Zhan Yue

Chapter 801: Treacherous


A video call comes from Lin Xi.

After connecting, I immediately saw the people behind her on the huge battlefield, and Lin Xi was riding on the white deer, holding the sword of the archangel in her right hand, and trimming her messy hair in her left hand, and said with a smile, "My hair is messed up. No?"

"No, it's not messy at all."

I was a little speechless. The girl's pursuit of beauty was so crazy. Looking at the battlefield behind her, I smiled and asked, "Lin Xiaoxi, are you fighting fiercely over there?"

"Yes! Come on, war reporter Lin Xi will bring you a real-time report!"

As she said, she turned around and let me see more pictures. I saw a city fortress surrounded by flames. Almost all of the city fortress was burned. There were centaur soldiers in the city fortress wailing, all on fire, and in front of the city fortress. On the other hand, the dense array of Xuanyuan Empire's army and the player's guild was about to break through this city.

"This is... According to Maguan?"


She nodded and smiled, "The Centaur tribe sent several legions, and they took away Shimaguan in the first wave of offensive. Fortunately, we tried to lie down and finally burned Shimaguan..."

I almost laughed out "So exciting?"

"Yes, it's so exciting!"

Lin Xi tilted her head and looked at me, and smiled, "Your background... why do you look so lonely, so dark, are you camping?"


I grinned, "I have encountered a little problem here. A pass of the Centaur tribe is in front of me. It is difficult for the army I lead to advance. It is probably difficult."

"What should I do then?" She was surprised.

"It's okay, I have a clever plan, don't worry!"

"Huh, okay~~~ Come on!"

"You too!"


After hanging up the call, I looked up at the night sky and the stars all over the sky, all seemed to be laughing at us. On the side, many Dragon Realm soldiers had already fallen asleep on the grass with their backpacks, just like that. On the ground, they had hardly rested since they were out of the Dragon Realm. They were really tired, but I'm afraid it's not time to rest yet.

In the ear, it seemed that Kalera's voice came again, "Yuebei Pass, waiting for the attack of the Dragon Region at any time."

As a famous general, will Carrera really wait for the attack of Dragon Domain? I'm afraid it's impossible. I saw rebelliousness and confidence in his eyes.



Not far from the side, Sylvia, who was leaning against the old Qiu Qu tree and napping, opened her beautiful eyes, "What's the matter?"

"Order everyone not to sleep, eat a little dry food and drink a little water, and separate some people to lie in ambush in front of the camp, and be on guard at any time. The defenders of Yuebei Pass may attack the camp."

"Assault the camp?"

A ten thousand chief was stunned, "My lord, they have Yue Bei Guan Gong guard, why are they attacking the camp?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

I frowned, "Just follow the order."

"Yes, sir, we immediately start to guard!"

Sylvia looked at me suspiciously.


Soon after, it got deeper.

At the time of the third watch, the southern part of the temporary camp suddenly burst into flames, and a warrior from the Dragon Realm galloped over, saying, "Master Flowing Fire in July, the centaur really attacked the camp, and was intercepted by our people outside the camp!"

"About how many people?"

"There is so much darkness, I can't see how many people are."


I nodded. "Still using the new tactics to deal with them, slowly pushing into the depths of the forest, Sylvia, you led the dragon knight to launch a dive attack from the air, immediately retreat after a round of offensive, don’t give them a spear ready. A chance to throw."

"Got it!"

This time, I also came to the front line with my double-edged blades, and went directly into the centaur crowd. I was commanding almost all of this version of the mission. I didn't have any monsters at all, so I didn't expect to be in the standings. It’s in the top ten, but it’s okay. The system will not lose me. There is an example from the last time. As long as I command a good battle and lead the army to win, the reward will never be less than the top ten players in the standings.

At night, the centaur all carried torches to launch an offensive, continuously launching spear attacks, one after another, the spears ejected from the dragon barrier of the dragon warriors, and the dragon warriors continued their orderly offensive and defensive replacements. The row of arrows continued to shoot and kill the centaur tribe on the grass one by one, so that the opponent attacked for a long time, but had little effect. Although the position was advanced for about a few hundred meters, it failed. How many Dragon Realm Warriors were killed, but he was shot and killed countless people.


In the crowd, a familiar figure appeared with a sharp blade in his hand. It was the opponent's star Carrera. Looking at the situation on the battlefield, his face became extremely ugly, saying, "Such an orderly warfare, such a sophisticated martial arts... …I didn’t expect that there would be such a capable person in the Dragon Realm. In this battle, our Centaur tribe might not have much advantage!"

At this moment, the splendid sword lights bloomed in the dark sky, the sword aura of the dragon knight swept across the earth, and the dragon element of the dragon, strands of flames bloomed in the opponent's crowd.


