Zhan Yue

Chapter 833: Feng Shui turns

"Kill him!"

A middle-aged man in a black suit was holding a submachine gun that he didn't know where it came from, his eyes were chilling, and he sneered: "Fire all for me, right away!"

As he said, the submachine gun blasted flames.

At the moment when everyone shot, my mental power instantly tightened, as if I was in a stagnant time and space, the power in my body revolved on its own, rushing endlessly, the moment the left hand was raised, the air in front of me stopped flowing instantly, tightly Then countless bullets collided on an invisible copper wall and iron wall, and they were ejected away one after another.

Bai Longbi can actually be used like this!


An executor roared: "The gun is useless to him at all, this is a middle-level Yangyan bastard!"

Before he finished his words, the air in the basement suddenly moved, and the space in front of him was squeezed layer by layer, and then exploded, and my body was swiftly running across the regular division of the space, and I came to the opponent with a sigh of relief. On the right side of the body, his body flew away, wrapped in strands of blades of cold light. For a time, the gunholder kept screaming, or the gun and the palm were cut off, or the arm was directly chopped off, and he held it in a blink of an eye. All the people who shot the gun rolled over on the ground.


With a punch, he went straight to the last executor in the basement.

"Asshole, die!"

The executor’s face has a look of decisive death, and he seems to know that he has done a great thing. If I can’t be killed here today, then the law is enough to make people like him die thousands of times with one arm. Heng, the moment his body rushed forward, half of his body was split, and a series of metal piercing blades surrounded by water mist, "pupupupu" fiercely broke through the air!

Hearing a sigh of breath, I was already confident that I could kill the executor. At the moment of my thoughts, the entire left arm sprayed with a gray airflow, and a series of bursts of soybeans came from the veins and acupuncture points. With a creaking sound, the moment the left fist blasted out, strands of the crystal world of the White Dragon Wall were also blasted out by a punch!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In a series of loud noises, the piercing blades blasted by the executors broke into pieces the moment they hit the crystals of the white dragon wall, and my punch passed through my chest. With a "puff" sound, the whole person was wrapped in a strong Yang Yanjin passed through the body of this executor and killed him on the spot, but at the moment I killed the executor, I suddenly felt a scorching breath coming from under my feet!

It is a kind of flame power that seems to have life, and it is coming extremely fiercely!

Subconsciously stomped his feet, and the moment he lifted his sword into the air, he saw wisps of sun and fire pierce the floor like a sharp blade. When he dashed for several meters, a figure condensed in the flames. Turning into the body of Old Huang, he held a vortex of flames with his arms, his eyes filled with hideous and murderous intent, and he roared: "Little thing, the old man's ability to cultivate for a hundred years, will he be no match for you to become a monk?"

He is not kidding!

This time Huang Yuan has really moved to kill, and the yang flames swirling between his arms are extremely fierce, making me a little unbearable. It seems that his yang flames are already a level higher than mine. Without negligence for a moment, the Yang Yanhuo hurriedly gathered around his body was accumulated in his legs, and it was a swift pedaling against Huang Yuan!


My feet are on top of my fists. What I can’t imagine is that I didn’t take any advantage at all. My feet are like pedaling on a giant mountain that hits over, and my body flies upside down involuntarily. "Peng" hit the floor directly and came to the first floor of the bar. After hitting the outside wall again, the whole person walked out of the bar and landed on the grass outside the parking lot, carrying a long sword. It flew out like this, and after more than ten meters, he pierced the ground with a long sword and stopped the tendency of flying out.

Fortunately, there is a white dragon wall body guard. At the moment when I was impacted, the white dragon gas in my body protected the lord by itself, condensing crystalline energy around the body. This made me feel extremely embarrassed, but actually Shang has only suffered a little skin trauma.

"Lu Li, how are you!?"

Wang Lu's voice came from the earphones: "Boss Tie, take someone there quickly, Lu Li is injured!"

"I'm fine!"

I staggered up and said in a deep voice: "Let everyone not come over, today this is my business with Huang Yuan!"


At this moment, a flame-shrouded figure broke through the wall, clenched his fists, and carried fierce murderous intent all over his body. It was Huang Yuan. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the badly damaged clothes on my body." Ouyang Luli, do you really think that everything is under your control? You are wrong, so wrong. Do you think that by keeping Lin Cheng's insignificant thing at Ouyang's house, you can protect Ouyang Luofeng?"

My heart was chilled: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

He walked toward the front step by step, the joints in his body crackled and crackled, as if he was unlocking the seal of physical strength, Yang Yanjin also increased steadily, and sneered: "The old man can be in The life of Lin Cheng within ten strokes. As for your father Ouyang Luofeng, the old man doesn't want to kill him, but the time has not arrived. Your Ouyang family are just pawns. Are you still not enlightened?"

