Zhan Yue

Chapter 856: Autumn Harvest Ceremony

The treasure house of the Dragon Realm's materials.

After paying the 20W Dragon Domain merits, he received a set of runestones from a young Dragon Domain soldier in charge of supervising the material warehouse. There are a total of four runestones, each of which is one meter high and very heavy, but fortunately It can be put in a package, it is not so cumbersome.


After the young dragon domain warrior handed over the isolation barrier runestones, he frowned and said: "Take the barrier treasures of our dragon domain to the royal gatekeeper of the human race, sir, are you a spy sent by the human race?"

While vomiting blood, I said: "No, no, really not. If I were a human spy, I would have emptied the Dragon Territory treasury. How could I just take a set of runestones."

"That's because your Dragon Domain's merits are not enough, otherwise you think you won't empty the treasure house?"

"Come here, I want to ask who is the young man who manages the material warehouse. I appreciate him very much. I will tell Senior Sister Yun tomorrow that I hope to promote this person to Dragon Valley for half a year to scavenge dragon dung."

"Sir, I believe you are not a spy now..."


In the brilliance of the City Return Scroll, I returned to Fanshu City from the Dragon Region again. Just after I appeared on the Teleportation Array Square, I saw a group of Yilu production players such as Afei and Nanmu Keyi in the distance shouting for business. In fact, Nanmu Ke’s yelling for selling medicine is normal. His medicine is too expensive and not a real necessity, so basically no one buys it, and Afei doesn’t need to yell at all. The only inscriber in the national service has long been The reputation is so impressive, even if he doesn't yell, the order for the high-level inscriptions has never been cut off.

Summon Wu Hachi, go, Wangcheng!


In the distance, A Fei shouted: "Ali, where are you going in a hurry?"

"Legion missions, you don't understand Muggles like you!"

"When will you Yilu go to Haidilao for dinner? Call me. It's been a long time since I saw Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi. I miss it a bit."


I stopped Wuchai and chuckled in place. At this moment, a beautiful nanny walked out of the corner. It was Xiao Qian. In an instant, A Fei's face turned purple, and he hurriedly lowered his head to engrave the inscription, and said to myself He said: "I miss the red jujube cake they made a little bit. Could you please go back and tell them when you can make it and save a few pieces for me."

I raised the corner of my mouth and instigated the Wu Hazhen to gallop away: "They will make an egg-egg red date cake!"


Wu Hao Zhi is extremely fast, carrying me through the road like a ray of black flame, and in a blink of an eye, I came to the royal city. The guard of the royal city gate is our member of the Firefighting Legion. He immediately salutes respectfully: "Master Commander, please come in. !"

A sense of pride grew spontaneously, and before I knew it, I seemed to have become a figure with a face and a face in Fanshucheng.

He galloped into the city, rushed straight to the front of the palace along Guangming Avenue, and then turned to the right into the Kylin Altar. From a distance, there are more than 20 Kylin bronze statues with different looks and shapes around the altar. Each statue is 20 meters high, and the whole body is full of bronze brilliance, showing that the Xuanyuan Empire is rich and strong. It is not something that ordinary small countries can do with such a high and large bronze sculpture. , Whether it is craftsmanship or financial resources, it is far from being able to support such a huge building.

At this time, the Qilin Altar is already densely covered with soldiers from the Flowing Fire Legion, and the periphery of the Qilin Altar, including the Wude Hall, Guangming Avenue, and the Imperial Garden, are all guarded by the Imperial Forest Army and the Flame God Legion in the city. The Flowing Fire Legion only concentrates on guarding the unicorns. The altar, here is also the core area of ​​the autumn harvest festival. In fact, as long as there is nothing wrong with the Kirin altar, even if there is a conflict in the periphery, it does not matter and does not affect the state system.

"Master Liuhuo in July!"

From afar, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites brought Wang Shuang and several other servants of the Ministry of Rites over, with a very respectful expression, and smiled: "The ceremony is about to begin. Has the defense of the altar been completed?"


I pointed to the dense forest guards of the Floating Fire Corps in the distance, and smiled: "Look, my lord, with our Floating Fire Corps here, don't worry, nothing can happen."

"Ah That's good!"

He clasped his fists and said with a smile: "The Qilin Altar is defended by the Flowing Fire Legion. This time, our Xuanyuan Empire successively attacked the Centaur tribe and the Scarlet King Court, and rebuilt the Changshi Mansion and Beiliang Province in the west. It’s the first time in a thousand years, but it has offended many forces and established many enemies. This autumn harvest festival is a grand event that demonstrates the prestige of the country. If anything goes wrong, I’m afraid it’s not just you, but even Our etiquette department will also be affected."

"Just put your heart in your stomach and leave it to me."


Shang Shu of the Ministry of Etiquette nodded his head and smiled and turned away, while Wang Shuang winked at me and smiled: "Do it hard, don't let your majesty be disappointed!"

"Don't worry, brother!"



