Zhan Yue

Chapter 847: Crime of arrogance


The Scarlet Royal Court map has entered the stage of refreshing. The big map is completely dark over there and is under maintenance. It will become the territory of the Human Race after the maintenance is completed. With the successive conquests of the Scarlet Royal Court and the Centaur Tribe, the Terran Xuanyuan Empire’s The territory has almost doubled, and at the same time, the Northern Wilderness Province has become a hinterland. It is no longer the first line to resist the enemy. It can develop in the rear with peace of mind and serve as a land of fish and rice.

In the warm afternoon sun, I was still reminiscing about the deliciousness of the chicken stew cooked by my aunt at noon. I rode the black misty Wuxie under my crotch, just strolling around the east gate square of Fanshu City. Now, I have to say that this mount is really eye-catching. It's like riding a fierce beast. The eyes that Haechi sees are fierce, even Lin Xi is no exception. I will be the one who provokes me. The appearance of someone who ate it, and the image of my shadow Shura was very "commensurate" with Wu Hachi, one person and one ride, like a demon patrolling the territory.

"grown ups!"

A few minutes later, a messenger found me who was opening the eyes of the ten-point steamer to pick up the leaks in the square, and said in a deep voice: "A celebration banquet is being held in the palace. Important officials from the five major provinces are here. Your Majesty is calling. , Adults please join us."


I was stunned, and then smiled: "We have retaken the southwest part of Beiliang Province. We really should celebrate."

The messenger nodded and smiled: "That's the case, please go to the banquet immediately, please don't let your Majesty wait too long."

"Oh, I see."


Pulling the rein, he instigated Wu Hao to go straight to the palace, and suddenly a long black cloud of smoke was dragged behind him, which looked very arrogant, as if driving a large-displacement sports car blasting the street, arrogant and extremely low quality.

The speed of Wuqizhi is too fast, even faster than the Frost Flying Peng flying in the air. It has the feeling of a red rabbit and horse crossing the mountains and rivers and walking on the ground. Passing by the small garden in front of the imperial palace, it’s just a "huh". Flying from the sky, it feels like riding a roller coaster. It is unspeakable excitement. However, when I rode Wu Hachi to the front of the palace hall, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. This celebration banquet It seems to be a celebration banquet, but it is also very likely to be a banquet after autumn.

"July Liuhuo-sama, here!" The palace guard's voice was clear.


At the end of the main hall, a Confucian man wearing a white gown looked up. It was the white clothes that did not hear the wind. He smiled and said: "The July Flowing Fire presided over the occupation of the Silver Frost Legion, and successively attacked the wild country and the wind country in the north. Wait for the Scarlet Kingdoms, who have both civil and military skills, and have made great achievements in warfare. Come here, give Master July Liuhuo a seat in the hero's seat!"

"Yes, Fengxiang!"

The two guards hurriedly carried a seat and put it down at a position next to the deputy commander of the Flame God Legion not far away. Gong E offered melons, fruits, delicacies, and wine, which was considered a table, and I walked up with a stride. Before, I looked at the people along the way, and suddenly found a few faces. Among them, Yanshi sat in the closest position to the door without attacking, the goalkeeper’s position, the emblem of the Flame God Legion appeared on his shoulders, and the Dawn of Purgatory was sitting in the countdown. In the second row, he almost sat next to Yanshi without attacking. Another player, Feng Canghai, was sitting in the fifth row from the bottom with the emblem of the Knights Templar on his shoulders.

It seems that many players have been integrated into the NPC army system this time. These three people are all officer-level, and there are definitely more players who serve as ordinary soldiers. The relationship between players and NPCs will finally begin to merge. Up.


When you get to the so-called hero seat, you are basically in the top five rows from Longwu Emperor Xuanyuanying, and Wang Shuang sits side by side with Zhenyang Public Guanyang in the first row. This is the biggest battle against the Scarlet King. One of the heroes.

"Come on, all Aiqing, I'm waiting to drink this cup together!"

Xuanyuan Ying stood up, holding a pure gold wine cup in his hand, and said with a smile: "In the Northern War I, the twenty-nine kingdoms of the Scarlet King Court have all been expelled. Today's Scarlet King Court has survived in name only, and my Xuanyuan Empire regained the homeland, North Half of the territory of Liangxing Province, the new Beiliang Province will soon be established, plus the establishment of the Changshi Mansion in the west, and now my Xuanyuan Empire has seen something unprecedented in a thousand years. Come and come, for the rejuvenation of the empire, we will drink this together. cup!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone nodded their heads, and then held up the wine glasses one by one, while I picked up the glass and drank it as soon as I raised my head. The wine was tasteless, and I didn't feel as good as Fanta.

On the side, a beautiful Gong'e with a tender body, nestled on the side of the table, said with a soft smile: "My lord, the slave and maid will fill you up with wine."


I don't know what to say, but not far away, Wang Shuang raised a glass to me and smiled: "Brother, you and I drank this glass."


