Zhan Yue

Chapter 1482: Lin Xiaohai


The three armies made their way into the hinterland of the Flame Plain.


At about ten o'clock in the morning, I saw clusters of jungle terrain dotted on the endless plains. Hare, wolves, and badgers could be seen everywhere. It was a piece of fertile soil, and I was riding a black tiger. Accompany Lin Xi, Kamei, Qing Deng and others to move forward slowly, and try not to leave too much distance with the foot combat players behind.

On the side, Zhang Lingyue, who is the more spirited male, is dressed in military armor with a saber hanging on his waist. He is riding a white horse with dozens of imperial guards. He cautiously follows behind me. His expression is quite respectful. When he was in charge, he was generally the same. It seemed that he had never regarded himself as the head of the three empires, nor had he regarded me as an idle person who had no power and influence in the court.

"The map of the Flame Plains is really big."

Qing Deng held the reins in one hand, and touched his nose in the other, and said, "If the Fire Demon Queen hadn't regained the territory with the soldiers without blood, I'm afraid we would be exhausted if we fight a little bit."

Calorie, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the jungle in the distance, and said, "The products are also rich. The grassland is vast and the products are rich. Animals can be seen everywhere. It is a good place for hunting. Unfortunately, the enhancement of attributes in the game is too exaggerated. This is the joy of hunting."

Lin Xi smiled and shook her head: "The alien demon army only knows about killing, but it doesn't know how to use it properly. It's a pity."

On the side, Sura rode a white horse, pursed her red lips, and said: "When I was sitting in the Flame Plains, I never thought about making good use of this land. After all... what the Flame Legion needs is fresh flesh and blood. The endless breath of death, they just want to destroy, how to get along with the heavens and the earth is not something that the Flame Legion needs to consider."

"But we have to consider."

I turned around and took a look at Zhang Lingyue, and said, "Since the Queen of Fire is helping us to regain the Plain of Flames, it shouldn't be a big problem. Now I should think about how to use this vast grassland and jungle."

Zhang Lingyue's face was faintly excited, and said: "The reason why our Xuanyuan Empire does not have the Daxiang cavalry like the Daxiang Dynasty is mainly because of the terrain of our country. Most of the Daxiang Dynasty is an endless plain. The territory of our Xuanyuan Empire is full of mountains and waters, and the south is a land of fish and rice, so the grassland used to raise horses is very lacking. This has caused our heavy cavalry to be incomparable to the Daxiang Dynasty. It can be regarded as the Xuanyuan Empire for many years. One of his heart diseases."

He was a little excited: "If we can really put the Flame Plains into the territory, we can open up multiple pastures here, feed war horses, hoard food and grass for the empire, etc., all of which will be of infinite benefit."

"It's not just that."

I smiled and said: "We will also move people out of the bitter cold zone like Beiliang Province, build villages for them, distribute grain seeds, so that they can cultivate and cultivate on the plain of flames. In addition, we should also move from some idle areas. The old and weak soldiers were recruited from the second and third corps. Since they can’t fight, let them go to the Flame Plain to farm, and half of the food they planted will belong to themselves and half of the national treasury. This way we can raise more. With many corps, the Xuanyuan Empire will gradually become more prosperous and stronger, and eventually become the true ruler of the world."


Zhang Lingyue nodded and smiled: "My lord said so well, we should do this. After this battle, I will discuss with Lin Xiang after I go back. He should also agree with this very much!"


I nodded and said, "The original city on the Plain of Flames must establish government offices, send officials to govern, and dispatch troops to garrison. Swords can be made on the Flame Plain. At that time, you must propose to build more fortresses at the border of the Flame Plain and the alien demon territory, send heavy troops to garrison, in addition, draw out the excellent array divisions from the Inscription Pattern Academy to help build the Flame Plain The big formation, step by step, gain a firm foothold on the Flame Plain."


Zhang Lingyue said happily: "Subordinates have taken note of it!"


At this moment, Sula Meimu looked south and said: "The small city of Funing is located to the south, Zhou Qiyun, immediately pass on to me and order the city lord of Funing to offer the city to surrender."

"Yes, Lord Queen!"

Zhou Qiyun rose into the sky and turned into a cloud covering the sky of a small city in the south. The Faxiang appeared suddenly, holding a boned sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Funing City Lord Zhao Jin listens to the order!"

For a moment, the defenders on the small city were panicked. An undead warrior in golden armor slowly walked out of the city, frowning and said: "Why did City Lord Zhou come to my little Funing city? If you ask the sword, Forget it, here is not the opponent of the city lord."

"Zhao Jin!"

Zhou Qiyun raised his hand and pointed behind him, and said, "Look who is here?"


