Zhan Yue

Chapter 1518: Helm

Latest website: So, red deer rushes the city twice every three minutes, and the 20 red deer rushes refreshed that day are used up directly, and the aura of the mountain and sea will not be consumed for long. There should be a lot of remaining after the fight. In short, let this first Let's talk about the gains in the Secret Realm of Guixu once again!

After the red deer stormed the city in the second round, it was another place of equipment and gold coins.

Soon after, the boy in black came to me again holding a book and respectfully said: "Master, there is another skill book."


I took the skill book, stretched out my hand, and introduced it to the eyes. This time it is no longer a sigh barrier, but a treasure of the remote player——

[Sighing Flame] (Return to Ruins Level): Summon the ancient Yanjin power blessing after its own offensive, greatly improving its long-range attacking ability, learning occupations: elemental mage, sharpshooter, learning level: 320 tribulation soaring , Learning cost: 50 charm points.


This is used to strengthen the ability of long-range output. The so-called "large" is estimated to be a rather outrageous bonus. There is no problem with this setting. After the melee system has the barrier of sigh, the power of the "shield" has been greatly increased. If it is strengthened, then the "spears" of the mage and marksman must of course be sharpened, and the promotion of the flame of sighs must be quite astonishing. Later, the 320-level tribulation mage and marksman who learned the flame of sighs, Coupled with the power of imprint fusion, most of them will become a real heavy gunner, the kind that can kill low-level players with one arrow or one meteor.

Go on!

After the red deer rushed into the city in the third round, the black-clothed boy came again with two golden skill books, basically the books published in the secret realm of the ruins, it must be the best, there is nothing to say about this.

This time, besides the Flame of Sigh, there is also a new skill book——

[Sighing Heart] (Return to Market Level): Summon ancient powers to bless the whole body, greatly enhance one's own light power, magic power, and rhythm comprehension, learning occupations: priest of light, magician, musician, learning level: The 320 level crossing the robbery soars, the learning cost: 50 points of charm.


Here comes, the 320-level tribulation skill book for the three major auxiliary professions has finally come out!

Obviously, Heart of Sigh has enhanced healing effects, black magic effects, and musical effects. It is still a general skill book for the three major auxiliary professions, and it has also strengthened the three major professions of nanny, magician, and musician. , 320 level three Tribulation skills have surfaced one by one, I already have all of them.

Keep going!

Don't think of anything, continue to write books in the secret realm of Guixu!

Soon, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and my time in the secret realm in Guixu was almost exhausted. There was nothing in the equipment, not at the mountain and sea level and the Guixu level, but there were a lot of skill books exploded and counted. At a glance, there are a total of 12 Sighing Barriers, 9 Sighing Flames, and 9 Sighing Hearts, which can make Yilu instantly appear 30 Tribulation Masters who have learned level 320 skills!


The character was teleported out of the border, and he was already in the dragon domain in the next second.


Not far away, A Fei who was setting up a stall laughed loudly: "Ali has come out, tut, congratulations, is Chi You's imprint cool?"


I rubbed my hands and smiled: "Why don't you sleep, stay up late?"

"Don't sleep, or you won't be able to sleep at night."

A Fei grinned, and said, "But Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi are all going to bed. I guess they won't wake up before three or four o'clock in the afternoon. How about you go to bed too?"


I rolled my eyes: "Need to sleep in the realm of transforming gods?"

"Tsk tut~~~"

He looked disgusted and smiled: "Then what are you doing?"

"You can do whatever you want."

I smiled and said, "I can accumulate 1 point of aura of mountains and seas in one hour online, can this be justified?"

"That's right."

A Fei nodded like doglegs: "Especially the mountain and sea spirit of Chi You's mark. This is expensive and valuable. If Yilu really encounters a big scene in the future, you will have to put your Chiyou mark on top, Lin Xi's Baize mark and Hao Heavenly boy's Xia Geng mark is still a little bit ready."


I nodded and smiled deeply in agreement.

On the side, Kamei, Qingshuang, Tianchai, and others were all here, expressing congratulations. Moreover, everyone did not express any doubts about the Xia Geng seal I gave to Haotian. Yilu's internal unity is quite united. This kind of thing Almost no one cares about it, and after all, Haotian’s performance in the mountains and seas is remarkable. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to win the mark of Xia Geng from the hands of Zixiong and Feng Canghai. Mark of Xia Geng, we will not destroy Bai Ze so easily. Once again, without the help of the two major Marks of Bai Ze and Xia Geng, if I want to single out Chi You’s corpse with my personal ability, it is tantamount to a fantasy, fundamentally. impossible.

The links are intertwined, there are causes and effects, so Haotian obtained this Xia Geng mark, which is justified!