He still didn't know it, but I just had doubts and worries in my heart, and I was not sure whether Xuanyuanying would be angry because of Wang Shuang's incident. If he didn't care about it, it wouldn't be a problem. The leader of the Silver Frost Legion wouldn't be able to do it for long. After all, it was a bit of an overwhelming power to accept the surrender privately. Although Wang Shuang hadn't gotten that far, his confusion was enough to make Xuanyuanying feel something.

After drinking for three rounds, many civil and military officials are already slightly drunk.

At this moment, a graceful figure walked down from the seat beside Xuanyuanying. It was just that the wind did not hear. Holding the wine glass in his hand, maintaining the posture of the great Confucian scholar, he walked straight in front of me and sat down on my knees. In front of the table, his posture was straight, and there was a kind of immortal charm. For a while, everyone was a little surprised. After all, the status of the wind is too high, no one would have thought that he would So impressive to our little legion deputy commander.

"Master Liuhuo in July, I respect you for a glass of wine." He smiled slightly, with a humble attitude.

I was a little frightened: "Thank you Fengxiang, what are you doing? It made me panic..."

He couldn't help but laugh, and the sound transmission said: "If you drink this glass of wine, I will tell you the truth."


I immediately raised my head and drank this glass of mellow wine. Putting down the glass, I kept sitting on an equal footing with the wind. I looked at him with my head up and smiled: "You can tell the wind, what's the matter? ?"

Feng Buwen still said by means of sound transmission: "This time the Silver Frost Legion has never followed your majesty's edict. Every city has not slaughtered the city, but instead opened a side to the commoners of the Scarlet King's Court, right?"

"Yes." I didn't deny it.


Feng Buwen nodded and smiled, and the voice transmission said: "Is it your idea, or the idea of ​​Wang Shuang?"

My heart sighed, and said: "My suggestion, Lord Wang Shuang and I think that there is no need to slaughter the city, just expel them. Once the Scarlet Royal Court loses its foundation, it will no longer be possible to form any substance for our Xuanyuan Empire. Threatened."


The unheard of the wind's voice was very soft, and said: "At the beginning, I spoke to your majesty in this way, but your majesty thinks that this matter should be cut quickly, so the edict of your majesty is not wrong."

As he said, he looked at me with clear eyes and said: "The second question, the City of Wind returns to the Silver Frost Legion, is this your idea?"

After speaking, his voice increased a little, and said: "This time, please tell the truth. Don't speak for Wang Shuang anymore, or you have to bear something for yourself. I'm afraid you can't afford this. , Even if you are the commander of the three armies of the Dragon Region, you will definitely not be able to shoulder this responsibility."

My heart is beating "suddenly", although there are many words in my mind that can be used as answers to answer the wind, but at this time, I feel that any answer is no longer suitable, frowning and looking at this person. The unrevealed white clothes, I sighed softly, and said, "Fengxiang, is this going to be cooked by a sly rabbit?"

"will not."

The wind did not hear the voice leisurely, and smiled: "Your Majesty’s moral martial arts is the first human being in the millennium. He will never do things like killing heroes. Even those rebellious officials, your Majesty will give them a chance to die. ."

As he said, he looked at me meaningfully and smiled: "July Liuhuo, you are an extremely smart person, and you naturally understand the meaning of the truth. This is a foregone conclusion. Your answer will determine whether you will follow. Are implicated together."

"Fengxiang don't threaten me."

I looked at him with cold eyes: "I don't eat this set."

I didn’t feel angry when I didn’t hear the wind. He smiled faintly, and said, “It’s not a threat to you, but I hope you are fine. Although you are a member of the Dragon Region, you are also one of the commanders of my human race, the empire. I need a talent like you, so I don’t want you to be implicated by the difference in your thoughts. After all, the crime of presumptuousness can be big or small."

I glanced at Xuanyuanying, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, and there was a strange feeling. I couldn't help but laugh, the shadow spirit ruins power urged, the same sound transmission to the wind not to hear: "Fengxiang, today's majesty, who If he dares to make the slightest violation, he will get rid of someone, does that mean? If that is the case, I don’t want to sit here anymore."

"It's not necessary."

Feng Buwen looked up at me and said: "Wang Shuang's fault, you don't need to bear it, you just need to tell the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I nodded: "It was Wang Shuang's decision, but I believe it. The original intention of his decision was well-intentioned. A king of the Kingdom of Wind, together with a group of princes and a group of blood-clothed elders, is enough to hit the Silver Frost Legion. In order to preserve the strength of the Silver Frost Legion, I think Wang Shuang is also affectionate in doing so. Excuseable, what do you think of Fengxiang? "

The wind said indifferently: "I only need your answer. As for my opinion, it is not that important in front of your majesty's holy candle, what do you think?"

I frowned: "Imperial means, is it always the case?"

"Do not."

Feng Buwen smiled and said: "It's just that some heroes need to beat. In July, you don't have to retreat. This kind of thing happens often. I still hope you can stay in Fanshucheng and stay in the army of the empire. , If a smart person like you also left, I would feel very lonely."


In my doubtful gaze, the first human minister stood up, turned and walked towards Emperor Longwu at the end of the hall.

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