Zhan Yue

Chapter 1354: I'm here

"My name is Lingyuan."

She looked lonely and murmured: "Since I was a child, my father and mother have trained me as a boy. Fortunately, I have never lived up to their expectations. At the age of seventeen, I broke into the sun. At the age of 22, he became the strongest Yang Yan state in a thousand years, and he broke the state again at the age of twenty-five, becoming the only God-Transforming state in this world."

She raised her head to look at me, her eyes slightly complicated, and smiled: "I know, in your eyes, I am a wicked person, leading the army of my clan to destroy your world, but what can I do? Warriors of the Fenglei clan They are brave and good at fighting, and they are also extremely warlike. They are even quite bloodthirsty. They are all born fighters. If I want to restrict their murderousness, they will become weaker. Soon."

"What now?"

I took a sip of my tea and said calmly: "Can you be an emperor for a long time?"


She nodded gently: "I was defeated by you in the realm of transforming gods in public. All Fenglei tribesmen should be able to see the horror of another world's first person. Although everyone is dissatisfied, they must not dare to be right again. The plane of the earth has been arrogant. After all, people who are brave and belligerent will ultimately be unwilling to die in vain."

"Got it."

I clapped my hands and stood up and said, "This war is over, what do you think?"


Empress Fenglei also slowly got up and said: "I still want to ask, do you really hate me that much?"

"It's not hate."

I shook my head and smiled: "It's just annoying."


She was startled slightly, her beautiful eyes were complicated. She was obviously a woman taller than me, but she looked like Xiaojiabiyu. After a while, she said: "After the matter is over, can I go to you? It's also possible to learn about my skills. Okay, it's okay to talk about spiritual practice."

"Better not come."

I smiled: "I have a wife, and she is the best wife in the world."


She was stunned for a few seconds: "Anyway, keep in touch. I can feel that this time the gap in space will not disappear too quickly. It may not happen overnight for our two worlds to maintain multiple channels. In order to avoid the war from happening again, you There should be a little contact with me, I am worried..."

"Worried about the counterattack of the Earth Army?" I asked.


She nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, in a short time, the earth's army will be unable to counterattack."

"Got it."

I whirled around, looking at the dense Fenglei tribe army under the palace, then turned around and fisted at the Fenglei Empress, and smiled: "Lingyi, be your emperor and protect the world. We were enemies before, now... Half a friend."


She smiled and nodded.

When I twisted my figure, it turned into a golden light that cut through the sky, and flew past the cracks in the space in just a few seconds. I must not delay for too long, otherwise the cracks of the world collision will disappear. I was really embarrassed if I couldn't go back, and Star Eye couldn't teleport me back from a galaxy thousands of light years away.

After returning to the earth, as soon as my mind moved, the star eye had already teleported me into the conference hall.

It took no more than an hour for a round trip.


Wang Lu hurriedly got up and looked at me, and said with a smile: "From the European side, it is said that a strange trumpet sound was heard from the captured city. Many Fenglei tribe troops have already withdrawn from the city and moved quickly to the direction of the space crack."


I nodded and smiled: "I won. The Fenglei Clan has agreed to a truce."


An elderly leader got up, walked straight forward and held my hand, and smiled: "Lu Li, I don't know how to say it, but I think I should thank you on behalf of the entire mankind."

"No thanks..."

I was a little embarrassed and twisted, and smiled: "To be honest, my cultivation base comes from the earth, and it is the realm that gathered thousands of years of luck on the earth. Without the earth, there would be no my current realm. I don’t contribute to the earth. Who can I help."

"That's the truth."

The admiral smiled and said: "So...the Fenglei army in the Pacific and Atlantic will soon return to their own world?"

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "According to the speed of the Fenglei tribe’s war horses, their troops will be able to retreat cleanly in about 24 hours, but we must form a tacit understanding between the countries and don’t chase the Fenglei tribe’s army, otherwise the other side’s The army might not obey the orders of Emperor Feng Lei, and maybe turn around and go to war again."


A senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs nodded lightly and said: "We can inform the countries here, but whether they will comply with it or not is unclear. The most important thing is that we lack a reason to convince them why they can't hunt down. , After all... the Fenglei tribe has committed too many sins in the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia."

"War criminals will be sent to the earth."

I said solemnly: "I have agreed with Emperor Fenglei. Anyone who kills more than 10 Fenglei tribe fighters must be classified as war criminals regardless of their rank. These war criminals have caused great harm to human beings and must die. When war criminals are handed over, they must be classified as war criminals. After coming here, countries can choose to publicly execute them to soothe people’s emotions."

