Zhan Yue

Chapter 1452: Fire Demon Queen 1 Sword Opens the Mountain

The swordsmith Han Ying landed with a sword, the sword light turned into thousands of fireflies, but in the end it still failed to overwhelm the entire four mountains. In the end, the human race died with dozens of mountain gods and the Dongyue mountain monarch Yiping suffered a golden body. For the price, the swordsmith Han Ying sacrificed the sword of countless dead souls to the hard work, and the price was not small.


In the wind, Han Ying turned into a **** brilliance and fell on the throne, staring at the world, despising the human race, as if he had forgotten that his body was still the human flesh of the human race.

How rampant is the villain once he has achieved his ambition?


"Continue to attack!"

In the sea of ​​clouds, Lin Hai's voice came: "Don't let the people's army have any room to rest, Demon Wings, your army has been recuperating for a long time, and it's time to go into battle."

A throne rose and swayed up, sitting above it was Demon Wing Landro, his brows were furrowed, the demon sickle in his hand was glowing with coquettish brilliance, and he smiled faintly: "I will never disappoint Master Lin Hai."

With a light wave of his palm, the war drums rang out in the jungle, and then countless blood-red cracks appeared in the mid-air, which resembled a teleportation array. In a blink of an eye, countless demon knights volleyed down like it was raining. "Snowflakes swelled in the forest. In less than two minutes, countless demon knights had been refreshed in the open forest and sea. There are countless in the true sense, and there is no count.


Randro raised his sickle and said with a smile: "The one who killed the Great Emperor Liuhuo, obtained the qualification of the throne inheritance sequence, and the one who killed Jingyunyue, there is nothing to say, the king's throne is yours."

In the clouds, the other thrones laughed.


Above the earth, the demon knight came with a monstrous murderous aura.

"Be careful!"

I said solemnly in the guild channel: "The devil knight is already tricky. Pay attention to the control in the back row. Don't let the front row kill too many people, otherwise it may be very troublesome."


Lin Xi's body sank slightly and entered the white **** transformation state, while constantly issuing specific commands and battle orders in the guild.

Clear the lights, calories, slaughter the mortal dust, Haotian, Yueliuying, Tianya Moke and others also sit on the front line, and quickly command in the team channel. For a while, the entire front line and position of Yilu have undergone a subtle change, all The knight stepped forward to serve as the alternate swordsman, while the fighters who were good at controlling the boxer and the enchanter moved forward by nearly 20 yards. After that, there were densely packed archers with clusters of arrows in their hands. The prelude to the shocking arrow into a film.

Details determine success or failure. Obviously, in terms of tactical targeting, Yilu’s commands are all legendary "old birds". There have been too many monsters and players, and real knowledge is gained from practice. Therefore, in the specific command of the battlefield, Yilu is an absolute T0 ceiling level in the national service, and is not afraid of any guild challenge.

"Aren't you going to help?"

Senior Sister Yun looked at the deer's position on the mountain and said with a smile: "According to the past, you will never stay with Senior Sister at this time."

I thought about it, and ordered Xiao Jiu to fight the enemy with all his strength on the front line of the mountain, and smiled: "Can't they even be able to fight when I'm away? This won't work... and this time. In the decisive battle, I was very disturbed, and I always felt that it would be better to stay with Senior Sister."


She nodded softly and said, "As expected of the Quasi-Divine Realm, the hunch is indeed far better than before."


I looked at her suspiciously.

She stroked the sword and smiled: "It's okay, we can win."


I don't know what is about to happen, but I know, I can't prevent this from happening, what about Liuhuo the Great? How about sitting on the wall of heaven? What about the master of the abyss? Under the influence of the world, there is really not much I can do, and in the confrontation between Ascension Realms, I can do even less.


The foot of the mountain.

The impact of the demon knight was like a tide, and wave after wave baptized a deer's position. It was as strong as a deer. The position was still infiltrated, and some positions were even directly breached in a small area, even though it was in Lin Xi and Qing Deng. Under the command of others, he can quickly fill in the blank and regain his position, but facing the 355-level demon knight, Yilu is no longer in a lossless state.

The rest of the guilds are not doing well.

On the side of Mythology and Fenglin Volcano, the gaps torn by the demon knights are larger, while the gaps in guilds such as Promise, Troubled World War League, Famous Family Family, Dragon Knight Palace and other guilds are more dense, like a corroded reef. There are densely packed scenes of demon knights raging in the crowd. As for the rest of the small and medium guilds, it is even worse. Player teams in many positions were directly attacked by demon knights in the first place, and countless demon knights attacked the mountain. The moment he stepped into the foot of the mountain, he was crushed into a puddle of flesh by the mountain weather.

The NPC position is slightly better. Numerous heavy artillery shoots north, and dense flames bloom in the monster group. Because the firepower is too fierce, when the demon knight rushes in front of him, they are basically bloody, and they are soon trained well. The elite sergeants of the major armies such as the corps were chopped into pieces, and there is not much suspense at all.

