Zhan Yue

Chapter 753: Jinlan City

The next morning, I slept until nearly ten o'clock, then woke up leisurely, wandered to the street alone, ate a bowl of Lanzhou ramen, then returned to the studio, and was about to start today's strategy.

On the second floor, the breeze was blowing, and there was a rustling noise from the curtains.

On the sofa, there are three beautiful carcasses. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi are all in the game. Their bumpy bodies are lying on the sofa, covered by a thin blanket. The green signal light of the game helmet above the hair is slowing down. Slowly blinking, I took a look at everyone, and then put on the helmet and went online. Today's mission should also begin.



The character appeared in Dongyang City, chatting directly with Nanmu Keyi privately. Soon after, his figure came from the warehouse keeper and ran all the way with a long sword, with a touch of exhaustion on his face, and smiled, "Yesterday I haven't slept all night, and finally rushed to the second-level spirit medicine technique, here, this is the 90 second-level life potions that have just been refined."


I nodded "How much?"

"Forget it."

He shook his head and smiled, "You are the deputy leader, and you don't need money if you take medicine from me at your level. Anyway, I will eat the resources of the guild in the future. It is almost the same."

"How can this be done, after all, you have spent so much effort to make it."

"I really don't have to pay."

He grinned. "After all, you paid for it yesterday."

"How to say?"

"The level 1 life potion is actually only 50 yuan a bottle. How can a bottle of 150 be so expensive, otherwise who can afford it?" He smiled meaningfully, "I feel embarrassed that I received 1500 yesterday. Today's These 90 bottles of Level 2 pharmacy are my latest product, just as a reward for the customer. You can take it and use it, boss, and come to me if you don’t have enough."

The corners of my mouth twitched, "Okay, I'm going to be busy, so come on!"

"Yeah! I'll go to sleep for a while."

Before he finished speaking, he was already offline, his body was sluggish, and I took out the dragon domain teleportation scroll, crushed it directly, and it was time to set off.



The brilliance passed by, and I appeared on the Dragon Domain Square. In the distance, a group of Dragon Domain armored men riding fierce horses were training the cavalry to charge. The roaring hooves became one piece, quite shocking, while on the shooting range next to the school, It is a group of Dragon Realm Warriors training archery, and they are all riding and shooting, just as lively and extraordinary.

Command hall.

When I pushed the door and walked in, I found Senior Sister Yun sitting dignified in a chair, while Sylvia and Lanche were helping her to curl up her hair and insert the hosta. For a while, she looked like she was originally beautiful and outstanding. There was a change of person, a little less charming, but a little more graceful. When Sylvia put a cloth lining robe on her, Senior Sister Yun turned into a beautiful human girl.

"This is... what?" I was confused.

Senior Sister Yun got up and smiled lightly, "Our trip is going to Jinlan City, the capital of the Kingdom of Gold, where the Scarlet King Court is the most powerful. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, we must pretend to be disguised. Brother, I will also prepare for you. I'm all dressed up, here, just put it on the desk, you can put it on yourself."


I turned around and looked, I saw a white-washed cloth, a gray brown cloak, and a long sword that looked like it hadn't been opened for a long time on the cold desk, so I stepped forward. , "Keng" drew out the long sword, it was rusty, and the corner of his mouth twitched, saying, "What do I want to... dress?"

"Jianghu Ranger."

Senior Sister Yun Liwo smiled, "The Scarlet King's Court is still a martial artist. Many Scarlet King's youths grow up to be juvenile rangers. They travel all over the world and travel everywhere. There are even many Scarlet King's rangers hidden in the territories of the human race, so you dress up. Cheng Jianghu Ranger is the best. Put on your clothes quickly to cover up your excellent armor."


I nodded, and put on my clothes, dressed in a cloth jacket, and covered with a gray-brown cloak. The back of the cloak swayed behind me, and then I hung the iron sword behind me. I changed the angle of view. I was taken aback by the way I looked, how could this look like me, I am a real young ranger!

"Tsk tsk..."

Lan Che embraced his arms, holding the peaks and mountains on his chest to make people feel trembling, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, people rely on clothes, wearing them like this... you really have something of a heroic appearance as a warrior."

I glanced at her, "That's natural!"

Senior Sister Yun smiled and said, "Alright, get ready to set off. The queen will send us flying over Jinlan City, and then we will sneak in secretly."



Outside the Dragon Domain Hall, Senior Sister Yun turned to look at Lan Che, and said, “After Junior Brother and I go to the Scarlet King’s Court, you and Sylvia will take care of everything up and down the Dragon Domain together. Beware of attacks from the north. Yes, don’t disclose the news that I am not in the Dragon Realm. I am worried that the Fire Demon Queen will take the opportunity to attack the Dragon Realm."

