Zhan Yue

Chapter 891: Plan to capture the king

The wind comes to the city.

There are more and more Yilu players online. After Qingdeng, Haotian, Calorie and others are all online, Yilu once again gathered up to 2W+ troops outside the north gate of Fenglai City. This execution force is indeed second to none in the national service. Now, the guild played smoothly, and everyone's enthusiasm was high. After five or six hours of sleep, most of them were back online.

"Let's go, front line!"

After the equipment was repaired, I turned over and rode on Wu Hachi and headed north with Lin Xi. There were rushing players everywhere along the way, and some were even stubborn blood, just like that. After retreating, looking from a distance, artillery fired from the northern position, and the heavy artillery of the human race seemed to never know to stop, launching one round after another round of continuous artillery bombardment on the position of the alien demon territory.

Directly in front, the Northern Liang Legion, the Northern Wilderness Legion, the Knights Templar, and the Flame God Legion, the four legions spread out horizontally to defend against the enemy. In addition, there are player guild phalanxes, but most of these phalanxes have been rushed. It's gone, and the attacker is a huge bull-headed monster wielding a battle axe with a fiery red chain attached to the axe handle. It looks at least three meters high and powerful. The battle axe dances wildly, blasting players and NPCs. Fly around, this thing is about the same ferociousness as Mo Lin Knight, and it is also a mountain-sea-level monster.


In the Battle of the Northern Liang, the alien demon army used a real elite army to attack us. The previous low-level monsters such as ghouls, walking corpses, ground fire ghost soldiers, blood knights, etc. were not dispatched, and the real main offensive forces were all It is Molin Knight, Flame Honey Badger, Flame Minotaur and other mountain-sea-level monsters, all trump cards, this is the territory of the swallowing human race in the north.

"let's go!"

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the position of a completely defeated T2 guild in front of me, and said, "Go Yilu, replace them, and hold the position!"


Clearing the light, waving the Yunlong Halberd and shouting violently, I rushed everyone one by one, while I was in the forefront, with two daggers spinning, "crackling" and slashing the flame minotaurs with them. The deer entered the arena strongly, and Lin Xi also waved the sword of the archangel, reaching the edge of the battlefield at the first time, nailing it in place like a wedge, allowing the Yilu crowd behind him to enter the arena smoothly.


Flames spurted into the eyes of a flaming minotaur, with a terrifying look, carrying a flame-wrapped battle axe, and shouted vaguely: "Damn human beings, all die!"

There is nothing to say. The 173-level mountain and sea-level monsters have super attack attributes and are biased towards offensive monsters, so that after Yilu’s reloading team established a line of defense, dozens of people were fought by the flame minotaur. The axe was overthrown and killed, and it also sounded the alarm for Yilu. It is not accidental that these flaming minotaurs can kill many guilds and defeat them!

"Follow up with the back row speed!"

While swinging my double-edged blades to kill indiscriminately on the front line, I shouted in a low voice: "Healing and damage reduction properties are up, and the musicians in the back row are not idle. Fill the front row players with BUFF. Forbidden treatment and damage reduction and other DEBUFF for monsters. Come on, hurry up!"

Everyone followed up one by one. After most of the auxiliary professions entered the field, Yilu's situation stabilized. Although there were still people hanging up on the front line, it was already an accident. Most of them were able to stand firmly. Follow the output.


In the distant jungle, a piece of flames joined together. Fortunately, this time it was not the flame stinger, but a group of flame minotaurs constantly refreshing. In fact, at this time, I was still quite worried about the flame stinger. The stone cannon position seems to have been destroyed by the previous few hours of attack. If the Flame Sting Demon Legion comes again, this time we will certainly not fight so smoothly.

"Hurrying Battle Boat, continue to attack!"

In the air, the voice of a famous general came. Hearing the voice, it seemed to be the giant ding Gong Yiping.

Yiping has always guarded the southern frontier, and was the Xuanyuan Empire's most important minister in the south, but this time the main threat came from the north, so even the great princes had to join the northern battlefield.

Under Yi Ping’s order, the pale warships volleyed, countless artillery pointed directly at the ground, and then began intensive shelling. A flame rose above the ground, and the flaming minotaur’s monsters were very dense. These heavy artillery only needed Basically, the firing will not fail, and it will be shaken by a big earthquake. Pieces of turf and ground are set off by artillery fire, and the entire north of the city is like a purgatory on earth.

On the frontal battlefield, hordes of flaming minotaurs roared, the battle axe pulled out a fire-red chain to attack, or fell in the air, sending out a heavy blow, and the loss of the human army was very tragic, especially the Northern Liang and Northern Wilderness. In the legions of the two major provinces, the heavy infantry in the front row was almost killed in battle, and they couldn't resist the ravages of the Flame Minotaur at all.


