Zhan Yue

Chapter 1454: Beheaded is Farewell


Suddenly, the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella's brilliance skyrocketed, and the breath increased several times in an instant. Wrapped in the branches and green leaves of the ginkgo tree, the sword of the female sword demon seemed to be cut into a piece of cotton wool. , The strength was directly resolved for the most part, although the power of the sacrifice was superbly overbearing, it also crushed countless branches and gold leaves of the ginkgo umbrella, but the strength was finally falling abruptly.

"Do you think you can leave when you come?"

Senior Sister Yun burst out of kendo energy, her hair fluttering, like a peerless female fairy, her body forwards, and the moment she steps on the ground with one foot, countless sword qi rises from the ground in all directions, forming a strong kendo forbidden world. It is flying. A magical power of Xuejian Formation suppressed the female sword demon in an instant.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed that there were only two people left.

Senior Sister Yun, the first person in kendo in the world, the sword intent is said to be flawless!

Fertuna, the master of the world of chaos, ascendant sword repair, known as the sword demon!

Countless branches of the ginkgo sky umbrella continue to consolidate the kendo restriction in front of me. Within the restriction, it is Senior Sister Yun’s small world, which has raised her by at least half of her realm. Therefore, within this heavy kendo restriction, Senior Sister Yun’s realm is completely Ascend to the level!

But Filtuna is different. She stepped into the world of others, and her realm was naturally suppressed. Although she did not fall to the quasi-sacred realm, she fell from a soaring realm known as Tianjiao to a rather "banal" one. Ascension.

Between sword repairs, only fight swordsmanship!


The two stabbed a sword almost at the same time. The sword of the female sword demon engulfed the atmosphere of chaos all over the sky, unparalleled overbearing, and Sister Yun's sword was as brilliant as snow, bright and flawless!

In the collision of sword lights, the winner was instantly divided.

The two exchanged positions. Senior Sister Yun still carried the white dragon sword and stood proudly in the kendo restriction, just like the master of a world, while Filtuna frowned, with blood stains on her arms holding the sword, already injured. .

"Wait, quickly reinforce Filtuna!" Lin Hai said in the clouds.


Amidst the billowing clouds, a group of figures descended on the throne, Fan Yi slashed a bright sword in the air, Charles raised his warhammer, and blasted a golden hammer light from ancient times, heading straight to Senior Sister Yun’s ginkgo umbrella, Landro Young Lifting the devil sickle, the figure whirled, the sickle spurred a long **** line, and the gesture was to cut the entire Lishan in the middle. The swordsmith Han Ying raised his arms and cleaved a sword, while the owner of the East China Sea rode a giant whale in the air, raising the blue color. With the rod, a cyan wave hit the top of the mountain.

Five thrones, let's shoot together!

"Really there is no one on earth?!"

On the top of the mountain, Shi Chen suddenly got up, the hammer shot suddenly, the brilliance skyrocketed, and he straightly faced Shire's warhammer. At the same time, he raised his right leg and stepped on it suddenly. The sickle blood light will step into the ground abruptly, but Shi Chen, the Ascendant Realm, can only do so much, and he has reached the limit to oppose the two thrones.

The rest will be resisted by Senior Sister Yun.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the loud noise, the two swords of Fan Yi and Han Ying landed on the ginkgo sky umbrella, directly cracking the umbrella cover, and Donghai Fangzhu's rod was suddenly beaten with a "peng" sound. , Ginkgo Sky Umbrella’s canopy was split into two in an instant, but at the moment when the canopy was broken, Senior Sister Yun had already separated a white smoke of sword energy and flew away, directly blasting Donghai Fangzhu back again and again, holding it. The palm of the rod was full of blood, which made him feel awe involuntarily when he once again looked at Senior Sister Yun who was under kendo restriction.

A quasi-divine realm sword repairer, how can He De, be able to understate the trauma of a throne?

In the eyes of the thrones, Sister Yun must have long been a big evildoer.


I stood in place, full of the air of a real dragon, and I did not hesitate to provide this mountain, river and battlefield with my own national luck and the BUFF halo effect of the imperial conquest, but I can only do so much. The realm was crushed, and it was difficult to move forward. As soon as she flew up, she was pushed back to the top of the mountain by the sword intent of Senior Sister Yun and Filtuna.

I had to look at Xiangfeng, "Help!"


There is not much you can do without the wind, just raise the white jade sword, and the atmosphere of the mountains continues to condense, and shouts in a low voice: "Everyone, since the weather for protecting the mountain has been breached, then you don't have to worry about too much, everyone has their own swords. , Guard the mountains!"

"Yes, Fengxiang!"

Numerous mountain gods appeared on the top of the mountain one by one. In the next moment, there was no war, countless sword lights burst out, and they smashed straight into the many thrones in the air, competing for more opportunities for Senior Sister Yun to kill the female sword demon.

"Jing Yunyue!"