"Yes, subordinates obey!"

On the side, Silver Dragon Queen Sylvia shook her arms, and her body began to swell rapidly with radiance. She almost completed her transformation in a few seconds, transforming into the appearance of a silver dragon, with her wings hanging down. , Yi Longyu said, "My lord, let's go."


Senior Sister Yun and I stepped onto the dragon's back one after another. Just after Sylvia's low growl, our wings flicked, and the moment she stepped on the ground, she rose into the air and went straight to the sky. She didn't even fly horizontally, just like that. Climbing, until flying to the dragon domain has been turned into a small spot in our eyes, and then flew towards the east.


I sat down on the dragon's back, feeling short of breath, and frowned, "Is it flying too high, the air is too thin, I almost can't breathe..."

"There is no way."

Senior Sister Yun knelt down beside me, and laughed softly, "Not only does the border of the Scarlet King's Court have dense guards, but it even has a barrier to protect the country. If we don't fly to such a high position, we will easily be enchanted. Killing, and every Scarlet King’s kingdom has immortal realm powerhouses. If we don’t fly to such a high place, Sylvia’s dragon breath will be too easy for them to discover."

"Then what shall we do?"

I looked at her and said, "After we enter Jinlan City, what if our breath is discovered?"

"It's okay, I have a way."

She gently raised her hand and placed it on the center of my eyebrows. There was a sudden "buzz", a golden ripple filled my whole body, and then she smiled, "I have sealed your breath, and now your breath is just equivalent to a little There are some powerful human beings with cultivation bases, they are no different from the commoners of the Scarlet Royal Court."

"Okay, it's better to think about it~~"

"That's natural~~"


In this way, after Sylvia flew high in the sky for nearly half an hour, the city of the blood-colored royal court slid past our overlooking, and after passing through five kingdoms in a row, finally came to the vast The Kingdom of Gold, after flying into the sky above the Kingdom of Gold, the city below has a new look. It is obviously stronger and more prosperous than other countries. Even when I open the eyes of the ten-point fire wheel, I can see the land criss-crossing. Lines of heavy cavalry.

The Scarlet King is strong and strong, and it has always been like this!

About two minutes later, a city glowing with golden brilliance appeared in our field of vision. The city lay on the plain and extended in all directions, and just above the city of Jinlan, wisps of auspicious clouds filled the sky with a ray of light. It seems extremely sacred.

Sister Yun's eyebrows frowned lightly, "Is this the way to protect the nation of the Kingdom of Gold? What a strong breath..."

"The National Defense Formation?"

I frowned and said, "Then what shall we do? Can we force it?"

"It's not necessary. We set off from the nearby villages and towns."


Sylvia began to land and dived straight into a sparsely populated jungle, while Senior Sister Yun pulled me by the arm and took me into the air to stand above the jungle, looking at Sylvia, and said with a smile, "Queen, you Go back and guard the Dragon Realm together with Lan Che, and leave the affairs of the Chilong Spirit Soul to me and Junior Brother."

"Okay, treasure!"


Sylvia rose into the sky again and disappeared from our field of vision in a blink of an eye.

"Junior Brother, let's go."


Walking out of the jungle, there is a small town in the Kingdom of Gold not far away. There are farmers carrying hoes in and out, and business travelers in and out of the town. After Sister Yun and I went out, they did not attract much attention. Maybe it was us. There were too many people in costumes, so they went straight into the town. At the entrance of the town, there was a stable, and some people were shouting and selling horses.

"Two horses."

Senior Sister Yun stepped forward, raised her hand and took out a middle-grade spirit crystal, and asked with a smile, "Uncle, can this spirit crystal buy two horses?"


The uncle looked stunned, his eyes widened. "It turned out to be a legendary spirit crystal... I heard that in Jinlan City, a spirit crystal of this kind can sell for nearly a thousand gold coins, yes... yes, small Girl, you can sell it to you, you can choose by yourself."

"Thank you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the senior sister threw out the spirit crystal, she turned around and pulled my wrist." Junior brother, take the horse. "


As a result, these horses are just props. When I got them, they disappeared after 72 hours, and there was no increase in attributes, just increased speed. It was really ordinary, but for our trip, it was so mediocre. On the contrary, Qi's mount appears to be the safest.

A few minutes later, the two rode on two horses and went straight to the destination of our trip, Jinlan City.


On the way, not far, there appeared a dense blood-colored royal court army on the road ahead, and in the mountains and forests beside it, a strange sight appeared, amidst a sky of flames, there seemed to be a body full of red gold and radiance. The dragon is manifesting, and the body is faintly visible, descending into the earth and up to the sky, surrounded by white clouds and mist.

Blazing Dragon Cave!

My heart sighed, and I realized for the first time that this was the destination of my trip.

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