Zhan Yue

Chapter 1284: Decisive Battle at Wenqiu Mountain

Outside the city, the troops in the territory of the aliens are stacked on top of each other. This time they are defending, and we are attacking. The low-level monsters such as ghouls, ground fire ghosts, and ghost knights in the front row are actually for It will be hard to tell if the player sends experience, most of the alien monster army is hidden in a mist, and it is not real.

A golden sky curtain lay across Luming Mountain, separating the national costume from the battlefield. The current version activity has not yet officially opened, so even I can't make it through at the moment.

It just fell straight on the wall of Lujiaoguan, I gently sat on the battlement, Lingnian found a ray of Senior Sister Yun's breath, stepped directly into her heart, and said in her heart: "Senior Sister, help me check Take a look, there are a few alien demon kings sitting in the southern Wenqiu Mountain, and a few alien demon kings sitting in the northern lair."

"You can't detect it yourself?"

"Your realm is high, I'm afraid that my spiritual sense will detect it and be slapped by Lin Hai for fear of dispersal. Wouldn't it be shameful?"


She snorted and said: "At present, the kings sitting in the north have the shadow of death Linhai, the queen of fire demon Sura, the devil's wings Landro, the **** Situ Xue, as for the area of ​​Venqiu Mountain, you should be in your current realm. I can also smell a little breath. Fan Yi's real body is sitting on Ventiu Mountain. In addition, there are three kings, Tallinn, Frost Hunter, and Thunder, all of which are some trash."

I was speechless for a while. These three kings may indeed be **** in the eyes of Senior Sister Yun, but in the eyes of our players, they are life-demanding things. The magic masters in the land of different demons are like clouds, and those who can sit on the throne can have How many bad ones? At least, in the matter of slaughtering players, they are all true...

"Are you really going to attack Wenqiu Mountain?" Senior Sister Yun asked.

"Well, we must attack!"

I groaned, "First, the white clothes Qing Xiangfeng was suppressed under the Venqiu Mountain. I, the Xiaoyao King who was entrusted by the first emperor, couldn’t help but save it. Secondly, the Venqiu Mountain lies across here, far from the southern border of our Xuanyuan Empire. It’s too close and too close. If we don’t destroy Venqiu Mountain, Fan Yi will be able to break through our southern gateway at any time. It will be even more troublesome at that time. Even Dragon Domain’s move may not be able to restore the decline."

"in fact……"

Senior Sister Yun hesitated, and said, "Brother, have you ever thought that the wind has been under the foot of Mount Wenqiu for almost half a year without hearing the wind, and his tattoos have been exhausted, and his quasi-god is not originally stable? The level of cultivation has almost been wiped out, and even if the wind is not heard today, how useful can it be to return to the Xuanyuan Empire?


I shook my head: "Senior Sister, I think so. The wind is not heeded by the white clothes of our human race. He was crushed under Ventiu Mountain for one day, and we suffered one more day of humiliation, and the white clothes were the most respected sage of the emperor. The minister, again, was pressed under the Venqiu Mountain for the sake of our human race. Is it necessary to save it again, but I will definitely preside over the overall situation to save it, because I can calm the hearts of the people in the world and let the world know that the Xuanyuan clan will not. Treat the wise ministers badly, otherwise, everyone will scold us people who are standing in the courtroom for awkwardness. Once the hearts of the people are distracted, the human race in the southern part of the mainland will be really hopeless."

Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "Well, you think more far-reachingly than Senior Sister in this regard. Now that you have made up your mind, then just say, what should Senior Sister do?"

"Try to make a little movement in the north."

I thought about it, and said, "Because there are four kings, Fan Yi, Tallinn, Thunder, and Frost Hunter on the southern side of Ventiu Mountain, it’s enough for us to eat a pot. If there is any more movement in the north, or reinforcements will come from the East China Sea. If you come, it will be quite troublesome."


