Zhan Yue

Chapter 1351: Obediently lose

Wake up early the next morning.

The early morning in Suzhou seems to be the same as usual. When Lin Xi and I bought breakfast and came back, everyone was drinking porridge and looking at their mobile phones. Finally, it was a bit uncomfortable. The major media and social software were all about regions and winds around the world. The war of the race, Facebook, Weibo, and the Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, New York Times, Time and other media headlines are all "Wea


"The pictures are all images of war.

On the streets, the RPG flying shuttle is no longer uncommon, especially in the United States and Europe. After the Fenglei tribe fighters defeated the outer human armies, they began to occupy the city, using the city as a fortress to obtain a barrier, riding a fierce horse and holding a sword. Full of thunder and wind, the wind and thunder clan soldiers like to enter the land of no one, ramming on the streets wanton, piercing the joint defense line of the army and the police.

Only China is quiet.


When Lin Xi turned on the TV’s international channel, it was all news of the Fenglei tribe. The news screens are generally the same as those on the Internet. At this moment, no one can hide the consequences of the collision of the world. The army from different worlds is completely. The whole is shown in front of human beings on earth, and everyone can see it.


Lin Xi looked at the news with a solemn expression, and said, "Are you the Fenglei tribe? They even hunted down the aircraft carrier formation of the US Seventh Fleet at sea... Is this true?"


I nodded gently: "They have this strength."

"Will it spread to our country soon?" Gu Ruyi murmured.

"Will do."

I nodded a second time: "Under the nest, no one will be spared."

"Is there a turnaround?"

Shen Mingxuan frowned slightly, "Many people have died..."

"There will be."

I took a deep breath, sensing the changes in my body's aura and the power of transformation, and smiled: "Don't worry too much. Go online as usual for a while. Just leave some things to the corresponding person."


Shen Mingxuan said softly: "Just now, it was mentioned on the game's official website that in these two days, there will be a large number of players who will never be able to go online. The US server, European server, Indian server, and Russian server have only different rates this morning. It was 35% yesterday morning. The impact of this sudden war on our world is really too great."


I split a fried dough stick into two and said: "Many people caught in the war should have no intention of playing games anymore, wait a minute, it will get better."

Ruyi frowned: "I woke up early in the morning and started to use Weibo. Many people in the United States and Europe have uploaded videos. They hide upstairs, and from the window you can see the wind and thunder people riding horses downstairs. Yes, kill people with swords everywhere. Some Fenglei tribes even use weapons to cut off the supporting pillars of the building, and a building can be cut off..."

"Don't think too much, it will end soon."

I finished breakfast in twos and threes, and said with a smile: "You are all obediently going online to practice at home, I will go to a meeting later."



Go downstairs and return to the room, put on a slightly more casual formal wear, then turn the bracelet, and the body disappears directly into the room. The next moment he has appeared in a conference hall in Shanghai, a meeting between the KDA executives and the upper-level leaders. Yes, the highest-ranking military representative participating in the meeting is an admiral, and there are many other leaders, but I don’t know much about it.

On the Sunan KDA side, only three people, Wang Lu and Qin Feng, are eligible to participate. As soon as I arrived, many people nodded at me. Those who knew and didn’t, they all knew me as a human world. The only realm of transforming gods.

"Red tape for meetings will be saved."

A high-level executive coughed, and said solemnly: "The global situation is becoming more and more unfavorable. These so-called Fenglei tribe armies are spreading rapidly like a virus, and they continue to invade human territories. Especially in North America and the European continent, the situation is particularly serious. These Fenglei tribes are systematically controlling the global military and economic lifeline. They capture large and medium cities, plunder food and water resources, and even many Fenglei tribes are attacking the military. The base wants to completely destroy the global military power."


The admiral nodded: "At the multinational joint connection meeting, both North America and Europe have intentionally used nuclear power to completely disintegrate the Fenglei tribe’s army."

"Not so good."

I frowned and said, "Should nuclear power be used in human cities? Or military bases? The Fenglei tribe’s forces are scattered. They cannot stand together waiting for our nuclear bombs, and once they are used, they may destroy humanity. Own home."


A kind-faced leader nodded: "Ouyang Luli, your identity is different. The current global situation is so tense. The presidents of many countries have already initiated requests to my country, including North America and Europe. Today, these cannot be killed or burned. The Fenglei clan is already a force they cannot solve."

I nodded and said, "I can try it, but there is no guarantee of success."


