Zhan Yue

Chapter 1484: Put into use

   In the afternoon, around five o'clock.


A series of ladders were densely erected outside the palace wall of the Queen of Fire Demon Palace. This palace did not have the various organs of the spirit city. Once it was glued by the player's army, there was basically no hope. Soon after, Lin Xi , Calorie, two beautiful chicks took the lead in entering the city, and then countless players rushed over the city wall densely and directly entered the city.

There was almost no suspense in the battle in the city. The city gate was opened from the inside, and a deer guild swarmed in first, followed by guilds such as Fenglin Volcano, Mythology, and Promise.


In the air, Lin Xiaohai, the shadow of the unicorn, sighed, his expression was full of confusion, and he stopped attacking with his long sword.


Flame Legion vanguard general Zhou Qiyun took the long sword forward and sneered: "Lin Xiaohai, do you poor worm still want to resist? Forget it, you have no chance. It's better to grab it with your hands and save it ugly."


Lin Xiaohai let out a low drink and burst into sword intent. It is worthy of possessing Lin Hai’s soul and soul. This kendo power faintly touches the threshold of the ascension realm, but the sword has not been handed out, and only Sula is seen. Passing by, the Flame Divine Sword splits a sword light, and there is a loud noise. Lin Xiaohai's body rolls out, smashing through the three-story pavilion continuously, and then he falls into a mess.

The strength is too great. After all, Sura is the one who has the throne, has seen the scenery on the throne, and her throne was ranked in the top five at the beginning, so even if the throne is turned into a fan, but the cultivation level has been improved. I saw the figure from the back of the Ascension Realm from a distance, and Sura's sword was handed out in the Fire Demon Queen's Palace. The power of his own Xiaotiandi has increased by at least 30%, and Lin Xiaohai will be **** if he can catch this sword.


Among the pieces of broken rubble, Lin Xiaohai's armor had been cut, stumbled and climbed up, vomiting a mouthful of blood, and said angrily: "If there is a kind, kill me, otherwise I will never retreat!"

"Complete you!"

The flame sword was raised, and a ray of sword light slashed down in the air!

"Wait a minute!"

In the wind, a big hand condensed by words manifested, and with a "slap", Sula's sword light was slapped away, and then the palm of his hand opened, encumbering Lin Xiaohai's figure, and Fan Yi's voice spread from the void. Come: "At any rate, it's the demon who will sit on the throne in the future. How can it be so unstructured? It's really disappointing."

In the next second, Lin Xiaohai’s body was directly grabbed away, while Fan Yi cast a glance in the void, and smiled: "This is a mere plain of flames. You want to give it to you. This king’s journey is The stars and the sea farther away!"

"Fuck off!"

I frowned.


His voice quickly left: "Follow the edict of the Great Emperor Liuhuo, go~~~"


Occupy the Fire Queen's Palace.

A group of players were still strangling the few remaining troops of different demons in the city, and I took Lin Xi, accompanied Sura and Lan Che into this hall that had been secretly visited before. There was still not much change in the palace. , Glazed tiles, clean and bright, even the furnishings have not changed much, no different from before.

"How does it feel to revisit the old place?" I asked.

Sura smiled freely: "I was no longer me the day yesterday."


I nodded: "You don't have to come to live in the Queen of Fire Demon Palace. If you have anything you want, just take it away. In the near future, this place will probably become the provincial capital of the Xuanyuan Empire on the Plain of Flames. "

"it is good."

Sura took out a bag from her waist and shook it. The bag quickly grew larger. It was a treasure that was unacceptable for storage. Then she ransacked it in the palace, such as the golden rimmed mirror, crane palace lantern, and Ling Luo. Put all the brocades into it, and then came to the back of the main hall, Sura opened up a treasure house with a word of words. Inside, all kinds of weapons and treasures were listed, and they were all included in the bag, and then they came to the backyard. I collected all the treasures planted in the medicinal garden, it can be said that there is no grass.

"Really not leaving it to the provincial capital of the Human Race?" I took Lin Xi's little hand and looked at Sura, smiling and joking aside.

Sura pouted her round buttocks to search for treasures, and she gave me a blank look and said, "I am from the Dragon Realm now, and not someone from the human race. Why should I leave it to them? Besides, these treasures are all my painstaking efforts. , I have worked hard for thousands of years, and of course I brought it to the Dragon Realm together."

There was suspicion in her beautiful eyes: "You are still the lord of the Dragon Realm, fortunately, how poor are we, don’t you have any numbers in your heart? Our medicine garden in the Dragon Realm is empty, and there is not even a ginseng that is thousands of years old. No, people who don’t know walk into the drug garden thinking they have stepped into the wild..."

Lin Xi chuckled, glanced at me and said, "Really?"


I touched my nose and said, "The previous Dragon Domain was indeed like this. Senior Sister Yun is a person who is fascinated by kendo, and she seldom goes out to fight the autumn wind. Otherwise, with her cultivation skills, Dragon Domain would have long been a leader, who Can the Dragon Region be rich? But in fact, just like Sura said, the Dragon Region is so poor that she is about to become pants. In order to raise food, equipment, etc., Senior Sister Yun really can’t wait to even take her own white dragon sword. Pawn it."

