Zhan Yue

Chapter 878: Yanmen Pass lost


There was another loud noise, and the enchantment extending from the ground had begun to turn into sporadic brilliance, completely shattered!


I waved my hand directly and commanded the Yilu crowd on the city: "Lin Xi, take everyone to retreat and retreat into the depths of Yanmen Pass. This pass can no longer be guarded!"

Lin Xi did not hesitate to say what I said, raised the sword of the archangel, and led everyone to rush to the city wall: "One deer, all retreat!"

More than just a deer, the rest of the guilds are also scrambling to withdraw from the battlefield. Fortunately, there are many gates inside Yanmen Pass. Although it is crowded, it will not make people want to withdraw but can't make such a thing happen.


"Yanmen Pass..."

On the city wall, Li Tianhua was holding a saber, staring at the blasted city wall with some sluggish eyes, and muttered: "Is our Yanmen Pass lost like this? Behind him is Yimapingchuan in Beiliang Province... …"

"Bro Junhou!"

I whispered in the air: "Hurry up and take people out. Staying here is just going to die in vain. Get out!"


A group of warlords rushed forward and directly threw the unwilling Li Tianhua down. In the distance, Sikongyu was also commanding the Knights Templar to retreat. The Flame God Legion left more than a thousand people guarding the city gate, and the rest. They all withdrew from the south, but in fact everyone knew that the people who stayed were just sending them to death and delaying time. That was their mission.


Frost Feipeng soared up. When I looked at this Xiongguan from high above, I found that the north side of Yanmenguan was disappearing and was submerged by the sea of ​​fire. Countless flame stingers exploded from the ground and destroyed this Xiongguan. A little bit of annihilation, turning into dust, is like termites gnawing away a wooden bridge.

We lost the battle at Yanmen Pass!

In less than five hours, even before five o'clock in the afternoon, the first step of the version activity failed. This is something no one has expected. The appearance of the immortal is like a head for the morale of the human race. , Told them that in front of the alien demon army, the power of the human race is really nothing, far from reaching the point of dominating the world.

Standing high in the sky, on the one hand, I watched Yanmen Pass’s annihilation a little bit, and on the other hand, I saw the "birds and beasts" of the human army. After the loss of Yanmen Pass, Li Tianhua led the army of Beiliang Province to retreat towards the hinterland, and the Yanshen Army All the way to the south, it seems that they want to secure a certain county, while the Knights Templar retreats westward, seeming to want a river on the west side as a defense against natural dangers.

The player's guild is even scattered, there are piles here and there, there are no rules at all.

In this battle, the command of the human race... is there a big problem? !

I couldn’t help asking in my heart. From the beginning to the end of the Battle of Yanmen Pass, there was no real commander. The Northern Liang Provincial Army, the Parliamentary Army, the Knights Templar, the Yanshen Army, and several major legions combined at least There are also one or two million people, but they only fight for themselves, and there is no real commander in the true sense, so that after the Yanmen Pass is breached, each will fight each other. How can this work? I'm afraid, the immortal and pioneer Valen also want to see this scene most.


Overlooking the earth, in less than a quarter of an hour, the Xiongguan Pass of Yanmen Pass almost disappeared from the map. The flame thorn and the earth digger almost blew up everything. The Xiongguan became Yimapingchuan, and just after the city pass was breached, A black ocean once again appeared in the direction of the pioneering forest, it was Mo Lin Knights, and they came again!

Before, it was because of the Xiongguan garrison that the Mo Lin Knights could not afford the Human Race's army, but now that there is a map of Pingchuan, which human army can stop the Mo Lin Knight's army?

Looking at the earth, I couldn't help feeling a little dazed and hopeless.

The northern Liang province is soon full of battlefields.


A piece of news came from the small group of Yilu Studio. It was Lin Xi's voice: "Lu Li, where have you been, what shall we do now? There is a mess everywhere, and the major guilds are looking for their own battlefield. Now, where are we?"

Shen Mingxuan said: "Ali, you are the leader of the Flowing Fire Corps anyway, don't you maintain order in this messy scene?"

I couldn't help but smile: "I think, but who listens to me?"

Lin Xi Waner: "Lu Li was right. At least the major guilds would not listen to him. Now that the legion system has been deployed, the leader of each guild, who doesn't want to prove his'commanding ability', everyone wants to find it. A topography with a good time and place, or a city gate to stop the alien demon army from performing meritorious service, no one will listen to him at this time."


I was relieved: "Moreover, the NPC will not listen to me. The Knights Templar have their own strategic propositions. The people of the Flame God Legion will not deal with me. The Council Army feels like a group of LYBs, and I don’t want to. When dealing with them, the only thing you can do now is to sweep the snow in front of you, Lin Xi, you take everyone to retreat to the southwest first. I’ll take a look in the air. Let’s find a place where the time and place are right to guard first, Lin Xi. Let's talk about the merit value."



