Zhan Yue

Chapter 1430: Fan Yi's Disgusting People Again

Latest URL: "Huh!"

The character left the Dragon Realm, descended from the sky and appeared in the courtyard of the Great Sanctuary of Fanshu City.

All around, there are people with a deer, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, Qing Deng, Ka Mei, Haotian, Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying and other important figures are there, and there are many.

"Ali is here."

Qing Deng sat on the first-level stone steps, got up and smiled: "You are the only one left."

"is it?"

I touched my nose and smiled: "Let's talk about it, how is the formation of the abyss cavalry now?"

"It's pretty smooth."

Lin Xi held the archangel upside down and stepped forward: "We have collected all the Abyssal Warhorse Seal Stones that everyone dropped in the Abyss Map before, and subsidized everyone with contributions from the guild and a certain amount of funds. These Abyssal Warhorses are even considered to be. Guild resources."


I nodded: "How many Abyssal Horses are there?"

"It's nearly 6.9W, not too much, but not too little." Lin Xi pursed her red lips and said, "How many do you have there?"

I took a look: "A total of 11648, the last period of time dropped a bit too much."


Qing Deng opened his eyes wide and looked at me incredulously: "More than 11 thousand?"

"Well, it's weird?" I was surprised.

He touched his nose: "If it were you, it wouldn't seem strange."

Haotian fisted softly and smiled: "This way, wouldn't we have a chance to build an abyssal cavalry with a person of up to 8W? To be honest, if there are really 80,000 abyssal cavalry, go to Everywhere is swept away."


Clear the light and focus on the head: "Now that the total possession of the Abyssal Horses of the major guilds has been counted, only our one deer has not been made public. After the addition of the 1W+ Abyssal Cavaliers, our total number is absolutely far ahead. Up."


Shen Mingxuan corrected the data and said: "At present, the possession of the Abyssal Horses of the major guilds in the national service is here, and they are all the legendary'out of print'. After all, the abyss map has been closed. Will it be repeated in the future? Refreshing the Abyssal Warhorse is a question mark."

As she said, she stretched out her hand, and the number of Abyssal Warhorses collected by Yilu's intelligence system appeared in front of her eyes one by one.

One deer: 8W+

Fenglin Mountain: 2.9W+

Myth: 2.7W+

Promise: 1.9W+

Troubled World War League: 1.8W+

Famous family: 1.2W+

Water Moon Cave Sky: 1.1W+

Breaking dawn: 1W+

Edge: 1W+,

Dragon Knight Hall: 1W+

Add other guilds together: 12W+


Everyone was watching very carefully, and Yueliuying even summoned a calculator and said with a smile: "I will calculate the total number..."

Shen Mingxuan had a black line: "You don't need to count Liu Ying, I have already calculated the result. The national server has dropped nearly 35W abyssal horse mounts in the abyss. Among them, we are 8W+, accounting for nearly a quarter. It's not easy already."

Yixue looked excited, carrying a long sword, already riding an abyssal horse, and smiled: "In this way, the number of abyssal cavalry of our Yilu is indeed the largest in the national service family, and the cavalry charge alone. In combat, no guild is our opponent, and even the other 2-3 guilds together may not be our opponent, the real T0 level!"


Haotian also looked happy: "Tsk tsk, we are going to soar into the sky!"


I coughed and said, "Don’t be too optimistic, Lin Xi, Qing Deng, and Kamei. Let’s figure out that the data on paper may not necessarily be the real strength. Although we have more than 80,000 abyssal war horses, But are there any riders who match so many war horses? After all, the abyss war horse requires level 280."


Lin Xi smiled and nodded: "Actually speaking, the Abyssal Warhorse has helped a lot, because the Abyssal Warhorse only requires a level 280, but it does not require a level 280 crossing the robbery player, so we need to get stuck at the 280 level after the player gets the Abyssal Warhorse. The attributes have been improved a lot, and we can successfully overcome the catastrophe. At present, Mingxuan and I have completed the statistics. The number of Cavalry players in the main league reached 280 has reached 2.8W, and the remaining 5.2W is from a few sub leagues. There is enough selection, and the ranks of several leagues have been filled one after another. We don't lack people now."

"That's good."

I was also a little happy: "It seems that I was worrying a lot before. By the way, my more than 10,000 Abyssal Warhorses were thrown directly into the Guild Treasure Treasury, and then Lin Xi, you will allocate it specifically?"


The beautiful wife smiled and nodded: "What else? Your thunderous slash, Frozen Heavenly Emperor, etc. can also be thrown into the guild treasure house. They will only be displayed but not sold. Let us see if there is a morale boosting effect!"


Slaughter Fanchen was taken aback for a moment: "What Thunder Rage Slash, Ice and Snow Heaven Emperor? Am I returning to the age of legendary blood?"


I laughed: "Fanchen, it's just a name. I have produced a lot of full-scale brand-name weapons on the 99th floor. Now let everyone open their eyes. Anyway, they are all my own."

