Zhan Yue

Chapter 1244: Loss of merit

Early the next morning.

It was raining in the early spring outside, but the construction of the engineering team in the garden has not stopped. When I opened my eyes, I directly called the stareye system, one by one, the drone system, the drone on the roof of the studio. There are already 15 drones ready to use in the warehouse, plus that powerful laser weapon, basically even if there are predators coming to the door, there are no more than 20 drones at home. All humans and machines are in place to ensure the safety of my father and sister, and I re-edited the protection objects. Five of the drones are protected by tracking level, and they will go to work with their father every day, and the other five are protected Sister, plus Master Lin Cheng, who is eating and drinking at home, can basically ensure that there is no worry, at least until I teleport over.

"Not bad."

Looking at the status of a drone, I smiled slightly: "Ark Tinder Technology is easier to use."

"Yes it is."

The mechanized voice of Star Eye came: "Skywalker, a bad news. Just two minutes ago, the totems of Dragon Claw Mountain, Dragon Scale Beach, Dragon Tooth Valley and other maps in the Moon Moon game were all restarted. Players The spiritual core obtained by killing monsters will become the cornerstone of the totem. According to time calculation, the core totems of the seven maps will be completed in about an hour."


I trembled all over, gritted my teeth and said: "Let's go online now!"


I hurriedly put on a coat and went upstairs to check the time. It was only 7 o'clock in the morning. I went online immediately. I checked my friends list the moment I went online. The IDs of Feng Canghai and Martian River were dim and they were not online. So I immediately drove the flying sword to the direction of Dragon Claw Mountain, a few minutes later, arrived at Dragon Claw Mountain, but what greeted me was an extremely dense rain of arrows and spells.

"What do you mean!?"

I flew down from the air with a sudden leap, and the moment the shadow turned into shape, the double daggers seemed to blast out a ball of fire, and a "boom" created a vacuum in the crowd. Then with a wave of my palm, the flying sword turned into a white star. A blazing flame passed over the crowd, dozens of people in a row, just walking forward with countless arrows and spells, and roared: "Steward, get out of me!"

A young swordsman sneered: "If there is a kind, you will kill us all. Anyway, we have got a secret order. The true dragon oath task must be completed. As for your obstruction by the July Flowing Fire, it doesn't matter. You kill if you want, I don't believe it. You can kill all our Fenglinhuo people!"


A team leader-level mage coldly said: "Why did you let us give up the top mission of Raiders with a single sentence? Yes, you convinced the leader, but what does it matter? Lin Xia has been busy all night. In order to give you this surprise, all the spiritual cores on everyone’s body are preserved. Can you feel the speed at which totems can be built within half an hour?"

"a bunch of idiots!"

My brows were furrowed, and I waved the blade of Vulcan to charge forward. At the same time, the blade of Thor turned into a flash of thunder and raged wildly in the crowd. The whole person was like a **** of murder. However, the hoof of the opponent rolled, and countless Yansi cavalry charged into the battlefield. During the killing, coupled with the shooting of archers and wizards, it feels not ordinary uncomfortable. Even if you return to the ruins alone, I am afraid that you can't fight 10,000 people alone, right? Besides, I have not yet returned to the market.

Shadow Leap rushed straight into the crowd. Soon after, I came directly under the totem pole and kicked on the totem pole, only to find the "buzzing" clank, wisps of blood guarding the totem. The pillar is like an indestructible gas. The totem pole already has the ability to protect itself, and a black whirlpool appeared above the totem pole. Among them, a blood-red eye opened and closed. Just glanced at me, it was like staring into the abyss.

"Come on, Reze!"

Suddenly raised his hand and summoned a half-step thunder pond stunt. In an instant, thousands of Lei Ze rushed to the totem pole. However, wisps of dragon energy spread, and all the power possessed by the thousands of spiritual cores gathered, so as to withstand the half-step thunder pond's killing. The offensive in all directions around is even more fierce, especially the skills of the sword descending galaxy and the chasing wind stab, which are launched by a group of tribulation flying reloads, are not generally lethal to me, and the blood bar has dropped to 30 in a blink of an eye. The% was lower, and only a icy blade vortex swept around, and after sucking back a wave of blood, he jumped into the sky, looking down at the mountain carrying the totem, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

I was offline immediately, and the moment I took off the helmet, I said solemnly: "Star Eye, check the location of the IP when Feng Canghai went offline, and send me there!"

"Yes, Skywalker!"

In the next second, a blue energy circle appeared under my feet, and I completed the space shuttle with a "swish". I directly appeared in a black hole room. When Yang Yanjin revealed, the whole room was illuminated, and I found that the wind and sea on the bed in front were sleeping soundly. Then, under the blazing fire of Yang Yanjin, he suddenly woke up, saw me, and said in amazement: "What's the matter? Why are you here with Lu Li?!"

