Zhan Yue

Chapter 1505: Super speed

Everyone is waiting to enter the mountain and sea secret realm. Not far away, several Dragon Cavalry Palace players are discussing in private. A 320-level sharpshooter with short red hair said: "I heard that there are secrets in the mountain sea secret realm. There are not only mountain and sea spirit beasts in the depths of the secret, but there are also some more powerful existences. It is said that several people in the Dragon Knight Guild died there yesterday."

"God corpse?"

A 324-level swordsman frowned and said in a low voice: "I have also heard some gossip, and there are rumors that there are some super beings in the secret realm of mountains and seas, called the top ten corpses, and those corpses are from ancient times. The demon god, the magical powers are vast, and the imprint will drop after killing. The imprint may be stronger than the imprint of the spirit beast after being fused. Screenshots are forbidden here, so whether there is a corpse or not may be."

"It should be."

A level 318 knight whispered: "It is said that the enchantment drawn on paper encountered a **** corpse called Yu Lei, which belongs to one of the top ten **** corpses. It is a pity that the spirit beast is so killable, and the strength of the S-level spirit beast is also high. Very general, it can be destroyed in a few minutes, but the **** corpses are hard to kill. It is said that the **** corpses are all of the BOSS level, and the top ten **** corpses are also the market-level BOSS to start, unless many people gather together, otherwise they will not There is too much chance to kill, let alone drop marks."

"Tsk tsk, if there is a **** corpse, everyone will definitely choose the **** corpse first!"

The young knight carrying a warhammer said in a deep voice, "After all, it is said to have been uproarious, just like the truth. It is said that among the top ten gods there are the mythical existence of Chiyou, the **** of war, Xingtian, Kuafu, and Gonggong. If you can obtain the dharma bodies of these gods, you can imagine how handsome and mighty the transformation should be!"


Several people shook their heads when they heard: "But who can kill the bosses at the market level? Just think about this kind of thing. Players at our level shouldn't even think about it."


Lin Xi and I heard the chat of a few people very clearly. They looked at each other and smiled without saying a word. It seems that as more and more players enter the depths of the secret realm, the mystery of the corpse can no longer be covered, and sooner or later it will let the country. Everyone knows it.


At this time, the second jumps to 0, 12 o'clock!

"All right!"

I checked the potion and the poison again, and gave Lin Xi some level 9 and level 10 poisons, saying: "After entering the mountain and sea mystery, I don’t care about anything. I just rush in the direction of the first mountain. My goal is the first mountain and the second mountain. I’m too lazy to stay, and I may reach Yizhongshan sooner than you, so you have to take care of yourself."

Lin Xi smiled: "Are you going to drive in white clothes?"


I nodded: "Wuhachi + White Clothes + Transformation, the speed will be increased to a very terrifying level, and the worry of being disturbed by monsters along the way will be avoided, so there is a high probability that you will reach the first mountain sooner than you. Let's enter. After the heavy mountain, think of a way to rendezvous. If there is no way to rendezvous, we will fight each other. Anyway, we must ship!"

"Well, ship it!"

In front of him, the lovely girlfriend was holding her pink fist, her blushing blushing, as if she was starting off.


I took Lin Xi and rushed directly into the secret realm of mountains and seas. At the moment after deducting 1W gold coins and 50 charm points, the two of them rushed into the entrance of the secret realm that looked like a mirror. The next moment, the body was immediately pulled away and turned into a radiance. Lin Xi couldn't hold his hand either, and the two of them went to the two 99-weight places outside the mountain and sea secret realm!


The light in front of me flashed, and my body plummeted to the ground. The next second I appeared in an ancient jungle. The roar of the tiger, the roar of the wild bear, and the howling of the wolf were creepy. , As if really stepping into a wild and primitive jungle, a moment of life and death.

Looking around, I tried to wave my arms, the strength was there, and then I jumped into the air, but I only jumped to a position of nearly ten meters and fell suddenly. This world is suppressed by rules, unable to fly, and flying in a quasi-sacred state. The strength has been completely sealed, but the agility is high enough and the physical body is strong enough that few people can do this jump of ten meters.


Raising his hand to summon the Wu Hazheng, turned on his horse, and turned on the state of transformation with a "peng" sound, and a white coat flashed behind him as soon as he rushed forward, and he was already in a state of invisibility. Riding the Wu Hazheng, he transformed into a group. The streamer galloped through the jungle and went straight to the direction of a heavy mountain. Moreover, when I opened the big map, I found that the coordinates were not displayed on the map, and there was no direction indication of the south, east, and northwest. I could only see my own on the disk. On the periphery, the exact location is unknown, so even if players can communicate with each other, it is difficult to gather together. Unless it is a chance encounter, or encounter some iconic mountains or jungle, it is difficult to have the opportunity to force it. Teamed up.


