Zhan Yue

Chapter 899: Lost star eye?

"His Majesty!"

Among the crowd, the giant Ding Yiping, who has always looked well-behaved, stepped forward and clasped his fist, saying: "According to the rules of the imperial legion, the promotion of the second-class corps to the first-class corps requires a series of assessments and verifications, so the Flowing Fire Corps was evaluated as The First Class Corps is indeed a bit too sloppy, but... Your Majesty's Holy Bright Candle, if it is specially pardoned, there is no problem."

Nangong also clasped his fists in the same way: "This... really doesn't obey the rules."

Qiu Baizhan, the commander of the Yulin Army, stepped forward and respectfully said: "The Flowing Fire Corps has just been rebuilt. It will take a long time for the assessment and verification. Please take it back."


Xuanyuanying slowly left the dragon chair and stood majestically on the golden steps, with a lazy smile: "What are the rules and irregularities? The rank of the imperial legion should only be equal to the combat strength, Commander Qiu, I would like to ask you, The Imperial Forest Army is also one of the first-class corps of the Empire, but the combat power of the Imperial Forest Army... can it beat half the combat power of the Flowing Fire Army?"


Qiu Baizhan's face was green.

"never mind."

Xuanyuan Ying waved his sleeves and said, "My intention has been decided. I owe this to the Liuhuo Legion, and the Xuanyuan Empire also owes it to the Liuhuo Legion."

"Your Majesty..." Nangong also frowned.

"No need to say it again."

Xuanyuan Ying said solemnly: "At the beginning, when facing the Flame Sting Demon Army, the Flame God Legion and the Silver Screen Legion were already unable to withstand the heavy losses. Don’t forget that the Flowing Fire Legion used one hand. The convenience of the ballistas has made the Flame Sting Devil Festival retreat. If the Frostfire Legion does not stand up, the Yanshen and Yinping Legions will be burdened with ineffective combat, causing the provincial capital to fall."

Nangong also hurriedly knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty Shengming, the minister agrees!"

Nangong Chi of the Silver Screen Legion also knelt down like an electric shock, expressing agreement.

At this moment, Xuanyuan should decide with one word, and the officials had no objections anymore. Of course, they shouldn't have objections, but this meant that the Flowing Fire Legion had officially risen in the Human Race.


"His Majesty!"

The veteran Guan Yang stepped forward and respectfully said: "After the reorganization of the Liuhuo Corps, it ranks among the first-class regiments with strong forces. It seems that it is no longer suitable for the task of defending the King City. Does your Majesty have any further plans?"


Xuanyuan Ying nodded and smiled: "It is true that Duke Zhenyang sees far, and has already considered what I think. Yes, the Flowing Fire Legion is strong. It is really a waste to stay in Fanshu City to defend the Imperial City. The most elite army in the empire will always They should all be on the border, so I plan to go to the rebuilt Yanmen Pass immediately after the Liuhuo army is ready to guard the northern gateway for my Xuanyuan Empire. Will you like the July Liuhuo?"

I gladly said: "I want it!"

"Okay, that's it!"

Xuanyuan Ying raised his eyebrows: "After the Liuhuo Corps enters Yanmen Pass, the equipment, grain, grass, and baggage of the Yiying Corps are all in accordance with the standards of the Class A Corps and will be uniformly dispatched by the Governor of Northern Liang Province, Pojun Hou Li Tianhua. "

Li Tianhua hurriedly clasped his fists: "Yes, Your Majesty!"


After the meeting disperses.

"Master Liuhuo in July!"

Behind him, the voice of Po Junhou Li Tianhua came. He hurried to catch up with an apologetic face. He smiled and said, "For the Battle of the Wind to the City, please don’t blame me. Benhou is a trip to the north. The governor of the province always needs to make a choice, and please... Your Excellency can forgive me."

I naturally know what he meant. During the Battle of the Northern Liang, the Northern Liang Army fought against the mighty army of the alien demon territory. Li Tianhua repeatedly used the left camp of the Silver Frost Army as cannon fodder and whetstone. The most difficult and dangerous position was forever. They are all guarded by Zuoying, and they do have the demeanor of a general, but it is normal to have selfishness. At this time, he has apologized, and there is no need to pursue anything. people.

"The Lord is too worried."

I laughed and said, "I have almost forgotten these things. Why should the Lord keep it in my heart? Besides, in the future, the Liuhuo Legion will guard Yanmen Pass, and I will rely on the Lord’s dispatch for my supplies. If you work together, don’t keep those little things in mind."


Li Tianhua is also a refreshing person, nodding and smiling: "The legendary July Liuhuo is indeed refreshing. After returning to Beiliang province, Benhou will definitely invite you to drink!"

"Then I'm waiting for Junhou's fine wine."

"Haha, definitely!"


Return to the camp.

At this time, the camp of the Flowing Fire Corps was extremely lively. The 50,000 people’s barracks were home to 150,000 people, and new recruits were being sent in constantly, and they were about to make up a complete organization of 20W people. Zhang Lingyue’s face was full of joy and smiled. "My lord, in the past six months, my subordinates have never been so happy as they are today!"

