Zhan Yue

Chapter 842: Cedar Pass

With flags flying, after the death of the country’s lord, the outer defense of the capital was basically instantly attacked by players. The tide-like heavy infantry of the Silver Frost Legion spread directly across the city wall and began to advance towards the city, and Yilu’s players also followed suit. He entered the city and entered the stage of street fighting. In less than half an hour, a crowd of people rushed into the palace.

Above the palace hall, a group of jesters knelt in a row tremblingly, and behind them were the palace ladies who couldn't see the end. As for the Imperial Forest Army, they had been shot and killed by the people led by Zhang Lingyue long ago! Although the armor and equipment of the imperial army of the opponent are quite sophisticated, they are accustomed to pampering them after all. The soldiers of the Silver Frost Legion have all experienced a lot of battles. The defense of the Imperial Forest Army collapsed on its own.


A middle-aged beautiful woman in a beautiful dress and gown knelt on the ground holding a golden seal in her hand. It was the queen of the country of wildness. She trembled all over and her face was pale, and said to Wang Shuang: "The country of wildness The Great Seal is here, please... please accept it, and please be sorry for the unarmed old and young in the city, and give us...give us a way out!"

"rest assured!"

Wang Shuang gave a direct look, and after he ordered someone to take the Yuxi Seal, he said: "You immediately lead all the people in the Scarlet King's Court in the capital to leave, otherwise, they will definitely slaughter the city. Remember, everyone can only bring a little food and water. Leaving, you are not allowed to bring any soft goods, nor are you allowed to take away any elixir, famous products, etc. in the royal city, have you heard clearly?"

"Yes, my lord, yes... I'll wait to hear you clearly!"

The queen hurriedly left with the support of several maids, and the blood in the entire royal city was swept away in an instant.

"Finally finished!"

I took a deep breath and said, "Just take a break and prepare to attack the next king's court... Well, it is the turn of the kingdom of wind. This is one of the strongest king courts of the Scarlet King's Court. The country is tied."


Wang Shuang hesitated a little, and said, "Brother, do we really have to attack the Kingdom of Wind? I heard that the Kingdom of Wind was able to protect itself during the Civil War. They did not participate in the war most of the time, and their strength was quite preserved. Complete, if we attack the Kingdom of Wind at this time, will we lose too much?"

"Not that the Scarlet King Court's military spirit has long been messed up."

I looked at Yu Huayuan not far away with great certainty, and smiled: "Even if the Kingdom of Wind is resistant, it will never pose a fatal threat to us. On the contrary, this is an opportunity for us to train soldiers in actual combat. The flamingos and fire unicorns of the Kingdom of the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Gold were all defeated by our Silver Frost Legion. Is it difficult to destroy a Kingdom of the Wind now?"

Suddenly, Wang Shuang laughed heartily: "What I said is that I underestimated our Silver Frost Legion!"

At this moment, a ringing ring suddenly echoed in my ears——


System prompt: Congratulations! Because of your heroic battles, one of the kingdoms of the Scarlet Court, the "Wild Country", was finally destroyed in the war, and your final reward amount has increased by 33%!


"Has everyone received it?"

Qing Deng rode a war horse with a beaming expression on his face: "About the news about the increase in the amount of rewards for the extinction of the country?"


Everyone said that they had received it. ALFY held the staff and said, "I have increased by 16%. Is it too much?"

July Liushuidao: "I am a little bit more than you, and I have improved by 21%!"

Shen Mingxuan carried the bow: "I am 24%!"

Calories: "I'm 23%, it doesn't seem to be too much."

Qingdeng said: "My dear 22%..."

Lin Xi glanced at us and said with a smile: "I have a little more, 28%, it's almost the same."

I touched my nose: "Then I will be a little bit more, 33%!"

"how so?"

A Fei looked blank: "Why am I the lowest? Is this mage's fighting not brave enough? Besides, Ali didn't do much in the whole process. Why did he have the highest 33%?"

Qingshuang smiled and said: "This is the most normal thing. Lu Li is the deputy commander of the Silver Frost Legion and the tactical commander of the Legion's operations. I think the 33% increase in him is considered low."

I think so: "A Shuang is right, I also think it is low, I should give me 45%!"

Lin Xi gave me an angry glance and said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, let's get down to business, are we going to attack the country of wind next, the country of wind seems to border the country of wild."

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "Everyone has a little rest, prepare to go out of the city all the way north, the country of wind is in the north, this is a hard bone, it must be much stronger than the country of the wild, everyone is mentally prepared."

"I'm afraid he is not strong enough."

Slaughter Fanchen said with a double-edged smile: "To be honest, I haven't done much in the jungle country. I must do enough for the next game!"

"It's probably enough for you to brush up, don't worry."

I raised my eyebrows: "Back then, the Kingdom of the Wind was as famous as the Kingdom of the Jin and the Kingdom of the Sea, and the fear of being dominated by the Flamingo Corps and the Fire Kirin Corps, you will not have forgotten it?"

