Zhan Yue

Chapter 813: 1 puppet

After getting out of the big tent, went straight to a deer position, and finally can participate in the activity as a player.



Among the crowd, A Fei, carrying a staff, joked: "Ali, you are finally willing to come back. I thought you had fallen on the gentle embroidered bed of Woodland Elf Queen Sivrena and couldn't find your way home."

"The taste is very heavy."

I glanced at him: "Sivrena's daughters are all as old as you!"


Qing Deng was shocked: "Really? We just looked at it from a distance and felt that this fairy queen is not old, quite young, and looks only twenty-seven-eight."

"Look at it, Lan Che of Longyu is Sivrena's daughter."


A Fei was shocked: "If you say so...isn't it possible..."

"To shut up!"

I glared at him and said, "There are so many girls here, please be careful when you speak."


Qing Lan laughed, but not halfway through, there was a loud noise, and the shell of a cannon on the city wall just fell at the foot of Qing Lan, knocking him over with men and horses, and almost killed him immediately. !

"Lin Xi, what's the situation now?"

I looked at the densely packed centaur warriors on the distant city, and said, "How long will it take to win it?"

"I don't know~~~"

Lin Xi waved the archangel's sword to kill monsters in the front row, and said: "If you break the Centaur Imperial City, even if you win, right? I also know that it should be like this."


I nodded heavily: "It looks like I can play for a long time."

At this moment, there was a "swish" in the city, and a stalwart figure rose into the sky, turning into a centaur with a saber, dressed in a golden armor, with compelling extravagance, and wisps of blood on the body. Guanghui, it is the old king of the centaur-Karloheed. He glared at the outside of the city and roared: "Do you really think you can take my imperial city? Come on, let you see. The power of the Centaur!"

With that said, the sword turned into a lingering storm and blasted out of the city!

"Be careful!"

In front of the crowd, a group of high-ranking NPCs from the Flame God Legion raised their swords, and broke out all over their bodies. They immediately formed a azure blue gas shield in front of them, but in the next second, Karlohed’s sword light storm Sweeping past, the line of defense suddenly collapsed, and the gust of wind was full of blood rain and broken limbs. A "swish" rushed past the crowd, directly blasting the Flame God Legion's array into a **** path.

This is the Flame God Legion, the army that Longwu Great Emperor Xuanyuanying personally controls is also the strongest NPC legion in the entire national uniform, it was actually killed in this way!

"Do you think you can defeat a centaur so easily?"

Carlo Heid's eyes were cold, and he laughed wildly: "Come on, feel the ultimate power of death!"

As he said, he raised his sword and yelled at a group of centaur soldiers on the city: "Brave centaur warriors, your mission has been completed, take it next, give your flesh, you Although his soul is dead, his body will become more indestructible and unstoppable!"


A wave of **** air swelled from his sword, and there were dense threads in the air wave. The next moment, these threads were connected to the centaur warriors on the city wall one by one, and an incomparably evil and twisted force began. The surging erupted, and in an instant, a whole group of centaur warriors screamed into the sky. They raised their heads to the air, their mouths were open, and the strands of life force and soul in their mouths were constantly being pulled away, and their bodies became distorted. When I got up, my skin ulcerated, revealing a piece of flesh and blood and bones.


Lin Xi's hand holding the long sword trembled a little, and the scene in front of him was really cruel.


Karlohed opened his mouth wide, constantly devouring the souls of his subordinates, his eyes became more fierce, and he smiled: "Ah... such a delicious soul power, rest assured, I will give you a stronger soul and a stronger soul. Physical body!"

As he said, he swallowed all the souls in one breath, and then bursts of blood-colored brilliance from his eyes, the blue veins on his face burst out, and then suddenly opened his mouth, "Wow", vomiting countless blood-colored souls. , One by one drilled into the centaur warrior's body along the silk thread. Suddenly, the bodies of these centaur warriors continued to collide, blood and bones, and the obscure runes of death appeared all over their bodies. The centaur of 3-4 meters soared to a full height of seven or eight meters, brandishing a weapon and rushing down the city wall one by one, heading straight for the NPC army and players under the city.

"finally come……"

Shen Mingxuan gritted his teeth and said: "It's a prehistoric monster, ready to withstand the impact!"

Below the city, the densely packed dead centaur charged forward, which is indeed terrifying.


At the moment when a group of players were preparing to meet a powerful enemy, a ray of silhouette flashed across the air. It was Senior Sister Jing Yunyue, who made a sharp sword, and suddenly a holy white mark appeared under the city, followed by countless white dragons. Rushing out, under the extremely fierce impact, those dead centaurs had been purified before they came to the human position. They stood in the wind in amazement, unable to move, and the body began to annihilate in the next second, turning into the wind. The dust is gone.

"Carlo Shed."

