Zhan Yue

Chapter 1414: Abyss bug

After brushing on the 75th floor for about an hour, there were 4 more seal stones of the Abyssal Warhorse. In addition, there was nothing more to gain, and a pile of garbage equipment was not picked up. What kind of "particles return to warehouse", "no matter how small the mosquito's legs are" The glorious traditions such as "It’s also meat" are all lost, and the package space is so big. The storage space of 12,000 ancient bracelets must be saved. After all, I will probably stay here for a week. Over time, it is inevitable that the package will be full.

Moreover, the 75th floor is not suitable to continue to be brushed, which is of little significance, let's explore a deeper map!

So, after finding an entrance, I activated the white clothes skill again to enter the next level. The next level is still a 355-level mountain and sea level monster, but the attributes are slightly enhanced, and the treasure drop rate should also be slightly increased accordingly, for example, from 0.075 Raise it to 0.076 so that it becomes richer and richer in the subtleties.

Keep going down.

Actually, I don’t want to brush mountain and sea level monsters anymore. Firstly, the leveling up is slow, secondly, there is less oil and water. Thirdly, as Xiaojiu’s level not only rises, our overall combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger. There is no pressure at all, and in this case, it must be challenged to return to the market level, otherwise it will not be a waste of time.

As a result, the lower the floor, the fewer entrances, the harder it was to find. It was about five o’clock in the morning and finally reached the 91st floor. As my eyes shined, the monster in front of me was no longer a mountain and sea level, but a golden return to the market. It's level, it's a group of armored warriors lingering in the earth golden air current, holding weapons in their hands, their eyes bursting with brilliance, which is a bit scary, and at first glance, it is even more scary.

Abyssal Demon Armor (Return to Market Level Monster)

Level: 355

Attack: 335000410000

Defense: 225000

Qi and blood: 32000000

Skills: Revolving Slashing Weapon Blade Guardian Abyss Furious Slash

Introduction: Abyss Demon Armor, the Jing Rui Legion from the Abyss World. These Abyss Demon Armors are already powerful men with martial skills when they are "humans". After receiving the baptism of the abyss breath, their physique and Jing God have been further improved. The enhancement of, coupled with the armor cast by the Abyss Demon Lord for their Jing Heart, so that these Abyss Demon Armors have become one of the ace armies of the Abyss World, and the bladed armor is invincible.

Compared with this full-level monster, the mountain and sea level monster is weaker. The 90th floor is still mountain and sea level. When it reaches the 91st floor, a qualitative leap takes place instantly, and the challenge to players is no longer It’s a little bit, especially the skills, it has both offensive and defensive skills, and even the fierce skill of Swirling Slash. You must know that Swirling Slash is still the trump card of swordsman players in team battles. How can a group of swordsmen break through the enemy's defense line? It's the Swordsweeping Galaxy Slash. This Slash skill has the effect of concealing armor-breaking. It hits people very hard, so the skill rank is not high, but it is the skill that players choose most when fighting, and it is indispensable.

Some hit it!

I raised the Vulcan Blade and smiled: "Xiao Jiu, are you afraid?"

The black-clothed boy shook his head, full of heroic spirit, and said with a smile: "Why is Xiao Jiu afraid of a master sitting here?"

"Then work!"

I raised my eyebrows and smiled: "Kill 100 of them and try the water first!"


The black-clothed boy galloped away, bringing a large group of Abyssal Demon Armor over, and I quickly joined the battle, but this time I felt tremendous pressure, especially Xiao Jiu’s blood bar, which fell into it for the first time. 50, and then slowly dropped to 20, and then it will be difficult to fall. His passive skill is that the less vitality and blood, the harder he is, so he maintains the balance of 20. The monster can't kill him, but Xiao Jiu is fierce at this time. It's very sexual, its lethality has skyrocketed, and its overall output has surpassed my national server first.

Going back to the market level, I was very happy, and I had a lot of experience and merit. When a group of abyssal armor fell in pieces, my experience bar also began to flicker. In just a few minutes, I actually gained nearly 4 The experience value is really a bit scary.

"Stop for a while."

After killing all, I ordered Xiaojiu to stand by and clean the battlefield myself. There were a few mount seal stones visible to the naked eye, but I cleaned it up. There were 7 mount seal stones and a single 280-level abyssal horse. This efficiency is scary! Moreover, the Abyssal Warhorse is an unbound mount. This kind of seal stone can be sold. If I really rely on this to make money, I am afraid I must make a big deal!

Go on, it seems to have come to heaven!

Just when I was doing special brushing, the guild channel received a lot of good news--

Clear the lamp: "On the 30th floor, some people have come out of the abyss warhorse."


Lin Xi said, "I'm on the 40th floor. So far, I have produced 11 Abyssal Horse Sealing Stones."

Haotian: "I am mixed on the 36th floor, and I have also dropped three abyssal horses, even I am now an abyssal cavalry..."