As I said, I didn’t hide my personalities, and "swish" took out a double-headed sickle-shaped melee weapon from the package, and then took out a warbow with divine might and power, and finally a As of the time when the Abyssal Flame Demon was finally killed, I continued to ship the staff. There were 5 of Thunder Fury Slash and 3 of Flame Dragon Tooth. The most was Ice and Snow Heavenly Emperor, totaling 6 of them. , So in the end I took a total of 14 full-level weapons in the abyss.

"I fuck..."

Including Qingdeng, Kamei, Haotian, Tianya Moke and others, everyone slobbered, especially the Cavalry Fighter players, their eyes were red when they saw the murderous thunder slash, Hao The sky wiped his saliva and said: "Fuck... If I am now at level 355, riding an abyssal horse, and walking around the square of Fanshucheng with a thunder and rage slash, will I have countless girlfriends?"

"Almost." A Fei also drooled, he was looking at the flame dragon teeth.

Qing Deng grimaced, touching his nose and said: "Thunder is good for anger, tusk, I want to... if I can have one, there should be no shortage of girlfriends, that's great..."

Lin Xi was a little speechless, and said, "Is the girlfriend who is attracted by equipment reliable? Not reliable, if you go out someday and get slashed by Thunder Fury, wouldn't she want to break up with you immediately?"


I rubbed Lin Xi's little hand secretly: "Look at me, there was nothing at the beginning, so poor and white. Didn't you get Lin Xi so much? Learn a little bit!"

Lin Xiqiao's face flushed, and she almost lost sight of me.

A Fei tut said: "Don't be shameless, when you first became Lin Xi, the cost was not small. Besides, your Assassin's equipment was not good at that time? Shameless, would you like to have the best combat power in the national service?"

Lin Xi looked back at him: "I am not with Lu Li to equip him..."

"Know, shame at him." A Fei said.

"Come here."

Lin Xihan said with a pretty face: "Put out the shameless Zhafei and beheaded to show the public!"

"Have you heard?"

Qing Deng pinched his nose and smiled: "My lord has ordered it, you brothers are not sensible?"

Suddenly, a few heavy-loaded players stepped forward and twisted A Fei and threw him out of the courtyard wall. A Fei’s voice came from outside: “Gan, I’m the management okay, I’m qualified to participate in today’s meeting. I am back after engraving an inscription smoothly!"

It seemed that A Fei had come back faceless for a while.

So I continued to dig out things. One was a 355-level mountain and sea-level blood evil helmet, and the other was a 355-level mountain and sea-level fantasy magic feather suit, both of which were top-grade equipment.

"I go……"

Slaughter Fanchen took a deep breath: "If you open this abyss map for a few more days, it feels like Xiao Qi can drop a regiment of equipment by yourself. It's a bit powerful..."

Nuan Yang chuckled: "That's necessary, my little seventh brother!"

With that, she blinked at Yueliuying.

Yueliuying's pretty face was red, the little girl akimbo her waist, the undulating peaks, she was so beautiful, she smiled angrily: "Why, it's wrong for me to like Brother Xiaoqi? It's wrong not to steal or steal, I like to be honest and upright."

Lin Xi raised her hands to applaud, her face speechless.


Shen Mingxuan leaned forward and backward with a smile, graceful.

I threw a lot of equipment into the equipment treasury one after another, and then when I looked again, I felt that I was going to be emptied. The abyss and the line were not enough for the first time. The 12,000 storage space of the ancient bracelet was directly occupied by the abyss warhorse. It was full, and there were still 999 broken chapters and a pile of potions, equipment, etc., so the extra 12,000 spaces plus the original package space was enough, and at this time, it was already empty.

"This one……"

Yueliu Ying pursed her red lips, and said, "Sister Lin Xi, Brother Xiaoqi has made such a great contribution to the guild, so there is no rebate reward? Give some contribution points or other substantial rewards. ?"


Lin Xi was taken aback: "I never thought about this..."

Shen Mingxuan chuckled: "What does A Li lack now? The equipment and skill books he lacks are impossible to have in the guild, or... Lin Xiaoxi, would you give him a kiss as a reward?"

Lin Xi didn't look at it.

I almost missed it.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the lake of heart, Beiyue Guanyang's voice: "His Royal Highness, Fan Yi asked Jian Beiyue! I will find you by name."


I said goodbye to everyone immediately, went straight to the sky, and then turned into a spark and fell on Beiyue Lishan.


In front of me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the sea of ​​clouds rolled, above the clouds, Fan Yi stepped on the throne of Qi Luck, and said with a smile: "I just sensed that the Great Emperor Liuhuo stepped into the Quasi-God Realm. I would like to congratulate him. As for the gift, it’s better to send Liuhuo. The emperor is done with a sword?"

"Your Highness!"

Guan Yang stepped forward: "The veteran will take the sword by himself, so don't worry."

I frowned, "Fan Yi, what do you want to do with disgusting things?"

"It's nothing."

Fan Yi flicked his sleeves, drew out a sword, and smiled: "Just refining a peerless sword, brought it for Emperor Liuhuo to see, this sword, named Shuangzhu Sword, is a gem in the world. "

"is it?"

I frowned, and at the moment I opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I was trembling with anger. There were two "spiritual beads" near the hilt of the two bead swords, hovering like Tai Chi, but when I looked closely, , It is two heads.

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