A KDA executive nodded at me and said: "You are the only one who has dashed through the cracks in space and visited the world where the Fenglei Clan is located. Tell everyone, what is it like over there?"

On the side, Wang Lu smiled and said, "Well, talk about it."

I cleared my throat and said, "The wind and thunder clan is a doomsday scene. The energy of that planet, or spiritual power, has been over-exploited, and the whole world is already showing signs of crumbling, and it has been a puppet of the Star Alliance for a long time. The army is attacking, so everyone on the Fenglei clan is martial arts, and everyone has a strong combat power. Some of the more outstanding Fenglei generals have about the power of the mid-Yangyan stage, or even stronger. I haven't done all of them. Not sure at this time."

A leader nodded: "Have you thought of a solution?"

"I thought, there is only one way to do it once and for all, but it's more risky." I said.

"any solution?"

The admiral looked at me and said, "Talk about it."

I took a deep breath and said, "Behead, force the palace. I can take another trip to the territory of the Fenglei clan and find the Emperor Fenglei in their mouth. If my strength can defeat him, maybe he can order the Fenglei clan army. retreat."

"No, too risky!"

A leader frowned and said: "There is a slight gap in this plan, you can't come back, we can't bear such a loss."

"This is no way."

I smiled and said, "Otherwise, the Fenglei clan will come over from the sea sooner or later, or over the Himalayas. There are too many ways for them to reach China."

The admiral frowned: "Go and challenge that Emperor Feng Lei... how many odds do you have?"

"I don't know, I don't know what his strength is."

I thought about it and said, "If there was a 50% chance of winning yesterday, then today there is at least an 80% chance of winning."

"How to say?"

Qin Feng was taken aback.

I smiled slightly: "I played too hard yesterday, so that when I woke up today, it was already in the middle of the realm of transforming gods."


I slowly got up, bowed gently to the group of leaders in front of me, and said, "Let me try? Except for this method, we can't solve the Fenglei army at all. They have too many numbers, and their individual combat effectiveness is too strong. It is not the technology of the earth that can be suppressed. If we do not take the initiative to break the game, we will only kill more innocent people in vain."

A group of leaders are thinking about it.

I sat down again and spoke no more.


After a while, a leader got up and said: "You can try, but you must be safe and come back alive. You are our hope, you know? The plan can fail, but we want you to be safe."

I nodded, this is somewhat heartwarming.

"young people."

The admiral stepped forward and delivered a straight military salute to me, saying: "This world... the most difficult task is up to you!"

I immediately responded to a rather lame military salute and said with a smile: "Please rest assured."

"When will we leave?" he asked.

"right now."

I touched the bracelet lightly and said, "It's not too late, we don't have time to think about it."

With that said, I suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

When I reappeared, I was already on the battlefield in Zhoushan. I jumped into the cracks in the space in the sight of a group of soldiers. When I opened my eyes, the cold wind in front of me, the dark clouds in the sky, the thunder and lightning, the home of the Fenglei clan, I am here again !


"Asshole, here again!"

On the ground, a group of Fenglei cavalry galloped in, and the battle flag was hunting and hunting in the wind.

I didn’t even think about it. I swooped down and pulled out Xiaobai. While a sword light swept across the crowd, I knocked a centurion out of the horse with a heavy knee blow, and then stepped forward and held it with one hand. He touched his neck and said coldly: "Where is Emperor Feng Lei?"

He looked angry, struggling desperately but couldn't move, as if he didn't mean to say anything at all.

I smiled slightly, stretched out my hand and tapped his eyebrows, a wisp of soul in the state of transforming gods into it, as if entering the lake of other people's hearts, one after another pictures flew past, and soon I found Emperor Feng Lei’s. The figure ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a figure wearing a red armor and holding a halberd from the back, standing on a palace towering into the clouds, Fenglei Palace, the palace of Emperor Fenglei.

As for the location, it is not difficult to find.

The star eye scans in real time, quickly imaging the appearance of the planet in front of the eyes, and a fiery red mark appears on the planet, exactly according to the location of the Fenglei Palace.

"Direct transmission?" Star Eye asked.

"Walk." I chuckled.


The azure blue light under my feet flashed, and the next moment I was standing on a palace where the wind was roaring, right in front, a king covered in armor and holding a thunder-shrouded halberd stood a few meters away. Besides, under the helmet, a pair of faint blue eyes stared at me, his voice was extremely low and hoarse, and he smiled: "Is this here?"


I raised my long sword and pointed it at him lightly, and said with a smile: "Ask the sword, the one who loses is obedient?"

"Right on my mind!"

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