Zhan Yue

Chapter 1390: I'm going to kill Mu Tiancheng

"I go?"

Qingdeng stared with round eyes, looked at the gods of mountains and rivers on both sides, and said: "What is the situation, these existence... shouldn't they be the mountain gods and river gods of the Changfeng Empire?"


I nodded lightly and said, "But it seems that it should have been used by Fan Yi."

"All retracements?" Lin Xi ordered directly.

"Well, withdraw first!"

I hurriedly raised my palm and ordered everyone to retreat. All the people from the Liuhuo Legion and Yilu retreated, but it seemed that it was a little late. Just a few seconds later, a group of mountain gods launched an offensive together, some with swords, and others. Rock slides were launched, some reversed the landscape and formed a countercurrent shock wave that fell into the crowd, and some waved their palms to make a golden palm print.

"Peng Peng Peng~~~"

The crowd suffered heavy losses. Thousands of players were killed almost instantly. In addition, thousands of soldiers and horses from the Tianqi Camp of the Flowing Fire Corps were crushed into sludge and died tragically in an instant. Behind him, the river rushed forward, and a river **** manipulated the river water hundreds of meters high and flooded it, rushing a group of players and NPC troops to the shore, embarrassed, and many people were even drowned directly.


I stood tall in the air and walked forward slowly. The artistic conception of the realm of the gods flowed out, and even a strand of golden cuneiform text appeared. At this time, it was almost impossible to distinguish the game from reality. In my hand, Vulcan The blade accompanies my mood, and the flame around the blade shoots fiercely, just looking into the distance and saying: "You...choose to betray?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged mountain **** with a strong incense and a stable golden body slowly arched his hand and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The moment the Fan Yi army occupied the landscape, we were already involuntarily involuntarily. If we don't follow suit. , The golden body will be crushed instantly!"

"Are you not afraid that I will crush your golden body?" I raised my eyebrows.

An elderly mountain **** laughed: "The King Xiaoyao has a big tone. The old man has served as a mountain **** here for more than three thousand years. He has seen countless young handsome men. The King Xiaoyao can be regarded as one of the best... but don't forget the King Xiaoyao. This place is the landscape world of the Changfeng Empire. It has never belonged to your Xuanyuan Empire. Even if the country's lord has signed the custody of the vassal,... do you think we, who have been loyal to the Changfeng Empire for many years, will recognize this letter of credence? ?"

Above the river, a scribbled graceful Jiang Shen walked along the water, smiling: "The King Xiaoyao doesn't have to come here. The Changfeng Empire has the aura of the Changfeng Empire. Isn't the prosperity and decline of a period a destined thing? Nowadays? Xiaoyao King led a large army to this place, is it because he changed his fate against the sky?"

I smiled.

The middle-aged mountain **** also smiled and asked, "What is Xiaoyao Wang laughing at?"

"It's nothing."

I shook my head and said with a smile: "Just laugh at the pitiful Changfeng Empire. The landscape gods that have been enshrined for so many years are actually a group of broken spine dogs begging for pity to the strong. Just because Fan Yi is a throne in the realm of aliens, you decide Have you betrayed the human world that has been offering incense for many years? If that is the case, it seems that the gods of this landscape should also be replaced. You are really unworthy."

"July Flowing Fire!"

The middle-aged mountain **** screamed and called out my ID directly. With his palm raised, the mountains were condensed, and he roared: "Do you really treat this place as your own home? Really, as our group of Changfeng Empire's important landscape ministers are furnishings. No? Who is the ruler of the Changfeng Empire, when is it your turn for an outsider like you to come and make trouble?"

As he said, he suddenly pushed out with a palm, like dozens of mountains pressing over.

I frowned, only activated a white dragon wall in the state of transforming the realm, and the mountain was suddenly broken, but I was also smashed back to the ground, a few steps back, quite embarrassed.

"These bastards!"

Lin Xi was about to lift the sword.

"No need to."

I shook my head: "Lin Xiaoxi, come back, you can't deal with these things that are not gadgets."

In the distance, above the waves of the surging river, the Jiangshen with a good cultivation level embraced his arms and smiled: "The King Xiaoyao doesn't have to humiliate others with words like this. It is unnecessary, and his reputation is lost in vain, but The literal meaning of Xiaoyao King is indeed right. How did you soldiers and horses of the Xuanyuan Empire get the gods of the mountains and rivers of our Changfeng Empire? As for using the edict to trouble us, it is even more unnecessary, we The imperial edicts were returned to the temple a long time ago, and are no longer subject to the restraint of contemporary dynasties."

"Ok, Ok."

I raised my left hand and made a "6" gesture, and said with a smile: "666, your Changfeng Empire's landscape gods do have species. I have already thought out all the retreats in order to betray. A group of fly camp dogs actually want to take care of the other side. Shanshui, it seems that your mountain **** is really unnecessary. Since Fan Yi has spared your golden body, then I will help you."

With that said, I raised the Vulcan Blade in my right hand, pointed at the landscape ahead, and said with a heartfelt smile: "President Fu Yu, help?"


Mu Tiancheng had already used Shanjun’s eyes and ears to perceive every move here, but he just smiled and said, “It’s just that Xiaoyao King wants to help? The golden bodies of these mountain gods and river gods have been stable for many years, and some have even possessed immortality. Realm, doesn’t your Highness really want to persuade you? Maybe there is still room for maneuver?"

"it's useless."