Along the way, wolves came and went, and I was quickly spotted. A large group of white wolves gathered from all directions. They were all 290-level mountain and sea monsters, but they were just monsters. There was only one gray fur on the top of the head. The wolf king showed that it was a C-level spirit beast, very weak, with only 500W of health, and average attributes. It is estimated that it will not survive my attack for ten seconds. It also shows that my luck is not bad. I saw the C-level as soon as I came in. It’s a spirit beast. In the forum, it is said that many people want a C-level spirit beast. After looking for it for four hours, they haven’t found it. Moreover, this is only the outermost 99 mountains. A C-level spirit beast is definitely a character explosion. NS.


Regardless of them, accelerate forward, so a large group of white wolves launched a "hunting" on me from all directions, but my speed is much faster than their rushing speed, so I easily rushed out of the encirclement, and soon after He rushed to a ring mountain in front of him, and when he leaped over, he had already stepped into the map of 98 mountain ranges.

Go on, don't care about anything!

My speed is relatively fast. I can rush out of the span of a mountain range in about 2 minutes, which is a little faster than Lin Xi's speed. If this happens, I can reach the mountain range in about three hours without accident. Of course, this kind of It is difficult to avoid accidents on the map, and it is unlikely that it will be smooth sailing along the way.

Soon after, he arrived at 79 Zhongshan.

Just when I was rushing, I saw something swaying in the woods ahead. Then a rock hit my forehead quickly, and hurriedly sank subconsciously to avoid it, and just when I looked up , An ape-like beast occupies a tree trunk, holding a stone, the scene just now is its masterpiece!

With a glance, the other party's detailed view can be seen.

Father, B-level spirit beast, good at throwing stones.

Since it is already B-level, it is already a "limited type" of spirit beasts. In the entire mountain and sea secret realm, there are only 1948 spirit beasts of this level, and many of them should have been recovered and integrated by the player. If I were A rookie, he can't escape, but he can see through my stealth state, indicating that this father may also have an insight magical power similar to the candle dragon, which is still more useful.

If you encounter it, you have fate, kill it!

The body suddenly swept, straight to the father from the horseback, the two blades shook out a ray of sharpness, and the father was cut off in a blink of an eye, and the moment he fell down with a whimper, he made a "click" A green mark burst out, showing the appearance of the Dharma body of the father, and it shows that once I have not merged this mark, then when I leave the mountain and sea secret realm, this mark will be returned to this forest sea, this Just cite the father will brush it out again.

Take it first, if you meet a deer, anyone who wants it can give it away.


A message came from Lin Xi: "How many mountains are there?"

"77 weight!"

"It's so fast!" Lin Xi was startled slightly, and said with a chuckle: "I'm only 84 Mountain, your speed is a bit against the sky, don't hurry up to Yizhong Mountain to take care of everything, waiting for my wife to come?"

I couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, obey!"

Now, Lin Xi doesn't mind being so close with me. It seems that the time of engagement really has to be a little earlier, at least...before the end of the world...


So, while running wildly in the game, he sent messages to her sister who was not in the game.

"Sister, are you asleep?"

"No, I'm looking at the report."

She turned on the voice, smiled and asked, "What's the matter, it's not normal to talk to me in the middle of the night!"


I smiled: "I have an idea, but it seems a bit out of date to say it now, so I want to discuss it with you first. I hope you can give me some suggestions."


"it is good."

I brewed for a while and said, "I want to be engaged to Lin Xi when things get better. I want to stay with her for the rest of my life and keep her by my side."


My sister seemed very happy: "You should have made this request a long time ago. In fact, my father and I also talked about it. I was just worried that you are still too young and want to continue to enjoy the time of love together. The beauty in your respective hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's great for you to think so."

"That said, you think it's okay, don't you?"


She smiled and said: "The question now is, if you want to marry someone, Lin Xi is willing to marry you? Although it is an engagement, it is still necessary for both parties to agree. Will Lin Xi's parents be okay?"

"probably not."

I frowned and said, "Lin Xi's parents are long gone. There is only one grandfather on it who is recuperating abroad. I don't know if I can come back."

"If the old man is willing, our Ouyang family will send a special plane to pick him up."

"That's great……"

I rubbed my hands happily, and said, "Then I will look back and find a chance to talk to Lin Xi."

"Well, yes!"

The elder sister smiled and said: "I didn't expect that my younger brother will be engaged to be married. My sister is actually happier than you. In other words, they are all engaged. Where are you going with Lin Xi? Have you won?"


I was embarrassed: "Lin Xi is shy, I am so shy..."


My sister was silent for a while: "Does this kind of thing have to be taught by my sister? I can't teach you either... You hurry up, dad is still waiting for your grandson, or granddaughter, all good, hahahaha... "

I nodded: "I see, I will continue to mix mountains and seas, I won't tell you anymore."

"Well, remember to take it down!"



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