In an instant, a cloud of anger burned in my chest, and the Ninth Jue Vein on my back was "buzzing" softly, like a small stove, providing the body with far-reaching Yang Yan Jin. And the white dragon qi derived from the cultivation in the body seemed to feel my anger, swimming in the blood, roaring endlessly.

Today, not only Huang Yuan, but even I have been murdered together. That is to say, today is either he or I die. Only one person can leave here alive. Whether it is for the world or for my family, I must Here is a complete solution to the terrifying threat of Huang Yuan!

"I feel your anger, do you want to kill me?"

Huang Yuan laughed, his whole body was violent, and there was a feeling of unbearable oppression, and said: "To tell you the truth, half a month ago, the old man finally broke through the shackles and reached the legendary late stage of Yang Yan. Don't you think you can beat the old man beyond the realm, do you? The pride of heaven is always present in the world, but it will never be you."

As he said, his eyes suddenly gushing murderously, and his toes touched the ground. "Peng" rose off the ground with a blast of flame enveloped his whole body. Just like that, he slashed out with a volley, and said with a grinning grin: "One palm will kill you." about you!"

This palm is boundless, and my heartbeat almost stops at the moment it is split. Is this the crushing of the realm?

"Xiao Bai, you go first!"

With a wave of my right hand, Xiao Bai flew into the different space. At the moment when Xiao Bai was lost, his arms were raised, and the Ninth Jue Vein buzzed endlessly, and a series of crystal energy burst out in front of him. , The power of the White Dragon Wall rises steadily, hardly shaking the palm of the late stage of Yangyan!


Huang Yuan’s palm fell, and the moment he struck the white dragon wall, it was as if he had struck a thick piece of steel, but the astonishment on his face was fleeting, and his face was immediately full of fierce light, and he was in mid-air. When he stepped out, wisps of majestic sun engulfed his legs, and a series of "fluffy" bursts fell on the white dragon wall.


At the moment when I took the opponent's ninth leg, the strength in my body was stretched to its limit, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the white dragon wall in front of me also dissipated, turning into strands of stardust and falling into the grass.

"Look at what you are blocking this time!"

Huang Yuan stomped on the ground suddenly, his body seemed to be pushed by a mysterious force, and instantly rose from the ground, and then his feet fell from the sky like sharp blades, and stomped fiercely on top of my head!

Huang Yuan is a man with excellent palm and leg techniques, especially the leg techniques. I have seen him in the first confrontation, but this time I saw his real family background. It is not the usual fierce and domineering!

Huang Yuan is determined to win this blow, because it has already broken my white dragon wall, so this blow, my middle-rank Yang Yan, is afraid that I can no longer bear it.

However, at the moment when I stomped from the sky, a new breath of coolness surged in my right arm, and the right arm was immediately horizontal, and a new white dragon wall was condensed above my head, although it was not as good as the previous one. The white dragon wall is thick, but it is enough to withstand Huang Yuan's blow!


His feet stomped fiercely on the white dragon wall, making a sound of gold and stone humming, Huang Yuan's body also rose into the air, but his body in the air suddenly swirled, full of flames in the moment of the foot. That is, it swept to my midfielder position, and the offensive was fast and accurate, extremely hot!

Between the electric light and flint, I was completely subconsciously fighting. With a twist of my body, the white dragon wall formed with my right hand blocked Huang Yuan’s blow. At the moment I blocked it, Huang Yuan shouted, his right leg wrapped in flames. The whip leg drew towards the other side of my body at an imaginary speed. The speed was so fast that I couldn't react.


I have sensed the movement of the power in my left arm. One palm is another white dragon wall condensed out. The moment I blocked the opponent’s whip leg, the white dragon wall in my right hand disappeared, and I grabbed it in the void. A bright and clean sword came out of the air, and the sun filled with energy cleanly slid across the opponent's right leg that used the whip kick.


Huang Yuan’s right leg shot out a ray of blood and was already injured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He hurriedly supported his leg and stepped back for more than ten steps. His face was full of shock. Obviously he didn't expect me to have any more. Remaining power to fight back.


Without waiting for Huang Yuan to think about it too much, I broke the space rules and rushed out, holding the white dragon wall with my left hand and hitting a palm sent by the opponent heavily. The tricky angle penetrated into the yellow ape’s shoulder, and at the moment when the yellow ape retreated from the pain, his body plunged forward and kicked heavily on the opponent’s right leg, and then the body seemed to float. Flying like a leaf, rising from an unimaginable angle, Xiao Bai swept over Huang Ape's back waist.


There was another sword mark, which left a very obvious mark on the yellow ape's gown, and blood flowed across it.


Huang Yuan hit the sword continuously, the previous arrogance had completely disappeared, replaced by panic, he took advantage of the realm to consume most of the power on the white dragon wall, so that when I recovered my breath and launched an attack At the time, he didn't even have room to fight back, which was the consequence of being too confident.

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