Zhan Yue

Chapter 809: His Royal Highness Lan Che

At the side of Sivrena, Lan Che blinked his big watery eyes, smiled at me, and said, "Yes, without your restraint and rush on the southern battlefield, I am afraid we would never have the chance to survive this morning. ."

I smiled slightly: "Yes, normal operation."

Lan Che rolled his eyes at me.

Senior Sister Yun chuckled and said, "Queen Sivrena, it's time to take a good break. Our battle is not over yet. For the Dragonland and Woodland Elves, the threat of centaur still exists. In addition, we lack supplies. The dilemma has not yet been completely changed."

As she said, she looked at me: "Junior Brother, I heard that you have broken the supply line of the Centaur. You should have a lot of food and supplies?"

"absolutely not."

I spread my hands: "In order to make a quick battle, I ordered all the centaur's food and supplies to be burned on the spot, and the dragons behind me only brought their three-day rations."

"It seems that you are not rich either." Sivrena said with a smile.

I laughed: "But there are still supplies for everyone to take a good rest. Let's rest quickly. The next battle won't be too far away."


Lan Che was taken aback: "Next, what are your plans?"


I frowned, stretched out a guide, and said: "We must take down a centaur town as quickly as possible after we rest, and use the city's materials to replenish ourselves, and also give the woodland elves a chance to breathe."

Senior Sister Yun said: "Queen, what are your plans?"

Sivrena looked at us with a clear gaze, and said: "Originally, the woodland elves planned to return to the Avalon Mountains and return to our homeland, but it is now deserted. There will be overgrown weeds and the homeland will be gone. If we didn't If you have enough seeds, I am afraid that even if you return to Avalon, you will not grow food. There is no way, you can only borrow from the Centaur."

"Well, let's fix it for a day!"


A day in the game is about four hours in reality. I instantly felt happy and I had a chance to rest. I immediately said to the outside world: "It's three o'clock in the morning, aren't you sleeping?"

"So sleepy~~~" Lin Xi said.

"What is your progress?"

"At the siege, the attack is coming down quickly."

"Let's rest and call tomorrow." I said.


Lin Xi smiled and said, "I think so too. If I stay up late, I'm afraid my face will get acne. We can't even lose our face in order to keep the first place in the event list?"

"Face, face."

Shen Mingxuan said: "Go offline, take a sip of porridge and go to bed!"


I was overjoyed: "Do we still have porridge?"

"Yeah, when you were in the game, I cooked a pot of porridge and I was keeping it warm!"

"Great, virtuous A Xuan, come on, porridge!"


She hesitated for a few seconds, then murmured: "Idiot..."

Offline, after drinking a bowl of hot porridge, the body seems to have gained infinite strength, and I am almost unable to explain it. In fact, I am a middle-level master of Yang Yan, looking at the entire human world as the top person In the words of Master Lin Cheng, this kind of us can practice bigu. It’s okay if we don’t eat for half a month, but we can’t let go of the nostalgia for food all the time. Perhaps I’m used to it. Normal people have three meals a day. I couldn't let it go. Anyway, I didn't think about becoming immortal. I wanted to grow old with Lin Xi more than becoming immortal.

After taking a shower, I went to bed and went to bed. I set the alarm clock at 9 o'clock in the morning. I gave myself a short break and sleep for six hours. During this time, the Dragonland and Woodland Elves are all repairing, and there shouldn't be any major incidents. Even if the Fire Heart Legion came back to death, the Centaur used the five top legions to suppress the Dragon Realm and Woodland Elves. If only one legion came, it would be nothing.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep in a drowsy manner.


The next morning in the hotel, I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. Although I didn’t sleep enough, I was almost done. In fact, I was thinking about things in the game in my dreams. There were many pictures of iron horses and golds in my dreams, and I even dreamed about it. The scene of a group of dragons rushing in blood, I must be poisoned too deeply, but this virtual world is so fascinating.

I quickly bought breakfast and found that I was the only one awake in the studio, so I knocked on Lin Xi's door: "Lin Xiaoxi, I bought breakfast, do you want to get up to eat?"

"Stop eating, I want to sleep..." Her voice was lazy.

"Well... Ruyi, do you want to get up for breakfast?"

"No, I want to sleep too..."

"Axuan, have breakfast!"

"You eat by yourself, I have to sleep."


So, one person ate the beloved deep-fried dough stick and spicy soup, and then went online.



As soon as he put on his helmet, the character appeared on the northern battlefield. The previous mess had been refreshed. The bones of the soldiers on both sides were refreshed. Only a line of eye-catching craters remained on the battlefield, and there were still unextinguished flames in the distant jungle. Let people remember that a very tragic battle took place here.

Not far away, the woodland elves and the camps of the Dragon Warriors were connected to each other. Not long after I went online, a Dragon Warrior galloped over and said respectfully: "My lord, you are finally here, Yunyue The adults and the elf queen are waiting for you!"

