Zhan Yue

Chapter 1298: Master brother

   "See Lord Yunyue!"

A group of dragoons will salute one after another.

Senior Sister Yun turned around, holding the sword in return, and then told the story of the Dragon Knight taking turns to protect the white clothes Qingxiang. Suddenly, a group of Dragon Knights showed a sense of responsibility, and they straightened their chests one by one, especially a few of them. For the beautiful female dragoon generals, each of them not only has good cultivation, but also has a good figure, with a trembling look and a proud face.

"As a Dragon Knight General, I have an unshirkable responsibility. I will never refuse!" A young Dragon Knight clasped his fists.


A female dragon cavalry wearing a military armor stepped forward and clasped her fist, saying: "I am not only a member of the Dragon Realm, but also come from the countryside of the Xuanyuan Empire. The white clothes Qingxiang can be said to be devoted to the welfare of the country. Li, I wait to be able to protect the white clothes for a period of time, it is our glory!"


I smiled slightly, took the dagger and walked forward, standing next to Senior Sister Yun, and said, "Don’t talk big, I’ve seen you all when you were young dragon knights. Are there any such strong ones now? The enemy sent a master above the immortal realm to sneak into the imperial capital to assassinate Fengxiang, can you stop it?"

"Can stop it!"

A young dragon rider in flaming red armor took a step forward, drew his long sword behind him and faced the sky to the side. Suddenly, a hundred-meter-long flame sword aura stretched across the sky, and he immediately punched him. Out, the dragon's air was densely packed, and the fist strength hit the air for nearly a hundred meters before dissipating, and the fascination of the flame dragon head flickered, very extraordinary.

Immediately, he fisted and fisted, "Peng" activated the dragon mark in his palm, stood up and smiled confidently: "Old man, come out!"

Just below him, a huge flame wheel ring mark appeared, and in a blink of an eye there was an adult fire dragon bursting out of the air, carrying this dragon cavalry will whirl out, strangling wisps of sword energy and dragon flames in the air, look. It is indeed completely extraordinary.

In addition, a few more dragoon generals "showed their hands", and then everyone still gathered in front of Sister Yun and me. A beautiful dragoon general put the long sword into its sheath, and Lima smiled and said, "Huh, Junior Brother. Lord, what doubts do you have?"

I have a black line: "Is there any doubt about your strength, but... Why do you call me Junior Brother? What is this name?"

Another beautiful woman, Longqi, will cover her mouth with a smile, and said: "I don’t know what your lord, there has long been a saying in our Dragon Realm that the largest official position in the Dragon Realm is Lord Yunyue’s Dragon Realm, and the second The big official position is Master Yunyue’s junior, much higher than Lanche’s left guardian and Silver Dragon Queen’s right guardian!"

I continued to look speechless.

Senior Sister Yun also smiled at Limao: "No way, I can't restrain these guys' rhetoric, so please bear with me, Junior Brother. Although you are not the prime minister, you are the Human Race King at any rate, and you should also be in your belly. Can punt."

I am anxious: "Senior Sister said it can support it, so let's support it!"

"Let's see."

A girl-like dragon rider will hold a fiery red sword that doesn't match her body, and smiled: "Look at what Master Liuhuo said in July. You finally understand why Master Yunyue loves this junior so much, right? "


I almost cursed and managed my expression, raised my sword eyebrows, and smiled: "Well, I have already written down the names of the several Dragoon generals I just spoke."


Several troublemakers were silent one after another. One of the beautiful Dragon Knights who was more exaggerated than Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan coughed and said, "The adults don't count the villains. Besides, Master Liu Huo in July wants us to do our best. Protecting the white clothes, this matter has passed, and then, we will definitely go all out, for the dragon domain, for the human race!"


I nodded lightly, these words were plausible, so I turned to look at Senior Sister Yun, and said, "Once the guard is established, Senior Sister will send it over. With the Dragon Domain token as a token, it is impossible to refuse if the wind does not hear it. At that time, I said it was my intention. Whether he is willing to ask for this group of guards or not, he has to pinch his nose for me. Who makes my officer bigger than him?"

Senior Sister Yun chuckled, "I know~~~"


Immediately, I left the Dragon Realm and came to the resident of the Liuhuo Legion in Yanmen Pass. It has been a long time since I received the petitions. It has been 91% based on the level experience. After harvesting the petitions' rewards, I should be able to rise to level 260. Don't say anything, first Let's talk about it up to level 260!

In the handsome account, the dense petitions refreshed the handsome case.

After I sat down, I signaled Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan and others to sit down one by one, and then reached out and skillfully collected a letter of petition into the bag, just as skillful as when I was a child squatting on the earthen wall and stealing the cherries from my uncle’s house next door. After harvesting a half of the petitions, the golden light of "唰" fell from the sky, and it has already risen to level 260, and when it reached level 260, there was another ringtone blooming in the ear, and the ancient bracelet that had been silent for a long time also followed. Advanced——


System reminder: Congratulations, your [Ancient Bracelet] (Shanhai Level) has successfully evolved into an [Ancient Bracelet] (Return to Market Level)!

