Zhan Yue

Chapter 1396: Overstep

Lifted up and swept straight towards the palace.


My arrival triggered a discussion in the courtroom. The new emperor Xuanyuan was sitting high on the dragon chair. Not far from the side, there was a seat not far from the white clothes. This seat is lower than before. The wind is not. After Wen had lost his cultivation base, his body seemed to be backlashed by the Dao, and he looked sickly, and the seat was placed too high, which would easily make him more strenuous.

Under the golden ranks, the civil and military officials were separated on two sides. On the civil servants’ side were Yushi Doctor, Fengchang, Ribu Shangshu, Hubu Shangshu, etc., and on the military commander’s side were Shanhai Gong Nangongyi, War Department Shangshu Tan Guozhu, Sikonghai, and Nangong. Chi and others, the most important ministers in the Xuanyuan Empire are basically all there. As for the middle, there is a long table on which the southern front lines from the Xuanyuan Empire to the Daxiang Dynasty and the Changfeng Empire are made. Territory sand table of the vassal state.

"Xiaoyao King is here!"

With a long announcement from the golden armor guards, the officials on both sides turned their heads and bowed their hands one by one.

I nodded lightly and walked straight to the front of the ranks of military commanders, standing in front of Nangong Yi, and then clasped my fists and said, "Your Majesty, are you going to discuss matters?"


Xuanyuanli said solemnly: "According to Fengxiang's proposal, the empire has now been connected with the landscape of the major vassal dynasties, and the time has gradually matured. We just have to wait for a good day to choose the Shanjun roster, and we can seal it. Xiyue."


I nodded: "This matter...seems like it can't be slowed down."

The wind did not hear the wind and got up and said, "Does Xiaoyao Wang know that a major event has happened in these two days?"


I was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

He frowned and said: "During the battle of the Changfeng Empire, the throne Fan Yi lost most of his regiment, and the Eastern Navy regiment under the swordsman Han Ying also lost nearly half. At the same time, the Devourer of one of the thrones was beheaded by the Lord of the Dragon. The alien demon army has suffered heavy losses, but just two days ago, two more thrones appeared on the East China Sea. The ancient **** of war Charles and the Demon Wing Landro, the two thrones crossed the East China Sea and arrived in Daxiang. The former site of the dynasty is now looking at the many vassal states on the west side. If we do not prepare early, it is very likely that the Second World War will erupt in a short period of time."


Nangong also stepped out, clasping his fist and said: "Your Majesty Qizou, the last time we expedition to the Changfeng Empire, it seemed that our army had won a great victory, but in fact it was just a tragic victory. The fierce battle outside the Changfeng Empire In China, the major armies of the empire have suffered great losses. For example, the Lingnan Provincial Border Army has lost more than half, and the Liuhuo Army has lost at least 50,000 troops. The troops and equipment need to be supplied. In fact, we are no longer able to do so. It's an expedition."

"His Majesty!"

The Hubu Shangshu came out, holding the jade wat in his hand and said: "The Huhu has already counted. The Changfeng Empire expedition consumed nearly 70% of the grain and grass in the treasury. Now it is spring ploughing, and the people have not yet harvested the grains. The national treasury cannot have more food. If there is another war, even if there is no problem with weapons, armor, equipment, etc., the food and payment will inevitably not be paid. Then there will be complaints, and I am afraid it will arouse one. Mutiny that could have been circumvented!"

Xuanyuanli nodded: "I know what the two adults mean."

I frowned and didn't speak.

At this time, a servant of the Ministry of Rites stood up and respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the war has been repeated recently. The rangers sent by the Department of Mountains and Seas of the Ministry of Rites have explored the landscapes of all parts of the empire, among them, the Lingnan Province, the Northern Wilderness Province, and the Far East. The mountains and waters of the provinces, Yunxi province and other places are weak, far less than before. If Nanyue Mountain Jun Mu Tiancheng continues to use his sword and uses the luck of a country's mountains and waters, I am afraid that the heritage of this country will soon be exhausted. Fighting again will be a fisherman, not to mention people. The landscape of the empire will take some time to regenerate."


I frowned and looked up at the wind.

When the wind doesn't smell, he just smiled and shook his head, looking helpless.

"What do you mean?"

I took a few steps forward, turned and stood under the king's steps, and said with a smile: "A few adults mean to say... Blame me, the Xiaoyao King, who is so brutal?"

"I can't wait, please give a lesson!"

The Minister of Etiquette hurriedly returned.

Nangong also said: "His Royal Highness, as veterans left behind by the first emperor, we are all devoted to the sake of the empire. If we offend, please forgive your Highness. This war is indeed impossible to continue. If we continue to fight like this, the Treasury When exhausted, the lives of the people of the empire will also be exhausted. At that time... how can we people be worthy of the spirit of the first emperor in the sky?"


I nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, as long as the alien army does not take the initiative to attack, there should be no war in the near future. As for your fear of war, I also want to remind you that it is not that we can stop fighting if we don't want to fight. Fight, we may have a place. If we don't fight, we will be swallowed by the alien demon army. Children know such a simple truth, do you adults understand?"

Everyone was speechless.

The new emperor Xuanyuanli stood up and said, "Brother, let's discuss the candidate of Xiyue Mountain Monarch, right?"

"it is good."

