Zhan Yue

Chapter 1526: Immortal Lord

The latest website: "Four Sacred Mountains, Sword!"

Under the scream of the wind, the figures of Mu Tiancheng, Guan Yang, and Nangong also appeared on the top of Longji Mountain together. With a roaring sound, the power of the four mountains is unique, and there is a kind of atmosphere of the four elephants in one.


In the loud noise, the sky seemed to be torn open a big blood-red hole, endless scarlet spread in the air, a majestic breath crushed down, making everyone almost out of breath, followed by the red palm prints. Yu Jin descended on Lingcheng, hitting heavily on the golden barrier. After smashing them one by one, there was a loud bang, and the whole Lingcheng fell nearly half a meter deep. Numerous players fell to the ground with amazement.


Haotian subconsciously re-summoned Xia Gengfaxiang, holding the long sword, looking around blankly.

I frowned and looked to the north, where a ray of **** aura was condensing, full of aura, as if he came to this world to feel like a king over the world, and in the distance, Fan Yi, ghost emperor Qin Shi The throne went and returned. Fan Yi made a Confucian gift in the direction of the **** air wave, and said with a smile: "Junior Fan Yi, welcome to the fairy lord!"

The fiery red blood cloud slowly turned over, and finally turned into a huge figure, at least 300 meters high, with a feeling of reaching the sky and the earth. The whole body was surging with wisps of fiery enthusiasm, and the hot power was even in the spirit. We in the city all felt a little unbearable, just like a nearby stove, unbearable.

The huge figure bowed its head, overlooking Fan Yi, and then looked at a group of ancient gods with gray-headed faces in the distant jungle, silent, saying nothing, just standing quietly.


A ray of golden light bloomed above the huge figure, a golden ruler cut time, and then a silver-gray figure broke through the time and fell on the shoulders of the giant, wearing a silver-gray robe, holding a fleeting ruler , Who manifested as a young Taoist priest, was the head of the Star Alliance Deacon to refine Yin!


Fan Yi raised his head and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Master Lianyin to come here. It's rude and rude~~~"

Lian Yin sneered: "Fan Yi, don't you claim that the mechanism is too smart? Why, after awakening these ancient witch spirits from the Great Northern Wilderness, they feel that they are invincible in the world? I didn't expect it, Ouyang Luli is here. The soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and found the divine power that was lost from ancient times in the mysterious realm of mountains and seas."


Fan Yi sighed and sighed: "I miscalculated. I didn't expect that although the big tengu was broken up with a broken body and part of its soul, it could still open the entrance to the secret realm of mountains and seas, not to mention that July Liuhuo and others would get it so soon. With such a powerful ancient god, the imprint of the soul, these will disrupt the next plan, but..."

He looked up at Lianyin, then looked at the hazy face of the huge figure, and smiled: "This spirit body with the soul of the immortal lord...I wonder where Lord Lianyin got it?"

"Since your alien demon army is just a bunch of trash, naturally I can only be forced to help."

Lian Yin turned to look in the direction of Lingcheng, staring straight through the crowd and falling on me, sneered: "I can't just watch Ouyang Luli's step-by-step layout, turning the whole world of the Moon Moon into the territory of the human race. Right? As for it..."

Lian Yin glanced at the head of the huge figure, and sneered: "What immortal lord is just a ray of unwilling soul remaining in the universe. He only has huge power left, and there is no wisdom to speak of. Fan Yi, now I give you this spirit body that you call the Immortal Lord. I hope you can do it for yourself and don't let me down anymore."


Fan Yi received the folding fan, gently arched his hand, and said, "Master Lianyin, please rest assured, you will never be disappointed again."

"It's best."

Lian Yin turned around and looked at me again, sneered, his hands separated from heaven and earth in an instant, and his figure disappeared in a flash, like a loophole in the whole system, and he could come and go freely.

"It's still not good..."

I frowned, looked at the sky, and said, "Star Eye, continue to increase the strength of the firewall. This level... still can't stop Star Alliance from coming and going freely."


Starlink said: "Some confusing data has been found, and it is impossible to analyze successfully in a short time."


I'm a little speechless, most of it is Lin Lu's masterpiece. Lin Lu is a person in the Star Alliance who has a "university question". The hacker who comes and goes freely in the sky is much better than me in a sense. , StarEye’s firewall wants to close the entire game’s channel to Starlink, which is still too thin after all.

On the side, Lin Xixiu frowned and said, "Think about how to deal with this 300-meter-high ancient god, called Immortal Lord? It seems... super powerful..."

"It must be super awesome..."

