Zhan Yue

Chapter 804: Kenbi Kiyo

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

On the earth, smoke and dust billowed, and one of the chief martial arts of the Dragon Territory galloped while turning around and saying: "Master Yunyue and the woodland elves are still fighting in the Avalon forest. We will not return to the main centaur. Was it World War I?"

"Can't go back."

I shook my head: "We have been spotted after we burned the material warehouse. Once we go back, the other's five major legions will tear us apart in an instant, so instead of going back, we will only constrain their forces on the periphery. Senior Sister Yun has four in her hand. Five thousand adult dragons, they are the main force to defeat each other's elite, not us."

Sylvia nodded: "It makes sense, what shall we do now?"

"Strong walls and clear fields."

"What do you mean?"

I thought for a while, and said, "It means to completely cut off the supply of the Centaur. Think about it, we burned the supply warehouse. I am afraid that the next meal will be a problem for the one million centaur. What will they do? What? It must be an emergency transportation of food from the nearby cities. If this is the case, we will go ahead and burn all the nearby cities of the Centaur tribe! Let them have nowhere to adjust the materials!"

Sylvia smiled: "I like it very much."

I looked at the big map and pointed to the south: "Go straight to the south, and there is a county city five miles away. Queen, you and the dragon knights opened the city gate directly, and I took the rest of them to looting and looting the city. His granary is all burned!"



Soon after, a city appeared in his eyes. Centaur tribes were already guarding the walls. A war commander raised his bow and shot an arrow at Sylvia with a "chi" shot through the air, roaring. Said: "The Rat, stay away from our city immediately!"

Unfortunately, Sylvia was just a look, and the arrow was immediately wiped out. Then Sylvia raised his hand and struck, and with a "puff" sound, the entire city gate was shaken to the point where wisps of cracks appeared. The traces, followed by three consecutive dragon knights galloping past, swept by the sword energy, the entire city gate was turned into powder in the rumbling voice.

"Into the city!"

I rode a thousand-mile bright moon horse and walked in the forefront, holding the blade of dawn high, and shouting loudly: "Don't kill the civilians, all the civilians evade!"

For a while, those centaur civilians who had thought of carrying an axe immediately turned around and went back to the room. The door was closed tightly. No matter the disturbances from the outside world, it was said that all the people were soldiers, but once the disaster of annihilation came, it was fundamentally impossible. Few people are still willing to rush out to fight, not to mention that the opponent is a powerful dragon knight, so only a few defenders resisted, and the rest of the centaur all chose Mingzhe conservative.


Behind him, flames rose to the sky, and all the grain silos in this county city were burning, and I led more than 80,000 dragon domain soldiers to the next county city. At this moment, under my leadership , This group of Dragon Realm Warriors is not like a holy land warrior who guards the light, but like a group of bandits who rob homes and robs, but everyone understands in their hearts that everything we do is for the Dragon Realm, for the light and power not to be affected. destruction.

As a result, until about eight o'clock in the evening, for more than two hours, behind me, the granary of centaur cities plunged into a sea of ​​flames. On the big map, the icons of these cities even appeared burning flames. The traces became more specific for a while. In the centaur tribe's territory, the 13 cities near the battlefield of Avalon were all burned out to reserve food!


A piece of news came from Shen Mingxuan: “It’s past eight o’clock and everyone hasn’t eaten dinner. Now the war has just entered a relatively calm stage. Let’s go out for a bite?”

"Okay, what do you eat?"

"Sheep xiezi pot, can you eat it?"

"Eat! Let's go!?"

"Well, let's go offline!"

So, I turned to look at Sylvia, and said: "Queen, I will leave for a period of time, this army will be temporarily handed over to you, when I come back, I will look for you."


Sylvia was taken aback for a moment and said: "I have never commanded so many troops alone, what do you want me to do?"

"A word."

I raised a finger and smiled: "Don't fight against the centaur army. Even if the opponent is only 10,000 or 20,000 people, avoid it if you can, or find a quiet place first, fix it well, etc. I'll talk about it when I come back. It will be soon."



So, under Sylvia's gaze, I went offline.


Just as I sat up, I screamed in despair, and Lin Xi on the side immediately covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Stop smiling, aren't you hungry?" I stared at her.

"I just ate a piece of bread secretly..."


Put on a coat and went out, while Lin Xi put on a very nice windbreaker. Taking advantage of her being taller and full of temperament, Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi went out immediately after returning to the room to change their clothes. A group of four people Dangling on the street full of fallen leaves, the late autumn season is getting colder and colder, making me suspect that it seems to have entered winter.

A few minutes later, Yang Xiezi shop.

