Zhan Yue

Chapter 817: 1 will go to you

The screen flashed and everyone entered the game one after another.

Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi came to the bushes to help me get red, while Galen was waiting in the middle to close the army. I am afraid that his skill is E. Seeing him going to close the army, I immediately relieved and said, "I have already done it. The worst plan is to use punishment to grab the spotlight. Since he doesn’t grab it, it’s okay. After a while, Ruyi may be under a little bit more pressure. He eats your experience in the middle, and the opposite Casadine will be 6 first. I'll help you catch a wave in a while."


After a wave in the middle, he directly stuck his vision into the opponent’s red BUFF, but luckily, the opponent was also blind, but the blood volume was not very healthy, so he harvested smoothly, got a blood, and put the opponent’s red BUFF into the bag. I immediately went to the road. As I moved on the road, the opponent's Galen and Lin Xi's Pan Sen were killing each other inextricably. The windmill turned and turned, making Lin Xi somewhat uncomfortable, but when I entered the grass, the other party did not react at all. .

Suddenly, I sighed, and it turned out to be a low-end game, happiness!

"Lin Xi, I'm here, ready to fight back."


Just when I walked behind the opponent, Galen reacted and was kicked directly in the face with a Q. Then Lin Xi made up a precise Qi Q to end the battle, and Lin Xi took the second kill. At the same time, Shen Mingxuan, who was on the road, screamed: "Wow, it's over, I was punished to stand..."

Sure enough, an announcement was made as soon as he finished speaking, and the policewoman was killed.

I was a little anxious. After hitting a toad, I immediately went to the middle road. As a result, I didn’t even need to squat. The opponent’s Kassadin was very murderous and beat Ruyi with his face, but Ruyi’s acting skills were not bad. I pretended to panic and went down to the left side of the tower. Go, the moment Kassadin followed, I already kicked it up, and the fourth kill appeared!

However, at this moment, our Fang Galen let out a scream and fell into his own wild area, and was caught by the opponent's blind man, which invisibly increased the difficulty.

As a result, it became a vicious circle. Shen Mingxuan and our jungler Gaelen kept sending them, but Lin Xi on the road and Ruyi in the middle road were useless. After the early stage, Pan Sen started to fail. The most important thing is Our side Galen sent too strong, and the 0-9 record made people cry without tears.

Soon after, Shen Mingxuan tilted his head and looked at me, his face full of grievances: "You have never been here for a full 20 minutes. Am I not your cutie anymore?"

My scalp was numb: "No, no, no, you've always been my little cutie. The reason why you didn't go is just to sharpen your Dao Xin, let you go to the next level, and become the king within a week."


She grumbled, too lazy to talk to me again.

In the end, our side failed, and Galen sent too much. One of the other Galen could beat ten Galen on our side, and he couldn't win.



Lin Xi pushed the keyboard, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at me aggrievedly, and said, "Coach, let me apply. I want to play Jian Ji, can I?"


I was speechless: "Everyone will be good at the next game. Anyway, it's the low-end game. Don't worry about any combination of heroes. I'll be done. I will be the prince jungler in the next game, for the glory of Demacia. !"

Lin Xi: "..."

Although Gu Ruyi lost, but still in a good mood, he chuckled, "I didn't expect to see Lu Li as a second-year student!"

I laughed and started to concentrate on playing games.

In the second game, it was finally locked. Xijianji came on the laner, my prince jungled, Ruyi took the rock bird in the laner, and Shen Mingxuan took another beautiful ADC female gun. This time the support is a very reliable little brother. Toads ran around behind Shen Mingxuan one by one, and asked after a meal: "Miss sister, young lady, are you really young lady?"


Shen Mingxuan directly typed: "white skin and beautiful, long chest and thighs, do you like it?"

"I like it, even if you are a ladyboy, I like it!"


Shen Mingxuan was very upset. In fact, if Shen Mingxuan pretended to be a cute girl to play games, it would be very popular. Unfortunately, this guy is so proud that it is impossible to do such a thing.

This round was much smoother than we thought. When only scoring the first wave of monsters, Lin Xi’s Sword Fairy directly killed the opponent’s laner, and then sent a wave. The advantage began to snowball, and I went smoothly. Invaded the opponent’s field, the three BUFF started, and it was quite smooth. The middle lane helped Ruyi wave, Ruyi's rock bird immediately began to suppress, and the bottom lane also played back and forth, and then I kept seeing Lin Xi on the road infinite. Single kill, even if the opponent’s jungler passes, Lin Xi will directly double kill. As far as the position and attack timing are concerned, Lin Xi is probably at least the master level. As long as you get familiar with it and play more, it should be nothing to be the king with her strength. Too big a problem.