Senior Sister Yun said with a small smile: "In this case, I will go to the Yingling Pool and ask the sword once in the forest. The movement may be a little bit larger, but the few kings who sit in the north will definitely not look south."


I frowned and said, "Senior Sister's current cultivation base is enough to ask Jian Linhai?"

"Not enough, this is not to help you~~~"

She smiled and said: "Now, Senior Sister has completely refined the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella, which is regarded as a real avenue of conformity. Although it is not a real god, it can't ascend in the daytime, but...it should be regarded as a half ascendant, and ginkgo. The Sky Umbrella is defending, so even if Senior Sister Qianjian fails, it will definitely not be a problem to escape."


I nodded, "Senior Sister can ask the sword if she can, or she can bluff if she can't. All I ask for is that the senior sister is safe, nothing else matters. Fighting a few more kings here in the south is no problem!"

Senior Sister Yun chuckled: "Junior Brother, you can honestly tell Senior Sister, do you really want to save the wind at any cost? Even the adventurer who sacrifices too much feels worth it."


I was a little guilty and said with a smile: "My initial plan was to exchange the life of an adventurer for time and space. Even if the loss here is great, it can be remedied in the future, but if the wind is not heard, it is really in Venturi. After the mountain is annihilated, there is no way to remedy it."

"I see, just let it go and do it."



After retiring from Senior Sister Yun’s heart lake, I took a look at the time. It was less than ten minutes before the event started, and outside the Antler Pass, the players were already crowded, so Heart Voice and Liuhuo Corps deputy commander Zhang Lingyue said: " Temper all the troops and let the adventurer team go first. When they are all out of the city, we are slowly moving forward, with heavy infantry and archers taking the lead, artillery and giant crossbows to keep up. The result of the battle."

"Yes, sir, the subordinates understand, send people to the major legions to pass orders!"

Zhang Lingyue is my deputy. Although the military rank is not high, he is only a deputy commander of the Flowing Fire Corps, but his status and reputation in the Imperial Army are quite high, just because he is my deputy, and I trust and rely on him very much. Therefore, none of the generals of Zhang Lingyue dared not listen. Even the existence of Shanhai Gong Nangong and giant Ding Gong Yiping must listen to Zhang Lingyue. During the war, his little deputy commander Zhang Lingyue was equivalent to the deputy marshal of the empire. .


With a sound of "ding", the golden sky covering the sky slowly disappeared. The "Decisive Battle at Ventiu Mountain" event also entered a 10-second countdown stage. More than a dozen doors closed by the antlers buzzed and opened, and the ground The upper players are ready to go. In addition, players with flying mounts and flying capabilities have already lifted off. Once the pass is fully opened, they can rush out of the pass and seize the position. This is the city of any guild. Do it first.


A silver radiance rose in the pass, and a graceful figure rose in the sky. It was Lin Xi. She was holding the sword of the archangel in one hand, and one arm was lightly raised. Just around the arm, a white deer mark lingered like a flying firefly, enabling Lin Xi to be able to Go against the wind.

"Can fly?"

I turned to look at her and smiled: "What skill is this?"

"A teacher skill."

She smiled slightly: "Evolve the mount into a flying type. It doesn't seem to be a mount, but in fact it has all the effects of a mount. So next you will see that I am not like a riding battle type, but like a legendary one. The sword is repaired."

"My wife is amazing!"

I folded my hands and smiled: "But no matter how good it is, I am not as good as I am."

Lin Xi glared at me, "Is it interesting to compete with me?"


I turned to look outside the city, and smiled: "The location on the east side is crowded with monsters. Let's go to the scene and wait for the people who led a deer to come to meet and form a deer position?"

"it is good!"

So, at the moment when the countdown of the version activity ended, Lin Xi and I stood up at the same time and turned into two rays of brilliance shot out of the city. The distance between the two was about 200 meters, Lin Xi turned into a white god, plus The effect of the second tribulation ascending, like a beautiful sword fairy, a sword blasted out, and the light flew far away, killing a group of ghouls crying father and mother, and I stepped into the air when I was in the air. Transformation state, the power of this transformation is a little bit better. Transformation does not require anything to be transformed, it is just transformation. Although it takes a long time, I will feel a little tired, as if this transformation consumes no value in the game. It's the same as the realm of transforming gods in my reality.