Waiting for the pot to start is always so difficult, so a group of people can only chat.

"Lu Li, I haven't seen you on the list today, what's the matter?" Ruyi asked.

I looked at her: "I wanted to keep a low profile. I didn't want to be on the list."

Lin Xi chuckled, "I'm afraid I have no chance to clean up monsters, right?"

"As long as you know."

I have a grudge on my face: "I also want to spawn monsters, and I also want to level up, but I am following the branch route of the version mission. Unlike you, I will bring a team of elites from the Dragon Realm to kill all the time from the Dragon Realm. Go to the hinterland of the Centaur tribe, and then enter the Avalon Forest to join the army of the Dragonland and Woodland Elves, but everything is beyond my imagination."

"What's the matter?" Shen Mingxuan asked.

I took a deep breath: "I found that the centaur army is too fierce. The one hundred thousand dragonland army under my hand is simply not enough for others. On the battlefield of Avalon, the centaur deployed five top legions. , A total of 100W-200W troops, all of them are the most elite, how do you think this makes me play? I only have more than 80,000 cavalry in the Dragon Realm in my hand, and they are gone with a head-on touch..."

"No wonder..."

Lin Xi suddenly realized: "Let me just say... How could the centaur tribe's army be so vulnerable? We broke through Shimaguan in just over two hours, and captured their number one in the south in less than six hours. In the important town of Huo Axe City, all the guilds are full of food and drink. It turns out that the decisive battle with us is the second-rate army of the centaur tribe..."

"Of course, the real trump card is on the northern front."

I was a little speechless: "Then Lin Xiaoxi, what are you doing now and what are you doing?"

"Assault the next southern city."

She looked at the pot with anticipation in her eyes, and said: "This version of the mission should last a long time. The city of the Centaur tribe needs a high strategy, and the next one should be their southern capital. I just don't know how long it will last. Yes, but it’s okay. The Centaur’s experience points and merit points are super high, and we are happy to use that map. Finally, there are standings rewards, which are earned by blood.


I sighed again: "You are earning blood. I don't know yet. There are too few chances to spawn monsters. I spend most of my time planning tactics. I hope that I will eventually give me more extra rewards!"

"Don't worry~~~"

Gu Ruyi smiled and comforted: "The last version event has proved this. As long as you are not a defeated general, the system will basically give you additional rewards."

"Who can guarantee that he is a victorious general?"

I spread my hands: "In case I get cerebral palsy anytime, the system rewards will be gone."

Shen Mingxuan glanced at me: "Then please don't be cerebral palsy..."

"Fuck off!"



Soon after, the fragrant mutton scorpion came out of the pot, similar to the recipe of the local pot chicken. There are many ingredients. There will be some delicious cakes on the edge of the pot. After a bite, it makes people feel like they can't stop. After eating a full meal for more than an hour, after eating and drinking enough, one person in the square held a cup of milk tea and drank it, and then returned to the residence together.

When I arrived at the studio, I drank the milk tea and went online after borrowing Lin Xi's bathroom to pee.


The character appeared in the desert where no one was everywhere, opened the character interface, and immediately read the position of the champions of the Dragon Territory under my control. It was not far from the northwest, so I immediately summoned the Frost Feipeng, Then he drove Feipeng and flew quickly. The time in the game flies quickly. It was not dawn when I left, and it was almost sunset when I came back.

In the twilight, a group of Dragon Realm Warriors galloped on the ground, but judging from the number, it seemed to be a lot less.

"My lord is back!"

A sharp-eyed chief general spotted me early.


Sylvia floated down and surrounded with a group of high-ranking generals from the dragon domain.

I turned over and leaped off Frost Feipeng’s back, looking at the Dragon Realm armor soldiers ahead, many of them had blood stained on their armors, so I couldn’t help frowning and said, “Did it happen during my departure? fighting?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sylvia's pretty face was displeased, as if doing something wrong, and said: "Just as we were repairing, the Thunder Legion suddenly rushed over, although we fought back , But it also lost nearly five thousand dragon domain champions. "

I couldn't help feeling distressed for a while, and there were no more than five thousand. There are really only 80,000 people now.

"grown ups!"

A ten thousand captain clasped his fist and said, "Queen Sylvia can't be blamed at all. It is really that the Thunder Legion is too cunning. It took advantage of the pre-dawn night to launch a surprise attack, and even though our army has lost five thousand troops, We also cut down at least ten times the thundering legion!"

"I see, it's okay."

I shook my head and said, "Queen, we will definitely calculate the account with the Thunder Legion."

At this time, Sylvia finally looked a little better and nodded, but said nothing.

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