Inadvertently, I thought I was very strong and could take my girlfriend to cross the Summoner's Canyon, but I didn't know that Lin Xi was the real thigh! I used to double row with A Fei, and when I was the highest, I only hit 1 drill, but Lin Xi in front of me was more than just 1 drill. When I was 6-1, Lin Xi was already 12-0.

"It's over..."

Shen Mingxuan smiled and said, "Lin Xi was crazy in this round..."


Lin Xi smiled sweetly and continued to kill.

I walked ahead and said, "Shen Mingxuan, I will get out of the team with EQ. You can directly drive R to bathe them, and then Lin Xi will harvest, and win the team with another round."


The next second, the killing started, and Shen Mingxuan actually killed four directly. She was so happy that she was full of spring breeze. Then a wave of morale rushed to the opponent's high ground, and then danced in front of the spring to end the battle.

Next, Lin Xi still took Sword Fairy with her hand, and her hand felt better and better. Basically, every round was an MVP with a big score, and even reached 24-0 in one round. This Sword Fairy completely turned into a nightmare for his opponent. Can't play anymore.


Looking at Lin Xi's super high score on the settlement, I was a little speechless, and said, "Lin Xiaoxi, is the sword girl that you are best at on the order? This technical level is still above me..."

She smiled sweetly: "No, your jungler is also very strong, you control the rhythm and lead the audience!"

I feel a little sweet in my heart, this prospective girlfriend is still quite talkative.

However, when he entered the selection interface again, Lin Xi thought for a while, and said, "Well, it seems really boring to play Sword Fairy all the time. This round is for my another trump card."

"What trump card?" I asked.

"Girls, the heroes who play are naturally beautiful girls, don't they play crows?"

With that said, the voice of the game sounded a sonorous female voice "The day the broken sword is recast, when it returns", oh, it’s Riven, my heart trembled. When I was playing with A Fei, I was on The single-turn jungler at the time was also Riven's signature influence, but it wasn't good enough. My Riven could only play with ALFY in the platinum game. It wasn't until after the jungler that he finally got on diamonds.

I don't know how Lin Xi's Riven is.

A few minutes later, Lin Xi proved to me that her Riven was. The third wave of soldiers directly killed the opponent's sword girl with Diamond 2, and directly increased our matching difficulty. In this round, there was a diamond on the opposite side, four A platinum, I don’t know how to match it, but it’s been too long since I played too much. Even I felt pressure. Ruyi was beaten 2-3, and Shen Mingxuan was beaten 1-4. There was Lin Xi smiling proudly on the road, a Riven swept the road with a broken blade, and when the other party dispatched three people from the middle and the wild to catch, she still changed the limit tower to the next three!

"It's over."

I feel a little speechless. My girlfriend really has thicker thighs than me. Without Lin Xi today, most of us would be abused.

After playing until eleven o'clock, everyone was tired.

"Go out and make skewers?"

Shen Mingxuan smiled and proposed: "The boss said when I came up, there is a shop with skewers in the alley next to it."

"let's go!"

So, the group went out happily.

Ruyi took Shen Mingxuan's hand and walked ahead, while Lin Xi and I walked behind. The lights in the small village were dim. I intentionally or unintentionally walked closer to Lin Xi and stretched out my hand to express hint.

Lin Xi couldn't help laughing, holding my hand openly, and whispering, "Is it satisfied now?"

Feeling her frail and boneless palms, I was naturally very satisfied, and whispered: "Huh, I originally planned to take you off today. I didn't expect Lin Xiaoxi that your game talent is so strong, it has completely become you take me. Well... tell you the truth, if you and I were classmates in college and played games together, you would ask you to double row, would you dislike me for being too culinary?"


Lin Xi was taken aback, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at me with a smile, and said softly, "Why? Although I can be a little grumpy when I play games, I think your level is at least 3 level, and I am too. Not much taller than you, don't worry, I won't despise you, but unfortunately I don't have a chance to go back in time, otherwise I will definitely find you..."

"You don't need to come, I will find you." I smiled and looked at her.

She Limao smiled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shook my hand firmly: "Let’s go, let’s go to skewer, don’t you be afraid of Mingxuan and Ruyi seeing me if you hold me like this? Don’t forget, it was at the beginning. Together we made a vow not to fall in love~~~"

With that, she looked at me with a smirk.

I also shook her hand vigorously and said, "Before I get to the booth, I will never break up!"



So, following Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi, a light came from the alley ahead. Someone was sitting outside the door and skewered, with a strong scent of lamb kebabs between their noses. When we arrived, Lin Xi and I subconsciously let go of our hands. Normally show and return to show, but if Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi really see us together, I am afraid they will be a little uncomfortable.

After all, the four people in the studio were happy, and suddenly the 1+1+1+1 model became a 2+1+1 model. They must have a psychological gap.

Some things, secretly, seem to feel a little more.

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