In the distant wind, a very familiar voice came: "A mere blast of wind warship...Does your human race really think that these gadgets can overthrow our holy demon army? Or, let this king Let me tell you what real power is, so that you have the consciousness of death!"

As he said, the figure of Pioneer Valen appeared hundreds of meters away, waving the Pioneer Halberd in his hand, and shouted, "Welcome to the impact, you group of ants!"

"Swish -"

The pioneering war halberd burst out with white edges, and then the halberd light filled the entire sky. Suddenly, the gale warship above our head "buzzed", and the engraved enchantment on the warship was constantly shaken and broken. , So that in less than five seconds, accompanied by a loud noise, more than ten gale warships were torn to pieces by the halberd, and countless wood chips, parts, and fragments fell from the sky, "booming booming". In the jungle on the oblique side, a soaring fire burst out immediately.

It is true that Storm Warship can deal with ordinary monsters, but it definitely cannot deal with kings like Pioneer Valen.


Behind the position, Xuanyuanying's expression was gloomy, and his fists clenched: "Ling Ling Haifeng Zhanzhou all withdraw, all the generals will come to my big account to discuss how to fight!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


So, just when the flame minotaur and I were killing them happily, an imperial preacher galloped over and said respectfully: "July Liuhuo, your majesty, please go to the Chinese army's account immediately."


I looked at a group of flaming minotaurs with residual blood, and suddenly the group of flaming minotaurs made a "moo" and took the battle axe back half a step unconsciously, as if they were joking. Could it be that this group of monsters Has already been killed by me has created a psychological shadow, can't it?

"Lin Xiaoxi, leave the position to you, I'll go."

"Go go go~~"


The Great Tent of the Chinese Army is no different from other handsome ones, except that there is a group of imperial guards in front of the Great Tent. When I arrived on Wuqizhi, two figures descended from the sky. It was Sister Yun and Yinlong. The queen, stepped into the big tent together, and soon after, the big tent was full of people, full of human officials.

Xuanyuan should stand in front of the sand table, with a pair of eyes with faint fatigue, looking at us like this, saying: "Our human race, dragonland, and woodland elves have been fighting the alien demon army in the northern Liang province for seven days and seven nights. , The Yanmen Pass was breached by the alien demon army, and the cities such as Huoling County were broken. Soldiers came to the city when the wind came to the city. So far, there is no victory or defeat. Is it...Is my original decision wrong?"

"will not."

Feng Buwen Qianqian stood aside and said: "Your Majesty's decision to fight to the death will never be wrong. It's just that the strength of the alien demon territory is beyond our expectations."

"Yes it is."

A male high elf representing the woodland elves stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the immortal legion of the immortal is the second-ranked army in the domain of the aliens. The fighting force is strong. It is expected that we will not be able to win for a while. thing."


Xuanyuanying smiled and nodded, and said, "However, it is not a solution after all that it has been consumed like this. The three of us...have already paid a lot in Beiliang province. If we have been kept in Fenglai City by the alien demon army like this In addition, I am afraid that it is us who collapsed first, so we must come up with a quick solution."

The wind let out a sigh of relief: "Capture the king."


Xuanyuanying and Baiyiqing are definitely the real monarchs and ministers of the same heart. He lightly patted the edge of the sand table, and said: "The alien demon army seems to work together. Under an order, Mo Lin Knight, Flame Sting Demon, Flame Honey Badgers, pioneer knights, etc. attacked together, and there was no room for retreat, but in fact... these evil spirits are also afraid to die again. Once they die again, they may be truly dead, and the reason why they do The fight against death is due to the existence of the emperor, the order of the immortal and the pioneers, just like the divine voice hammering in their hearts, so that they cannot resist and cannot question this order. If we If there is a way to solve the immortal, one of the pioneers, I think there is hope in this war."

"Maybe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Senior Sister Yun said slowly.

Xuanyuanying's eyes lit up and respectfully said, "Master Yunyue, is there a way to solve these two kings?"


Senior Sister Yun frowned and said, "If you give me enough time and space, maybe I can kill Valen the Pioneer within 20 strokes, but the breath of death in Stuurem the Immortal is too strong. , His cultivation on the death side has reached the realm of returning to innocence, it is impossible for such a powerful immortal to give me so much time, so... our goal can only be the pioneer Valen, I can drag Live in Stuurem and let someone else kill Varen the Pioneer."

The wind did not hear the wind for a moment: "But... the pioneers have already possessed the quasi-sacred realm cultivation base, and with all due respect, even if all the immortal masters on our human race are swarming, they may not be able to suppress the pioneer tile. Lun."

"It doesn't matter, Queen Sylvia will help you."

Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "However, some conditions and time are needed."

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