Zhan Yue

Chapter 1392: Chance of sword


The double-edged blades were engulfed in the rumbling storm, and hit the crowd of alien monsters outside the city. When I joined the battlefield again, I had already activated the ten-faced skill, and the daggers' edges scattered in all directions, and my figure dashed. Moving forward, the blade of Vulcan cut open the throat of a blood giant, and then turned around and opened his hand. The blade of Thor turned into a ray of light that penetrated the heart of a pioneer knight, his body revolved, and the two blades were on the side of a group of monsters. A series of terrifying wounds were cut on the body, and then the Flying Sword White Star was activated, and countless sword lights of "chichichi" suddenly fell from the sky, causing massive damage among the monsters.

Xiao Jiu, a young boy in black, wearing a pair of black armor, black armor, like black dragon scales, blood-colored double-edged dancing in his hands, as if constantly launching a sword-blade storm in the crowd, wherever he walks, it is a scene of sword attack. , At every turn, a sword aura of tens of meters long was cut out. The sword light crisscrossed and killed the monsters, as if possessing spirituality. Xiao Jiu was so prosperous that a group of monsters began to subconsciously avoid this black. It's a teenager.

One person and one phantom beast completely controlled the entire battlefield, and immediately after Lin Xi led a deer cavalry into it, the wind swept the fallen leaves.

In the distance, the longevity tactics led the myth guild’s heavy cavalry to charge extremely fast, and the power is extraordinary, and further away, Feng Canghai personally led the Fenglinhuo people to charge, just above his head, an adult blood dragon was winding. The body, cooperating with the master, spit out a dragon's breath at every turn, or manifested dragon claws slapped among the monsters, which looked extraordinary.

It's a pity that although the true blood remains powerful, it can't be compared to the black boy, and the strength of the two sides is not at the same level.

On the flanks, the people in Indian clothes charged desperately, constantly shaking the position of the Eastern Navy regiment, the spirit of the mountain and water squad inadvertently carrying a sword in a rush, like a sharp knife, while roaring: "How can this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp resist? Can we stop the elite soldiers? Brothers, kill me, we will get the ranking in this battle!"

Behind him, wisps of arrows raged across the monsters.

Obviously, everyone was holding a sigh of relief in this battle. Everyone wanted to gain a little more points. And this version activity is not a version activity of a certain server, but a joint entry into the battlefield. National, Indian, and Vietnamese servers. When all the players on the server join, the competition for rankings will naturally become more intense. Correspondingly, the rewards for the top rankings must not be ordinary. Therefore, on the one hand, everyone has a little selfishness in order to repel the alien army. , Is also normal.

In the middle and the two wings, the NPC armies such as the Flowing Fire Legion, the Templar Knights, and the Council Army have also begun to charge, and even Qing Miao Tuo Mo has brought a large iron cavalry of about 50,000 people, from a tricky perspective. Smash into the monster group and slash the army of necromancers behind the monster group. As the necromancers fall to the ground, the glory of the Daxiang Iron Cavalry continues to upgrade.

On the earth, there was a melee, and the total strength of the two sides was evenly matched, but the morale of the players was obviously better. As for the alien army, the screaming alien army was only afraid of the majesty of the throne and its own bloodthirsty. , Speaking of true fighting will, they can't be compared with the human race at all.

In the air, the expressions of Fan Yi and Han Ying were not very good. Everything seemed to be beyond expectations. At first, Fan Yi thought that he would be able to destroy the southern countries such as the Changfeng Empire and the Blue Bird Kingdom in the shortest time, but the result has been dragged. Most of the troops of the Xuanyuan Empire entered the arena. At this time, it was too late to withdraw. The North Sanxiong Pass had already been taken, and they had no way to retreat.

"It's not so good..."

Fan Yi frowned.

Han Ying looked as solemn as he stood up with his long sword, and said, "Shoot together to suppress the battlefield?"


There was an extra Confucian classic in Fan Yi's hand. When he flipped through his hand, the words turned into golden brilliance and lingered in his fingers, smiling: "However, be careful, this one is deceitful, don't get too close. Otherwise... I’m afraid I won’t be able to save you."

"rest assured!"

The swordsmith slapped his chest and said with a smile: "I, Han Ying, have a superb sword intent, and I don't need anyone to save me!"


In the next moment, Fan Yi photographed countless golden texts on the throne high in the sky. Each text seemed to be a brand bearing heaven. The bombardment of "Peng Peng Peng" was among the players, and the average damage was about 100W per person. Up and down, unless it is a first-line player, there is basically only the fate of being killed by a spike, and white light is everywhere in the crowd for a time.


In troubled times, Feng first looked up at the sky and said coldly, "Fan Yi, come down when you have a seed?"

"Don't go down."

Fan Yi didn't buy it, but kept smashing the brand of words in the air, bombarding the crowd.

"I'm coming too!"