At a glance, Zhao Jin saw Sura standing next to me in the crowd, and suddenly a few tears were squeezed out of her dry eye sockets, and she crawled up and knelt in front of Sura’s horseshoes. He repeatedly squatted his head and said: "The villain Zhao Jin, Daypan and Yepan finally brought the Queen to Pan. Since the rebel Fan Yi took over the flame plains, he has done nothing wrong, and the villain has suffered greatly. The lord will be fine... the villain is willing to lead the horse for the Queen, and he will die!"

A touch of contempt flashed through Suramei’s eyes, and she smiled slightly: "Zhao Jin, now I am a member of the Dragon Realm. From now on, the Flame Legion will soon become the guard of the Dragon Realm. I order you to lead them all at once. The tribe withdrew from Funing City and gave this city to the Terran Army."


Zhao Jin was startled: "Then...what shall I do?"

"Follow me and go to recover the Fire Queen's Palace."



Therefore, Zhang Lingyue only sent a thousand old and weak to settle in and guard Funing City, and all the remaining elite soldiers went northward and went straight to the core area of ​​the Flame Plain. As long as the Fire Demon Queen's Palace was destroyed, it would be equivalent to the capital of the Flame Plain. , This version is equivalent to the fertile land of Lingnan Province + Yunxi Province + Beiliang Province, which will be included in the Xuanyuan Empire's territory, and the increased luck of heaven and earth, and the fortune of the country will be unimaginable. The most uncomfortable person is naturally the "Sacred Sage" Fan Yi who is attacking the city in the west.

Everyone did not stop, and traveled a long distance, and finally arrived at the Queen's Palace of the Fire Demon at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Along the way, more than a dozen small and medium-sized cities were recovered, and our Terran map on the Plain of Flames was illuminated one by one. At this time, the Queen's Palace of the Fire Demon was near. In front of my eyes, it is said to be a palace, but in fact it is a huge city. At this time, the gate of the city is closed, swords are like forest on the wall, countless dead soldiers in black armor are guarding the city, and the flags floating in the air are not Belongs to the Flame Legion.


Sura raised her eyebrows lightly: "The defenders are not ours?"


Zhou Qiyun frowned and said: "After the Queen decided to embrace the light camp, Fan Yi came to the Fire Demon Queen's Palace once, and dispatched all the defenders that belonged to the Fire Legion to the site of the Indestructible Legion, and exchanged defense zones. The black knights who have become the immortal legion are on guard. It is said that there is also a unicorn dead bone legion in the city, which is quite powerful."

"How about being tough?"

Sura frowned: "It's all down to it."

As she said, she looked at me: "There is no way here. I can only attack. The idiots of the Immortal Legion are guarding the city. I don't have the mark of their destiny."


I nodded, lifted into the air with a dagger, just standing in the air outside the south gate of the Queen of Fire Demon Palace, and said: "Who is the guard, please speak!"

The monsters stared at me, until a few seconds later a figure rose from the city. It was a person wearing black iron armor and holding a cold blade. The breath was faintly familiar with a little bit of momentum. It is majestic, but it is surrounded by a kind of sacred beast of the unicorn family, which is very complicated and unclear.

Just above his head, there was a line of names fluttering, under my Shifang Hot Wheel, it was unobstructed--

(Return to the market-level boss)

Level: 355

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Biography: In the battle of Lishan, Lin Hai's true body died under the iron hoof of the human race, and the shadow was strangled in the sky by Jing Yunyue, but when Lin Hai died in the battle, Fan Yi converged to Lin Hai's one by one hand. Soul and soul, and found one of his ribs. Finally, using this rib and soul and soul as an introduction, plus the bones of sacrificed Qilin dead bones, they finally resurrected a substitute for Lin Hai, who was still awake. And named it Lin Xiaohai



I was stunned. Fan Yi is really disgusting. Even the old master dares to be disgusting, but talent is indeed talented. I am afraid that such shameless behavior is just what Fan Yi has done.

"I am Lin Xiaohai."

He said angrily: "Wang Zhao of Master Feng Fanyi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ guards the Fire Demon Queen's Palace here, who are you?"

I immediately held up my head and held my chest up: "I am the lord of the Dragon Realm. The first Xiaoyao King of Human Race and the Great Emperor Liuhuo in July Liuhuo, now leading a team of millions to attack the Plain of Flames, I order you to surrender immediately, so as not to mistake yourself!"


Lin Xiaohai plucked his nose and smiled: "It's a big tone. I almost thought that Jing Yunyue had come in person. Tsk tsk tsk, a human adventurer now has a loud voice!"

As he said, he drew his sword directly, and the blade pointed: "If there is a seed, you will attack the city, if there is no seed, you will get out!"

At the same time, a phantom was projected from the inscription pattern in the city head, dressed in white, it was the body of the most sacred Fan Yi who heard the Tao, swaying with a folding fan in his hand, and said with a smile: "Lord of the Dragon Region, it seems Your name is not easy to use. Idiots are always incompetent to idiots. I think you might as well attack the city directly, right?"

"as you wish."

I turned around happily and raised my palm: "Ready to attack the city!"

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