Zhan Yue

Chapter 1349: Their dreams


The sword light fell straight down, and in an instant, thousands of Fenglei clan soldiers sank along with the earth, annihilated into dust!

This ray of sword aura seems to be far more than just sword aura. The power of the God-Transforming Realm is far beyond those of the Feng Lei Clan who are born with the power of wind and thunder.

There was dust in the place, the crowd was annihilated, and even the blood was invisible.


At the place where the sword energy fell, a wave of air rushed away, blowing the thousands of armored soldiers behind involuntarily back, like ripples of a lake blown by the wind, and a wooden sacrifice just behind everyone On the stage, a figure slowly got up. His face was old, unlike other Fenglei armored men. He was not wearing armor, wearing a gray cloak, holding a scepter made of fine iron in his hand, and his eyes were sunken. There was a hole left, his eyes were green, looking at me from a distance: "Damn thing, is the ancestral court of my Fenglei clan a place where you can wreak havoc from the lower realms? Armorers, give me a shot, and let him Unload eight pieces, then kill to the lower realm and conquer the entire world!"


Thousands of soldiers raised their swords together and galloped on their horses.

My sword eyebrows were furrowed, and I stood in the wind with my sword. The blade pointed at the person who looked like a "priest" in the distance, and smiled: "You can't cry if you don't see the coffin?"

Sound waves swelled on the wrist, simultaneously translating my voice into their text and passing it into the ears of the priest.

He was startled and said coldly: "You use some taboo method to kill so many Fenglei Warriors, do you think we will have a way out? Even if I am willing to give up, the emperor will not want it."

"Then you fulfill you!"

I took a deep breath and lifted up again in an instant. My body was covered with the golden brilliance of the realm of transforming gods. The sword of "唰" straddled the earth. It was another blow with the power of annihilation. The earth collapsed for a time. All the iron knights of the Fenglei tribe who were running wildly fell along with the earth, and accompanied by a wailing sound, their bodies were annihilated in the sword light, without a trace of resistance.

"Damn thing!"

Before dying, a commander threw the golden spear in his hand directly. When the spear was shot, his body had already turned into dust, but the spear was very tough and passed through swayingly. The big net woven by sword qi was grasped and held in my hand, like a wild beast that seemed unwilling to tame, strands of thunder and lightning raged, wanting to impact my body.

However, the power of the transforming realm turned slightly, and the spear was directly "refined", and immediately after the body flew down, the spear turned into an electric light and flew into the night sky.


The priest stepped back abruptly, his heart was pierced by the spear, and his body was nailed to the altar like this, vomiting blood, holding the handle of the spear in one hand, looking at me with cold eyes, and laughing wildly: "You guys It’s decided to go to war, right?"

"Did you give us a chance to speak?"

I stretched out my hand and pointed behind me, and said: "You have already prepared your army, ready to invade our world, enslaving us like a flock? Start war? Didn't you start the war first? Our earth will follow. ."

He died bitterly.

As soon as I retired, I withdrew from the galaxy where the Fenglei Clan was located. There was a sword hollowed out in my body. Annihilation was enough to consume 40% of my current power of transforming gods. Two swords cost 80%, plus The loss of the previous battle, my current strength is actually only about 10%, I need to rest, I need time to regenerate the new power of God, otherwise it will inevitably be exhausted after a long battle.


"Land from!"

A flame figure flew over, and it was Wang Lu. With a backhand punch, she blasted a swooping Fenglei clan swordsman, and asked nervously, "Is that... okay over there?"

"Not too good, a quick fight and a quick decision."

I scanned the battlefield and said, "Don't let any Fenglei tribe warrior slip away, don't leave one!"


In the distance, an armored soldier of the Fenglei clan riding a war horse, surrounded by thunder and lightning, condensed into a shield. Under the blast of a group of soldiers, he still came out a lot. A 730 rapid fire on the giant armored vehicle was cut off in the middle. The power of this sword is evident, comparable to the Sun Flame Realm!

But before he had a sword, I had already stepped closer and hit his chest with a heavy punch. Suddenly the wind thunder clan soldier had not spoken, his heart and heart veins were completely broken, and his body turned into a remnant. The shadow rolled out and died instantly, while my body moved horizontally and appeared beside another soldier of the Fenglei clan. The sword light swept away, a human head flew up, and the moment my foot flew back on the ground, my left fist slanted. He slammed on the forehead of a sword-armed soldier of the Fenglei clan, and with the sound of his skull cracking, he swayed withdrawing for a few steps as if he had drunk too much, and then fell down.

"Lu Li, there are also on the sea!"

Qin Feng's voice came from the earphones.

I looked into the distance, and whispered: "Star Eye, all lock, send me over."

"Yes, Skywalker!"