Lin Xi rolled her eyes, "Which pawnshop in the world dares to accept the White Dragon Sword? I don't want to live anymore..."

I am sad.

Sura on the side collected the treasures, stood straight, looked at me and said, "But to be honest, the way Lu Li controls the Dragon Realm must be different from Master Yunyue. When she encounters difficulties, she can break it with a single sword. So, with this ability and ability, you are different. Your quasi-divine realm is paperless and vulnerable. Once the Dragon Realm is really besieged by many thrones, what will you resist?"

I was speechless, and Lin Xi was angrily, staring at Sura with her beautiful eyes, some of them were embarrassing for me.

Sura sighed, and her eyebrows frowned lightly: "Your strategy is actually correct. We don't have anyone in the Dragon Region who can shoot swords and become the mainstay at will. Then we have to rely on the power of the group, the flying snow left by Master Yunyue. The sword formation is her improved sword formation. It is suitable for everyone to practice and form together. However, the young masters of the new generation of Longyu have mixed good and bad. Many people have already reached that point, but they have been unable to break through. Why? What is missing? The treasures of heaven, material and earth that can assist in breaking the realm are missing one or two treasures that fit in with their own cultivation base and refining them into life things. If you have these, I dare to say that the flying snow sword formation formed by the younger generation of the Dragon Realm, The power must be at least doubled!"

She is also very hardworking.

I frowned and said, "Sura, needless to say, after that I will take you and Sylvia to the mountains. Let us catch the autumn wind one by one, and really do the goose plucking. I'm better at this. "

Sura smiled gently: "Okay, this is the unique temperament of your second-generation dragon domain lord."

I rolled my eyes: "Fuck off!"



At six o'clock in the evening, the entire area of ​​the Fire Demon Queen’s Palace was officially occupied. After everyone hurriedly had dinner, the whole army went north, and with the assistance of Sura, the master of the Flame Plain, he took down more than a dozen of the northern part of the Flame Plain without blood. The city, in fact, when everyone learned that Fan Yi had abandoned the Fire Demon Queen's Palace, they had no fighting spirit. As soon as Sura arrived, these old ministries basically returned without resistance.

After twelve o'clock, the "Death to the Great Wall" version of the event has not yet ended, and it is still postponed. As an important figure in the plot, I will do my part to order the whole army to storm the dark dragon world!

Back then, the Dark Dragon Realm was an area brought to the world by the Dark Dragon God. Now it has changed its owner countless times. As for now, we have no way of knowing who the owner of the Dark Dragon Realm is, but there are a large number of alien monsters. We are in the canyon and prevent us from advancing. There is nothing to say. We attacked all the way to the north and opened up the passage between the territories of the human race and the desert. As long as we reach the desert, we will be able to kick Fan Yijun’s **** all the way to the west. , Can also go to see what level the purgatory legion of another world is in the legend.

Therefore, everyone in the national service took turns to rest. At about 7 o'clock the next morning, they finally broke through the defenders of the dark dragon world. As the first batch of players, Lin Xi and I brought Yilu’s tens of thousands of people to the first place. When time stepped into the desert, the whole body became hot.

"Next is the West Expedition."

I looked at the vast desert in the distance, then looked at the three beautiful and exhausted faces of Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi, and said with a smile: "Don't stay up, get off the line and sleep well, let the **** of war lead everyone to the west. Anyway, once our forces pass through the Great Wall of the West, it will cause Fan Yi to be pinched. According to my guess, the version activity should be over at this stage. We just wait to receive the reward."


Lin Xi nodded immediately: "Go, let's cook egg noodles, and sleep after eating!"


I'm also offline~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a deer who has long been panda-eyed stays up late, the God of War, Qingdeng, is riding an abyssal warhorse, holding an ice spear, and shouting in a low voice: "Brothers, beautiful clothes." My little sisters are being bullied by Fan Yi, can we bear it?"

"Can't bear it!" Everyone drew their swords and pointed at the sky.

"Then what?" Qing Deng continued to flicker loudly.

Everyone roared: "Bullying together in the past!"

Lin Xi pulled me off the assembly line with a black thread, and when he saw the God of War staying up late, he avoided it.


Offline, my sister is already cooking noodles. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and A Fei, who just went offline, all have panda eyes looking at my sister like a hungry ghost.

"Sister, I want two eggs." I said.

"I know~~~"

While cooking the noodles, Tangtang Tianming Group's China regional president said angrily: "With two eggs, no one suffers."

"That's okay..." A Fei laughed.

But at this moment, with a "di" sound, a message came from KDA's Wang Lu: "Today, the first batch of sky patching equipment has been built and will be put into use. The first test site is the crack above East Taihu Lake. , The leader said that you are the actual planner of the patching sky plan and hope you will be there."

"When does it begin?"

"It's about an hour later."

"That's not a hurry, I will go after the egg noodles."



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