Zhan Yue

Chapter 1246: Sit in the sky


The golden light straight down in the sky, like the Milky Way falling for nine days, just hung in the sky in front of me. It was an ancient bronze mirror with a smooth and reflective front, glowing with brilliance that people could not look directly at. The back was engraved with ancient gray. The words are like being sacrificed by immortals for countless years, and the whole mirror is full of a majestic aura, which seems to have a natural overwhelming effect on the dragons.

"This is Zhenlong Mirror."

Sister Yun stepped on the dragon's spine and squatted, she smiled and talked to me with her heartfelt voice: "It is said that in the ancient times, an old sword fairy wandered around the world with a sword. At that time, the world was flooded and the people were not living. , Si Yu Xingyun’s true dragons overlooked all living beings and showed no mercy to the common people. Therefore, this old sword fairy slashed all the true dragons in the world with a fairy sword, killing them to the point where there is no one left. If there are any, just continue. Kill, in the end this sword drank the blood of countless real dragons and broke into pieces, while the old sword fairy used the last mind to refine the fragments of this fairy sword into a mirror when it was left in the world. It is the mirror of the dragon. The dragon mirror in this town naturally suppressed the real dragon. Later, it was taken by an ascendant immortal to fly to the sky, but Shi Bailong was actually not dead, and the dragon soul soared into the sky. I learned about the evil dragon in the world. When I was about to look up, I gave you this mirror."

I was a little bit enthusiastic about it.

"Take it, Zhenlong Mirror has a soul contract with you, you can use it at will!"


I nodded, suddenly stretched out my hand and grabbed the handle of Zhenlong Mirror. For a while, the majestic and awe-inspiring power poured into my body. Suddenly, the whole person was irritated, and I almost couldn't grasp it, desperately holding my mind. Only then did he hold the handle tightly, but Zhenlongjing still seemed to have consciousness, not saying a word about my strength, and wanted to break free at any time.

Senior Sister Yun couldn't help laughing and saying: "I almost forgot, the material of the Dragon Mirror comes from the old sword immortal's fairy sword, so it is far from suppressing the human dragon genus, but also contains some old sword immortal swords. Meaning, if you can digest these sword intents, um...Junior, you can rank first in the sword cultivation of the immortal realm."

I took a deep breath: "Sounds very seductive-confusing, but unfortunately I am not a sword repairman, I am an assassin."

Senior Sister Yun rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, you can go outside the sky. The next thing in the world will not only be carried by Senior Sister alone, you also need to share it."


I held the Zhenlong Mirror tightly, held my mind, and didn't let it break free, and said, "Sister, what should I do?"

"Zhenlong Mirror is powerful. You hold the Zhenlong Mirror and put your power into it. It will be uncomfortable for anyone. If you don't believe it, there will be a real dragon in front of you? Oh no, half a real dragon.


Without saying a word, I penetrated the majestic immortal realm holy energy into the treasure mirror, and the Zhenlong mirror suddenly emitted a golden glow, and in the next second it shot the head of the blood-remaining dragon in the sea of ​​clouds, suddenly a golden light The flaming bloom directly dissipated a whole sea of ​​clouds and irradiated the head of the blood-retaining dragon. It suddenly howled and rolled, and the newly condensed dragon skin and dragon scales collapsed and annihilated. The flesh and blood were scorched, and the dragon bones were burnt in a blink of an eye. , Leaving a burn mark on the skull.

And I took a deep breath, the holy energy in my body was sucked out a lot, and I immediately understood that the Dragon Mirror can only help me guard the sky, and it is impossible to kill the real dragon with blood. My realm is not enough, holy Qi uses ordinary emptiness, and I can’t control the Dragon Mirror at that time, and maybe I will be counter-killed. That would be a shame.

So, I looked at Senior Sister Yun.

She immediately said in her heart: "Shi Bailong's decree for returning to the world is very clear. There is only one person who recognizes the Lord in Zhen Long Jing, and that is you. So the senior sister can't hold Zhen Long Jing, even if it is forced to take Zhen Long Jing. Refining it into one’s own destiny, taking it to kill the true blood-remaining dragon, but having to bear a great cause and effect, which is not conducive to my future breakthrough. These Shi Bailong adults have already considered, so the person holding the dragon mirror only If it can be you, the only person sitting on the canopy can only be you."

I sighed helplessly: "I see, senior sister, go ahead, leave it to me here."


Senior Sister Yun flipped her palm, received the ginkgo sky umbrella, and turned the sword into the rainbow, while I rose into the air, holding the dragon mirror in hand. The treasure mirror needs my strength, and I can also use the power of the treasure mirror. After soaring through the sky, I can stay outside the sky without using the power of the immortal realm. At the same time, the dragon mirror constantly exudes surging dragon energy, dispelling the suppression of the main road outside the sky, and let me stay in the sky. There was no influence here, Shi Bailong was really thoughtful, thinking about everything.