The blue light under his feet skyrocketed and appeared directly on the surface of the sea a few miles away. Seeing that the victory of the attack was hopeless, a soldier of the wind thunder clan had decided to go into exile, galloping on the sea, trying to use the cover of the waves to escape human practice. It’s a pity that the Fenglei Clan’s body temperature is extremely high, about 50 degrees Celsius of the friendly forces. Under this circumstance, it is impossible to escape Star Eye’s search.


A ray of sword light galloped across the sea, and then people turned their backs on their horses. The wind thunder clan soldier was cut in half, but the war horses remained. These war horses have no distinction between good and evil. If they can be used by humans, they may be able to get through. It might be possible to plant a technology tree. After all, a mount that can gallop on the water is really attractive. Even if it is not for industrial use, it can also be used for commercial purposes. A large number of training in Sanya is available for young ladies to ride, isn’t it? Isn't it more attractive than a yacht?

The blue light under my feet flashed continuously, and the star eyes tirelessly moved and teleported me again and again, while I kept taking out my swords, and every sword was just enough to kill, no more wasting a little bit of strength.

After about half an hour, the battle was over.



When the figure was teleported to the battlefield again, the battle was completely over. Qin Feng, Wang Lu and others were docking with a person in charge. Haotian and Zhang Yi were each holding a horse from the Fenglei clan behind them. It seems that I can't put it down to raise a horse.

"Lu Li, are you injured?"

Wang Lu looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes full of concern, and said: "Your complexion...very bad..."

"No injury."

I gently lifted my hand and sent Xiaobai into the different space, saying: "It's just that I consume too much strength. I need to take a break for the time being. I will come back after recovering a certain amount of physical strength. You must be careful. , Don't die."


Qin Feng, Wang Lu, and Haotian nodded together.

I waved my hand and said, "After I regain my strength, I will go to two other battlefields in China to help you solve these problems as soon as possible."

"Go ahead."

Teleportation, I was already in the studio for the next moment. Lin Xi was lying on the sofa by the side, the signal light of the helmet was normal, so I stepped forward, the palm of my hand naturally fell on her snow-white slender, and said, "Lin Xiaoxi, I’m back. I’m a little tired just after the fight, so I will call me when I have supper."


She gently stretched out her hand and shook it with me, and said, "I'm taking Ruyi and Mingxuan to level, oh no... Now it is the two of them who are taking me to level, so take a good rest.

After patted the back of her hand, I turned around and went downstairs to return to the room. As soon as I sat in the chair, I felt that I was drowsy. The annihilation blow cannot be used indiscriminately, it is powerful, and the negative impact it brings is also great.

Lie weakly in the chair, summon the Star Eye system, and said: "Scan the world to see which battlefields still have Fenglei Warriors, especially the Fenglei Warriors in China. We will solve them later."


The star eye quickly searched, and the holographic image in front of him showed the appearance of the earth. The battlefields invaded by the Fenglei tribe have been marked, and the number of survivors of the Fenglei tribe fighters also appeared in the list. Among them, the battlefield in Alaska, the United States, is the most tragic More than 8,000 Fenglei fighters have entered, and they have dispersed in small groups, entered the city, raged everywhere, and constantly contended with the U.S. military.

Although the aircraft carriers are just beyond the coastline, in the face of these extremely small units, how can the powerful US military use F35B/C to chase down the Fenglei tribe? Unrealistic, it is not as real as drones, but the technology of drones on the earth is still not too high. The defensive power of the Fenglei tribe fighters is high. It is too difficult to hunt them all, and the price is inevitable. Very big.


On China’s side, the number of soldiers sacrificed has been increasing, and the losses on the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Europe will inevitably be greater. At this time, each country is fighting on its own to minimize losses.

Looking at the beating data in front of me, I couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep. After stepping into the realm of transforming gods, I have never been as exhausted as I am today.

I slept right after eleven o’clock, and Lin Xi’s knock on the door came from outside: "Lu Li~www.wuxiaspot.com~have dinner~~~"

"I'm coming!"

I opened my eyes and got up and took a look at the holographic image in front of me. The fighting in various places was still going on. Only the battlefield on Zhoushan, China, ended early. After I went through the past and swung my sword twice, the Fenglei people seemed extremely jealous. This "transportation port", so no Fenglei warrior will come over, but the windy Thunder warrior who still has endless cracks in other spaces enters, as if the two worlds have completely "warned".


Going upstairs, the supper was seafood porridge. In order to swing a few more swords and punches, I worked tirelessly and drank three bowls in one breath. I also ate a lot of crabs and prawns. Li, after waking up from this sleep, he recovered about 40%, so he smiled eagerly and said, "Sleep well, I still have work to do."

Shen Mingxuan was watching the BBC live broadcast. There was chaos in the picture and the sound of guns everywhere. She looked up at me: "Is it related to this?"


I nodded: "But don't worry too much, go to sleep, your dreams, I will guard them."

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