In the air, a figure split into the air. It was the swordsmith Han Ying. With a flash of sword light, he finally drew his sword out of its sheath. Suddenly, a ray of sword light split into hundreds, raging horizontally and horizontally among the crowd. Ten sword lights just passed the crowd of a deer. I hurried a shadow jump + white dragon wall, abruptly blocking the five sword lights in it, and Lin Xi suddenly opened the sky sword umbrella and blocked the three. Dao Jianguang, but there are still many Jianguang raging through the crowd of Yilu, all with more than 80W damage figures, heavy casualties, and hundreds of people were lost in an instant.

Throne shots are indeed different.

These new thrones, compared with the previous ten kings, have gained heaven and earth luck, and their strength has indeed increased too much. This ninth-ranked Han Ying, his strength is probably comparable to the previous third-ranked Su. Pull it!


I instantly turned into a transformation, and my body turned into a golden light and rushed towards Han Ying. The Vulcan blade was wrapped in a storm of giant dragons, and the "peng" hit Han Ying's back. But only hit the 18W+ damage number, but did not blast him above the ground as expected.

"Fuck off!"

Han Ying turned around and it was a sword. The sword light soared. The next moment, a ball of sword light with a radius of tens of meters hit me, instantly smashing the white dragon wall, and then hitting the shape of the mountain on my body. In terms of skills, he took my body to the ground instantly!


The earth shook and trembled, dozens of nearby Yilu players were instantly evaporated, and I was bombarded with 200W+ energy and blood, rolling to the ground, indescribably embarrassed.

"It's just looking for death!"

Han Ying volleyed again with a sword.

I directly poured a bottle of life potion, and then all the defensive skills such as the Ashes Barrier and the Radiant Shield Wall were turned on, and I was ready to eat this sword, but after the sound of "dang", the sword light fell on a golden folding fan technique. , It was Fan Yi who made the move. The moment the folding fan bounced off the sword light, it began to scroll, and instantly rolled Han Ying's body into the sky.

At the same time, with a "chitch", a golden sword light appeared out of thin air, just passing the position where Han Ying was about to fall. If Fan Yi didn't make a move, Han Ying insisted on cutting this sword at me, then He must eat this sword of light.


Han Ying flew to the throne again, his face turned extremely ugly.

"I told you already."

Fan Yi still sat on the throne, slouching, and sneered: "Don't you really think that Jing Yunyue can't kill you thousands of miles away in the Dragon Realm? Her kendo pursues a flawless state. Now that I have reached the top of the mountain, is it difficult to kill you with a ninth-ranked throne?"

Han Ying did not refute, because he knew that the sword light just now was so powerful that even if he could stop it, he would definitely be injured or damaged, or even fall. This feeling of facing great terror was It was very clear, so he just clasped his fists and said, "The great kindness does not say thank you, Han Ying will definitely return in the future!"

Fan Yi sneered: "How to repay? To the point of being so stupid to commit suicide, do you apologize for suicide?"

Han Ying: "..."

Between the two thrones, this day is almost impossible to talk.

The fierce battle continued.

Before twelve o’clock, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi went offline and ate something, but I, who was characterized by "hard work and hard work", remained on the line to guard the battlefield, and I really needed to be online at this time, because the two thrones Will fly down to "kill people". If I am not there, no one will be able to keep them. Once I stay, the next one will be our player’s best tactics, whether it’s Fan Yi or Han Ying, whoever will die, this There is nothing to say. Although Fan Yi is powerful and ingenious, he is only a quasi-divine realm after all. He will drop ten guilds with one force. He will die if he is not careful.

It was more than two o'clock in the morning.

None of the players still on the battlefield are willing to go offline. They can cut a little more points to count. And the players on the national server, India server, Yue server, Philippines server and other servers seem to be betting on a sigh of relief. Everyone wants to be The final version of the reward announcement left a name, and no one wanted to lose to others on the main battlefield.

At about three in the morning, under the leadership of Feng Canghai, Fenglin Volcano’s main force of nearly 100,000 succeeded in a roundabout, entering the city of Juefeng City and heading to the direction of the imperial palace, which made people feel a little relieved. In this way, Juefeng City should be able to defend. , Changfeng Empire will not be destroyed. Although Feng Canghai is extremely annoying, if he is his own on the battlefield, he is actually okay. He should have this feeling. After all, I am also the person he hates most. .

It was about four o'clock in the morning.

Senior Sister Yun sighed slightly in her ears: "It seems that this time there is no chance. Fan Yi and Han Ying are so cautious. I have no chance to make a sword."


I nodded: "Fan Yi has already acquiesced in the failure of this battle. The reason why he has not ordered a retreat is just to consume more human power and make his men trapped in the Changfeng Empire die more valuable. a little."

"It's true."

At this moment, there was a sudden blizzard in the air, and then a huge body fell from the sky, accompanied by a dull roar in his ear: "Master Lin Hai ordered me to help the battlefield, the soldiers follow me to fight quickly!"

As he said, it suddenly opened its blood basin and mouth, and immediately the bodies of countless players stood in place, but their souls had already flown away from their bodies, and they were turned into white light and died.

"It seems that the opportunity for the sword has appeared again."

Senior Sister Yun said.

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