Suddenly, Yueliu Huahua's face paled: "I haven't forgotten, their cavalry and thieves are fierce..."


Soon after, the Silver Frost Legion looted all the materials in the King of the Wild City, supplemented its own food, grass, and equipment, and almost emptied the medicine garden and the heavenly materials and treasures planted by the master. It can be said that, After the Silver Frost Legion attacked the opponent, almost half of the heritage of the country of the wild was removed. This wave of us must be earned by blood.

"The rear heavy artillery keeps up!"

Wang Shuang mounted his horse and raised his spear, constantly urging the Corps to move forward. Not far from the side, Lin Xi was riding a white horse, carrying the archangel, and keeping the player's walking speed, leading a deer and the Silver Frost Corps together.

"I'll spy on the military situation."

After I switched to Frost Feipeng, I rose into the air.

"Be careful, don't be kept." Lin Xi raised her head and smiled.

"Well, don't worry."

Frost Fei Peng penetrated the clouds and flew far in a blink of an eye, and just after I flew forward for nearly seven or eight minutes, I saw a silver line appearing on the vast land to divide the land in two. Take a closer look, it is an endless snow ridge, and at the same time the national boundary between the country of wind and the country of wild, and just between the mountains, a long fortress lies across it. This fortress is named " "Cedar Pass", guarded by heavy soldiers from the Kingdom of Wind.

At this moment, the front of Cedar Pass was crowded with a large swath of exiled troops and people from a wild country. Almost an entire valley was filled. Everyone raised their swords and arms and shouted at the defenders at Cedar Pass. Among them, a warlord wearing two golden stars pointed his spear upwards and roared: "Quickly open and close the door and let us pass! Our wild country and your wind country have always been in a good alliance, and Cedar Pass is also good. It has never been closed to the country of the wild, now when the human race comes, why do you close the city gate?"

"Ears of the defeated general!"

When Cedar closed, a warlord of the Kingdom of the Wind sneered with a tomahawk in his hand, his voice was full of penetrating power and explosive power. It was given to Pingping the Royal City, and even the Lord of the Kingdom was killed in battle. Is it possible that the cultivation of the Emperor of the Immortal Realm of your Lord is fake?"


A group of exiled troops under the city were angry and pointed their swords at the city: "Asshole, Hugh has to insult your majesty our country, and your majesty died in the defense of the country, how can you wait for your insult?


The warlord of the Kingdom of Wind laughed and said: "If you have the ability, go to Wang Shuang of the Silver Frost Legion and July Liuhuo to settle the account. What's the point of being quick here?"

"Do you switch on or off?" In the crowd, another war commander shouted loudly.

"not open!"

The warlord on the city raised his battle axe and shouted in a low voice: "The Silver Frost Legion will inevitably attack Cedar Pass in the near future. God knows if any of you are mixed with human spies! Disperse them all at once, otherwise they would have ordered the arrows to be released. !"

"You...you dare?!"

"Why don't you dare?" The warlord of the Kingdom of Wind raised his battle axe and said, "Archer, get ready-let go!"

For a time, arrows fell like a rain on the city gate, shooting down the unarmed people of a wild country, doing evil, the Silver Frost Legion did not kill them, and eventually they died in the hands of their former allies.


Above the earth, there was chaos in front of Cedar Pass. The remnants of the wild country were anxious and began small-scale research, but it was definitely hopeless. They were just venting their anger. They didn't have any siege equipment. And I hovered far in the air, carefully observing everything above and below Cedar Pass.

This city gate is very strong, the whole body seems to be the legendary granite, this kind of stone is full of defense against heavy artillery, and the height of the city wall plus the height of the hillside is at least forty meters or more, the siege equipment brought by the Silver Frost Legion hastily It may not be able to get it. Besides, the mountain road is steep, and it is also difficult to get up with ladders and siege towers. In short, a strong attack will inevitably be a protracted battle.

Riding the Frost Flying Peng for a round, the surrounding snow ridges are extremely high. The terrain is marked as "insurmountable", which means that unless the player is flying over by flying mounts, it is impossible to surpass. Part of the mountain is very steep, once the player climbs, most of them will fall down and be half dead.

Take a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, then you can only use air power to attack!

Fortunately, the defenders of Cedar Pass are only five to sixty thousand. As long as we can open the gates inside and out, basically with the strength of the Silver Frost Legion, this fortress can be easily crushed.


Twenty minutes later, the Silver Frost Legion and Yilu Chen Bing were outside the pass.

"The Cedar Pass is extremely strong, how to fight it?" Wang Shuang seemed to not want to think about strategy at all, turned around and cast his eyes on me, relying on me, the deputy commander and strategist.

"You don't have to worry about it."

I looked at the phalanx of the Silver Frost Legion and said, "Our adventurers will organize a wave of shocks and attack directly inside the city. Brother Wang Shuang, you will lead the elites of the Iron Step Camp to attack outside the city. Once the city gate is opened, it will start immediately. Keep going in, don't give the Cedar Pass defenders any chance."


He clenched a fist suddenly, his eyes full of warfare.

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