Zhan Yue

Chapter 1493: Infinite evolution

That's ridiculous!

Predators, something that dogs don’t eat, can actually master the annihilation power of the God-Transforming Realm?

I am not convinced!

There was a mass of anger in his chest, and the power of the whole body rushed to the top of Xiaotiandi's restraint, and sneered: "Come on, let me see how strong your annihilation is?"


Countless golden sand and dust poured down. For nearly three seconds of impact, Xiaotiandi’s restraint was rushed and buzzed, and I spent about 10% of my strength to resist the annihilation of this punch. Enough is enough. The moment when the opponent's fist strength was exhausted, a sword hit the sky directly, and the golden sword light broke out in the sky, and the body of the predator suddenly shattered.


At the same time, the claws of a predator remaining in Xiaotiandi tore open the God-Transforming Realm Guardian Qi around the arm, leaving a wound of about five centimeters on the arm, and the Qi was broken at the same time. , A ray of chill poured in quickly, but fortunately the physical strength was strong enough, he immediately responded with a punch, and slammed the predator's head on the inner wall of the restriction with a sound, directly smashed to pieces.


The only remaining predator has been cut into blood and blood by the disordered sword qi within the restraint. Seeing his "teammates" die one by one, his hideous head is slightly like a human eyebrow. Full of anger, he roared with swear words: "Even if I want to go to hell, I will definitely take you down with you!"

With a punch, the golden streamers turned.

I suddenly lifted my body, stepped heavily on it, and landed just on his head. I stepped on the forbidden boundary wall with a sound of "peng", crashed into the juice, and died tragically on the spot.

All resolved, the seven leading predators have all been punishable, and in the distance, there are still nearly a hundred saboteurs attacking the army’s fire net. For a while, the anger in my heart has not been completely resolved, and I immediately turned to the headset. The commander here said: "Order a ceasefire, and leave these saboteurs to me!"

"Good! All ceasefire!"

At the moment of the ceasefire, I was already in the air, a punch fell, and my body was wrapped in golden luster. With a sound of "puff", a deep pit nearly three meters deep was exploded on the bank of the river in front. The power of the transformed realm was controlled just right, and the scope was extremely wide. Nearly a hundred saboteurs did not survive in their lives, and they all turned into dust.

In the icy night, only three or two saboteurs were left to escape, but I stepped out one step at a time, one sword at a time, not a single mouth left, and all of them were killed.


"Land from……"

When I returned, I was already panting. Wang Lu looked at me with worry in her eyes: "How are you...You are injured, please bandage it up."


I shook my head and glanced at it. The wound had already stopped bleeding. This injury is no different from a broken skin for a body in the realm of transformation, but what I can't accept is why these predators can understand. Some of the mysteries of the God Transformation Realm, especially the predator with the highest degree of fusion, can use a part of the annihilation power. Although it is very weak, the destructive power is already quite amazing. Besides me, there are also Who can stop it? I am afraid that even if Master Lin Cheng meets him, he will be defeated with hatred.

"Star Eye!"

I grabbed a predator's severed arm, and I threw it lightly into the air, saying, "Bring it back to the laboratory and analyze its genes."

"Yes, Skywalker."

A special cold-resistant drone stuck in the air caught the broken arm and flew away.

"Go to the barracks for a rest? I'll bandage it." Wang Lu said.


I nodded, followed her and Qin Feng and other people to the barracks in this military forbidden area. The barracks were newly built, heated, and spacious and bright. After sitting down, I tore off my torn sleeves. And Wang Lu skillfully helped me bandage. As for medicine or something, there is no need to apply medicine. The body of the God Transformation Realm is not invading, and there is no worry of inflammation.


The commander was a young colonel. After sitting down, he frowned and said, "Is it all right, Lu Li?"


I shook my head: "This sneak attack was a bit sudden, but this is also good. At least it allows us to confirm what the Transcendent Plan organization wants to do, and it also proves that the Sky Patching Plan is indeed effective. What they want to destroy proves ours. success."

"It's true."

He gritted his teeth and said: "This time, they used seven predators, over a hundred saboteurs, and an unknown number of executors. It's a bit desperate. Thanks to you, otherwise today. It may be impossible to deal with it. Those predators... are indeed too difficult to deal with. The firepower on our side is basically ineffective."


Wang Lu nodded and looked at me: "I sensed a somewhat familiar but uncertain breath in these predators. Their power seems to have taken a qualitative leap, can you feel it?"

"The power of the realm of transforming gods."

I frowned and said: "In other words, this group of predators have a part of the power of the God Transformation Realm. The higher the degree of integration, the stronger the power may be obtained."


