Zhan Yue

Chapter 1447: So disgusting


There was a loud noise in the distance, followed by the earth's tremor. Most of this sword came from the shadow of death Linhai. A sword shook on the roots of Beiyue, which is equivalent to a sword slamming on a country's landscape restrictions. Fortunately, Beiyue is stable, not something that Lin Hai can solve with one or two swords.


A Fei suddenly turned to look at the north: "Is this a fight? It hasn't started yet..."

"Maybe it's the CG before the version?" Qing Deng said.

"not sure."

I shook my head: "Everyone has it, ready to transmit immediately after stopping, we arrived at the Lishan battlefield ahead of schedule."



Lin Xi rode the horse, I grabbed Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi's wrists one by one, pulled them through the crowd, and went directly from the teleportation array to Lishan. With a ray of white light blooming, everyone was in the south of Lishan. After the imperial camp, dozens of teleportation formations continued to flicker, and countless players teleported in intensively.

"Lin Xi, you take everyone across the valley to the northern battlefield of Lishan. I will go and take a look first."


I jumped up, turned into a ray of rainbow light and rushed to the top of Lishan Mountain. As soon as I arrived, I felt the sharp edges. I saw three gray and white sword lights flying across the sky from the north, full of chaos. , Is a sword from the female sword demon Fertuna.

"Duke Zhenyang, hold on."

A familiar voice sounded in the ear, and then the unheard figure of Xiyue wind appeared on Lishan Mountain, behind him was the rich atmosphere of the Xiyue mountains, like a **** descending to the world, raised his hand and pulled out the white jade sword from the sincere hand of the female officer holding the sword. , Facing the north is the Three Swords, the sword light went away with a strong mountain atmosphere, and slammed into Fertuna's Three Swords, turning them into Sword Qi fragments.

"See Xiaoyao King!"

After blocking the opponent's offensive, the two mountain monarchs saluted me. Then, Nanyue Mu Tiancheng and Dongyue Yiping also appeared together. The battle is about to come, and the four mountains are already here, and they are about to join hands together. Resist the monsters.

"It's time for the decisive battle."

I looked at the four mountain monarchs and said with a smile: "Please do your best to guard the country."

Yi Ping smiled freely: "As the emperor, King Xiaoyao has personally conquered the gates of the country. How can we mountain monarchs have a reason not to sell our lives?"


I stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "Everyone has to save their lives if they have to. Only if you are alive can the country be stable. Isn't that the same thing."

Feng Buwen smiled and nodded.

At this time, Beiyue Guanyang was holding a battle knife, staring at the north, and smiled coldly: "Lin Hai, don't hide your thrones, come out? Anyway, it's for this decisive battle."


In the distance, a majestic figure appeared above the woodland of the open forest sea. It was Linhai, the shadow of death holding a gray blade. His body slowly rose, and under his feet was a majestic breath of death and heavenly luck. Throne, the highest throne of the Northern Territory, the throne’s sense of oppression is extremely strong, not far away those imperial soldiers guarding Lishan just look at the throne and immediately bow their heads, otherwise the heart may be crushed by the surging breath of death.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third thrones rose slowly over the chaotic forest sea. On the thrones were the female sword demon Phil Tuna and the ancient war **** Charles, and then another throne rose from the chaos. As they rose, Fan Yi, Sura, Landro, Situ Xue, Donghai Fangzhu, and the swordsmith Han Ying, the remaining six thrones also appeared one by one, and the entire northern sky was almost enveloped by death. Lishan, the northern mountain, has a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city and wanting to destroy it.



Lin Hai sat on the throne full of skulls, his mouth raised lightly, and smiled: "Lishan Guanyang, what did you just say? If this king heard you right, you are calling the king Zhenben?"

The veteran Guan Yang furrowed his brows, and his sword kept beating the mountains of Beiyue, and his momentum was very stable.


Fan Yi slapped the paper fan in his hand, stood on a throne that was quite forward, and smiled: "I don't know, I thought Old Master Guan Yang was an ascendant mountain monarch in the world. Tsk tsk, this breath almost made me I forgot how Old Master Guan Yang was freely manipulated by the kings of the Northern Territory when he was alive, hahahahaha~~~"

I frowned, standing in front of the four mountain monarchs, full of true dragon aura, a nation and national destiny gathered in my body, and said lightly: "Fan Yi, don't be disgusting here!"

"Oh oh oh~~~"

Fan Yi laughed: "I almost forgot, Master Lin Hai and Master Filtuna both use swords. Master Charles is not a sword repairer. Then it will be my turn for the next person to do swordsman, Fan Yi. Tsk tsk, come and come. Take my Fan Yi's literary sword!"

As he said, he raised his hand on his hips, raised his hand up to the sky, and yelled in an exaggerated manner: "Sword————————come!"


There was silence around until a few seconds later a sword light flew from the north and turned into a double-bead sword and appeared in Fan Yi's hands. He rubbed the two heads in the sword body that had been refined and reduced, with a smile on the corners of his mouth. "Hey, you are in white clothes, you are in my heart, my true girl, I am a single fan, I can only long for the affection for you Qin Se and Ming. Fortunately, I can’t keep your people, but I’m keeping you. With long heads, this sword should be my gift from Fan Yi!"