I coldly said: "The fresh breeze under the forest restarts the totem poles. Now the totem poles of the seven maps are almost established. Did you instructed by Feng Canghai?"

"Absolutely not, how could it happen!?" Feng Canghai gritted his teeth: "Under the forest, he is crazy. He even dares to act privately for tasks that I dare not touch?"

"Tsk tsk!"

My voice is cold: "Is it your Feng Canghai's instruction? I don't know, but you'd better go online now and stop the construction of these totem poles. As for Qingfeng under the forest, there is no need to live in the world."

"Land from!"

Feng Canghai hurriedly said: "I know that no matter what the result is under Lin Xia, it deserves it, but please... please don't kill as much as possible and keep him alive, can you?"

"as you wish!"

I tapped my watch: "Lock the coordinates of the breeze under the forest, and send it."

"Yes, Skywalker!"

In the next second, I disappeared directly in front of Feng Canghai's eyes. I passed by and appeared in a villa in Nanyang, Henan. Right in front, a man was lying on the bed, wearing game equipment, With a triumphant look, he smiled and said, "This wave of uncooked rice is cooked for mature rice. I want to see how the July fire can turn the tide!"


I hung in the air and kicked the helmet directly from Qingfeng's forehead under the forest. When I forced off the assembly line, Qingfeng under the forest was stimulated and grunted like an electric shock, until a few seconds later. Seeing me standing in the air, my whole body trembled: "July Flowing Fire? You... why are you in my room?"

"You privately ordered the restart of the True Dragon Oath mission?" I asked.

"Yes, so what!?"

He was a little angry and sat up: "What the **** is it for you to trespass into the house? What if I restart a mission? Playing a game is like a **** life and death. Feng Canghai eats you, I don’t eat it. With yours, what can I do if I restart the mission? Is the sky falling? Why didn't I see the sky falling?

I frowned: "The sky will not fall, but many people will be killed."

"So what, what does it matter to me?"

He sneered: "You want to be the savior in July. Don't stop Lao Tzu from playing games. Get out of my room immediately, or Lao Tzu will call the police."

With that, he has dialed 110.

I smiled faintly: "You should dial 120, so that you can suffer less."

"What do you mean?"

Qingfeng under the forest gritted his teeth: "Dare you **** dare to break into the house without permission? Lao Tzu's room is monitored."

I laughed: "So what, what does it matter to me?"

As he said, the index and middle fingers were brought together, and suddenly fell in the air. A burst of "chi" sunburn swept across, directly interrupting Qingfeng’s left arm under the forest, and then waved it three times in a row, moving his legs and right arm together. It was interrupted at the same time, and the strength of the shot was controlled just right. It was all comminuted fractures. It hurts. It would be quite painful.

Lin Xia Qingfeng is not a real man, screaming in pain, tears are about to fall, and roaring: "July Liuhuo, you beast, you killed this day..."

My gaze was indifferent: "If you don’t believe me, the ignorant is fearless? I can’t see it. It’s clear that I’ve said it quite clearly, and the firewall in the game has been proved once, but you still have to complete the task. You are not ignorant. You are just bad. Feng Canghai begged me to keep you alive, so I won't kill you, but you are hard to atone for your sins, so living sins are inevitable."

As he said, a vertical body, his feet full of Yang Yan Jin, a "peng" lightly stepped on the opponent's chest, and the sound of bone fragmentation suddenly became a piece, his next life is also considered to be over, with good luck. You may fall to the root of the disease. If you are not lucky, you can only spend your next life in bed, but as Feng Canghai wishes, Qingfeng under the forest lying on the bed can still play games, and he is still a general of Fenglinshan Mountain.

At this time, Lin Xia Qingfeng had fainted.

I picked up the phone on the ground and said to the 110 over there, "Help transfer to the 120. There is a wounded with a severe fracture in his whole body. Send a car here earlier, don't die."

With that said, after reading the address ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I sent it away.


Go back to the studio and go online again.

When I appeared on the top of Longclaw Mountain, I saw that the totem pole was completed in less than ten minutes, a golden piece, and just after the totem pole of Longclaw Mountain was completed, The entire mountain began to "grow" again, and it continued to rise, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds, and finally piercing the golden sky above the sky. There were traces of cracks on the sky, and the cracks continued to spread, turning into a huge firewall one by one. Loopholes.

"It's too late."

Star Eye said: "The nesting program has been started, and the firewall system is being disintegrated from the inside. I can only repair and rebuild it continuously. I am afraid it is difficult to have a chance to completely close the firewall."

I stood in the air, a little lost, but I still fell short of my achievements after all, and I lost the trust of my sister.

Take a cold look at Feng Canghai.

He also glanced at me, his brows furrowed, at that moment, my eyes must be very scary.

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