Zhan Yue

Chapter 1248: The voice of Feng Canghai


A golden light fell on the ground like a waterfall. In the next second, I had descended from the sky above the sky, and the dragon calming mirror showed divine light. It hovered above the shoulders, the double-edged blades were unsheathed, and the Vulcan blade was held in the right hand, Thor The blade is like a ray of thunder and lightning lingering around his waist, the whole person's breath is low, just looking at the marksman who just finished speaking badly about me.

  "You...July Flowing Fire..."

  She was pale.

  I looked at her quietly, and smiled: "Tell me, how did you Fenglian give me the face of July Liuhuo?"


  She hesitated and was already speechless.

   Feng Canghai frowned: "Lu Li, don't care about a girl, right?"

  I nodded: “I really shouldn’t care about her in general, but stupid is really stupid. If this is really a fantasy world, she’s already dead because of this sentence.”

  "July Flowing Fire!"

This woman was very lucky, and she didn't want to lose face in front of so many people, and stepped forward: "Am I wrong? Do you think that getting a dragon mirror is the **** of heaven? You don't let us wind up. Lin Huoshan's **** real dragon raised his head. What do you mean, isn't it just holding a chicken feather as an arrow?"

  I glanced at Feng Canghai: "Your people, do you need me to make sense?"

Feng Canghai looked embarrassed: "What can I say?"

   "That's OK, since you don't want to, let me do it."

Turning to look at the marksman, I pointed to the sky canopy, and said, "Do you know what the golden canopy in the sky is? If you don't know, I will tell you now, it's called a firewall, the shield of the entire moon game. With it, it can prevent the player's data from being stolen with a high probability, and can protect everyone's brain activity safety, and prevent everyone's mental power from being controlled. Now this **** dragon is like a sweet pastry. , It was left by others, with a sinister intention, to make it soar once, completely break through the sky, and make the firewall completely breached. Once it is breached, the firewall will be decoded. All our secrets and all technologies will be learned by the opponent. This game may also be over, do you know the stakes?"

   "You said a firewall is a firewall?"

The girl’s eyes were red, and she was about to cry: "You are just a one-sided word. With your high combat effectiveness, you can insult others at will, so you dare to yell at our leader? Is your July flow a privilege in this game? Why are you? Don't say whether the scene is a firewall or not, even if it is, you can arbitrarily manipulate us and order what we can and cannot do?"

  The rest of the players used them one after another, some even clenched their fists, seeming to resonate with this girl.

I smiled bitterly: "I know that I still have to jump even if I know the pit in front of me? Or is it not a matter of hanging up high? The ones who disappeared before are Li Xiaoyao, Fang Geque, and Han Yixiao. What will happen after that? What if it is your family who disappeared this time? Where is the leader Feng Canghai?"

I took a step forward, my whole body surging with the power of the mountains and seas, forming an absolute sense of oppression, just looking at this girl: "I can see that you like him, just because of your stupidity, your leader Feng Canghai died. What to do in Tianwai? Is your love so worthless?"

   "Lu Li, you..."

   Feng Canghai frowned.

  The girl is already crying.

I glanced at her coldly and said, "If you really like someone, you should think about him. Don't just take care of you and his face. Blindly liking will not make this liking better. If you can make yourself better, this will make your likes more meaningful. Otherwise, with such a stupid and ordinary girl like you, are you worthy of her Feng Canghai? No matter how much you show your favor , No matter how flattering he is, he will look at you more?"

  The girl collapsed, she knelt down on the ground and wept, then her figure slowly disappeared and she went offline.

"Land from."

  Mars River couldn't laugh or cry: "Why are you, these words...it's too disgusting to say."

  I frowned: "If she doesn't say things that disgust me, I won't tell the truth."

   Feng Canghai's expression is not very good: "The words behind you are actually unnecessary."

   "No, I have to say."

  I smiled faintly: "Otherwise, she can be stupid for a lifetime, believe it or not?"

  Martian River lowered his voice: "Some people will be stupid for a lifetime, so why can you save them?"

   "Brother Xinghe speaks a bit interestingly, he is indeed the smartest person in Fenglin Mountain." I said.

  Martian River looked speechless: "Smart man? Far worse than you, you can curse a girl with such a stubborn temper and cry off the assembly line in a few words, or you are powerful."

   "A terrible fart, you can scold her until she deletes her account in the same place is the real mastery."


   Feng Canghai approached, lowered his voice and asked: "How is the situation above the sky?"

  "Can I trust you?" I asked.

  He groaned, "You can try to believe it once."


  I nodded: "A leader named Longzu wanted to kill me, but he didn’t succeed. He was severely injured by Zhenlong Mirror. It is very likely that the cultivation base will be damaged. In short, it is very miserable."

  Mars River Road: "The firewall of our Moon Moon has really been breached?"

   "Before you complete the task, the firewall is perfect."


