Zhan Yue

Chapter 1319: 3 sword break the state of mind

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The Relic Hydra, the guardian beast of the Ark Tinder, is equivalent to a spirit beast of the original Ark Tinder owner. Unfortunately, when the Relic Hydra was born, it was already a boss at the market level, overlooking the existence of all living beings, and it was when I got the Tinder. After civilization, it was also unsatisfied with my "successor" master. It has never surrendered in a real sense. The reason why it stayed honestly at the star-catching platform was not because of the bondage, but it was indeed true. He needs the aura of the star-picking platform to warm up the body that has been reborn, otherwise I am afraid I will leave long ago, and there is no real contractual relationship between me and it.


"Jing Yunyue!"

The nine heads of the relic hydra struggled together, and the body was tumbling, trying to entangle Senior Sister Yun’s body, while yelling: "You nosy thief lady, where did I provoke you? You want to target it like this. Me? It’s because of you, Junior Brother? Pull down, he will probably be your demon. One day you are going to kill the demon and enter the ascent. How long did you deceive yourself?"

"Still deceiving the crowd?"

Sister Yun used her palm to press the nine heads of the Hydra directly into the floor tiles with a "peng", and said coldly: "I beg you, if you are not honest, don't say it is the true dragon bloodline you just obtained. Even the original Hydra bloodline can be cut off with a single sword. Would you like to try it?"

"No need..."

The relic hydra was in pain, and the body rolled over, and the tail shook gently at Senior Sister Yun. His tone became less rigid in an instant, and his voice trembled: "As long as Fairy Yunyue has an explanation, I will definitely obey it and dare not violate it! "

"Hmph, forgive you for not dare."

Senior Sister Yun raised her mouth and smiled: "You have made the True Dragon Blood Oath before. You will be loyal to my junior brother for a hundred years. If you violate it, half of your cultivation base will be evaporated, remember?"

"Remember, remember! Never forget!" Ruins Hydra begged for mercy.

"But it's not enough."

Senior Sister Yun raised her palm, and immediately tens of thousands of dense sword auras split into the heads of Hydra in the palm of her palm. These golden sword auras spread all the way down the head and along the heads of Hydra. The spine all the way to the tail, it was so unreasonable that it permeated deep into the bone marrow, causing the remains of the Hydra to roll over in pain.

After a long time, the ruins Hydra didn't seem to suffer anymore, but just entangled in the same place, and said desperately: "Dare to ask...what did the fairy do to the little snake's body just now?"

"It's nothing more than a ray of sword aura."

Senior Sister Yun raised her eyebrows and said, "It is a sword aura that connects the sea of ​​heart. Once you make up your mind to be unfavorable to my junior brother, or when you violate your junior brother's order, this sword aura will explode, crushing your dragon bones and heart veins. At that time, even if you are still alive, it is impossible to be a relic hydra, let alone a real dragon, at most it is a blue grass snake, it's not worth mentioning."


The ruins Hydra was about to get angry, but subconsciously suppressed the anger, but respectfully entangled in the place: "The fairy is thoughtful, so the little snake has to obey."


Senior Sister Yun smiled faintly: "As a descendant of the ancient fierce beast, you are indeed too violent. If this is the case, I will do another favor to Junior Brother and help people to the end."

With that said, Senior Sister Yun drew her sword directly, and three consecutive bright sword lights passed through the body of the relic hydra. The next moment, Senior Sister Yun took the relic hydra into her palm with a single palm, and then spread the palm lightly. As soon as it blows, the relic hydra turned into a silver-white brilliance and flew into my illusion beast space. It slammed for a while, like a porcelain bottle being shattered. The illusion that was occupied by the orange night and the white bird before. How did the space open up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this way, in the personal panel, the puppet space is the puppet space, and the Eudemons space is the Eudemons space. They do not interfere with each other, and finally separated!

At this moment, a bright icon appeared in the Eudemons Space, which represented the existence of the relic Hydra, but on the icon, it looked more like nine dragon heads. In addition to the spirit of attack, it was unexpectedly There is also a bit of holy way aura.

"All right."

Senior Sister Yun took a step back, returned the sword to its sheath, and said with a smile: "I have already helped everything that should be done. Let's go, Junior Brother, please work hard, this relic Hydra... Oh no, this relic Nine-headed Dragon If you can grow up in a real sense, I believe it will be a big help for you. It can go up to the sky, and it can escape from the ground. For the time being, it will definitely be much easier to use than that puppet Orange Night."


I nodded, but when Senior Sister Yun was about to leave, I suddenly said, "Senior Sister..."

She stopped: "What else?"

I hesitated, and smiled embarrassingly: "I'm really not your demon? If so... it's too bad, because I let you not step into the ascension state for a long time."

"Really not."

She stepped forward, tapped the back of my finger lightly on my side, and smiled: "You are the support of Senior Sister, how can you be a demon?"

"Well, that's good, Senior Sister, go!"


The next moment, Senior Sister Yun turned away from her sword and turned the rainbow away.


Turned around and flew to the star picking platform, took a deep breath, and nothing happened in the next night. It seemed that I could go out to practice leveling with the ruined Hydra. It just so happened that I hadn't felt the feeling of leveling with the Eudemons, but , Let’s take a look at the attributes of the ruins Hydra before setting off, so I opened the Eudemons attribute bar, and I was a little speechless at the sight of it——

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