Zhan Yue

Chapter 858: 1 not left


A warrior with a fiery red spear in his hand and wearing broken armor and riding a horse with rough hair roared loudly among the crowd: "Cut off the head of the dog emperor Xuanyuanying, revenge for my Dashu dynasty!"

In the air, dots of rebels bounced off as they shuttled, picking up their blades one by one, and rushing towards the line of defense of the Flowing Fire Corps with roars.

I was standing at the forefront of the Flowing Fire Corps, riding on the Wuqizhi, with wisps of shadowy light lingering all over my body, looking at the direction the opponent was rushing towards, and smiling: "Ten thousand arrows are coming."

Amidst the bowstrings, arrows were like locusts, and they kept shooting down the opponent’s crowd. There were cultivators in this group of rebels, but most of them were ordinary people. How could they withstand the shooting of the Shenyong Camp? In a blink of an eye, it fell into one piece, and the warlord holding the fiery red spear rushed straight to the front of the formation, the spear swept across, and a flame of fire was rolled out.


A group of soldiers of the Iron Step Battalion were shocked to retreat one after another, and even some people’s shields had flaming cracks. This strike was too strong. Many of the arms holding the shields were cracked and bleeding. Up.

"let me do it!"

When I flipped the dagger, I directly activated Wu Hazhen’s rushing skills. With a "peng" my body rushed forward 20 yards. All the rebels who passed by were stunned, and the fire spear warrior was not immune. Shocked, stood in sorrow in horror, already unable to move.

"Zhang Lingyue!"

I shouted.


Zhang Lingyue echoed, raising his bow: "Mingwen Arrows!"

The next moment, countless inscribed arrows formed a large blue net in the air, and I shook my dagger, and when the opponent's warlord woke up, another gouge skill stunned him on the spot, followed by a shadow leaping and killing. Enter the rebel crowd 40 yards away and avoid the possible damage caused by the inscribed arrow array.

Behind him, the inscription arrow array fell, and the arrow clusters seemed to have spirituality. Following the arrow shot by Zhang Lingyue, they turned in the air and shot a volley of fire spear warriors. The next second, the figures of the arrows entering the body continued. The fire spear warrior directly ate a ten thousand arrow through his heart, and his body suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of blood in the sky, and he died in battle.


"General Lu!"

Someone yelled from the rebel crowd, and then an old voice shouted in a low voice: "General Lu has been loyal to the country, don't hesitate anymore, immediately launch the formation to break the imperial forest defense line of the thief country!"


Many rebels are charging, but behind the rebels there is a powerful magical force surging.

Here comes the magic attack!

I immediately slammed out of the crowd with a pair of daggers, and when I looked from a distance, I saw dozens of wizards standing behind the crowd, holding their staff under the cover of my own strength, and already activated a certain formation, right under their feet, An extremely huge fiery red six-pointed star is slowly condensing and turning, as if a flame star is knocking down the earth.

"Not good!"

I hurriedly pulled the reins, rushed over with Wu Hao, and shouted in a low voice: "Qin Zhan, lead the Tianqi Camp to charge, and break their magic circle for me, absolutely can't let them succeed!"

With that said, I have already instigated Wu Haozhen to rush into the crowd, raising my hand to fish in troubled waters, and the mist of "唰" fell, and the opponent's spellcasting process was interrupted, and the movement and conclusion of the flame six-pointed star under everyone's feet was terminated, but It did not disappear, which means that the attack will be launched again soon, and in the other party's crowd, an old man in a white robe gave me a cold look: "The rat who is helping the abuser, the old man wants you to look good!"

As he said, he suddenly jumped into the air, and behind him appeared a majestic martial arts form, turned out to be the legendary demon and martial arts dual cultivation?

The staff is a sword, so it fell in a volley!

I didn't have time to evade at all, so I suddenly opened the Longgang shield wall, and the double daggers crossed into the air with all their strength!


Gold and rocks mingled, sparks were splattering, my arms seemed to be shaking **** a mountain, my arms were numb, and my body was shaken back and forth again and again. The whole was quite embarrassed. At this moment, the effect of fishing in troubled waters was slow. Disappearing, a group of wizards roared: "This person is the dog emperor's eagle dog. He immediately sent all his spells to kill him!"

In the next second, a large group of wizards raised their staff one after another, and immediately countless fireballs intertwined into a flame comet with a radius of at least ten meters, so it scraped away the ground and slammed towards it with a roar.

This can’t be underestimated!

Instantly sinking, the endless wind of the left hand pointed forward, and all the white dragon energy in the body was mobilized, as if there was a rolling river rushing through the body, accompanied by a clanging sound, directly a thick pale silver white dragon wall Appearing in front of my eyes, the next second there was a burst of explosion, and the entire garden outside the Qilin Altar was destroyed by the impact, and the flame comet in front of me was crushed by the white dragon wall, and turned into countless destructive sparks shot by Mars. Raging.