Martian River was silent for a few seconds: "I'm sorry, Lu Li, this incident is really our Fenglinhuo's fault. In the previous game, we all wanted to be king. It doesn't matter how we fight, but since this incident has endangered the entire game. It exists and is linked to the events of Li Xiaoyao and Fang Geque. Although I am a member of Fenglin Mountain, I will definitely support you."

   Feng Canghai said: "Before that, the firewall of the Destiny Group should also exist before? Why did the peak player disappear?"

I sighed: "Because the previous firewall technology level was too low, it is not as good as the paper-based technology in front of Starlink's technology. People come and go freely, and the firewall level I rebuilt two days ago yesterday is higher, enough. I resisted Starlink’s technology, but I didn’t expect such a result in exchange. At the time, I said the advantages and disadvantages, but I don’t think you guys believe it very much."

  Mars River sighed: "Who can foresee before things happen?"

   "Since everyone is honest, I will ask you a question." I said.

   Feng Canghai immediately replied: "You ask. Knowing nothing but talking, talking endlessly."


  I nodded: "Who led the creation of Fenglian?"


   Feng Canghai frowned: "It has something to do with the firewall and the sky curtain incident?"


I looked at him and said, "Don’t you think that Fenglian was founded to complete the True Dragon Oath mission? This mission is too big, and one or two guilds cannot be completed, so according to my speculation, you should be here. I first thought of creating the Fenglian, and then I received the True Dragon Oath mission, right? This matter is interlocking overall. Isn’t the feeling of setting up the situation not obvious enough?"

   Feng Canghai's body trembled, his complexion became extremely ugly, his fists clenched, and said: "Is Feng Canghai really treated as a pawn?"

  I raised my eyebrows: "Knowing or saying nothing?"


He directly pulled a chat group of several of us, and said in a deep voice: "Fenglian was the first initiative of Zhou Datong, saying that forming a guild consortium can better fight against the powerful forces of the Yilu Group. I was thinking about talking to you at the time. There are indeed many resource disputes between Yilu. This is necessary, but I did not agree on the spot. After that, Zhao Shanhai called me and talked for half an hour before finally deciding to establish Fenglian. You know, Zhao The Bremen Group behind Shanhai is the gold owner of our Fenglin Volcano Club. His words are of great weight to me. You know what happened afterwards. The Fenglian was established and everyone leveled up. The next day, I got a scroll of the true dragon oath mission from the master, and the mission began."

  I frowned and said, "In that case, you and your master are both pawns of Star Alliance. I also suspected that you had contact with the leader before. Let’s talk about it, what kind of contact?"

  "Just a few few conversations."

Feng Canghai was very calm this time: "They gave us the opportunity to practice in reality, let me step into the sea of ​​flames to strengthen my body, and through the influence of brain waves to temper my realistic body, let me gain the strength of the early stage of Yang Yan. It’s the sunburn in your mouth. Later, they promised me to help me defeat Yilu and defeat you. This is also the most attractive place for me, and the price I have to pay is to lead Feng Lin Huo and Zhao Shanhai cooperation, most of the previous conversations just warned me not to be coerced by someone like you, not to confront the general trend, I was also very convinced, until the next time..."

   "Which time?"

"You know, Jing Yunyue asked Jian Changshengdian, Master fell again, just after Master fell, the guide appeared once, stepped on Master’s head and'warned' again, and then looked at me. His eyes were like looking at a dog that disappointed him. Since then, I have known that Star Alliance’s leaders have never regarded humans as human beings. We are all just chess pieces. Will such a Star Alliance do good things? "

As he said, Feng Canghai's face showed indignation, and said: "I Feng Canghai can do whatever it takes to win and succeed, but I will never be willing to be a dog for these! The reason why Li Xiaoyao and Fang Geque disappeared is nothing more than that. I don't want to compromise. Is it because I am willing to compromise and be a dog?"

  I patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Today’s words are more like Feng Canghai who leads the national costume. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Fenglinshan Mountain is indeed extraordinary.”

   Aside, Martian River smiled awkwardly: "If you can get the affirmation of the opponent, I am afraid this is the highest affirmation for our Fenglin Volcano, right?"

  I nodded and smiled: "What do you plan to do in the future?"

  "Get out of Zhao Shanhai's control step by step? Take Feng Linhuo to do some ‘human officer’?" Feng Canghai asked.

   "Don't be too obvious."

  I smiled and said, "I am worried that you will be retaliated by the Star Alliance. As for this Fenglian, keep it, it doesn’t matter, but you really have to be cautious step by step if you do something later."


   At this moment, my heart trembled suddenly, and I hurriedly looked up at the sky, frowning.

   "How?" Martian River asked.

   "On the sky, there is a visitor."

  My legs bent suddenly, and smiled: "Everyone, go!"



  The whole person is wrapped in golden light, turning into a spark and hitting the sky.

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