Let it be consumed, I stepped into the realm of transforming gods as the strongest Yangyan realm in the world, that is to say, at the beginning of the realm of transforming gods, I was also the strongest in the world for thousands of years, the realm of transforming gods. The foundation is not so strong, the background is deep, the body's warmth and the power of God is so strong that he can't understand it, and the consumption in the game is just a drop in the bucket.


The Vulcan Blade blasted through the monster group with flame vortexes, causing shock damage. At the same time, his left hand raised, driving the Thor Blade in the air to launch an attack. Suddenly, the Thor Blade was 20% around me. The position of the yard swiftly draws a circle, no matter where I go, there is a circle of attacks that follow me. With the AOE damage effect, it is more practical and gorgeous than any monster spawning method in the world.

In the city, the players of many guilds advanced layer by layer, and among them, the people of a deer happened to occupy the passage of a gate, and they gathered like a stream under the leadership of people such as clearing lights, calories, and killing mortal dust, which happened to occupy me and Lin Xi. In the battlefield about 200 meters in length, spells and arrows began to rain, advancing layer by layer.

Not far away, guilds such as Fenglin Volcano, Mythology, Promise, and War of Troubles also appeared one by one. Now the version activities of the national service are integrated, and there is no longer any difference between the main cities of Fanshucheng and Bahuangcheng. What's more, this time the opponent is a small half of the alien army, plus the entire Indian server, the players of the national server are really not as good as they are not strong.


The killing sounded everywhere.

On the distant hills, there appeared a number of Indian players, and a large swath of them appeared in a blink of an eye. There is a treaty between them and the alien army. At least in this version of the event, the alien army will not attack the players of the India player. Now, one by one, they put on a look of upside-down, and some people even posted barrage in the air——

"Oh, the people in the Chinese war zone have killed so hard!"

"Want to rescue your white clothes? Then come, and ask if Grandpa's sword promises?"

"Huh, the July Flowing Fire was almost gone. There was such a big battle when I came back this time. I'm really worried that the players of All Servers will not know that you have a July Flowing Fire in the China Theater?"

"Tsk tsk, there is an old Chinese saying that the mantis arm is a car. It must be the reason. Your thigh dragon is in the north. Now you are attacking the Venqiu Mountain? Fan Yi brought a group of high-level monsters on the Venqiu Mountain. Grandpa, we don’t. Block the way, please go to Ventiu Mountain to die!"

"Hahahaha, a bunch of idiots, the people in the Chinese war zone are so stupid!"


They ridiculed the players of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but they were about to explode.

When the national dress was in full swing, a figure swept the wind from a distance, a delicate leather armor outlines a graceful figure, and a blue cloak flew behind her. She stepped on her little boots, and there were wisps of blue wind around her boots. The scar is lingering, maintaining her posture in the air, with a red gold war bow in her hand. Don’t think about it, it’s at the ruins level, otherwise the gold is not so rich, and there is only one person who can have this ability and equipment. He is the clear eye and ink, the first person in the printing service, the leader of the printing service first guild.

"Clear eyes and expand ink, looking for death?"

I raised my head to look at her, my body straightened up.

Lin Xi also separated from the monster group with a sword, and stepped into the air.

Clear eyes and Tuomo looked at us quietly, with a complex expression, and muttered: "July Liuhuo, Lin Xi, I am not here to fight, I just say, this decisive battle in Wenqiu Mountain, we are beautiful The Life Guild will definitely not participate, nor will I participate. I will not do any harm to the entire event."

Lin Xi frowned: "Why?"

Qingmu Tuomo smiled bitterly: "You can't be like this, and this world shouldn't be like this..."

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