I shook my head: "A group of bereaved dogs, the ambition is gone, let alone being the gods of the mountains and waters of our Xuanyuan Empire, this group of people don't even have the qualifications to be the gods of the mountains and waters of our vassal country. Give them all a pleasure, you Borrowing the mountain weather of Dongyue and Beiyue, about how much of the peak strength can be exerted here?"


He groaned and said, "Now, the Changfeng Empire is considered one of the vassals of our Xuanyuan Empire. The fortunes of the country have begun to flow, and the landscape situation will naturally change with it. Therefore, if the sword is released in the territory of the Changfeng Empire, it is equivalent to half of the When the sword is out at home, my real body goes there, and it can reach about 70% of the peak strength."

"So strong?"

I was surprised: "Then you can safely teach them a lesson."

"not necessarily."

Mu Tiancheng frowned and said, "It's not that I'm Mu Tiancheng who is afraid of death, but once my true body flows to the Changfeng Empire, it will definitely cause changes in the landscape and weather. It is impossible to not be aware of Fan's supernatural power, and once I go there, Fan Yi waited for the opportunity to take action, and with the luck of a throne, I had a 50% chance that I would die on the spot."

I was stunned. This would not be feasible anymore. I couldn't kill our Nanyue Mountain Monarch just to beat a group of mountain **** brothers, right? Mu Tiancheng must not die, otherwise the situation in the Xuanyuan Empire would change.

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in his ears: "Fu Yu Gong just needs to use his sword."

It's Sister Yun!

She continued: "If Fan Yi really dared to make a move, the final result would be Gong Fuyu's death in battle, and Fan Yi will die as well."


Mu Tiancheng smiled instantly: "Well, I have made a profit for the life of a throne with the life of my Mu Tiancheng! And Fan Yi is still Lin Hai's think tank, and the entire alien demon territory is now a man who disturbs the situation, this Earn even more!"


Senior Sister Yun said with a smile: "Even though it's a sword, Fan Yi didn't dare to move."

"it is good!"


In the next moment, the entire landscape of the prefecture and county under our feet suddenly changed, and the sky was surging, and then a golden body "swish" fell from the sky, holding a golden long sword and wearing a military armor, but on his face he had the temperament of a scholar. It was Mu Tiancheng, Lord Fuyu, who fell into the valley with his three-mountain atmosphere, looking up at the mountain gods and river gods of the Changfeng Empire, with a lazy smile on his face.


Mu Tiancheng smiled and said, "You guys, don't you kneel down to worship when you see the Nanyue Mountain Monarch of the sovereign state?"

"whispering sound!"

The middle-aged mountain **** sneered: "Mu Tiancheng, do you think this is your Nanyue?"

A group of mountain gods from the Changfeng Empire chuckled.

However, under their laughter, one by one is very solemn. They have already started to operate the mountain weather and prepare to do it. What a joke, the other party is the majestic Xuanyuan Empire Nanyue Mountain Monarch, Mu Tiancheng is gentle and elegant, and is the Xuanyuan Empire's No. A Lord Yueshan Monarch is very likely to be the strongest mountain **** on the entire continent. Even if he came here thousands of miles away, his strength was a bit of a loss, but these mountain gods dare to be careless?

What they dare not, once careless, there will be nothing.

"In that case."

The middle-aged mountain **** smiled, his expression gradually sullen, and said with a smile: "Let us, the mountain gods of the Changfeng Empire, see how powerful the Nanyue Mountain Monarch of the Xuanyuan Empire is?"

With that said, he did it for the first time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His body suddenly jumped up, like the sky high above the sky, and the golden gas flowed all over his body, while the rest of the mountain gods all delivered their mountain weather to him, which was equivalent in an instant At the same time, he displayed his atmosphere on dozens of mountains, turning into a thick and rich golden palm, pressing against Mu Tiancheng on the earth.


Mu Tiancheng slowly raised his head, shook his head and smiled, and said, "His Royal Highness Xiaoyao asked me to beat my younger brother. I have to beat him. There is no way. The senior officials crushed people to death. I, Nanyue Mountain Monarch, still want to listen to King Xiaoyao."

As he said, his figure suddenly protruded, like a star fire soaring into the sky, above the blade of the sword, a terrifying mountain scene suddenly burst out. When the sword light collided with the opponent's mountain scene, the sky was shaking. , The zenith above the entire valley seemed to crack in an instant, and the luck of the mountain gods in the Changfeng Empire collapsed and became nothing.

"I'm Mu Tiancheng... I'm going to kill today!"

Mu Tiancheng rushed out with a sword, and suddenly the middle-aged mountain **** didn't even have time to call for help. The golden body split into two instantly, and the rest of the mountain gods were shocked and hurried to escape.

"Want to go?"

Mu Tiancheng volleyed with dozens of sword lights blasting out, the wind swept the fallen leaves, and instantly divided the golden bodies of dozens of mountain gods into two. Countless golden brilliance rain fell back to feed this land. In such a short time, this The mountain gods in an area were wiped out.



Jiang Shen hurried away from the water.

But it was too late. In the next second, Mu Tiancheng descended from the sky, and the sky was a line. "Peng" stepped heavily on a mountain, and instantly crushed the river water in all directions, and stepped Jiang Shen on the river heavily with one foot. In the mud, Mu Tiancheng held a golden giant sword, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked at each other: "How did you talk to our Xiaoyao King just now?"

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