Zhan Yue

Chapter 889: Run out of oil

"The ballista is in place!"

"Ready to launch!"

"Tiebu camp enters the defensive position!"

"Resist the first round of flame stabbing attacks!"


On the position of the Flowing Fire Corps, a group of iron-step battalions armed with heavy shields have rushed out. In front of them are countless flame thorns rolling in, and the ballista cannons behind them are not enough to completely cover the flame thorns on the position. Demon, so, after a few seconds, "pumppengpeng" explosions continued one after another, and in a blink of an eye, at least hundreds of iron step soldiers were martyred.


The veteran Chai Lu saw the veins violently violently, and his palm trembling violently while holding the saber, wishing to die with the flame stabbing demon.

Zhang Lingyue knelt on one knee in the first position, and the set of actions of drawing arrows, stringing, bowing, aiming, and shooting was completed in an instant. The indescribable movement of clouds and water, extremely skillful, shot out three consecutive meteor-like arrows. Immediately after he drew the arrow again, maintaining a very high-speed archery frequency, one person was like a round of machine guns on the battlefield, greatly reducing the threat from the flame stingers for the Liuhuo Legion.

However, the position was spread too wide, so that the flame stinging demon's slip-through fish can still be seen everywhere.

"It's time for us to contribute."

I carried my double-edged blades and rode on Wu Haze. I glanced at the people who were waiting for Lin Xi and Yilu, and said, "Reloading players, rushing up together in a while, doing what I can, and after blasting a flame stab. Retreat immediately, take turns to attack, and use my blood loss to reduce the damage of the soldiers of the Strayfire Legion, do you understand?"

Qing Deng, Hao Tian, ​​Tian Ya Mo Ke and others all nodded together: "Understood, not much to say, here!"

At the next moment, a deer cavalry of at least four to five thousand people rushed towards the front for about several tens of meters, and then one by one hit the flame stingers that passed through the ballista firepower net, and suddenly exploded violently one after another, and the entire position was in front of it. They are all beginning to blossom, and after undergoing a self-detonation attack, no part of the players retreat repeatedly to keep themselves safe.


On the Wuqizhi, a ray of shadow streamer air flow erupted, and it directly hit a flame thorn demon, and at the moment when the impact was completed, the position of the flame thorn demon wheel's center abdomen "buzzed". The flame power valley burst, at the moment when the self-detonation erupted, I also raised a white dragon wall, with a muffled sound, and forcibly resisted the destructive power of the flame sting demon's explosion.

At the moment Wu Haechi flew forward, the white dragon wall held by his left hand slammed directly, "pengpeng" twice, just like this hammered two flame stingers, and the white dragon wall disappeared along with it. At the moment when the disappearance was completed, three bloodthirsty flags were thrown out behind me. Then I rushed forward, and at the moment when I hit a flame stinging monster, I launched the bloodthirsty flag behind me. Shadow folds.


The shadow jumped and left the place at just the right time. I could even feel the blazing temperature of the spontaneous explosion, but the real spontaneous explosion did not erupt until I jumped and left. The perfect zero damage avoided this damage. Sure enough, As I expected, the self-detonation of the Fire Sting Demon has a neutral time of at least 0.5-1 seconds, and my reaction speed is enough to activate the shadow jump to avoid damage during this period of time, and it is completely white. -The self-destruction of the flame stinger!

For an instant, my heart was full of joy, and a whole piece of bloodthirsty flags were scattered directly behind me. The mechanism of the shadow jumping and jumping bloodthirsty flags is very special, which directly reduces the 6-second cooling time by half, so I just 3 seconds I was able to start a shadow fold, so I rushed forward again with the double blades, the dagger was raised, and the moment a flame thorn demon was exploded, he leaped back again, and another prostitute for nothing!


Qing Deng, who was receiving the treatment of the Guangming Sacrifice in a deer formation, looked in my direction, with shock written on his face: "Lu Li...Is he doing a prostitute? Ah rely on..."

Lin Ximei looked like water and smiled: "The flame thorn demon's self-detonation mechanism has loopholes, and it seems that it has been used by Lu Li. This is good, and the pressure on the Flowing Fire Legion and Yilu will be much reduced."


I nodded hard, and ran forward again to trigger the flame stinger’s self-detonation. I ran back and forth again and again. I was so tirelessly manipulating and walking around. At this time, I seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. The fire thorn demon attacked the most densely attacked area and ran back and forth. It was impossible to get tired of this repeated operation. After all, every time I moved, I could return the life of an iron step armorer. The Wanliu Fire Legion is ugly, I have already regarded it as my heart, and even if I lose one, I will feel very distressed.

"grown ups……"

Chai Lu was holding a saber, his body trembling slightly, looking at my figure that blew back and forth, and said: "He is so strong, he can actually fight against the evil spirits like flame stingers with a mortal body..."