"Just have this sentence."

The diplomat smiled and said, "Thank you, Lu Li..."

"I am a member of KDA, so I should."

I turned around and sat down next to Wang Lu and Qin Feng, and continued to listen to the meeting procedures, but in fact there was nothing good. After all, the matter had been resolved. The next thing I had to discuss was about sacrificing soldiers’ compensation, additional credit, and so on. The meeting opened until noon, and the conference hotel prepared a meal, but I refused and sent it back to the studio. It was better to relax with Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi for dinner.

"Don't move~~~"

On the second floor of the studio, Shen Mingxuan was helping her aunt to put the food on the table one by one, while Lin Xi pressed me on the sofa and insisted on applying medicine to the wound on my face and putting on band-aids. In fact, this was not necessary at all. The physical body of the realm has been tempered by the Yangyan realm for many years. How strong, the wound of three centimeters is less than one centimeter in just a few hours, which is similar to a small scratch. In the realm of God, I am afraid that even the scars have disappeared now.

But Lin Xi's heart was very tight, and her snow-white slender jade legs stretched across my waist, and she pressed me on the sofa like this. After putting on the band-aid, she clapped her hands contentedly: "This is all right, is it still painful? ?"


I looked at her speechlessly and said, "It was a little painful at first, but in fact it healed a long time ago, and the wound stopped bleeding a long time ago."

"Then eat."


I helped Lin Xi's legs to get up, and my heartbeat accelerated for an instant. Even the Empress Fenglei was not so nervous when she launched the annihilation blow. I looked up and found that Lin Xi was also looking at me, her beautiful eyes filled with helplessness. I, looking at my hand again, seemed to say, "Don't take it away? Mingxuan and Ruyi are about to see it."

I immediately moved my hand reluctantly and said with a smile: "Lin Xi, give me a hand, I have suffered a serious internal injury and can't get up."

"Is it that serious?"

She stretched out her hand to get me up and said, "Didn't you say...you are in the realm of transforming gods? Who did you fight with in the morning and was actually injured..."

"Because the other party is also a realm of transforming gods."

I picked up the chopsticks.

For a while, Lin Xi was really nervous, and her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Is the internal injury... serious?"

"You lied, how could she beat me!"


She punched me directly and went to eat angrily.

Watching the noon news while eating.

In international news, the tense atmosphere finally eased. In the picture, countless Fenglei tribe troops left the city in droves, and they no longer attacked humans, so that some bold people have already taken to the streets and watched the Fenglei tribe. With the army's departure, finally, human life is on the right track again.

However, I know that it’s time to ease the situation. The real enemy of the earth human beings is not the Fenglei clan at all, but the unstoppable world collision. To put it bluntly, the time left for the earth is only about ten months. Time... If no one can turn the tide, the earth will still be destroyed, and it will be completely destroyed.

"At noon, the online rate increased significantly."

Shen Mingxuan was holding a bowl of rice, and after taking two bites, he said, "Is the crisis really over?"


I nodded: "The crisis of the Fenglei clan has indeed passed. Don't worry, just go online and play games."


Lin Xi pursed her mouth, did not speak, but just gave me some food for me to eat more, then eat more. It is really tiring to fight with the **** of transformation, especially the chick Lingyuan is fierce and fierce. , It was indeed more dangerous before she was completely convinced, after all, the realm of God Transformation that even annihilated dared to fight against was completely crazy.

In the afternoon, UU read www.uukanshu.com and watched TV together.

Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi have all gone online. There are still a lot of things that need to be presided over by them. Lin Xi, the leader, can’t be the treasurer. Shen Mingxuan, the deputy leader, is responsible for the arrangements and activities of various activities. Statistics are as busy as they are, and they have to be half-hearted when leveling. Gu Ruyi is the most leisurely, but he is also in charge of a 5000-person long-distance mage group. In fact, it is not easy at all. Various things are gone. .

However, the cumbersome tasks in the game have also made the girls more patient, and they can exercise their personal co-ordination and organization skills, which is actually a good thing. In the game, a 5,000-member group can be managed in an orderly manner. Then the ability in reality will certainly not be bad, and there will be the capital for self-reliance if you don’t play games in the future.

Called the Star Eye program in the room, looked at dozens of space cracks that have not disappeared for a while, but suffered from no solution.

At this moment, a figure swept into the garden of Yilu's studio, dressed in soft armor, behind her was a cloak of the empress embroidered with golden stripes, and her long dark golden hair was tied behind her head. His figure was tall and heroic. Sa Shuang, did you find it so daringly?

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