Zhan Yue

Chapter 896: Relics of Pioneer Valen


Pioneer Valen slowly kneeled on the ground, and countless cracked lustre appeared on his chest. The whole body exploded with a sound of "peng", and a terrifying blue storm was rolled up. It swept everything like this, when the storm spread across the entire map. At that time, I saw the pioneer knights and pioneers, one by one uttered a terrible roar, and then disappeared into the material world under the storm.

"what happened?!"

Lin Xi carried the long sword, looking around blankly.

I stood behind her and said, "I don’t know, but it seems that these pioneers’ monsters are restricted by certain rules. Once the ruler, the pioneer Valen, is killed in battle, this army will I was sent to purgatory, unable to survive in the material world."

"It makes sense."

The light was relieved, and he smiled: "Then say that, don't we mean that we have killed a Pioneer Valen or the entire Pioneer Legion?"

"It's almost what it means."

I looked at the ground. The corpse of Pioneer Valen was slowly turning into a pile of debris and disappearing with the wind. I couldn’t help feeling a little bit of emotion, saying, “After dealing with him for so long, I just watched him turn into a pile of dust. Actually I'm still very sad."

Qing Deng looked at me in surprise: "It seems... he was killed by you, right? What kind of cat crying mouse fake mercy are you playing here?"

Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan chuckled.

"and so on!"

A Fei stepped forward and frowned, "An extremely serious question, why doesn't Pioneer Valen explode equipment? Is it because our players have accumulated insufficient damage?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be..."

Lin Xi also realized this, and said: "It stands to reason that we have been bombarded by a deer for nearly half an hour. Lu Li, Ruyi and I have already dealt so much damage. The total damage must be more than that of the NPC army. Will it explode?"

At this moment, beside the corpse of the pioneer, his azure blue helmet suddenly "buzzed", and then a strong light burst out, which exploded, piled up a mountain of gold coins, and a Every piece of equipment is just in front of you...

"Blast, big burst!"

Qingdeng, Haotian, and Calorie smiled, and at the same time they stepped back in a tacit understanding, leaving only Lin Xi and I near the spoils. Qingdeng smiled and said, "Lin Xi, Lu Li, whoever you two is black? Go back automatically and let another person touch the equipment."

I was speechless for a while, holding the dagger and backing back: "I'm the famous black, Lin Xi, please touch it."


Lin Xi stepped forward and collected the piles of gold coins with a "wow" and threw them all into the guild's treasury.


Guild Tips: Please note that due to the income from common killings, the treasure trove of gold coins is +1423779!


"As expected of you..."

A Fei was stunned: "Pioneer Valen, you old wealthy landlord..."

Not far away, Xiao Qian couldn't help but smile.

And I took the opportunity to pick up the mountain and sea-level pioneer leggings in the package. This is also a "relic" of the pioneer Valen? It is a pair of extremely delicate knee pads, holding it in the palm of the hand, there is a thick breath flowing in it, which makes people feel that this thing is quite strong at a glance, and the defense provided to the player is definitely quite impressive. When you stretch out your hand, the attributes are floating in front of your eyes. , It did not disappoint--

[Pioneering Leggings] (mountain and sea level)

Type: Leather Armor

Defense: 2950

Agility: +545

Stamina: +542

Strength: +540

Spiritual power: +528

Special effects: Dodge +320

Special effects: Pioneer power, base attack power increased by 5000 points

Special effect: Tenacity, increase the user's upper limit of qi and blood by 40,000

Special effect: Plague resistance, reduced by 50% from negative effects such as plague, poisoning, chaos, etc.

Additional: Increase the user's attack power by 235%

Additional: Increase the user's defense by 232%

Introduction: Pioneer Leggings, a pair of leggings once forged by the human masters. After being acquired by the pioneer Valen, it has been nurtured by the power of the ancients for thousands of years, reshaped the superior inscriptions, and finally gained more powerful strength. This pair of pioneers The leggings accompany the pioneers in the North and South wars, and have undergone countless polishing and refinement, and they have become stronger and stronger.

Required level: 165


I took a deep breath, a pair of offensive and defensive leggings, a little invincible!

Putting it on directly, the previous legendary Yanjin Kneepads can finally get off work, and as soon as I put on the pioneering leggings, I feel that my legs are filled with a very strong and strong breath, and I can kick as soon as I lift my legs. The feeling of driving a mountain, of course, I know it must be an illusion. If you really try, you won’t be able to kick a mountain away if you break your legs.

At this time, Lin Xi began to touch the equipment. All the equipment went to the guild’s treasury, and then everyone slowly distributed it. In fact, this BOSS was rushed down by everyone in Yilu’s life-long human tactics, so everything The loot should belong to the guild, not whoever is strong and contributes the most.

Accompanied by the voice of Xixi Suosuo, pieces of equipment were incorporated into the guild's treasury——


Guild Reminder: Please note that the guild treasure has just entered the inventory: [Phoenix Destroy Bow] (mountain and sea level)!