A sword swept down in the air, and the momentum did not let the former.


Without hearing the wind, he took a step forward and stepped on the ground with one foot. On the ground in front of him, a cloud of thousands of mountains appeared on the ground. After being crushed by Fan Yi's sword for dozens of times, he also forced Fan abruptly. The sword of Yi was suppressed.

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be the master."

Fan Yi leaned on the double bead sword and stood on the throne. He smiled and said: "After the wind became equal to the headless mountain monarch, the cultivation base did soar. I knew that. Fan Yi also cut my head with a sword. , Maybe he is already an Ascendant Swordsman now, who can wrestle with Lord Filtuna."

The female sword demon stood proudly on the throne, her eyebrows frowned, she did not respond to Fan Yi's words.

I frowned, stepped forward, and said, "Fan Yi, you attack the mountain as soon as you attack the mountain. Can you shut up for a while?"

After that, I looked in the direction of Lin Hai and said, "Lin Hai, the shadow of death, do you let Fan Yi be such a disgusting person? Do you know how disgusting Fan Yi is as a disciple of Wendao?"

Surrounded by the clouds and mist, Lin Hai frowned, holding the mysterious Immortal Sword, full of transcendent kendo aura, and said: "Actually, when I recruited him, I didn't expect him to be so disgusting."

I can only have a black line.

The wind was a little stunned, and didn't want to talk. At this moment, a tacit understanding was reached between the other demon and the pinnacle figure of the human race, and they all felt that Fan Yi's throne was indeed disgusting.


"Get out of the sword!"

As the sea of ​​clouds rose, Lin Hai raised the Immortal Sword again, and smiled: "I'll wait for the nine thrones to release the sword together, how about?"


Fertuna smiled slightly: "I feel so happy!"

Sura also drew out the Excalibur Flame, the flames lingering around the Excalibur, smiled: "Then let out the sword together."

Fan Yi raised the double bead sword: "Count me one."

Charles raised the golden warhammer and smiled: "I don't need a sword, I can only use a hammer."

Swordsmith Han Ying raised his hand, and wisps of sword light condensed behind him. He smiled and said, "I don't know how many swords Master Lin Hai said about the sword?"

Lin Hai glanced at him: "It's up to you!"

Although Landro, Situ Xue, and Donghai Fangzhu, the three thrones did not speak, they all sacrificed their own weapons. For a while, the breath of the nine thrones rising in the distant forest sea soared, forming a kind of difficulty. The crushing force of imagination.


"Can you stop it?" I turned to look at the four mountain monarchs.

Mu Tiancheng smiled slightly: "You can give it a try."

Guan Yang carried the sword: "I have no regrets even though I die!"

Yi Ping smiled and said, "Willing to fight hard!"

Only the wind did not hear the white jade sword in his hand, with a calm expression on his face, and smiled: "The King Xiaoyao has worked hard to cast the four mountains, so you should have some confidence in the four mountains... Don’t forget, this time it’s the Ninth Great Mountain. The throne ran to our turf to ask about the sword, instead of going to the Sea of ​​Heroes to ask about the sword. The strength of the two is not the same as the one plus one minus. The King Xiaoyao is worse than worrying about success or failure...Lend us the nation’s fortune , Let us fight the four mountains."


I smiled and nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately stomped the ground lightly, the rich golden national destiny poured into the earth, and then spread and rose like golden vines, into the golden bodies of the four mountain monarchs, making Their aura suddenly skyrocketed. This is not only a country's landscape and aura against different demons, but also the protection of the emperor's aura and a nation's aura!


In the distance, strands of detached sword intent rose, and then the world was filled with chaotic sword auras, Lin Hai and Fertuna two Ascended Realm almost instantly split out tens of thousands of sword auras to attack Lishan, and Fan Yi, the quasi-divine realm sword, is slightly inferior. About 7,000 sword auras have been condensed. Sura has blasted nearly 6,000 sword auras with a single sword. Han Ying is even worse, only about 3,000. Dao sword aura, thrones are ranked differently, and their strengths are indeed very different. Among the dense sword lights, Shire blasted out with a hammer, turning into a dazzling golden light and crushed it towards Lishan.

Landro let out a low roar, the devil sickle danced, and countless **** waves rolled in. Situ Xue played the jade flute, a wisp of invisible murder flocked to the mountains of Beiyue, and the owner of the East China Sea danced the cyan rod in his hand, gently. With this wave, the aura of countless giant wolves surged from the earth to the foot of the mountains, with the momentum of moving mountains and overwhelming the sea.


It was the first time that the nine thrones shot together!

"What are we waiting for?"

With a gentle smile on the wind, he suddenly took a step forward, slid the white jade sword on the ground with one hand, and shouted in a low voice: "Siyue Mountain Monarch, fend off the enemy together, the gods of the mountains and mountains, follow me to protect the country!"

The four mountain monarchs erupted in the sun, the four mountains and the mountains, and the mountain gods on the thousands of hills appeared one by one, and countless mountains and rivers gathered.

This kind of weather is unprecedented!

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