Yueliu Ying rolled her eyes and said, "Report, I'm on the 35th floor, so far there have been 3 Abyssal Horses."

Shen Mingxuan squinted his beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "There is a trace to follow. Under the 30th floor, no one has reported that the Abyssal Horse has fallen so far, indicating that a monster above level 310 can get out of the Abyssal Horse. After that, It should be that the deeper the level, the higher the drop probability of the Abyssal Warhorse. The Lin Xi team I belonged to dropped a total of 11 Abyssal Warhorses. It stands to reason that it is the highest, right?"


I nodded: "The deeper the layer, the greater the chance of falling. This must be an inevitable rule. As for the Abyssal Horse of Lin Xi's team, it is definitely not the highest. I have cut out the 39th-level abyss by myself. Warhorse."


Qingdeng rolled his eyes frantically: "How many floors are you brushing, big brother?"

"91 floors."


Qing Deng compares the **** to many people: "Perverted, too abnormal!"

I laughed, there is nothing to say, no way, the strength is here!

Lin Xi said: "If this is the case, then there is no need to say anything. Now the next deer's highest command on the abyss map is that all players above level 280 enter the map above level 30. Don't find reasons to say that the strength is not good, the strength is not good. Just pull the manpower, the ten-man team can’t fight the blame, and the 100-man team can’t fight? As for the stronger team, go down and reach the extreme position and then brush again. Let’s not say anything else, we must drop the most. Abyssal Warhorse!"

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded in unison.

I didn’t speak any more, I just concentrated on spawning monsters. After all, my conditions are unique. The 91st floor of the abyss is single-swiped, with a ruins-level boss-level Hydra. The spawning efficiency is not generally high, and the drop is quite scary. When the Abyssal Warhorse fell again, I was already numb, and there was no more impulse.

It lasted until nine o'clock in the morning the next morning. Lin Xi and others went offline and rested. It was too tired and I couldn't stand it anymore. But I was still online. While spamming mobs, I dealt with the affairs of the guild and urged online users. Players go to deeper levels to spawn monsters, come forward to mediate with some slightly disagreeable players, etc. Someone has to do it online, one or two is not enough, so I and "Yilu stay up late war god" must be online to clear the lights.

In the morning, on the system map interface, there were too many players entering the abyss, already as high as 8000w. In fact, most of the eligible players in the national server came, which is like a gluttonous feast in the game. Almost all kinds of social software and forums are full of discussions about the abyss map.

Some people say that after a week of the abyss map, the strength of the national server players may be truly aspirational. In the previous era, there was a saying that there were many superpowers. In the era of Li Xiaoyao and Fang Geque, the national server was the most powerful. Strong, followed by the U.S. server, the Indian server, and then the European server, Japan and South Korea, etc. But now, after a week of "Abyss Trial", the strength of the national server can probably tie the US server, India server, and European server together. Hanging and hitting, there really isn't much suspense.

Compared with other servers, the national server has unique resources, and various versions of activities have never stopped. The average level and equipment combat effectiveness are far better than other servers. Coupled with the advantage of the number of people, it is indeed truly "super strong." Served", the center of the game world!

Until noon, the abyss map was open for 12 hours.


Suddenly, in the guild management channel, Qing Deng said: "Ali, there seems to be a bug in the game, or the map of the abyss seems to have a bug."


I was taken aback: "How to say, what happened?"

"Many people reacted that they couldn't return to the city."

Qingdeng frowned and said: "Many players in the guild accidentally hang up after entering too deep, but they can't return to the city. Some brothers just broke their equipment at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the potion is used up, I can’t go back to the city for replenishment. The city-returning scroll is ineffective after using it. I don’t know why. Many people reacted. From 12 o'clock, no one can get out of the abyss. This map, but the people outside. Can come in."

"No way……"

My heart sank: "You continue to understand, soothe everyone's emotions, let everyone don't panic, let me check if the game program is wrong."


Qingdeng said: "Hurry up, for many of the dead brothers, their souls can only be resurrected at the bottom of the abyss. If this happens, everyone will be quite desolate. Without equipment and no supplies, they will go into the abyss. It's no different than going to death."

"Got it."

I quickly summoned the Star Eye System and said, "Check the Abyss System."

"Unable to detect."

Star Eye said: "The abyss system is directly deduced by the main brain, unless we activate the main brain key, otherwise it is impossible to enter the deep code of the abyss system."

"Got it."

I immediately called my sister Ouyang Yeyan: "Sister, there is a bug in the abyss map, do you know about this?"

"Just learned."

Her voice was solemn: "The initial suspicion was that it was breached by a hacker, otherwise it would be impossible for the player to be unable to return to the city."

"Give me the highest authorization, I want to enter the main brain system to check it." I said.


She hesitated a little, and said, "I will discuss it with my dad, and then I will tell you."

"Don't, don't take too long."

"it is good"

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