Carrera suddenly raised his sword and roared, "The opponent is already prepared and there is no need to fight anymore. All retreat and return to Yuebei Pass. I will stand by and win!"

Suddenly, the opponent's crowd retreated quickly.

"Dragon Knight, don't chase!"

I gave an order into the air, and the battle came and went quickly.

"grown ups!"

A ten thousand captain stepped forward, pointed his hand to the rear, and said, "My lord, the dragon's breath of the dragon knight has caused a great fire!"

"Hurry up and put it out, and then everyone will set up tents and eat and rest."



Carrying a double-edged blade and walking to the fire position, I saw an ancient tree burning blazingly, and the grass on the ground was also dried. The fire spread, but it was quickly extinguished by the dragons.

This caused me to fall into contemplation. The territory of the Centaur tribe is different from that of the Northern Territory. The Avalon Mountains are too high, blocking the cold current in the north, turning the Centaur plain into a paradise for plant growth. Around the area, it is severe winter, but in the centaur tribe, it is still late autumn. The woodland is full of dead branches and grasses, just a little bit, and this woodland is adjacent to Baoyue Mountain, stretching for dozens of miles, maybe it can be regarded as one of ours. opportunity.


A strong wind swept down in the air, and Sylvia turned from a silver dragon into a graceful humanoid woman and fell in front of me, saying, "You let everyone bury the pot and cook, are you sure that Carrera will not sneak attack in the dark? ?"

"Yes it is."

I nodded. "They have already seen the strength of the Dragon Realm champions and will not come to die again. On the contrary, as long as they stick to the fortress, they can keep us out of the Avalon battlefield. The strategic purpose has actually been accomplished."

"Then what are we going to do?" She looked worried.

"Queen, look at this."

I picked a dead branch from the tree beside me at my fingertips.

"The branches are withered... so what?" She was surprised.

"Too suitable for fire attack."

I smiled slightly, "A centaur is also a long-haired warhorse. Once it is attacked by fire, it is not a problem that the entire army is wiped out. What do you think?"


She frowned. "Carrera is an extremely cautious person. His attack on the camp was only a little blocked and he immediately retreated. With his personality, I am afraid he will not continue to act rashly."

"Unless, we can threaten his defensive duties."

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the distance and said, "I saw it during the day. The mountain is relatively thin. The queen uses your gravitational force to control the power. It may be able to flatten the mountain a little bit and open a way for us to pass through the moon. Mountain, head straight to the battlefield of Avalon Forest."


Sylvia bit her red lip and said, "I have already told you that with my current dragon power, it is impossible to move such a large mountain range. The average small mountain peaks are almost the same."


I nodded. "I didn't ask you to really move Baoyue Mountain. I just want you to build momentum. The bigger the movement, the better, so that the centaur tribes feel that we are really going to dig through the mountains from there. , Do you think Carrera will remain indifferent and not send troops?"


Sylvia's beautiful eyes were full of responsibility, and said, "I understand, but you kid...you are too treacherous and cunning!"


I looked at her speechlessly, "I am my own, this is full of wisdom!"


"Okay, let everyone go to sleep after eating. When they sleep at dawn, they will all get up immediately to collect fire-lighting objects. You must let this large jungle a little bit. Then the queen will be responsible for'moving the mountain'. We The one hundred thousand dragon knights lined up and laid ambush around. Once the opponent’s main force entered the forest, they would set fire. In addition, all ten dragon knights lay in ambush on the mountains. When the fire started, they began to storm the city and win the moon Let's talk about Beiguan!"

"Oh, I see!"


Soon after ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the whole camp fell into silence, and most of the people were already immersed in sleep except for the sentry ride, and as a player, I didn’t need to sleep in the game, so I sat on a tree trunk and watched a movie for a while. When I just finished watching an American drama, the sky was already bright.

Many soldiers in the Dragon Realm got up one after another. Some prepared breakfast, while others went to prepare firewood, dry grass and other objects that ignited the fire. They piled up in important areas in the forest. As long as the centaur tribe came, Just their good looks.

In the morning, everything was ready. Under my order, the 80,000 Dragon Realm Warriors lay in ambush in the open ground around the jungle. As long as the fire burns, they will block all the exits of the jungle, so that the centaur army is better than dead in it. He led the remaining 10,000 people to guard Sylvia's rear. She was moving the mountain, and someone had to "act" with her.


At the moment when Sylvia raised his hand, a stalagmite more than ten meters thick broke directly and hit a low mountain in front of it fiercely, making me wonder if Sylvia was humble. Maybe she really has the strength to penetrate this Baoyue Mountain.

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