The autumn harvest festival is also a link in the empire’s ritual music, so the Ministry of Rites is in charge of everything up and down the festival, while the Fire Corps is responsible for the festival’s defense. This is another rare cooperation between Wang Shuang and I. I don’t know if there will be such a thing in the future. Opportunity now.

I felt a little emotional, looking at Wang Shuang’s sturdy figure, I couldn’t help being a little speechless. A powerful man in the void, a quasi-star of the generation of Yuan Yu Yuezhi, but because of insufficient EQ, he eventually became an errand official of the Ministry of Rites, the king. The price of anger is indeed too great, but if I were Xuanyuanying, maybe I would do the same. Everything is focused on consolidating the empire. As for the thoughts and grievances of a certain minister, a certain general, it seems that it is only It seems trivial.

"Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan, Chai Lu!"

"Here, what do you command your lord!"

The three generals of the Liuhuo Legion held their fists together.

"You guys come with me."


So, with three people, I walked over the four corners of the square unicorn altar one by one, placed a runestone on each corner, and then said in a deep voice: "Listen well, every one of you I personally led five thousand elites to guard one runestone, and I personally led five thousand elites to guard one runestone. After the four runestones are activated, you must guard them every step of the way, and there can be no gaps."


Zhang Lingyue was taken aback, looking at the dark blue runestone in front of him: "My lord, what formation is this?"

"Isolation formation."

I smiled slightly and said: "It is forbidden to move the formation method. In addition to guarding the four positions, more people from the Shen Gong camp are sent to ambush around the Qilin altar. Once the remnants of the Shu Dynasty appear, they will be shot immediately. In addition, Qin War, you send the people from the Tianqi Camp to patrol the surrounding area, with every one hundred cavalry as a group, make sure that the entire Qilin Altar's surrounding defenses are seamless!"

"Yes, my lord, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Everyone promised to guard the runestones one by one, and I clicked on five thousand elite guards to guard the runestones in the southeast direction, and ordered them to stay where they were, and no one was allowed to approach the runestones. Then I pulled the reins and instigated Wuqizhi to continue. At the cruising ceremony site, in fact, even if I were not there, this group of elites was enough to hold a runestone in the area. After all, they were the five thousand elites of the Flowing Fire Corps. Among them, there were nearly two thousand elites from the Shenyong Camp equipped with inscribed arrows. Under the immortal realm, no one can help them, even if the immortal realm powerhouse arrives, I am afraid some will fight.


"woo woo woo woo--"

In the distance, in the direction of Wude Hall, the loud horn sounded, which also means that the autumn harvest ceremony is about to begin. A wide red carpet is spread from Wude Hall to the steps of the Qilin Altar, on both sides, along the way is densely packed. Soldiers of the Flowing Fire Legion were guarded, and further away, there were also soldiers of the Flowing Fire Legion waiting in line.

"Master Liuhuo in July!"

An official from the Ministry of Rites stepped forward and said solemnly: "Your Majesty has an order. You are a famous general in the empire, and you are also included in the list of officials. Defense matters... just leave it to your subordinates."

"Got it."

At this moment, the horns in the direction of the Wude Hall became more and more intense. Then, a group of imperial guards wearing golden armor cleared the way. There were about 500 imperial guards, followed by groups of court ladies. After that, Emperor Longwu Xuanyuanying, who wore a black dragon robe and a strong imperial spirit, wore a saber on his waist and a crown on his head. He walked along the red carpet and entered the Qilin altar, surrounded by the officials. Behind them were a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites and figures similar to those of the heavenly sacrificial warlocks, holding a whisk in their hands, all of them looking through the road and seeing the secrets of heaven. In fact, they were all a bunch of colorful flowers.

"Hundred officials are on the list!"

A loud voice sounded.

For a time, the civil and military officials were divided into four groups, one by one around the Qilin altar, standing on the high observatory, and I was also taken by an official of the Ministry of Rites into the list, with the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and Wang Shuang. Standing together, Wu Hachi also canceled, watching Emperor Xuanyuanying from afar ascending to the high platform of the Qilin Altar.

"The people, please watch the gift!"

Someone yelled again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The voice was not so loud, even the horn sound could not be suppressed, and the eastern gate of the Kirin altar slowly opened, and a group of under-stressed people entered the viewing area farther away from the altar, perhaps It's too far away. I'm afraid these people can't even see where the emperor is standing. They can only watch the excitement.

I frowned, looked at the people flooding in the distance, and said, "I haven't told me this section before. What if the people are mixed with evil spirits and enemies?"

Wang Shuang smiled and said: "Don't worry, these people are'carefully selected'. Most of them are civilians who have lived in the empire for many years. Some of them are disguised as soldiers from the Flame God Legion and the Royal Guards. The guards of the elite soldiers of the Flowing Fire Legion will definitely not cause any trouble. Don't worry, they have already searched their bodies before entering the Qilin Altar."

I let go: "Well, that's good..."

In the distance, a loud voice shouted again.

"Queen, please!"

"Please come on stage and host the ceremony!"

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