Guild Reminder: Please note that the guild treasure has just been put into the warehouse: [Thunder Staff] (Premature Grade)!


Guild Tip: Please note that the Guild Treasury has just entered the inventory: [South Sea Sword] (Premature Grade)!


Guild Tip: Please note that the Guild Treasury has just received the item: [Doom Cloak] (Premature Grade)!


Guild Reminder: Please note that the guild treasure has just entered the inventory: [Man King Bracers] (Premature Grade)!


Guild Reminder: Please note that the guild treasure has just been put into the warehouse: [Armor of the King of People] (Premature Grade)!


It has to be said that Pioneer Valen is indeed a landlord’s old fortune, and the inventory is not average. Lin Xi worked out more than 20 equipments in one go, and this was finally over. Among them, 1 was a mountain and sea-class war bow and 7 was a wild-class warbow. Equipment, in addition to 16 pieces of legendary red equipment, because of their high level, they are all considered top-quality equipment, and 24 top-quality equipment have been stored in Yilu’s guild treasury in one breath!

"Ahem... good harvest~~~"

Lin Xi stood up, carried the sword of the archangel, and smiled on the guild channel: "Because everyone died when the pioneer Valen was killed, and everyone worked hard together, all these equipments were put up for auction in the guild treasure house. If you want to win these equipment, you need to pay the same guild contribution and gold coins, and all the gold coins obtained from the auction will be shared among everyone, and it will be treated as a salary for everyone next month."

"There is still a salary?"

Everyone happily said, "I will not regret entering a deer in this life" one by one, and they don't know if it is true.


I glanced at it. The only aura of this pile of equipment that caught my eye was the Shanhai-class destruction bow. The 160-class Shanhai-class bow is definitely the top weapon at this stage, and the output is super strong. If we Shen Mingxuan If you can have it, it will definitely greatly increase her output, but if you sell it in the guild's treasury, it seems that she might not be able to afford it.

Because of Shen Yihang's relationship, Shen Mingxuan's savings were given to this ineffective elder brother. Recently, the studio's income is not that much, so Shen Mingxuan is definitely not too rich.

Whether to help Shen Mingxuan take this destruction bow is a question.

"Can I borrow money?"

Just as I was thinking, Shen Mingxuan blinked his eyes and looked at me with a smile, "Destroy Bow, my contribution value must be the best in the hands of the marksman. It is a 500,000 guild contribution. There can be no one. More than me, but I don’t have 50W gold coins. The system rewarded just tens of thousands of gold coins, not enough..."

I was speechless: "The 30W gold coin I just got for the first kill, was you eyeing it so soon?"

"Yes, as the only landlord in the studio..."

"I know, I'll talk about it later, there is still a lot of time for the auction."

"Yeah, it's a deal."



At this time, without the help of the Pioneer Legion, it was obvious that the Indestructible Legion was also a little hard to support on its own. More importantly, the battle in Skyrim seemed to be about to end.


A white light flickered, and then Senior Sister Yun’s body flew out from the chaotic cloud and mist, holding the white dragon sword in her hand, and a trace of blood on her fragrant shoulders. She seemed to have been injured, but it should have been only a minor injury. She fell to the ground lightly. It doesn't matter.

On the contrary, a group of fiery red lights swept across the body of the Indestructible Sturem, carrying his sword and meteor hammer to the ground slowly.

"My lord, are you okay?"

A group of small BOSSs from the Immortal Legion rushed forward and asked warmly.

"I'm fine, ahhhhhhhhhhh..."

Stuurem just finished saying nothing, he vomited a big mouthful of black blood, followed by a violent cough, as if he was about to cough up all the lung tubes, and he held the two bodies under his breath out of breath, his eyes looked He said fiercely, "What a powerful sword aura... This king is now full of rampant sword auras in his body, so he immediately withdrew... I didn't expect that we would be defeated like this this time. Killed, even this king was actually injured..."

"Got it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Highness, withdraw troops!"

The northern snail horn sounded, and then Mo Lin knights and flame minotaurs retreated one after another. The invincible invincible legion in the territories of the human race finally retreated by car!


"Don't chase the poor!"

Xuanyuan in the air waved his hand and said, "Go forward slowly and slowly recover the entire area of ​​Beiliang Province to avoid being ambushed!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The wind came to the north of the city, and the war finally ended with the retreat of the Indestructible Legion. On the battlefield, whether it was a prince or an ordinary soldier, as long as those who could still stand on the battlefield, all were won by this hard-won victory. And cheering, this battle is not easy for the human race, and almost exhausted all the details.

I also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time. It was already past eight o’clock in the evening. Then I should be able to wait for the settlement rewards of the version activity, and then have a good meal with Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi, and then have a nice sleep. Satiated, the continuous version of the war in the past few days has really made everyone toss a lot.

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