Fly straight to the sky, already at the edge of the endless sea when it fell, continue to refine the swords of the heavens, after a while, the mountains and waters flowed, and a yin **** who looked like a scholar in white appeared on his side. It was Monarch Xiyue. The wind does not smell.

Sitting cross-legged without hearing the wind, his figure is vague, his golden body is indescribable, and he smiled: "The King of Xiaoyao is really leisurely, and he still has the heart to practice swords here."

I grinned: "Otherwise? There are Sylvia, Lanche, and Sura in the Dragon Region now. All three of them are very capable. I, the Lord of the Dragon Region, can basically be the shopkeeper. The rest... …It doesn’t seem to have much to do with me anymore."


He lowered his eyes, looked at the endless sea, and said: "Are you really disappointed in the hearts of the people in the court? Do you never want to go back to take care of it?"

"forget about it."

I shook my head: "From the day I abdicated Liuhuo the Great, I didn't want to care about it, and when I left, I had left a few Dinghai Shenzhen needles, Wen You Lin Hui, Wu You Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, Nangong Chi, Si Yue Then there are Fengxiang you, Zhenyang Duke, Fuyu Duke, and Shanhai Duke. In this world, what else do I need to do with the Flowing Fire in July?"

"it's not true."

Feng Buwen shook his head and smiled: "There are some things that really require you to show up in July that others can't do."

"Say it."

I frowned and smiled: "What the **** is going on, let's say it straight away."


Unheard of the wind, he placed the Shanjun White Jade Sword across his leg and stroked the blade lightly. The golden fingers and the blade slowly dragged wisps of mountains, water and sparks, and smiled: "During this period, under the auspices of Lin Hui The major provinces of the Xuanyuan Empire are all in Guangkai Academy, and the demand for cultivation materials is extremely huge. In addition, the casting of inscription swords and inscription arrows clusters also consumes a lot of money. You know, seal engraving requires a little high Some of the grade materials are some kind of spar, some are some pine spirit ink, etc., but there are still things like igniting stone, ice blue sand, etc., but some rare spars have been exhausted. If this happens, Soon there will be no more mass production of inscribed weapons in the empire."


"Longji Mountain."

Unheard of the wind, he stood up and said: "According to the survey by some members of the Imperial Landscape Department, many mineral deposits in the Longji Mountain area are very rich. Once they are successfully mined, they will be enough to supply the empire's spar consumption for hundreds of years. Among the maple forests in the northern region, the pioneering forests have already been included in the empire's territory, but the maple forests in the northern region are still firmly in the hands of the alien demon realm, and it currently belongs to the swordsmith Han Ying."

I couldn't help laughing: "Fengxiang, isn't it about starting a battle on Longji Mountain, right?"

"That's what I thought."

Unheard of the wind frowned, and said, "Lin returns to the Guangkai Academy to gather fortune from the sky. Students want to do a great thing. How can I, a husband, not help me?"

I embraced my arms: "Then what's the matter with me in July?"

Feng Buwenqi smiled and said: "You are my brother and best friend of Feng Buwen, so you are regarded as half of Lin Hui's junior uncle. Do you dare to say that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

I was speechless: "Then I am really a little uncle who has a hard life!"

As I said, I stretched out my hand and swept across the endless sea. The swords of the heavens are slowly rotating, and they are being refined in the exuberant spiritual energy, saying: "But this matter is a bit difficult at this stage. Knowing that Fan Yi’s demon has already awakened a group of ancient gods. These ancient gods have reached a contract with the land of the different demon. They will surely follow orders. If we want to conquer Longji Mountain, we must face these ancient gods. With all due respect, At this stage, our chances of winning will not be too great."

"So make a good plan."

"Yes, who will plan?"

"You, could it be me?" Standing in the wind with a graceful attitude, a gentleman dressed in white, with a smile, said: "I am a scholar who is not aware of the wind. It is okay to plan government affairs in the temple. If you fight a war, ...Naturally, your outstanding military exploits and the unparalleled Emperor Liuhuo are the best at it, and you have not been able to accomplish this."

I simply lay on the cliff ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "I am on the thief ship?"

"it's not true."

Feng Feng looked into the distance and said indifferently: "Human race, you have been at the helm since the day you became the Great Emperor Liuhuo. The rest, including me, Feng Feng, are nothing but yours. No more helpers."

"Got it, let me think about it."

I rested my arms and said, "When will the discussion begin?"

"The sooner the better."

Feng did not hear the wind said: "I and Lin Huihui are waiting for you in the imperial conference hall. When you have an idea, come directly. The sooner the better, this matter can't be delayed. If we can fight the alien demon territory by surprise, we will occupy it instantly. Longji Mountain, when Fan Yi comes, it has already created a fait accompli, and this is the best."

I glanced at him and smiled: "Fengxiang is so naive about everything?"

The big sleeves fluttered away without hearing the wind, and said with a smile: "From the day you are improperly dressed as a white dresser!"

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