I nodded: "What do you recommend?"

A soldier of the Ministry of War came out and respectfully said: "Your Majesty Qi Zou, give the letter to the King Xiaoyao, the minister recommends Master Tian Chong, the late old Shang Shu of the Ministry of War. After the death of Master Lao Shang Shu, the soul has been kept in the clan's ancestral hall. There is no trace of dissipation. In the past, Lao Shangshu was a general and commander. In his early years, he followed the first emperor to fight in the north, fought Rongdi, fought the wild west, fought the evildoers of the East China Sea, and made countless majestic military exploits. It should be enough. Qualified to serve as Lord Xiyue Mountain."

"Tian Chong..."

The wind frowned and said, "The old man has been dead for more than 20 years, right?"


"The support in the ancestral hall, I'm afraid that although the soul of the old man is there, the fighting will of the year is no longer there." Feng Buwen said lightly.

"It's true."

Nangong Chi stepped forward and said: "Besides, this Xiyue is not the Xiyue of our country, but the Xiyue that connects many vassal countries. It is a long mountain that is nearly 10,000 miles from north to south. The number, length, and breadth of the mountains are sufficient. It is the sum of the other three mountains, and such a huge mountain luck, I am afraid that the old man Tian Chong will not be able to carry it."

Among the crowd, Wang Shuang, the commander of the Blazing Legion, stepped forward and respectfully said: "I'll be honest. Although Tian Chong was a marshal of the empire when he was alive, he had been the first emperor in his many expeditions. The person who really commanded the battle was the first emperor. And Tian Chong is just a side support. It is not so much that the merits belong to Tian Chong, it is better to say that the merits of the first emperor bestowed on him. What's more, these old battles are just small-scale battles that have not been launched. Territory, even if Master Tian Chong is still alive, I am afraid that his shoulders cannot bear Monarch Xiyue Mountain."

Wang Shuang’s personality is really straightforward. It’s a good thing to have such a straightforward personality, but it’s not necessarily a good thing in the court. It’s also thanks to me that I’m here, otherwise Wang Shuang’s words would be enough. I have offended Tian Chong's deceased officials when he was alive. You must know that Tian Chong, an official with great power, was not a small number of people who had received his favor in the past. Now he may hold important positions in various government offices.


The new emperor Xuanyuanli slowly nodded and said, "Master Wang Shuang also makes sense. The development of the empire was basically in the later period of the father’s reign. Tian Chong’s contribution is certainly not small, but if it is Compared with Feng Xiang and his elder brother, it is not worth mentioning."

"In this way, the threshold is too high, and it is even more difficult to choose."

Nangong also shook his head and said, "We can't send the people of Shanhaisi to find the soul of the first emperor, so that the first emperor will be the Xiyue Mountain Lord?"

"To shut up!"

I frowned and said, "How can Duke Shanhai dare to be so presumptuous? The first emperor is in the fortune, and is also a generation of wise emperors and Ming emperors. As far as the Xuanyuan Empire is concerned, the emperor will always be like the sky, so how can he be a mountain emperor in a district?"

Nangong also turned pale, and hurriedly knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty... please forgive the minister for his sin of negligence!"

Xuanyuanli waved his hand: "Finally, Duke Shanhai is also quick to talk, forgive you not guilty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


"In that case."

Unheard of the wind frowned: "Why... first draw up a roster to list all the currently available and available imperial heroes, and then your majesty and the Xiaoyao king will negotiate and decide on the list of candidates for the Xiyue Mountain Monarch and the Mountain Gods. how is it?"


Xuanyuanli nodded: "Although it is an urgent matter to Feng Xiyue ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it shouldn't be too sloppy. What does my brother think?"

I nodded: "Then write a roster first."

While speaking, I directly opened the eyes of the ten-pointed fire wheel, glanced into the heart of the new emperor Xuanyuanli, peeled off his soul layer after layer, and at the same time, the world of God Transformation instantly enveloped me and Xuanyuan. Li was drawn away from the world of everyone, time seemed to be still, no one would find anything wrong, only Xuanyuanli, he stood blankly on the spot, his soul was stripped away a little bit, just said miserably: "Brother... Do you still distrust me?"

I clasped my fists and confessed: "Your Majesty, I just sensed something wrong in the imperial city. I'm afraid that some unruly people will bury some seeds in your Majesty’s mind and make a big mistake. Only then will there be such a presumption Please forgive your Majesty!"

He raised his head and burst into tears: "How can I convince my brother..."

I didn’t say anything, I just checked his mind one by one, looking for something unusual with the eyes of the ten-pointed fire wheel, but I didn’t find anything when I was close to a stick of incense, and Xuanyuanli’s heart was closed. He I can't insight into the real thoughts. After all, Shifang Hulun's eyes can only see what exists, and the heart of people's minds is not what Shifang Hulun's eyes can discern.


When I withdrew from Xuanyuan Centrifugal God, I held my fist and succumbed again: "I'm sorry, your majesty, please forgive the minister for presumptuous."

"It's okay, did my brother find any clues?"

"There is nothing unusual, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"It's so good."

Xuanyuanli reappeared on the dragon chair, his expression calm and calm, as if nothing had happened just now, and the wind on the side seemed to have noticed something. He just looked at me, shook his head and sighed slightly.

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