Zhan Yue

Chapter 1456: Punish the forest


Lin Hai withdrew and retreated quickly, suddenly a shot of his left hand, and flew back with his broken arm wrapped in death luck. His face was pale and coldly said: "Sura, you guy, are you actually in collusion with this broken spine dog? Hmph, this king should have thought of this section a long time ago, but he didn't expect that you actually let the big tengu swallow the whole world's law of fire and luck. Tsk tsk, you are really brave when you drop the enemy on the battlefield!"

In the distance, the throne, ranked fifth in the Northern Territory, completely collapsed, collapsed, and annihilated into a pile of fragile luck to feed back the world.


Lin Hai's bitten arm suddenly swung his sword, and the volley was a sword, and the sword pierced the big tengu.

The big dog roared, his body was suppressed by Lin Hai's prohibition, and he couldn't move. The blood and aura of the big dog clan skyrocketed, and his hair stood upright, ushering in its peak moment, with a flesh and blood body that shook an ascendant sword repairer The mighty sword of the first throne!


As the sword light skyrocketed, the big tengu's figure was instantly divided into two. Although its bloodline had returned to its ancestors, it has been constrained by Lin Hai's power after returning to the world. It is unknown how many seeds of the law of death were buried in the body. At this time, it was detonated by the sword light, so that although the big tengu's body was strong, it was split into two in the sword light, and the flesh and blood evaporated.

"Jing Yunyue!"

Sura yelled.

In an instant, Senior Sister Yun's body burst into sword intent, and she directly handed out a sword, quickly and ruthlessly, and went straight to the shadow of death's spiritual platform.

"court death!"

Although Lin Hai was hit hard, his broken arm connected with the gray silk thread of the law of death struck Senior Sister Yun with one sword, and as soon as he appeared, Sula's figure swept past, like five green onions. Spreading her fingers, she pushed out a ball of light from the smashed blood mist of the big tengu, passing from north to south, and in the next moment, she had already entered the mountainside of Lishan.

Amidst the lush greenery, Sula holds a sword in his hand and walks slowly, while the white light next to him slowly converges into a reborn "big tengu", which looks...like a gray loess dog raised in the countryside, not big at all. The **** breath of the tengu, the messy hair, the mud all over, it even looks like a country dog, but there is a heroic breath between the eyebrows, so it looks like a big tengu.

One person and one dog stepped into the territories of the human race and deviated from the territories of the Northern Territory.



Senior Sister Yun blasted out with a sword light, and Lin Hai pulled out and retreated quickly after facing a sword. The two separated, and the battle on the top of the mountain came to an end temporarily.

"Welcome to the Fire Queen to return to the right way."

Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly on the top of the mountain.

When the wind does not smell, he nodded gently: "Very good, very good!"

Sura smiled slightly, took a step forward, and appeared on the top of the mountain with the big tengu, standing side by side with Senior Sister Yun, and said: "I finally got to this step, relieved."


In the distance, Filtuna stood in the clouds, holding a gray sword in her hand, and sneered: "You traitor, wait and see, sooner or later, I will cut off your head and set it on the table!"

Sura smiled indifferently: "You just want to be happy."

Senior Sister Yun raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Filtuna, have you forgotten the sentence I said before? In this war, if the throne falls, you will be the first one, do you think you Will there be another chance to kill Sura?"


At this moment, Sula’s mind stepped into my mind lake, and then the minds of Senior Sister Yun, Shi Shen, Feng Xiang, Guan Yang, Mu Tiancheng, and Yi Ping also appeared in my mind lake one after another, as if There is a certain tacit understanding.

"The strong death luck is enough to bring back the dead, so just a broken arm is not a serious injury to Lin Hai. With a stick of incense, he can recover to at least 80% of his strength, and he can continue to use the sword and continue to sacrifice. The demon army came to split Lishan."

Sura looked at everyone and whispered: "So in terms of absolute strength, we are still at a great disadvantage."

Senior Sister Yun asked: "How much do you have saved?"

"Sixty percent."

Sura pursed her red lips, and said: "Before, I had a throne that could gather the world's luck, but now it's different, and I'm injured again, so my current strength... can only be equivalent to a quasi-god. Realm sword repair, nothing more."

"It's better to have than nothing," said Shi Shen, the honest farmer.

Senior Sister Yun Nunuzui, too lazy to spit out, and said: "How much aura of the mountains and rivers are there in the Four Mountains?"

"Thirty percent."

Unheard of the wind, frowned: "In a short period of time, the mountain and water aura that the Siyue Mountain Monarch can mobilize has been very thin. We really don't have much choice."

"That's no way."

Senior Sister Yun frowned, and said, "Everyone will do their best. If I get to that point, I will think of a way. Maybe that's the only way to do it."

"How?" Sura asked.

"Not so much."

Senior Sister Yun smiled and didn't want to tell her.

Suranunu said: "Still not treating me as his own person?"

Senior Sister Yun shook her head: "Why, if that's the case, the moment you stepped into Junior Brother's heart lake, this touch of your mind would have been wiped out by me."



All parties withdrew from my heart lake one after another, but Senior Sister Yun still stood in the heart lake, she was tall and beautiful, she was beautiful in white clothes, and she was indescribably beautiful, but in the next second, a huge figure fell from the sky, the master Xiao Chen, His posture was as majestic as an immortal, suddenly shrank and became smaller, turning into a figure standing tens of meters away from Senior Sister Yun.