Jing Yunyue wore white clothes to win the snow, just standing in the wind, holding a white dragon sword, looking at each other calmly with beautiful eyes, said: "I didn't expect that you actually sacrificed your soul to death. , You betrayed the centaur so thoroughly."

"Jing Yunyue, what qualifications do you have to take care of the Centaur race!?"

Karloheid waved his saber and sneered: "What Dragon Realm, what Holy Land, it's just a hypocritical trick. Come on, there is a kind of battle with me. You see, Xuanyuan should not dare to face my blade in person. What is your Jing Yunyue?!"

In the crowd, Xuanyuan Ying, dressed in armor, was surrounded by a group of human warlords. He frowned, but did not speak, as if he did not dare to fight.

"Not so right..."

I frowned and turned on the ten-point steamer to look at Karloheid in the air, only to find that there was a turbulent flow in his body that was like molten turbulence. Behind him, an invisible energy was dying. Tied him dead, like an invisible octopus, using his own tentacles to control the body of Carlosid.

"what happened?"

In the ear, Senior Sister Yun's words: "Junior Brother, what did you find?"

"Karosid seems to be controlled by some power. I see a completely different power in his body from the outside. Sister, you must be careful!"


In the next second, Jing Yunyue soared into the sky, the white dragon sword pierced the opponent's chin, and the power of the white dragon realm around him moved vigorously, as if being enveloped by a white dragon.

"Good job!"

Karloheid let out a grin, and the sword was slashed towards the bottom with a strong death breath!


With a loud noise, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart. Under the collision of the two powerhouses, there were wisps of space cracks that crazily swallowed everything in the material world, and in the gusty wind, Senior Sister Yun stepped on her feet. The Jianhai text quickly attacked seven or eight swords in succession again, but each of the swords was blocked by Carlo Xid. Although Carlo Xid was also shocked by the sword Qi, his body was spurted and his skin burst, but still Still stubbornly resisting.

"Not so right..."

My brows frowned and I said to myself: "How could Karlo Heid be so powerful? How could a small centaur king be able to withstand so many attacks by Senior Sister Yun today?"

In the distance, Xuanyuan Ying had the same solemn expression, clenched his fists, and raised his head to feel the changes in the battle between the two sides. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was worried about something.

"Jing Yunyue, die for me!"

In the air, Karlohed suddenly held the sword with both hands, and just like this, a **** storm was pierced from the bottom up. Under this immense power, Carlohed's body began to be the first to be able to support it. , The flesh and skin shattered one after another, exposing the bones below, but the strength of this attack was a little too strong, and the entire air was sharply twisted.

"is it?"

In the wind, Senior Sister Yun suddenly held the sword with both hands, and the power in her body exploded steadily. Accompanied by the explosion, the envelope of the white dragon realm doubled instantly, and the white dragon sword engulfed the one that split the world. Power, just headed towards Karlohed's war blade.

"The realm of the white dragon, break it for me!"


The shock wave that erupted in the air swept across the four places, the troops and players outside the city were shocked and flew away, but I stood still on the spot, desperately opening my eyes and looking at the picture in the sky, I saw the white dragon sword turned into A little white dragon!

Sword Qi transforms into a dragon!

With a crisp sound, the white little dragon instantly shattered the opponent's war blade, wrapped in endless sword intent, and directly smashed into the head of the centaur King Kalothide, and then split his body in two.

But at this moment when Carlo Heid died in battle, the brilliance around him that originally controlled him quickly condensed and turned into a familiar figure, blood lingering around him, extremely dense, just like that, he slapped the cloud with a blatant palm. The top of the senior sister's head.

"You really get in the way!"

This is a sentence without any emotion. It is uncommon, but the tricks are unimaginable.


Senior Sister Yun backed away suddenly, with one hand, and Bai Longbi appeared in front of him, but it was not blocked at all. Under a loud noise, the palm of the other party instantly smashed the Bailongbi, and then it was printed on Senior Sister Yun's chest. Before~www.wuxiaspot.com~puff......"

Blood splashed, Senior Sister Yun's body fell from the sky like fallen leaves.


"Senior Sister! What a mess..."

I instantly turned into the shadow of Shura and rushed into the air. At the same time, I looked at the figure in the bright light in the air, and the whole person was in a trance: "Guide?!"

At this moment, an old voice came from Tiantian: "You...you are overstepping!"

"It's a pity this puppet."

The figure let out a cry of regret, then stood up, disappeared into the air in a flash, and I took advantage of the opportunity to catch Jing Yunyue who had fallen in the sky, and after a glance, she saw her eyes closed and her face pale. At this moment, The heart seemed to be severely grabbed. What kind of existence is the leader? Not only can their power spread to the real world, even a top-notch existence like Senior Sister Yun in the game will be severely damaged by them?

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