The white-robed old man was taken aback for a moment: "Holy Dao Absolute Skill? This person actually..."

At this moment, the rumbling of horse hooves sounded, and the Tianqi Camp led by Qin Zhan had arrived. Thousands of Tianqi Camp cavalry rushed towards the opponent's mage group like a torrent.

The wind is screaming!

Plants and trees are all soldiers!

I took advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack and covered the Tianqi Camp. The rebellious wizards on the periphery were too late to react. The long spear and sharp sword pierced the body of the Tianqi Camp from the sky. Affordable for such an offensive, the scene in front of me was like a heavy cavalry rushing through the training scarecrow, and the rebels were swept away in the wind.


The white-robed old mage looked at the tragic scene behind him, sighed up to the sky, and looked at me with incomparable hatred in his eyes: "Why do you appear as a person, otherwise, my Dashu Dynasty, maybe this time will be successful. ..."

"Give up."

I carried my double-edged blades, riding on Wu Hao, with awe-inspiring eyes: "What do you think I can do if I let you go? You don't really think that you have the strength to kill your majesty, do you? Stop dreaming, your majesty’s cultivation base, You can crush all of you with one finger. Just accept your fate."

"Eagle! You help the evildoer!"

He yelled.

I raised my hand and ordered Qin Zhan to end the battle. At once, the brave Cavalry Cavalry began rushing towards the white robe mage, and their spears projected past like raindrops, even the people of Shen Gong Camp. He rushed over, and cooperated with the volley of this master of both magic and martial arts. In the dense arrow rain, the old mage's body was like an invisible copper wall and iron wall. He bounced the arrows and spears one after another, waving his arms, Balls of fire hit the Tianqi Camp cavalry.

After just ten seconds, the qi shattered, and the invisible barrier protecting the white-robed mage disappeared together. He suddenly stomped on the ground, and a flame barrier rose into the air. This time it was a magic shield, but it was still difficult. In a blink of an eye, he was shot through by an inscribed arrow. When he raised his hand and shot a cone of ice to pierce the bodies of three Tianqiying soldiers in a row, a figure rode a horse into the sky. It was Tianqi that controlled Qin Zhan. Then he thrust his spear down.


The cold spear pierced through the heart, and even the force was too strong. After the spear pierced the body of the old mage, he still took his body backwards, and the tip of the spear plunged into the ruined wall behind him, just like that. The mage was nailed to the periphery of the Qilin altar.

"It's over..."

The remaining rebels were stunned, showing an extremely sad expression: "The master is dead, the master is dead..."


A young rebel's sword fell to the ground, perhaps because of fear. He trembled all over, tears bursting out of his eyes, and fell to his knees softly, saying: "I...I am willing to return..."

In a blink of an eye, the remaining rebels gave up fighting one by one, fell to their knees, and expressed their willingness to surrender.

It really deserves to be a mob.


"My lord, what should I do?" Zhang Ling asked, holding the bow.

I pulled on the reins, instigated Wu Haozhen to turn around and leave, gently waving the endless wind of my left hand, and said: "Order the Shen Gongying, ten thousand arrows will be sent out, not one left."

"My lord..." He trembled and hesitated. After a few seconds, he nodded hard: "Yes, subordinates obey..."

Behind him, there was an endless sound of arrows leaving the string, followed by the crisp sound of arrows shooting into the armor and flesh and blood. Don’t think about it, with the archery skills of the people in the Shenbow camp, this group of rebels who have already knelt down and begged for surrender must be None of them will survive.

"Clean up."

I looked back and said, "Keep the court clean."

"Yes, my lord..."

Zhang Lingyue clasped his fists and said, "The subordinates will have to do it."



I rode on Wu Hachi and returned to the Qilin Altar again, and as soon as I entered the broken wall, I saw Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng looking at me meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Young star, kill the fruit , Really ruthless."

I frowned, I wanted to say something, but I don’t know where to start~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just smiled slightly: "Fu Yugong joked, if I can choose, I don’t want to kill them, after all. One by one fresh life."


Mu Tiancheng laughed, looked up at the invisible barrier in the sky, and said: "The essence of this isolation formation is very profound. Even the old deans in the Imperial Inscription Academy may not be able to seal it out. It is really not easy to come to such an isolation formation to protect today's autumn harvest festival. To be honest, if there is no such isolation formation, your leadership role in July Liuhuo would be impossible to guarantee today."

I was a little helpless, and sighed: "No way, it's just the duty of a minister."


Mu Tiancheng walked to the altar side by side with me, looking at my look a little lonely, and said: "July Liuhuo, are you... particularly sad, it's harder for the rebels to yell at you as the emperor's eagle dog, and you are more Lai Yue found out that he was really just like what they were scolding, just hawks and claws?"

I stopped abruptly. This Lord of Rain Covering is so powerful, it's no wonder that it ranks among the Three Lords of the Empire.

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