Looking at the battlefield at the foot of the mountain, my brows furrowed.

Although the overall defense is certainly not a problem, it is already necessary to use the mountain weather to bombard and kill these demon knights. This is not a good thing. Facing the throne’s "sacrifice" questioning sword, the Four Sacred Mountains were originally quite difficult to resist. After all, this time the alien demon army looked desperately, and at this time it had to split a part of the landscape spirit to resist the attack of the demon knight, which made the four mountains landscape that had not had the upper hand even more stretched.

The attack of the Demon Legion lasted less than twenty minutes. The murderous intent in the sea of ​​clouds, Lin Hai's rather cold voice did not hide it, and it exploded like a spring thunder in the ears of the players: "The elite army in the demon world has exceeded 70%. Arrived on the battlefield, what are you waiting for? Sura, your flame swordsmanship is the only one in the world. The devil belongs to the world of fire. This time, it is up to you to ask about the sword."


Demon Wing Landero sat on the throne, holding a huge demon scythe, he knew what was about to happen, overlooking the dense demon knights above the earth, the demon lord was also heartbroken, and turned to look at the one. The throne that rose slowly said: "Master Sura, can you be merciful?"


Sura slowly drew out the Flame Divine Sword, with indifferent expression in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Master Landero, for the future of the dead, I can only sacrifice a little bit of the army of the Demon World."


Landro still couldn't bear it.

Among the chaotic clouds, Lin Hai said indifferently: "Landro, don't regret, these brave fighters will not sacrifice in vain. Everything they do is worthwhile. As for you, you have sacrificed a lot for the whole world. With these many demon knights, but this king will allocate half of the unicorn dead bone army under his command to you to supplement the power gap in the demon world."

As soon as he heard the words "Kirin Death Bones", the regret on Landero's face disappeared instantly, and he smiled: "In that case, thank Master Lin Hai, Master Sura, please do it!"



Sura stepped into the air with long snow-white legs and slowly walked out of the throne. The moment the flame divine sword in her hand was lightly horizontal, a strong fatal luck in the clouds came and enveloped her body. Su La took a deep breath, her eyes. There was dignity in the middle, and the next second with a soft chick, the demon knights on the earth solidified and were restrained by the luck of death, and then the gods were twisted, and a touch of demon fire and soul were drawn together. Li, then turned into countless fireflies lingering around the Flame Excalibur, densely packed, and the Flame Excalibur seemed to have instantly turned into cotton candy.

My hunch tells me that Sura will never show mercy with this sword.

"Wind phase."

I frowned and said, "Receive the sword with all my strength, Sura's sword... will definitely go all out!"


The wind shook his body slightly, and the atmosphere of the mountains instantly increased by more than 30%, becoming more and more solid and stable.


"The wind does not smell, kneel down and lead the sword!"

Sura suddenly fell with a sword, and the sword light fell for hundreds of miles, just traversing the sky above NATO Lishan, and then the sword light slashed into the landscape, like cutting a cake, and instantly cut three layers of landscape. The prohibition, and then fell on the weather of Xiyue Huashan, which was personally condensed by the wind, and the sword light "clanged" frantically, like gold and stone clinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ under the splash of sparks, countless sacrifices were made. The souls began to erode, and the sword light assisting Sura continued to penetrate downward.

Can't hold it anymore!

When the wind did not hear, he gritted his teeth and suddenly held the white jade sword in his hands. With a "peng" blade stab fell on the top of the mountain, a storm was set off, and a golden mountain weather instantly opened up, blocking the sword that Sura had smashed down. !


Nan Yue Mu Tiancheng roared, and also slammed the golden giant sword on the ground suddenly, propping up a mountain atmosphere belonging to Nanyue Luming Mountain, rapidly fusing with Xiyue weather, and continuing to strengthen.


Guan Yang and Yi Ping drew their swords together, and also held up two mountain prohibitions. This is already using Zhu Yue's spiritual energy to resist Sula's sword light, which shows how terrifying this sword is.

In the distant sky, Sula's slender feet vacated, her whole body bent, her hands pressed against the hilt, and her body was full of flames, bending the sword light across the sky. She had already sacrificed all her strength and continued to split it. With this sword, a pair of beautiful eyes showed awe-inspiring murderous intent, and roared: "If we can't split this mountain today, wouldn't our nine thrones in the north have become the laughing stock of the people of the world? Give grandma... break it!"


With a loud noise, the four mountain monarchs who had just held up the Lord’s prohibition shattered together. The four mountain monarchs fell back after the wind was not heard, vomiting blood constantly, and there were many complex cracks on Jin's body. Although Jianguang's strength has been drastically reduced, it still falls diagonally with one sword, slashing Lishan straight! ??


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