"Oh, got it, lead the way."


Stepping into a big tent, there are many warriors in the big tent. Senior Sister Yun and Lan Che are there. Even the silver dragon queen Sylvia who is the decoy is back. In addition, there are ten dragon armors. The sergeant, in addition, is the warrior of the Elf Queen and a group of woodland elves. There are males and females, and their status in the woodland elves must not be low.

In the middle of the big tent, there is a pine table that has just been made, which is very rough, and on the pine table is a big map. Senior Sister Yun and Sifraena are on the side of the map.

"Junior brother, you are here."

The beautiful senior sister gently pressed her palm on the map and said with a smile: "Come and see, which centaur city pool we should attack specifically, and we must be fast, otherwise, someone in the army will be starved to death."

I glanced around, and then clicked on the marks of the cities, and said, "The granaries in these counties have been burned by me, and it doesn't make sense to hit them down."


Sivrena looked helpless: "You are really...resolute~~~"

I laughed and laughed: "Your Majesty does not know anything. In the last few days, I had to stand firm and clear the country. Without this hand, the five Centaur Legions in the north would not be able to run out of food. If we continue to have food, we have no hope of victory. ."

Suddenly, a group of elves warriors nodded one after another, expressing their agreement.

Senior Sister Yun smiled and said, "Well, you have the most unique strategic vision among the Dragon Realms. Which city do you think we should attack better?"

"Let me consider."

My finger slid slowly on the map, and finally lightly clicked on a city, saying: "Just this city, the important town in the central city of Centaur-Thunder Halberd City, this city is in the Centaur. Some large cities have a total population of more than one million, and they are the north-south channel cities. They store a large amount of grain and equipment throughout the year, and there are a large number of farms around the city. As long as we take down the city, there will be an endless supply of grain and grass. It can be transported to all directions."


A young woodland elf warlord frowned and said: "I have checked the information on the Centaur. This Thunder Halberd City is known as one of the most solid cities of the Centaur tribe. Although it is quite rich, the city wall is 30 meters high and 40 meters wide. Mi, all the city gates are made of steel and embedded in the city wall. The city wall is equipped with the strongest firearm of the Centaur. Therefore, although the materials of Thunder Halberd City are indeed moving, we have no time to make siege equipment. Can you really break through the gates of Thunder Halberd City?"


Sivrena's eyebrows frowned: "City defense, this is an important issue. If we can't break through the city gates, we will only waste our strength in vain, and we will lose more than we gain."

"How strong can the city gate be?"

I was stunned: "Can I stop Senior Sister Yun's sword?"

Suddenly, Lan Che did not hold back a sneer.

Senior Sister Yun also smiled: "About... it can't be stopped..."

The Elf Queen looked at us with a surprised look, as if she hadn’t really seen Senior Sister Yun’s strength, and I was pretty sure that Senior Sister Yun’s strength to the Centaur tribe was like the king of the Northern Territory against the human race. In the same way, her attack power is full of destructive power. Twilight Blade Tallinn can blast through the north wall with a single sword, and Senior Sister Yun can definitely blast through the centaur city gate with a single sword. As for the city gate, the thunder halberd The defenders of the city are just a dish for the Dragonland and Woodland Elves.

"lets go!"

The back of my finger tapped the map lightly, and said, "Take Thunder Halberd City as quickly as possible and stand firm on the territory of the Centaur tribe."

"Well, let's go!"


After pulling out the camp, the more than 70,000 dragons in the dragon realm were refurbished and set off again with great strength, while the woodland elves were more numerous, and the army alone had a full four to five million, and the young and old were unable to fight. There are still about five to six hundred thousand, and the whole family has a population of nearly one million, which is quite good for the woodland elves, whose reproduction rate is not very high.

However, from Lan Che’s mouth, I learned that the woodland elves originally had a population of nearly 3 million, and the population lost during the journey from west to east is too much. They are just woodland elves who died under the sword of the centaur tribe. There are millions of them, this hatred can indeed be called a **** hatred~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The centaur tribe is immortal, I am afraid that the tone in the hearts of the woodland elves will not disappear.

In the distance, the red-haired centaur led his more than 200,000 centaur "Rebels" and set off with us.


Lan Che rode a white horse, glanced at the red hair from a distance, and said, "A group of despicable and cruel beasts..."

I rode a thousand-mile bright moon horse, and said: "Lan Che, don't be impulsive, now we still need their strength."


A young elven female warrior had a very nice voice, saying: "His Royal Highness, we should remember Her Majesty's admonitions. If we can't bear it, we will make big plans. In this matter, we should follow the decision of Master Liuhuo. "

"and so on……"

I trembled and looked at Lan Che: "Lan Che...Your Royal Highness?"

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