Looking back at Longji Mountain, I heard an unheard voice in my ears: "It's not enough, the landscape has not been integrated yet. It will take at least two hours to guard the city for another two hours!"


I took a deep breath, and then spent 5000R to send a system announcement—


System announcement (the player’s July Liuhuo shouting): The brothers on the battlefield of Longji Mountain have also seen it. The war has not ended yet, and the opponent has refreshed a super ancient god, and this must be quite strong, so the national service is all integrated There is one player who has imprinted. Everyone will be idle for a while. They will go directly and cooperate with players who have no imprint fusion on the ground to attack and kill this ancient god. The divine power produced by imprint fusion can suppress the ancient **** to a certain extent. It’s a divine aura, so only we can do it. Please make sure to go all out to fight back strong enemies. I have me in the national service!

Suddenly, above a whole stretch of spirit city, many players raised their swords one after another, regardless of the guild, regardless of the region, one after another, drinking at the huge ancient gods in the distance.

"The national service has me!"

"The national service has me!"

"The national service has me!"

"Emotions are mobilized."

Haotian frowned and said: "Next, we are going to be serious. It is estimated that we are not enough to go together. This ancient **** is too high. Before the boss singled out a 150-meter one, it was a bit reluctant. Now this 300-meter one. , Will it be as simple as hitting a hamster to hit our imprinted fusion players?"

Lin Xi smiled helplessly: "Just hit the hamster. If we don't go up, there will really be no one in the national service!"


Everyone leaped off the top of the city one by one and stepped into the land of the Northern Territory.

In the distance, Fan Yi once again lay down on the throne like a villain, swaying with a folding fan, and smiling at the huge figure on the side: "This Lord Immortal...Since Lord Lianyin has given you to me, then I There are no other orders, it's very simple, if you give me your best effort to break through the spirit city in front of you, even if you have completed the task."


The ancient gods turned around and gave a low roar, and suddenly the four directions shook, and wisps of divine power spread. The next moment, he suddenly raised his arms and slammed out with a split palm. Suddenly, a golden turbulence of "chicking" burst out and charged straight. Lingcheng Yilu's position!

"Block it!"

I suddenly burst out of Chi You’s splendor, with one palm, sighing the barrier + Bai Longbi summoned together, my body slowly sank, Chi You’s fierce eight legs also sank, and the weapons in each arm were raised. He took the brunt of the impact, and after a loud noise, the whole person seemed to be baptized in a blazing particle storm. A golden shield that was hundreds of meters long was stretched around his body to resist the impact of the turbulence.

But it was not enough, countless turbulence swept past my sides and headed straight to Lingcheng!

"Hold it up!"

Lin Xi summoned Bai Ze Faxiang, the holy beast Bai Ze roared, arched his body, and turned his horns forward, forming a golden enchantment, resisting the charge of a whole golden turbulence.


Haotian stepped into the mud, his body sank, using Xia Gengfa to withstand the impact of the turbulence, but his strength was obviously inferior. I saw Xia Gengfaxiang's feet sink into the ground, but he was still constantly being targeted. After going on, he looked like he couldn't resist.

On both sides, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, Jiuge, Yixue, Tianya Moke, and others have summoned their own imprints, forming a series of golden pillars that lie in front of the city. For a time, all of them are like a deer. Like the pillars of the bridge, they abruptly resisted the offensive of this ancient **** called the Immortal Lord!


In the distance, the 300-meter-high huge figure roared, and after a golden wave broke out with both palms, it was still full of power. It suddenly blasted out with a punch, and suddenly swarmed with fists. This time, we could no longer withstand it. Along with the loud noise of "Peng Peng Peng", Chi You, Bai Ze, Xia Geng, Si You, and Jiuweihu were slammed into the spirit city one by one.


The huge figure stepped forward step by step, with a majesty of being overwhelmed, and did not put us ants in his eyes at all. At this moment, Shifang Hulunyan finally saw its detailed introduction—

[Ancient Witch Spirit·The Immortal Lord] (God Level)

grade:? ? ?

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Biography: The immortal lord of the ancient Titans, UU reading www.uukanshu.com possesses extremely powerful mana, but due to the erosion of time and the collapse of the avenue, only a ray of soul still flows in the long river of eternity, and was finally intercepted by Yin Lian, Sent back to the lower realm and transformed into a powerful ancient god


The immortal lord's spirit body let out a low roar, leaped into the air, full of divine power on his feet, and stomped at my Chi You Faxiang, seeming to want to slay Chi You's fierce **** with a single kick. generally.

"When our other guild players are dead!?"

Above the city wall, a light and shadow flew away, and behind him a candle dragon magic image condensed, which hit the immortal master's waist heavily.

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