Zhan Yue

Chapter 1296: Not to be inconsistent

   "Yunxia Mountain, it's gone..."

The sleepless man looked sluggish, just watching a huge mountain flying above his head, and the rocks fell from the sky like rain, so that many players had to turn on their defense skills, otherwise they would inevitably suffer damage.

"So be it."

Qingmou Tuomo turned around, no longer looked at me, and fell directly towards a group of Indian clothing players, smiling: "The path you all chose at the beginning, now is the time to taste the consequences. If my guess is correct, soon After that, all of us will become exiled players. Please feel the feeling of displacement together."

With that said, Qingmu Tuomo directly smashed the scroll of returning to the city and left.

A group of Indian server players were distressed and left one by one. It would not help to stay here. Some players tried to attack the ancient spirit of moving mountains, but found that the other party was invincible and could not move at all, so they only I can give up.


On the spirit boat.

Feng Buwen handed over a cup of tea, and smiled: "So the six relatives don't recognize it? That Daxiang dynasty girl and Xiaoyao Wang seem to be old acquaintances, but... there is really no love left, no pity and no pity for Yu Yu."

"Such a big thing."

I took a sip of tea and stretched out my hand angrily, pointing forward: "There are indeed people who are friends over there, but if I show mercy to them..."

Turned around, stretched out his hand and pointed to the north, and said: "I'm sorry for the billions of creatures over there."

The wind didn't hear it chuckles: "It's quite convincing to say so."

Right now, Yunxia Mountain has landed, not too far away from Luming Mountain. It can be used as the vice-yue of the imperial Nanyue. At that time, the luck of focusing on Luming Mountain and Yunxia Mountain will be strong enough. In addition, Nanyue remains. One or two hundred sitting on the top of the mountain, the entire south of the Xuanyuan Empire has undoubtedly been built into a copper wall and iron wall, let alone the Daxiang Dynasty, even if Lin Hai came to the south in person to face the Nanyue Mountains and ask the sword, we rely on one The country's landscape and luck may not necessarily fall short.

Of course, this is not the time yet, and there will be a lot of things to do in the future.


Throughout the afternoon, I was only busy with moving the mountain. In the evening, when the moving was over, a group of mountain-moving ancient spirits re-entered into the fragments of the mountain armor. These ancient gods were really amazing. Fortunately, only one of the magical powers was left to move the mountain. If you can help in the fight, I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with the alien demon army.

At night, the lobby of the courtesy department.

Outside the main hall, under the moonlight, a group of heroic spirits are shining. Their figures are not very clear, and many of their souls are weak. It is estimated that they can stay in the world within a few days. As for these people, most of them were Some of the pillars of the empire were military generals who died in battle, some were celebrities who led the literary world, and some were local royal scribes, etc. Anyway, each of them contributed to the Xuanyuan Empire, and their reputations were quite extraordinary. As the **** of mountains and rivers, the dharma body shaped can withstand the suppression of the heaven and the earth's air transport, and can be eclectic.

In the distance, some soldiers guarding the lobby of the Ministry of Rites showed strange expressions. These soldiers were not practitioners. At least hundreds of heroic spirits appeared in front of them. Although the members of the Ministry of Rites said they were heroic spirits of empire fame, they were actually a group of ghosts. , How can these soldiers not turn their eyes when they see the ghost.

"Control your eyes, don't look around."

Previously, Wang Shuang, who served as the assistant of the Ministry of Rites and now the commander of the Blazing Legion, put his sword on his hand and said with a smile: "If you look at me again, be careful that I deduct your payment."

All the soldiers smiled and nodded in awe.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites are preparing quickly, and the young Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites is standing beside me and the wind, waiting for the statistics of the officials. In the end, these heroic spirits are to be sealed, but who is the emperor to whom the landscape is full of aura? There is something to say about the big mountain head of the mountain, and the order of the ranking must be listed. Otherwise, there will always be people who will not accept it. When the time comes, it will not be very good if there is any internal discord.