The Frost Feipeng penetrated the clouds and flew straight towards the hinterland. After a short flight, he immediately dived and descended. He circled at low altitude to observe the terrain. I saw that the big map was full of escaping defeated troops and players. Right in front, there was a northern cool road. The county town of the province appears on the big map. It is called Huoling County. The fortified terrain of Huoling County is good. Behind it is a map of Pingchuan, but the front is undulating mountains, arched to the left and right, protecting all the enemy faces in the east and north of Huoling County. I live, I can only kill through the valley in the middle if I want to attack the city, but the valley is long, surrounded by mountains and mountains, and there is an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack pass in the front.

"Huoling County."

I groaned the name of this county, and then looked at this map carefully. If I wanted to attack Huoling County from the open plain, I had to go through the valley passage, otherwise I would have to go around a few hundred miles, so Huoling County together with the valley, This pass at the exit of the valley is a natural and excellent guarding barrier. If Yilu guards this pass, it can block the main force of the alien army, and secondly, even if it is not blocked, the long valley map is enough for us to fight. If you retreat to fight guerrillas, you will be able to retreat to Huoling County for a second defensive battle. It can attack and retreat. It can contain your opponents without falling into desperation. It is an excellent defense terrain.

"Yes, that's it!"

I directly marked it on the big map and said, "Lin Xiaoxi, you take everyone here to retreat. Let's wait here for work and guard this valley."

Lin Xi just glanced at it and couldn't help but smile: "Wonderful!"

Shen Mingxuan also smiled and said, "Ali this guy, his eyes are so sharp, he has seen such a small terrain."

I laughed: "The two beauties are utterly praised."


Ten minutes later, riding on Wuqizhi, standing at the pass of this Huling Valley, I finally saw billowing dust coming from the plain in front of me. A deer came, and Lin Xi took the lead, leading the heavy armored regiment to walk along. Go ahead, the walking player, then, Qing Deng led another cavalry behind the back hall. In any case, the unity of Yilu group is indeed quite enviable, and I would be jealous if I were outsiders.

"Huolinggu, yes."

Haotian took the lead and stepped onto a rocky highland with a smile, and said with a smile: "We can defend on this highland, reload in the front and long-range in the back. Archers and wizards launched projectiles on the mountains on both sides. It must be quite powerful, even Mo Lin Knight may not be able to stop it."


Yueliu Ying smiled and said, "Let me guess, it must be the terrain chosen by Brother Xiaoqi!"

"Guess it."

Shen Mingxuan smiled and said, "Liu Ying, do you want to add it to Brother Xiaoqi?"

Suddenly, Yueliuying's pretty face flushed: "Don't... don't, he has Lin Xi's boss."

I laughed and said, "Shen Mingxuan, you bastard, do you want you to work with me here? Where can you stay cool?"


Everyone entered the pass and ascended the high ground one by one. The high ground of the Huoling Valley Pass was about ten meters higher than the plain. These ten meters were quite steep. It was easy to go down and difficult to get up. It was an excellent defense terrain, but it was probably due to fire. The relationship between Linggu’s larger map is that there is a resurrection point in the valley, which can be used as a place for players to resurrect. We are just in the valley where the resurrection point is shrouded. As for supplies, the other end of the valley is connected to the fire. In Ling County, players of the riding warfare system can arrive at Huoling County to repair their equipment after ten minutes of fast travel.

I waited for about ten minutes.

ALFY held the staff and looked into the distance blankly, saying: "If...I mean if, if the alien demon army doesn't go from here, don't we just wait here for a while?"

"To shut up!"

At least ten people were shouting at him.

I said angrily: "Should it not be possible? The mountains on both sides of Huoling County stretched for hundreds of miles, like a big net spread out. I think if someone in the alien army knows how to read a map, they will definitely not give up. Right? I want to attack Fenglaicheng, the capital of Beiliang province in the southwest. Is there a way closer than this?"

"It makes sense."

Qing Deng held the Yunlong Halberd, and said, "I think...If there are too many monsters for a while, A Fei, you just don't cry."

"In short, it must be a **** battle."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Everyone is mentally prepared to die."

"Then what about you?" ALFY asked me~www.wuxiaspot.com~I am invincible, how could I hang up? "

"Fuck your sister, shameless..."


Everyone laughed, and amidst the laughter, suddenly my Shadow Lingxu trembled slightly, already feeling the shock from the end of the earth, so I raised my hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then laughed: "I pinch my finger. After counting, Mo Lin Knight must appear in five minutes!"

"Blow it?!" July Liushui Road.

"Wait and see!"

As a result, in less than five minutes, a black tide appeared on the plain ahead, covering the mountains and plains.


In July, the water swallowed and said, "I feel that we might really die from eating..."

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