During the restriction of Feixue Sword Formation, Filtuna's arms, abdomen, thighs and other positions had already appeared with wisps of sword wounds, but she didn't care at all, the chaotic swordsmanship all over her body was overflowing, as if she was crazy. Normally he keeps out swords and sneers: "What about you tricking me into the Flying Snow Sword Formation? What if the realm has an advantage? Why don't you understand, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well after all! There is a realm of ascension in the sky. , But you have never set foot on the top of the Ascendant Realm, you have never experienced that kind of scenery, your sword is too weak!"

Senior Sister Yun did not speak, and handed out a sword, which immediately shook Fertuna vomiting blood and backing away.

But at this time, Filtuna did not resist. On the contrary, she was still calculating. Half of the sword light handed out was actually towards the Feixue Sword Array, instead of letting the rest of the throne break through the Feixue Sword Array from the outside. In fact, it’s harder for her to break through the Flying Snow Sword Formation from the inside. After all, the foundation of the Ascension Realm Swordsman is here, and she is wearing the fortune of the chaotic world. On paper strength, Filtuna wants Much better than Senior Sister Yun!

"Is it so difficult?"

In the clouds, above the highest throne, Lin Hai protruded an arm, holding the Immortal Sword, facing the mountain with a sword, and shouted in a low voice: "Since you Jing Yunyue doesn't want these two natal creatures, this king has perfected you. That's it!"


With a single sword!

In the next second, with the falling of the sword light, the trunk of the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella instantly split into two, and then was evaporated by the sword light. The entire Ginkgo Sky Umbrella was completely destroyed, and this was Senior Sister Yun's destiny!


Inside the Flying Snow Sword Formation, Senior Sister Yun suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, while Filtuna took advantage of the momentum and kicked her shoulders, taking advantage of the momentum, soaring into the sky, the gray long sword burst out with a ray of sword light that soared through the sky directly. Immediately after the dome restrained by the sword formation, the sword demon Feltuna leaped into the air with a laugh, and sent three consecutive swords to Sister Yun, as if venting his anger, and said with a smile: "Jing Yunyue, you Rubbish, **** damn **** it!"

Taking advantage of the intermittent battle between the two sides, I suddenly rushed forward and blocked the front of Senior Sister Yun. Under the double transformation, all the skills were activated. The defensive skills such as the barrier of ash, the wall of glorious shield, and the shape of the mountain were all activated. Fully open, and at the same time raise with one hand, summon a white dragon wall across the front to resist the opponent's sword!


With a loud noise, facing the Ascending Throne Swordsman, the white dragon wall was instantly shattered, turning into countless white fragments and swaying in the wind. At the same time, the sword light fell, making my body almost torn to pieces, the first sword. It chopped off 52% of my vitality, and it was a sword that was blocked by the white dragon wall. Between the electric light and flint, I hurriedly took a sip of the level 10 life potion, and the vitality returned to full, but when the second sword fell, There was a sense of tearing that was almost numb again in the body, and the blood fell straight to 9%. People can cut 91% of my health with a single sword. Sure enough, without the body of the gods, it still won't work!

But at this moment, there is no way to enlighten the body of the gods, it has not yet reached that point!



A ray of golden light rose, the invincible skills surrounded the whole body, abruptly withstood Filtuna’s third sword, and also fully resisted the three swords for Senior Sister Yun. The health bar was cut to a critical value of 1. No matter how low it is, people will disappear. Thanks to the system's battle rules still being high, even the throne must follow these rules.


In the air, Filtuna let out a cold snort, and the murderous intent in her eyes became more intense.


Lin Hai gave a low voice.


Although the female sword demon was unwilling, she still flew back.

"Senior Sister."

I flew back to Senior Sister Yun and looked at her pale face and felt distressed. She was able to resist the four thrones with her own strength. Moreover, there was also an Ascendant Swordsman, an Ascended Realm with luck, but The degree of horror can be imagined.


She shook her head slightly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com talked to me with a heartfelt voice: "Although the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella is ruined, fortunately, it has not fallen."

"Feixue Sword Formation seems to have also been injured."


She frowned and said: "But fortunately, I have been tempering the Lingxu and Yuanying these days. I believe that even if the Flying Snow Sword Array is destroyed together, I will not fall. On the contrary, if all these foreign objects disappear If I do, my state of mind may be truly flawless, and I might be able to get there by then."

"Which step?" I was surprised.

"Ask your heart."

She looked at me and said: "Junior Brother, this time we will fight the alien demon army at Lishan. In fact, there is only one key point. Lin Hai must die. If Lin Hai does not die, even if we kill all the remaining eight thrones. Lin Hai can also use the death altar to gather the luck of death and re-sign the throne."

"Then kill Lin Hai!"

I nodded: "I already have plans."

"A plan is not enough."

Senior Sister Yun looked at me and said, "Lin Hai is different from the rest of the thrones. He is the shadow of death. In addition to having a real body, there is also a shadow. In fact, both of them are real bodies. The body and the shadow are slashed together, so that the demon **** can be completely wiped out, but this is really too difficult."

I looked to the north and said in my heart: "It doesn't matter, if Senior Sister can cut one, I can lead the human adventurer and also cut one."

She looked at me with comfort and nostalgia in her beautiful eyes.

"Junior Brother, after killing Lin Hai, you and I will say goodbye forever."

She sighed faintly: "From now on, this world will rely on you."

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