"Really? Hahaha~~~"

I also laughed and said: "I am also very happy that our Flowing Fire Legion has finally made it to the top. After the preparation is complete, we will be ordered to go to the northern Liang province to guard Yanmen Pass, and we have the opportunity to directly confront the alien demon legion for a long time. "


A group of ten thousand chiefs all showed overjoyed expressions. Obviously, if you stay in the imperial capital, you can eat and live well, but it is no different from salted fish, but if you go to guard Yanmen Pass, then there is a great opportunity to make merit. These soldiers are right. What a desire for honor, who doesn't want to make military exploits and upgrade their ranks?

I nodded: "It's true, so hurry up and prepare. Yanmen Pass also needs someone to guard it. We don't have much time to delay."



Stepping into the handsome account, stretched out his hand, and all of the large amount of petitioning rewards on the general's case are in the account, and nearly 900W of merit is added to the account. To be honest, the speed at which I am the leader of the Flowing Fire Corps is a bit too fierce. Far from being comparable to that of ordinary players, Lin Xi's rank regaining speed is already fast, but with me, it's still a big difference!

Just sitting in the handsome account for the whole morning, enjoying the taste of success. At about eleven o'clock, a phone call was connected to the game suddenly, from my sister Ouyang Yeyan.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Come to the headquarters in the afternoon and open a board of directors." My sister's voice seemed a little unpleasant: "Remember, it starts at two o'clock and arrives early. I will let Xiaobai contact you."

"Oh, well, got it!"

I was a little worried, it must be something happened in the company, otherwise the old lady's tone would not be so low.


After lunch, they greeted Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi, and drove to the company.

Conference floor.

When I just stepped out of the elevator, my sister's assistant Xiaobai was already guarding the outside and stepped forward and smiled at me: "Let's go, I will take you to the meeting room. The meeting will begin soon."

"Well, thanks a lot."

After walking along the floor for a long time, I finally came to a small meeting room at the end. There were not many people attending the meeting, but they were all the absolute high-level members of the Tianming Group. They came from various regions, including the European branch. The CEO of Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi’s eyes were a bit unpleasant. Obviously it has something to do with Huang Yuan. At the beginning, Huang Yuan and Zhang Yi were very happy friends, but Huang Yuan was killed by me. Zhang Yi will inevitably receive a bit of wind.

But... If Huang Yuan has something to do with the executor's "Extraordinary Project", would Zhang Yi also be inseparable? This is mostly the case. Magic Moon is a carrier of Starlink’s "task". If there are no ghosts in the company's senior management, it is really a hell. Maybe there are inextricable relationships, even dad and sister... …

Thinking of this, my heart sank, I hope the situation is not as bad as I thought.

"Lu Li, it's been a long time."

A big guy greeted me. I have seen him and ate at my house.


I nodded and smiled in greeting, and then sat down beside my sister.

"Since everyone is here, let's start?" Zhang Yi smiled.


A very fashionable woman nodded with a smile, and said: "This time, let's have a meeting behind closed doors. Why don't we go straight to the subject? Today's meeting is mainly about whether the board of directors will take back the "Star Eye" system and laboratory. Right to use."


My heart trembled, and subconsciously stood up: "Why take back the right to use Star Eye?"

"Lu Li, don't get excited."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly and said: "This decision is the decision of the board of directors. As you know, the highest-end laboratory of the group is the one you are currently using. Recently, our next product has begun research and development, and we need this one. The advanced equipment in the laboratory, let’s say StarEye, StarEye is one of the most advanced systems in the world. It has a certain ability to self-repair and grow, but the maintenance cost of StarEye is too great. At least thousands of senior engineers are working on it. The company is constantly repairing and maintaining the operation of the system. Now the company is short of technical personnel, so it decided to temporarily stop updating StarEye and transfer these thousand senior engineers to the research and development positions of new products~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, StarEye will be replaced. Hand it over to the R&D department to assist in the development of new products."

On the side, sister Ouyang Yan smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhang hurriedly flew back from Germany this time and joined Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Jiang to test pressure on the board of directors. Is it just to take back my brother? The right to use StarEye, isn’t it?"

"That's not what I said."

The middle-aged woman smiled and said: "Mr. Yan, this is also out of consideration for the interests of the group. Now Lu Li is no longer the chief designer of new products. Naturally, he should not have this set of the most advanced system in the world. Shouldn’t it be returned to the group to design the next product for the group?”

Father frowned and said, "Mr. Jiang, there is one thing you haven't figured out. The Star Eye system was developed by the team led by Lu Li, and he bought the permanent Star Eye system in the name of Ouyang Luofeng. The highest use right, besides, the company develops new products. It is not a rubbing system with Stareye that can replace it. Why should the use right of the source program be taken back?"

The woman smiled embarrassedly: "The board of directors really made the decision through such deliberations. As for technical matters, you know, I don't know much.

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