At the forefront of the heroic spirits, there are only two people, a rain-covering father Mu Tiancheng, and a real Yang PR Yang. The two elders in the game that watched me gradually grow in the army, and only these two men’s gods were determined first. Nothing will change.

Soon after, an attendant of the Ministry of Rites handed the scroll to Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.

"Xiaoyao King."

Feng Buwen glanced at me and said with a smile: "The matter of reading the edict...Can I do it for you?"

I was stunned, and then relieved. Although Feng Buwen has lost a level of cultivation, he still wants to do something for the empire. This time, the conquest of the gods of the Nanyue Mountains is probably the biggest event in the Xuanyuan Empire in a hundred years. It is reasonable and reasonable for the white-clothed minister to read it from the wind. As for me, a king who is the main attacker, I have enough military exploits on the battlefield. There is no need to follow the wind and steal business.

So, I nodded happily: "Nature!"

"Thank you!"

Immediately, Feng Buwen took the edict, slowly stepped forward, sat down behind the table in front of the heroes, spread the edict under the moonlight, raised his left hand, and pressed it on the seal of the lord of a party. Cheng Tianyun immediately set his sights on the edict, and slowly read the first part of the edict, and soon came to the most important part.

"Then the emperor, Zhenyang public relations Yang is the North Mountain Zhengshen, Zhengyipin, sits on Lishan Mountain, restrains the mountains and waters of Beiyue, and seals Yu Gongmutian to become Nanyue Zhengshen, Zhengyipin, sits on Luming Mountain, controls the Nanyue Mountains, and seals the emperor. Queyu Hou Yuwenchi was named the mountain **** of Nanyue Vice Yueyunxia from the first grade, and the emperor named Wuquhou Hu Yanning as the second grade Lujianshan mountain god, the emperor named Lianzhen Hou Zhang Mingyuan as the second grade Shuangyeshan mountain god, and the emperor gave Wenqu Hou Longziming the true second grade. Fengshan Mountain God, the imperial seal of the giant gate Hou Bailihao as the second-grade Cangye Mountain God, the imperial seal of Haoyue Hou Li Chengyun as the second-grade Baishou Mountain God, the imperial seal of Pojun Hou Litian, the official second-grade Longwei Mountain God, and the imperial seal of Feng Hou Lin Rufeng as the second-grade Jinxian Mountain The mountain god, the vice-academy of Luhua Academy advocated that Xianlin was the second-ranked White Wolf Mountain God, and the former Hubu Shangshu Han Yushu was the second-ranked Baique Mountain God..."


A group of heroic spirits stood there. Whenever the wind did not hear a name, a golden brilliance penetrated the clouds, poured into a certain deity like an oracle, and there were already golden ripples on the body on the spot. That is the appearance of the prototype of the Dharma body. At this moment, the wind is not heard, pressing the jade seal, reading the edict, and the names in the ceremonial hall are recorded one by one. It is already the real utterance of the law. As long as you say it, the king of the world will be entrusted. Already done.

However, because the edict was a group of heroic spirits, ghosts in the eyes of people, there were not many observers, and even the new Emperor Xuanyuan did not come. The fewer people you see in this kind of scene, the better, and it is to be avoided.

And I, as a witness, have mixed feelings in my heart, and many of the names pronounced by the wind are quite familiar. Back then, when I set foot on this magic moon continent and started working hard in the Xuanyuan Empire, it was the peak of the empire at that time. How powerful, Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying and Baiyiqing did not hear about the wind, and then the three gongs and twelve princes, but now, Xuanyuanying has gone, the three gongs have lost two of them, and the imperial twelve princes are even more unconscious Only Xuanyuanping and Lin Huang were left, and most of them were lost.