Looking down on the world from this angle, the world is really just the world, in the smallest detail, every mountain and every river can be seen, and everything can be seen clearly, just like an immortal overlooking the world, and I holding a treasure mirror. The first thing I saw was the seven breaches above the sky curtain, with the scrolling of dragon claws, dragon teeth, and dragon spine, which were constantly tearing the range of the sky curtain.

"Let's get to work!"

After saying to myself, I hung in the air outside the sky. When I was fortunate in the treasure mirror, the whole person's body instantly increased thousands of times and turned into a golden magical image, and the dragon mirror shot out a blazing radiance. , Just hit the dragon's claws, knocked back the dragon's claws that had protruded out of the sky, and then turned around and attacked again. The dragon's tail that flipped out of the sky was also beaten back, and the dragon's tail was fleshy. Collapsed, the injury was not light.


"Ants! The humble ants!"

Under the pain of the blood, the real dragon roared again and again: "Do you think you can really hold the canopy with a broken mirror? Sooner or later, this seat will break through the canopy and thwart you!"

I frowned. It turned out that the existence of True Blood Dragon likes to speak harsh words.

However, what's the use? I just sit on the sky, and come to a mirror wherever I am breached, so that the real dragon with blood remaining in pain is finally honest for a while, and when the flesh and blood are almost warmed up, this The attack was launched again, but the sky curtain was not easily breached. Because the star-eye system is constantly being repaired, I can save a little bit of concern. There is still time to sleep off the line, and even every time there is an interval of seven or eight. Give the **** real dragon a few hours, and it will be honest.

However, the True Blood Dragon is actually not the real enemy. The real enemy should come from the chaos outside the sky, right?

I turned around and looked, there was thunder surging in the chaos.


I smiled slightly.


Amidst the chaos, an old man with a bright silver robe walked out, holding a long-handled battle axe full of thunder in his hand, and smiled: "The little guy is very powerful. You can sit in the sky at a young age. Tsk tsk, let the old man think about it, the last old guy who sat on the canopy has lived for more than 30,000 years, and it would be a shame that you died here so young."

I frowned, still sitting cross-legged on the sky where I was, and said, "What do you want from this game?"

"Complete all the rules of heaven, earth and human nature."

The old man sat cross-legged about a few hundred meters away from me, as if he was going to talk to me: "The sorrow and joy of mankind, the despair and fear of the world, the longest time, the shortest distance, the deepest time. , The extreme of all the rules. When the limits within the allowable range of the heavens and the earth are collected, you can truly gain insight into the mystery of the wall of heaven and truly save this crumbling world."

"You are not the same as the other guides."

Holding the treasure mirror in my hand, I smiled and said, "They don't really like reasoning."


The old man smiled: "The so-called guide is nothing more than a ray of divine thought. Some people have powerful forces that can overlook everything, some have extremely powerful means that can escape the constraints of rules, and some have truly eternal life. Regardless of the heat and cold in the world, the guides are also diverse. Most of what you encounter are guides with half a bottle of water. In order to achieve their goals, these people can do whatever they want."

I looked down at the world: "You have been using Tianming Group games to collect human data?"

"Yes it is."

He does not deny: "This can complement the rules of the Sky Wall one by one, and it will make our Star Alliance make a desperate attempt to reverse the time before the world is destroyed, and bring back the universe that is about to be destroyed."

"and so."

I looked at him: "Fang Geque, Han Yixiao and others are just necessary sacrifices for Star Alliance, right?"

"Yes it is."

The old man said frankly: "For the lives of one or two people, in terms of the whole world, who would you choose?"

I frowned and said, "What about the collision of the world? According to my analysis, although the wall of sky is collapsing, the coordinates of the earth are not at the real world collision point, but drawn by people. How can this explain? "

The old man smiled: "The human beings on the earth are not obedient, and some guides want to punish them slightly."

"What qualifications do they have to punish the earth? It depends on their strength."

He nodded and smiled, expressing acquiescence.

"You don't care?" I asked.

The old man shook his head: "I can't control it. Many leaders belong to different branches of the Star Alliance. They will cooperate only when they are subordinate to their fundamental interests. Otherwise, the well water will not be offended by the river. Once it interferes with the actions of others, the cost is quite heavy."

"what's your name?"

"My name is Long Zu, the last one who sat on the canopy."

"and so?"

I smiled slightly: "You came here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to kill me and reopen the canopy?"

"Of course."

He smiled and said, "The little guy is too smart to stay."



An axe beam full of thunder fell from the sky.

I lifted up the treasure mirror and said with a smile: "You shouldn't or shouldn't..."

"What shouldn't it?"

"There shouldn't be a dragon in the name."

A ray of light passed by, and under the light of Zhenlong Mirror, the old man named Long Zu flew away, his arms and legs were constantly annihilated, and he was defeated by Zhenlong Mirror's avenue, and the battle axe in the air was even more affected by Bao Mirror. The brilliance fluttered out.

Amidst the chaos, he heard an angry roar: "Fuck...a dragon in the name will be crushed by the Dao, and it's unreasonable?!!!"

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