"

"Just say I refused, what's not easy to explain."

I waved my hand: "Zhang Lingyue?"


With a wave of Zhang Lingyue, two soldiers stepped into the big tent, and directly put the soft staff of the Prince's Mansion out. After watching Zhang Ning out of the big tent, Zhang Ling smiled and said: "My lord is really a person who loves and cherishes jade. what!"

"That is required."

I touched my palm and said, "Tell me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why does the Prince's Mansion show good to me?"

"Seizure?" He asked in a low voice.


I nodded: "This is the only reason."

Speaking of this, my heart suddenly sank, his expression a little helpless, he looked up at him, and asked: "Zhang Lingyue, you said...did your Majesty have been severely injured during the Battle of the Dragon Realm...is about to die soon? Otherwise, why would the prince do this? I was a famous general for so long before, and I never saw anyone from the prince’s mansion say a word to me."


Zhang Lingyue was taken aback, and his expression was slightly sad. Although he said that he would not, everyone is smart. Everyone has seen Xuanyuanying's injuries during the Battle of the Dragon Realm last time. Maybe he was really in the middle of the first battle. Is the lamp dead?

Xuanyuan should be a good emperor. If he doesn't handle things well behind him, I am afraid that there will be a great chaos in the Xuanyuan Empire. In this chaos, what should I do as a prince who holds the First Class Corps? Standing in line? Or choose neutrality?

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

At this moment, a soldier stepped into the handsome tent and respectfully clasped his fist and said: "Leader, there is a man who claims to be the staff of the second prince's mansion, named Li Qi, please see the lord."

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