Zhang Lingyue said in his mouth, but the movements in his hands kept shooting arrows that looked like shooting stars to decompress the Flowing Fire Legion, but only with the efforts of Zhang Lingyue and a group of sacred bow camp masters, it was still not enough, a whole position. Above, the fish that slipped through the net appeared everywhere, some of them were collided and exploded by the reloaded players of Yilu, while others could only be the soldiers of the iron step camp to die, and the whole position was burning and raging. The lives of Legionnaires are also passing frantically.


After half an hour.

In the entire northern defense line, more than 50% of the main force of the Flame Sting Demon Legion are attacking the position of the Frostfire Legion, and more than half of the Flame Sting Demon are intensively attacking the area where I am. The Flame Sting Demon is not afraid of death. At the same time, the warriors of the human race had already set aside their life and death for a long time, and they were fighting against each other by burning their lives in this way.


One side of the shield that had been melted rolled down at my feet, and the emblem of the Firefighting Legion on the back of the shield was still there, and with it disappeared was the living life of an iron step armor. If I remember correctly, that young man People are at most eighteen or nineteen years old, and they are still like flowers.

"grown ups!"

Zhang Lingyue was standing not far behind me holding a bow. His right hand was cracked and his skin was cracked. He had been severely wounded by the bow for more than an hour, and wisps of blood flowed down his fingertips to the ground. At this time, Zhang Lingyue was no longer able to open his bow. He looked pained and said, "We are about to be unable to support it. In just half an hour, the brothers of Tiebuying have been killed more than 7,000... and, just The stones of the ballistas are almost exhausted..."

"Support for a while!"

I suddenly sacrificed the White Dragon Wall and blasted three flame stingers in succession again, saying: "Now there is no one who can help us at all, only self-help!"


At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes not far from behind. The Tianqi Camp commander Qin Zhan struck Rongjia and galloped forward with a sword blade, and shouted in a low voice, "My lord, the big thing is not good, it's a big deal. The Mo Lin knight rounded and assaulted from the woodland on the left, and was about to impact our flanking position!"

"Go to Tianqi Camp!"

I frowned and said, "Zhang Lingyue, you dispatch half of the Divine Bow Camp to assist in the fight, and you must resist the impact of the Mo Lin knight, otherwise our position will be gone!"

"Yes, my lord!"

I looked away, and Lin Xi, who was holding the sword of the archangel, immediately understood, and said: "Qing Deng and Kamei, you two will take four regiments to reinforce the flanks. You must not let Knight Commander Mo Lin drive straight in!"

"Got it, let's go now!"

After clearing the lights, Calorie left with the sword, and then took away nearly 10,000 elites from the Deer League.

In the air, flying boats and warships were whizzing and attacking, countless artillery aimed at the alien army in the north, and the alien army was like crazy. The frontal flame stabbing fiercely attacked the main position of the current fire army, and the flanks were dispatched. A large number of Mo Lin knights launched a cover-up on the side positions of the Convection Fire Legion.

At this time, the Flowing Fire Legion, which was less than 50,000, seemed to be the mainstay of the Xuanyuan Empire, struggling to support the front of the battlefield. As for the Knights Templar and the parliament army on the right, they seemed to have become foils. Although they are also on the main battlefield, they may not even reach one-third of the Floating Fire Legion after being "shunned" by the Territory of the Alien Demon.


Time passed bit by bit.

At nearly ten in the morning, with the retreat of the Flame God Legion and the Silver Screen Legion, the Flowing Fire Legion had been fighting on the main battlefield like a mainstay for nearly three hours. At this time, the entire Flowing Fire Legion seemed to be locked in the red. The stove burned fiercely for three hours. Whether it was Iron Step Camp, Shen Gong Camp, or Tianqi Camp, they had all suffered heavy losses.

Flanking, there has been no news of Zhang Lingyue for a long time, and God knows how his situation is.

And I can’t walk away at all, and I use the shadow leaps to detonate the flame stingers again and again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in order to reduce the loss of the Flowing Fire Legion, and besides me, Lin Xi, Haotian, Tianya Moke, and Nanmu Ke Yi and the others are also willing to go out. In order to retain a little blood of the Flowing Fire Legion, each of us is doing our best to defend, colliding with the flame sting demon again and again, and enduring unbearable violent explosions. Naruto.

"grown ups!"

The veteran Chai Lu looked at me with blood on his face and said, "Tiebuying... There are only less than 8,000 people left in the Tiebuying brothers... Just received news from the flanking battlefield, God. There are only less than five thousand heavy knights left in the cavalry camp. Many of the brothers have fallen under the sword of Mo Lin Knight. Even in order to withstand the impact of Mo Lin Knight, the brothers of Shen Gong Ying have lost nearly 10,000."


I trembled all over, and felt weak for no reason. The Fifty Thousand Flowing Fire Legion had become the past. After this battle, there was actually less than half left.


Suddenly raised my head and looked at the war boat that was conquered in the air, I snarled, "Have you seen it? Do you really want to wait until the entire army of the Flowing Fire Corps is annihilated to make a decision?"

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