It can be said that the Xuanyuan Empire’s national strength was severely damaged in the decisive battles with the Alien Demon Army. Both the total force and the warriors who ruled the army suffered severe losses. The despicable North Barbarians in the eyes of the Daxiang Dynasty, There were too many sacrifices in the war to protect the northern portal of the human race. Fortunately, these heroic spirits can now continue to serve the country, devoting themselves to the Nanyue Mountains and the Beiyue Mountains to guard the country!

Soon after, the edict was finished reading out of the wind.

Many of the heroic spirits have something. The officials of the Ministry of Rites delivered their respective edicts one by one, and then they were sent to the mountains and began to build a mountain temple on the mountains. After the temple was built, they received the incense from the world. A stable golden body, coupled with the mountains, mountains, waters, and luck, soon these mountain gods will have very good combat power.

"Everyone, go to the mountains."

He didn't hear the wind and got up and said with a smile: "The mountain shrines will be built one by one soon, and you will have a place to stay. From now on, the border of the empire will be handed over to you!"

Many mountain gods paid their respects one by one, and then they turned into a breeze and left.


I sat on the stone steps outside the lobby of the Ministry of Rites, closed my eyes and said nothing.

"Why, what are you worried about?"

The wind ignored the wind and sat down with a relaxed expression.

I smiled slightly: "The mountain gods of the Nanyue Mountains have all been sealed, and the next step is the issue of incense. Have Feng Xiang ever thought that shaping the golden body and improving the cultivation base require a lot of incense, and we just formed it. The mountains of Nanyue, with all due respect, are just as chaotic as they were just eaten by wild dogs. The mountain roads have not been built, and rivers are still gradually forming. Who can ordinary people have the ability to climb the mountain shrine on Luming Mountain to offer incense what?"

"I thought about it, look at this."

Feng Buwen handed over a thick book with the words "Nan Yue Mountain Gods" on the cover. After opening, the first page is the edict of the new emperor, and the second page is the statue and life introduction of Nanyue Zhengshen Mu Tiancheng. After that, there are the rest of the mountain gods, all of which are very detailed, and the entire book is obviously just written and revised, and some pages are even wet.

I am relieved.

Feng Buwen laughed and said: "We will build temples in the counties and counties of the major southern provinces, and enshrine the monarchs in the Nanyue Mountain gods. When the time comes, the court will pay for the prestige of the counties and counties. Take the lead in offering incense and lead the trend of a place. I believe that incense will never be a big problem. The rest is complicated matters such as building temples and roads, which will consume a lot of money. Our treasury is afraid this time. I'm really going to be free~~~"

I laughed and said, "The first emperor has cried poorly so many times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but in fact every time the treasury has a surplus, only this time, the first emperor is gone, but the treasury is really empty."

The wind does not listen to the wind and chuckles: "Don’t make mistakes, don’t make mistakes. When the first emperor was alive, he was always unambiguous every time he went on an expedition. I don’t care if the treasury still has money. Hand it over to the Ministry of War, I will definitely win this battle."

"It's blasphemy, Fengxiang!"

I laughed and leaned directly on the stone steps behind me, in a half-lying posture, chatting with the wind without hearing, which was very comfortable.

Lie down without hearing the wind, and said: "The first emperor regarded his ministers as his lifelong friends, how can his ministers be defeated by the emperor?"

"That's the truth."

I looked at the stars, but my heart moved, I immediately got up, and walked to the gate of the ceremonial hall without hearing the wind. Just beside the huge stone lion, stood a young man wearing a Confucian shirt, the new emperor Xuanyuanli. , Standing in the cold wind.


"Your Majesty, why are you standing here alone? You slipped out of the palace?" I asked in amazement.


Xuanyuanli smiled slightly, stepped back, and gave a Confucian gift to me and the wind: "Brother and Mr. have made such outstanding achievements for my Xuanyuan Empire. Thank you both!"

"Your Majesty is polite."

The wind hastily helped the student who made him hard to say a word.

I smiled slightly, and in Shifang Hot Wheel's eyes, it was obvious that a small half of Xuanyuanli's left eye pupil was glowing with a golden mood. ??


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