Qin Feng was surprised: "Isn't the power of the transformation realm that only the realm of transformation can control it?"

"This is also very confusing to me."

I took a deep breath and said: "I have taken a section of the predator's limbs to the laboratory for analysis. I believe that the answer will be available soon. Their genes must have evolved again, or they have been It has been artificially modified."

The colonel said: "As far as I know, predators are originally genetically mutated modified creatures. According to what you just said, can they continue to evolve on the original basis?"

"Do not rule out this possibility, you will know when you get the genetic map."


The colonel nodded: "Wang Lu, hand over a predator's limb specimen to the Security Defense Center. Let's study it together and do both."



"Is there any coffee?"

I leaned back in the chair, closed my eyes for a while, and suddenly asked.


Wang Lu nodded: "I'm going to make you a cup now."

"Well, thanks."

Soon after, a cup of warm coffee brought some temperature to my body. I still did not leave, but stayed in the barracks. This made Qin Feng a little surprised: "In the past, I left after the action. What happened today? Haven't left yet?"

"A bit scared."

I glanced at him and said, "Perhaps the Transcendent Organization does not only act at one point? So, I might as well just rest here, stay here, and if there is an emergency, I can act together as soon as possible."

"Thanks a lot."

Qin Feng held a cup of tea thoughtfully.


A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "Is it okay? Someone in the circle of friends said that they saw the fire in the direction of East Taihu Lake, and someone posted a video, which looked chaotic."


I was afraid that everyone would say I was tired and crooked, so I typed and comforted: "I will stay here and take care of it. After all, everyone needs me. You play games at home obediently, and remember to sleep later, don't stay up late."


She exasperated: "Come back and tell me."



As a result, I stayed up until about four in the morning, and there was still no movement. I wanted to come to the Transcendent Organization. It was just this wave. I felt that relying on the seven secondary evolution predators would be able to clean up me, but unfortunately they still I underestimated my strength in the middle stage of the most enhanced God Realm in the world, and I was defeated in the end, but today's incident has alerted us. Every setting of the sky patching plan needs to be guarded heavily. This is not a joke.

"It's almost there, it's almost bright."

Wang Lu glanced at me: "Go home? Even if something happens, a piece of news will come."

"Well, yes."

I nodded, got up and said, "Then I will go back first."


Stepping out, he went directly to Lin Xi's room, leaned to her ear, and said, "I'm back, safe and sound!"


She slept in a daze, opened her hands and hugged my neck, and said in a soft and greasy voice: "I took off my clothes and hugged me to sleep. I was so sleepy, I continued to sleep..."


I have a decree, so what can I say! ?

He immediately took off his clothes and got into the quilt. When he hugged Lin Xi's warm carcass, he felt like a man. No matter how hard he eats outside, no matter how sinful he is, this moment is worth it, but Lin Xi is early in the morning. This was indeed when people were the most sleepy. After Lin Xi hugged me, she continued to sleep, breathing evenly.

I smelled her scent, and I couldn’t do anything embarrassing anymore, so I held Lin Xi with one hand and put the other on her lap. Then I went to bed flustered, but I couldn’t sleep at all. After a while, until the sun was bright outside, the sun was out and I still hadn't fallen asleep. After a while, I finally fell asleep in a daze.


But the sleep was very short. It was enough around nine o'clock in the morning. When I opened my eyes, Lin Xi had already got up, and was immediately annoyed. She was remorseful and slept too dead, and let this guy escape again!

After a while, "Dongdongdong" knocked on the door three times and Lin Xi came in, dressed in a British coat and winter skirt, as beautiful as an elf in the forest, opened the door cautiously and saw that I was also watching her. After that, she immediately blushed and said, "Are you awake?"


I nodded and said, "Come here!"


She ran to the bed in small steps, her big beautiful eyes flickered and looked at me~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she seemed to guess what I was thinking, and said: "Have you brushed your teeth? Do you want to kiss me when you wake up?" "

I always blushed: "No."

She sank down and leaned forward and said, "Fortunately, I don't dislike it."

A deep kiss.


In less than three seconds, A Fei's voice came from outside: "Can you close the door when doing errands? It's really..."

Lin Xi's face flushed, and she immediately stood up straight, as if she had been shocked. She wanted to explain something to A Fei, but found that she seemed pale when she said everything.

"Lin Xi, you are really active. I misunderstood you. I thought you were an iceberg goddess!"

A Fei was heartbroken outside.

Lin Xiqiao's face turned red.

At this moment, I can't wait to throw the rebellious A Fei out.

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