Finally, the ancient bracelet returned to the market, a good thing!

I hurriedly raised my wrists and shook, the attributes of the ancient bracelet floated out, tusk, the ruins of the ruins are the ruins of ruins, and it is a hidden and bound equipment, it is indeed much more powerful than the general ruins of the ruins. ——

[Ancient Bracelet] (Return to Market Level)

Defense: 6250

Agility: +760

Stamina: +755

Strength: +752

Spiritual power: +750

Special effects: precision, hit +185%

Special effects: speed, attack speed +200%

Special effects: assault, 60% chance to break the parry

Special effect: toughness, increase the user's blood limit by 160,000 points

Special effects: Soul Eater, every 2 players killed in PK will absorb the power of their souls to increase their full attributes by 1%, which can be superimposed infinitely, and the effect will disappear when offline

Special effects: Offensive, each time a skill attack is launched, there is a 65% chance to increase the damage of each skill attack by 50%, and a 65% chance to ignore the target’s 50% defense. Each effect is judged independently

Features: protector

Features: evolvable

Features: No level restriction

Features: Provide 12,000 storage space

Special effects: recognized master


It seems that invincibility is about to begin again.

The Soul Eater effect was greatly weakened last time, and it has become that you need to kill three players to increase it by one level, but now that the ancient bracelet has evolved to the market level, it seems to be "enhanced" back, becoming two kills. A famous player will be promoted by one level. Don't think about it. If there is a next level of evolution, and if there is a chance to become the legendary dominator level equipment, then it will definitely become another level of killing one person, and continue to be invincible!

This time, I'm going to make a fortune in silence!

In addition, after the evolution of the ancient bracelet, there is a new special effect, the offensive, there is a 65% chance of obtaining two predictive attributes, one is the skill damage increase by 50%, the other is to ignore the 50% defense, no matter which predictive effect it is In fact, they are already quite invincible. For example, my previous white clothes + annihilation could cut 20W of vitality and blood, but now it suddenly became 30W. This damage-increasing effect is fundamental and it will be very fatal. Of course, it’s me. The life of his opponent.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was full of ambition. Now it is a genuinely equipped Qigui Ruins. The equipment in the Guixu is scarce as the golden vines of Uncle Ge You’s hair. My Qigui Ruins are already invincible, as long as It is not besieged by a group of players above T1, basically it is impossible to be killed.

Go on and collect all the remaining petitions. When the leader has a lot of experience points, you can upgrade while lying down. You don't need to go out to kill monsters. After receiving all petitions, it is already 260 level and 13%. The experience value of, so he got up, ready to go to another place to check.

"grown ups?"

Zhang Lingyue was taken aback: "Is there no military affairs to deal with? Let's go?"


I was surprised: "Something?"


He was anxious: "Seeing the adults hurriedly enter the commanding account, I thought there was a military situation."

"No, you can go ahead, I'll go see Nanyue's situation."

"Yes, my lord!"

The two left in angrily, and I once again rushed to the sky with the Zhenlong Mirror. The power of the mountains and the sea and the strength of the God Transformation Realm were poured into the treasure mirror, facing the **** of the real dragon who was dozing on the sky. With a violent blow, the sky was full of loud sounds. When the **** dragon turned angrily, I had already flown down the sky and landed on the top of Yue Luming Mountain, the leader of the Nanyue Mountains in the Xuanyuan Empire.

Overlooking the mountains, the original mountain temples are already under repair, and there are countless people moving on many new mountain tops, and they are being built overnight, just where I came with the dragon mirror. For a moment, golden figures appeared on the tops of the mountains, pointing at me in a distance or making a fist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or holding fists.

"Yes, there is already a little weather." I smiled slightly.

Next to him, a **** wearing gold armor walked out of the wind, Nanyue Zhengshen Mu Tiancheng, he smiled slightly: "It's just that the weather is not strong enough. If the alien demon army or the Daxiang Dynasty launches an offensive at this time, we may be quite Embarrassed."

"Don't worry, they won't."

I shook my head: "The Alien Demon Legion broke a Frost Hunter last time, and the major legions also suffered damage. The chess pieces that Fan Yi's inserted in the Xuanyuan Empire were also pulled out by us, so they are unlikely to launch one. As for the Daxiang dynasty, it’s even more impossible. Now the alien demon army is between our Xuanyuan Empire and the Daxiang dynasty. One is the Xuanyuan Empire, which has just reorganized the mountains of Nanyue and has strong soldiers and horses. Daxiang Dynasty, two pieces of meat, which piece do you guess Xuanyuan Empire will eat?"

Mu Tiancheng leaned on a **** sword in his hand, turned to look in the direction of the alien demon army, and smiled: "I don't know, but if the alien demon army dares to come, Lord Ben Shan will definitely let them break a few teeth!"

I rolled my eyes, and after becoming a mountain monarch, I actually became so incapable of chatting.


At this moment, with a beep, an external message was imported from a video call by Wang Lu: "Come to the base, they are here again!"

At the end of the call, a figure appeared on Wang Lu's body, and Wang Lu had already flown out while waving his hands.

"Not good!"

I go offline directly.


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