"See Immortal Master." Senior Sister Yun said respectfully.

"You are Welcome."

Master nodded, turned to look at me, and smiled: "Lu Li, Master has been in the floating map world for too long and too long, and it doesn't make much sense to continue, so it's time to separate."

I trembled slightly: "Master is leaving too?"


He looked at me with kindness in his eyes, and said: "Master meets you, this is the gathering of fate, and now the time has come, but we have to parte, life is like this, so is the great road, but Master Something must be done before leaving."

He looked at Senior Sister Yun: "Isn't Master Yunyue unsure? It doesn't matter, I, the immortal who has been dead for thousands of years, has a little bit of accomplishment in the art of spirit and soul, Master Yunyue didn't want to combine Lin Hai's two real bodies and shadow Will you leave? I can do it, but as long as it takes a stick of incense, the rest is up to Master Yunyue."

Senior Sister Yun widened her beautiful eyes: "Master Immortal can really do it?"


"Okay, great!"

Senior Sister Yun nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Master Xian!!"

Master Xiao Chen nodded and smiled: "Don't be grateful, I'm just doing the last thing for my closed disciple Lu Li."

At this moment, another voice came from my heart: "My time seems to have come."

With that said, a ray of figure emerged from the heart lake, it was the white bird. This woman who had been swinging in the Lingxu all day was no longer wearing a white dress, but a silver armor and cloak, fighting with her feet. Boots, holding a thin sword in his hand, the whole person is like a new life, filled with an extremely transcendent aura, Li Wu smiled: "I am the Valkyrie of the Old God Realm, and now the Old God Realm has long been annihilated. The detached law body has been standing for a long time, and now the strength has been warmed and cultivated enough, about the equivalent of half ascending realm sword repair..."

I frowned and said, "Shiratori, this is a war on earth. Did you really decide to get involved? After all, once you fail, you may not escape bad luck. Have you decided?"


Shiratori nodded slowly, and said: "If I don't take advantage of this battle to cultivate, I am afraid I will never be able to enter the Ascending Realm, and once I enter the Ascending Realm, I will be summoned by the old God Realm law and cannot stay long. So, there are only two results in this battle, one is that I fly up and leave, and the second is that I fight Lishan to death."

She smiled: "It's okay, I don't regret any result, I can accept it."

I nodded and said nothing more.


"That's it!"

Master Xiao Chen said calmly: "I will hide in the White Dragon Sword. Master Yunyue doesn't need to do too much, just fight the sword against Lin Hai. As long as the distance is enough, I will launch a soul blow to divide Lin Hai. Two, but this blow will definitely exhaust all of my cultivation base. After one blow, I can only fly up. The rest depends on you."


Senior Sister Yun nodded.

Shiratori carried a long sword: "I will guard Lishan and fight against many thrones together with Sura, Shi Chen and others."

Senior Sister Yun smiled and nodded, and turned to look at me: "Junior Brother, what do you want?"

"Senior Sister is going to kill the Shadow of Death. I will lead someone to kill Lin Hai's true body, so...Senior Sister helped and beat Lin Hai to the ground so that our people can approach. Can you do it?"

"Do your best, yes!"

"Then let's start!"



Everyone withdrew from Heart Lake one by one, and I directly said in the chat channels of the major leaders: "Now, everyone on the one-million cavalry war roster has all evacuated from the battlefield and went to the battlefield at the bottom of the mountain with me, preparing it has started!"

"it is good!"

In the battlefield at the foot of the mountain, countless ride-and-war players left their positions. One million cavalry crowded from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and a deer position in front of them also gave way to a spacious road.


In the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Senior Sister Yun walks with a sword.

"Come to die?"

Lin Hai had already taken his arm back, his breath was surging, and he sneered: "Undead Legion, let me play!"

The elite refresh of countless undead legions.

At the next moment, Lin Hai raised the Immortal Sword and sacrificed tens of millions of people. Then he laughed, raised the sword with both arms, slashed down in the air, and went straight to Senior Sister Yun’s head: "All the thrones, give me Go out, step on Lishan!"

Many thrones are crushed.

And at the moment when Senior Sister Yun took out the sword, a figure full of immortal Dao aura flew out of the white dragon sword, and it was the figure of Master Xiao Chen.

"Old immortal?" Lin Hai was shocked.

"Give me points!"

Xiao Chen suddenly burst into immortality, and directly pushed an afterimage from Lin Hai's body, while Senior Sister Yun's sword intent suddenly changed, her body appeared above Lin Hai, her left hand opened, and Feixue sword formation was left. Half of the remaining swords were exploded and turned into invisible sword intent to gather on the White Dragon Sword. With a single sword, Lin Hai's body was blasted to the ground.

In order to help me with this, she actually exploded the Feixue Sword Formation this life thing!


"All the riding and warfare elements of the big list, rush to Lao Tzu!"

I suddenly pointed the dagger to Lin Hai's landing place, and said, "Using the 50-yard battle rule, let Lin Hai die here!"

Behind him, the sound of iron hoofs rolled, and the riding battle system led by players such as Lin Xi, Feng Canghai, Yanshi not attacking, troubled times, drawing charm on paper, clearing lights, calories, etc., rushed to the position of Lin Hai's body in a dense manner.

In this battle, the national service will fight hard!

Millions of cavalry, altogether punish the forest!

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